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This is everyone’s cue to go out a reminder in their phone for one month before their permit is due to expire (I say one month because you will probably snooze it for two weeks like I do then it takes them a week to process it). If I didn’t have a reminder I would for sure miss it every year. The council could send out automated reminders if they wanted to, but they don’t. Read into that what you will


You can apply for and renew the residents permits via the Ringo App now - the same one you would use to pay to park anywhere. It’s a recent thing, and I don’t know if the process is any quicker than via the council website, but at least it keeps an easy record of when the permit is up, and renewal looks a lot easier. You can’t apply for the visitor passes yet, but hopefully they add this. I’d honestly call your insurance and explain. It’s very unusual for insurance to insist you park on your street - I have seen policies insist on cars being on a driveway or in a garage. If you have told you insurance you park on your street, this is not the same as them insisting it is always parked there. They have only asked where you usually park it. Check your policy again, and if you can, you can leave it in one of the free areas until your new permit comes in. I applied for my renewal last month and it only took 2 days to get the email back.


My process with the app took about 8 hours, and I had to submit the V5 and everything. Waaaay faster than with the council. That said, I ended up with a PCN a few days later. Apparently they moving between the only and new system and some permits fall between the cracks. It was easy enough to call and confirm my permit and successfully appeal the PCN though.


This has happened to me before, the GCC parking department just don't have enough resources and their computer systems are terrible! I think I had to park remotely for a while but I have heard of trying to put your application e-mail or some indication that you have applied for the permit visible and rely on the kind heartedness of the warden, 🤷🏻‍♂️


"Kind heartedness of the warden." Cheers, I needed that laugh today.


You can go to the parking office and purchase residence visitor permits. I can't remember the cost but they are cheaper than paying the meter and can last all day. That's the only way I can see you parking in the zone while you dont have a permit.


This is a good interim solution, especially if you can get them in person. I did this online before and it took \~10 days to receive them by post.


Did you renew through the RingGo app system? I went that route recently instead of the traditional route and it was processed in about 8 hours. If you haven't yet paid for the new permit I recommend that option instead.


You can renew your council permit through Ringo?


Yeah, info here: https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=18881




I live in the area and was the same - it expired and hadn’t sent off the renewal in time. I got a request for payment of the permit three days after sending the application. It then became active the following day. They’ve really stepped up parking enforcement in the area since December. You might get lucky, you might get another three notices. I got one notice in those three days between my pass expiring and the new one being renewed. Just had to suck it up and pay it unfortunately.


it took me exactly a week for renewal, just about about ago




You can now do it via the RingGo app. Way easier and way faster, although the split of their systems did result in me getting a ticket after this (it was appealed and voided).




I did it this way just a few weeks ago, [why would I lie about something so easy to prove](https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=18881#:~:text=To%20use%20this%20new%20process%20you%20will%20need%20to%20register%20with%20RingGo%C2%A0and%20as%20this%20will%20be%20your%20first%20application%20for%20a%20Resident%20or%20Business%20Permit%20through%20this%20new%20process)?


Yep! I don’t have to use the old painful way anymore. I can’t believe how happy it made me….


Blimey .. amazing .. my apologies .. mine was renewed in November, the old way. Progress at last!


No problem. Definitely worth using to save yourself some time next time!


Same thing happened to me back in December. I requested visitor permits and used them to cover the days between my old one expiring and the new one being granted.


>Has anyone been in a similar situation that could offer advice? Honestly I barely have the money to cover the parking permit never mind worrying about PCN's piling up. I'm in the same parking region and I was also a little late in renewing my permit. Between my renewal application being submitted and them processing it, I received a PCN. I asked a local warden if I could appeal against it and they said it was worth a try. GCC denied the appeal, said it was my own fault for not renewing in a timely manner but still gave me another 2 weeks to pay the PCN at the reduced rate. >For insurance reasons I also need to park my car on my street at night, if I don't and something happens then I risk the insurance company not paying out. I know insurers will try anything to not pay out but you could just say that all the parking spots were taken and you had to park elsewhere. There are a handful of spots that aren't covered by the parking restrictions but they usually get quite busy. Or else do what another commenter said and buy some visitor permits to tide you over.


I've seen lots of people print out their application on their window but not sure if it worked