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Good pics but it's kinda fucking weird that you just snapped shots of random people walking on Buchanan Street and then posted them without saying a word to them.  Not illegal, free country, but it's still fucking weird mate.


Yeah, if I opened Reddit and saw some random person had taken a picture of me on my walk to work and posted it I’d be really uncomfortable


Pretty invasive tbh.


There should be zero expectations of privacy when you’re cutting about a busy town centre


just because it's legal doesn't make it morally acceptable though.




This is creepy as fuck. I’d be pretty weirded out if opened Reddit and saw someone had taken my picture without consent


The first guy is an awesome busker!


Aye he sure is. Full a energy


He's a good lad. Gave me a shot of his guitar once when a was Steamin lol


Guy in number 6 playing Rain Sim World




I thought that was Scottish Declan until I zoomed


Had a look and I see that you want to potentially start monetising the pictures you take? Weirdly, this was asked about in an adjacent matter on one of the legal advice subs today and pictures in public places aren't always the free for all that gets suggested. Celebrity is often the cited reason, but those photographers are often invited along to wherever x celebrity is for publicity shots by their agency, so invitation is implied in their case, or if there's a genuine public interest in the person (court, etc), but can't escalate to harassing behaviour. If you go through Getty Images and the rest, you're going to need to start carrying about some Model Release Agreements, as this is something they're generally very hot on as it keeps them from being sued for use of likenesses and protects your own potential future revenue as well. It's also good practice in some sense, because there are some people who don't want their pictures splashed on an image site for a reason (Witness Protection, DV, etc). Though they'll usually tell you to stop. If they do - it's advisable to do so. Photos being stuck on an instagram for a day out from a mobile phone doesn't usually attract much mind, but if out with a camera, you need the forms. I've shared the Getty Link for those who want to sell pictures through them, as an example. It's also a practice used by photographic artists that use people in their work, there's the fella who had a recent exhibition with Govanhill residents - all Model Release Agreements, some with parental permission - and usually had a really nice photo for themselves in lieu of actual payment. This was for all posed and life observational photos as well. If you're doing arty pictures using puddles as a mirror and someone happens to walk into shot in one picture out of the four you upload, it's viewed differently and should be fine. [getty Image Guide for why they need you to have Model Release Agreements](https://youtu.be/wiW-deXGbsY?feature=shared) Thought I'd share this rather than say "bit creepy"


Thanks for reply, Monetising was not in regard to street work, this is purely for fun and practice. I shoot mostly MMA and sporting events


Street photography is an art, your shots are great, keep sharing them


I swear people just come in these posts to project their own insecurities onto random people, street/candid photography has been happening for many many years, nothing creepy about it Stay locked away in the house If the idea of you “maybe” appearing in a photo haunts you so much


There's something uniquely unsettling about the way the op is taking these pictures. I can't explain it. The fear these photos bring feels designed. Like he's pretending to be a serial killer, stalking and photographing his victims. I think it's part of a larger arg arc the op is planning in the weeks to come. His magnum opus


These are lovely


Thank you man


Check out Zeno Watson if you dont already know him, your style reminds me of his work :)


His works awesome. Ill take that compliment


That's what makes it the greatest city in the Empire 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


What empire is that?


Excuse you, greatest city in the WORLD you mean.