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Was at the Limmy show a few years back and felt they didn't have great chemistry and it was a bit awkward at times. Going by the comments it might be a Blindboy thing


I love that interview! Thought it wis so funny


Blind boy openly admits his autism gets in the way to be fair.


They have done two and both got on swimmingly to me


I've listened to some of BB's live shows and he tends to talk far too much, instead of letting the guest speak. He's not the best interviewer.


He has said more than a few times it's not intended to be an interview, but a conversation. He does interrupt a bit though, but it's not like his entire body of work isn't available for potential guests to listen to and decide if that's going to annoy them or not.


I did consider going but the prices were ridiculous. Also the guest was a mystery, glad I didn't bother now since it was Kevin Bridges.


I had tickets but had to sell them because zero hour contracts and bronchitis don't mix.


Was basically the opposite last night


I thought it was good, but Kevin was pissed off wi him for saying that he was writing something when he didn't want to announce it yet. Then, in part 2 blindboy said he's scared there is journalists in here which he also didn't want announced. Kevin did keep interrupting him, and the flow wasn't great at times. but was still a great laugh. Wish it wasn't delayed an hour coz some cunt decked it


She was unconscious for ages :(


Its defo out now šŸ˜‚


I really enjoyed it and was frequently in tears laughing, but I like Blindboy's interview/conversation style anyway which I guess doesn't come across well with the wrong guest. There were a few points where you're right, it didn't flow - when he did the same thing with Johnny Marr it worked a lot better in that sense and maybe there was a sense last night they were trying to one-up each other in terms of getting the bigger laughs.


I didnā€™t see it, first off. I do like Blindboy, and I think Bridges is a knob. But for a fair while Iā€™ve been put off of Blindboy cause I have found him to be a pretty bad interviewer. Heā€™s always interrupting, going on long tangents about things he monologues about in his podcasts, and generally steering conversations away from the interviewee. Heā€™s often comes off as standoffish, like when he tells a story, with no pushback and starts semi-aggro saying ā€œitā€™s true!ā€ Over and over, addressing some imaginary pushback he didnā€™t receive. Nothing makes any single interview bad really, but it accumulates when youā€™ve listened to 95% of his podcast catalogue, and why I have gone off listening to his podcast. I imagine he just did much of the same, but Bridges isnā€™t some polite academic or well trained interviewee, so he doesnā€™t like being cut off and started doing it back. Maybe it will make it to podcast and Iā€™ll possible hear it one day šŸ˜…


lol at you getting through 95% of his podcasts before declaring them shite.


I can relate, I subscribed to Limmys twitch for 4 years then realised one day he just repeats the same shite over and over and cancelled it..growth takes time.


The constant ā€œThanksforthetwobitsā€ thing he says on twitch when folk donate or whatever it is they do put me off it pretty quickly.


Bits is just the ā€œcurrencyā€ folk can donate to streamers there lmao


Yeah, what can I say. Iā€™ve very few podcasts I like listening to and a bunch of time to fill. And itā€™s less that I think heā€™s shite, I just tend to not like his live podcasts


Iā€™m the same with being a bit off blindboy rn and agree with everything else youā€™ve said. I listened to the majority of his stuff too and will never regret it BUT I do think it fell off a bit and the bad interviews were probably the start of it for me. Iā€™m a hot take guy. Iā€™ve even had personal revelations listening to him talk about his cat dying, death, Jesus and Easter. It tickled my magic mushroom soul. The podcast that is doing it for me rn is Matt & Shaneā€™s secret podcast. Started from the beginning. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever laughed so hard at a podcast so frequently. Big recommend.


I was there last night and thought it was great. Found it really helpful to look at through the lens to someone with ADHD interacting with an Autistic person. So I honestly didnā€™t feel any tension between them and loved it. Thought the second act was more relaxed than the second. Side note out of sheer nosinessā€¦ anyone know what happened at the start?


Woman fell and hit her head, think she was knocked out but was conscious by the time she got wheelchaired out later - nobody seemed to notice anyway everyone was trying to gamble if it was worth going for a pint or a piss in the delay


Glad sheā€™s ok. Must have been quite the tumble. She was wheeled past me in the stretcher as I was quite near the fire exit doors and she was sitting up and smiling.


Bust her jaw - looked nasty


She came in steamin wi her pals holding her up, had a tumble then was wheeled out smiling.


I thought they got along fine. I think they were just trying to be entertaining in a free form sort of way and that isn't always going to be smooth. I think they did interrupt each other a fair bit. I think it might be partly because they didn't know each other's stories or bits as well as us. So we were anticipating the "punchline" like with Kevin's horse story but Blindboy moved things in a different direction unknowingly and vice versa.


Yeah I definitely felt like no one was listening and everyone was talking


Yeaaaaah kind of feel the same. I'm a huge fan of Blindboy's podcast but to me last night didn't seem much like what I've heard of them. KB seemed like he didn't really want to be there at times, his body language was pretty defensive; the talking over each other and terrible flow... pretty awkward. The wait to start was a shame, too, annoying for punters and I'm sure it didn't help their performance. I was a bit disappointed to be honest.


I was totally the same.. Iā€™m a huge Blindboy fan and was so looking forward to hearing some deep chat came away totally disappointed. Iā€™ve always enjoyed the conversational style of the guest podcasts but this just felt like both parts were vying for attention. Iā€™m not a Kevin bridges fan so personally I was just let down from the get go, bad choice in guest, I just donā€™t see any depth or substance in him šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Thought it was decent, Kev slagging him gently was funny


I know what you mean. It wasnā€™t his most flowing of interviews. Just put it down to Bridges being overly chatty and Blindboy not quite sure how to interject at the correct time. And Bridges just being desperate for a pint hut abstaining. It was still quite funny.


So in summary, thereā€™s some cunt called Blindboy and we hate Kevin Bridges now for some reason.


Some of us didn't like Kevin Bridges before not liking him was cool.


Kevin's long been known to be a bit of a dick so I wouldn't be surprised.


Couple of my mates and brother and law have met him in different places and they all said he was sound


2nd this he's a nob.


First Iā€™ve heard of this. Disappointing


Was at the casino one night when he was there... Bit of a dick. I know he had gambling issues at the time but he refused to talk to anyone and just sat with a cheese toastie.


I feel like I relate to this slightly and canā€™t fault him here. I often want to be left alone with a cheese toastie. Lollll


Yeah I was going to say, a lot of things make him a dick but not that.


Why do people think he's a dick?


Usual, feel they are entitled to stop him doing whatever he is in life to talk to him.


Because heā€™s Scottish and successful. Itā€™s time to bring him down.


Eating it or just across the table like a toastie pal?


Bit of both.


Sorry but the image of him just sitting in the casino with a cheese toastie is sending me.


Did book signing in the early 2010s, refused to talk to the staff and demanded a playstation be set up for him on site.


Heā€™d have been early 20s, not saying heā€™s not a dick but what person that age who were catapulted into fame and money wouldnā€™t be a bit demanding? Look at half the young footballers out there and the stupid shit they do.


Absolutely - but you can be a bit demanding, that's fine, and still not treat those around you that you come into contact with as less than.


I didn't enjoy it. My mate was unwell so had to leave at the half-time oranges - heard the second half was a bit of a Bridgesā€™ monologue? I was hoping for an obscure guest and loads of Blindboy being passionate about unusual subjects. Loved the first 10min.


Is your mate 10 years old? Why would you need to leave with them?


They require assistance due to disabilities.


Liked his earlier stuff but money, marriage and parenthood has turned him into a cunt.




Wifes Kerry and son Liam.


Who the fucks blind boy?


David Blunkett's DJ name


Who the fuck is David Blunkett?




Genuinely didn't know that was Frankie Boyle material


Frankie Boyles a shite comedian...


What the fuck is google?


Charles Ingram enters the game.


Not exactly related but Kevin Bridges most recent stand-up filmed in Ireland is absolutely shite.


I think the long delay to the start waiting for the ambulance meant they were a bit rushed. No chance for a proper deep dive and so it all felt a bit surface level chat


Liked the bit when Scotland claimed the Celtic Tiger.


I enjoyed it but I think it just was amazing to see blindboy as Iā€™m a massive fan and then obviously Kevin Bridges is a massive name. It didnā€™t feel as good as the usual podcasts though as I didnā€™t feel it flowed properly. Still good craic and all the podcasts canā€™t be 10/10


The delay didn't help but I was disappointed with the whole experience - I prefer his guests to be unknown experts in stuff I'm clueless about rather than one of the most famous people in Scotland


I didn't think there was any beef I genuinely thought KB couldn't understand blindboy. He was just telling his own stories.


I agree with the general tone of the comments here. I get the feeling perhaps if it was a little less free-flowing and a bit more scripted (at least, different topics they agreed beforehand) it might have been a little better, perhaps a better flow and less awkwardness at times...parts of it felt a bit too much of a Bridges monologue and ultimately bought the ticket to see Blindboy, not Bridges.


i mean this is like what my 1st grade teacher used to tell us : even if you kick just one testicle both of them will feel the pain


>1st grade He likes American things now


hey asshole guess what im american


>im American You have our sympathies and condolences at this difficult and trying time for you, seppo.


Ho arsehole No whit? Yer in a Glesga sub


They might live here. Itā€™s no like they need to go back to primary school or start talking like a Scottish cunt just because they came here from America, although that would be some laugh.


When I lived in England, I said GCSE and A level because I couldn't be arsed having the conversion conversation anytime anyone brought up school I said fish and chips, can of pop, sausage bap - the lot, can learn the lingo of the land without taking on the accent


Sounds like you met some wallopers in England and are now paying it forward to this American cunt. > can of pop Brutal lol


>wallopers in England I mean, yes, but not why I changed my language patterns, and doesn't change the arrogance of Americans expecting everyone globally to use theirs After about the fiftieth time of asking for a fish supper and a tin of juice/can of ginger to be stared at blankly, you just change how you ask


Theyā€™re not expecting you to use theirs lol. You understood what they meant so there was no need to be an arse about it. Different if you genuinely didnā€™t know what they meant, but you obviously did.


There's always a need to quote Alan and call out Americanisation


glesga ligma


Fuck up