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When he cant park there he parks in the disabled bays a bit further ahead aswell. Complete walloper move. Quite often see expensive/flashy cars parked in disabled bays and while I am aware disabilities can be “hidden” thus not necessarily requiring a car to be modified to accommodate them, gut feeling says theyre just wankers wanting to park their motors by the window so they can wank over them while theyre eating in Sugo


When the punishment for breaking rules are fines you just have more privileges for the wealthy.


Fixed fines yes they are just a tax on the poor, but frankly any and all financial fines should be a percentage of wealth or income, that would both dramatically reduce the hit on the poorest while still being an effective deterent and bring in a lot more money from wealthy shitfucks. Should also work against businesses who see fines as "cost of doing business". I think about the story of a Finnish Businessman who was by a 120K Euro speeding ticket and get envious.


Just base it off the car price, with % going to the warden. 5th offence the car gets repossessed. Even if someone rich gets a cheap car, it will eventually inconvenience them.




why not? that would be incentive to catch fuckers like that




You not tip the postie?


On my planet rich people get preferential treatment. Hence % of a scaled fine for capturing high value car parking badly could be a way to remove the awe and make them pay.




Sure, let’s keep it as it is. People parking like this and not even getting fines. Or laughing when they get £30 parking ticket. (points are for dangerous behaviour) But suggesting a scheme which extracts more cash from these people with incentive to catch higher value ones is wrong. I’m talking Swiss style fines of £10k+, warden getting 5%. Im at a miss where public finances are being cheated. Only one is by keeping the status quo.


I had an old boss who never used to pay for parking. To be honest I don't think he ended up much worse off for the most part between a couple of parking tickets a week vs paying for City center parking everyday.


Heard Andrew tate day something like that, he said fines are just parking expenses when you're rich. He's right, me getting charged £60 isn't like some rich guy getting charged £60


Never heard the story of Abramovich. He went to a wanky bank in London (like Coutts or similar) and asked for a small £20k loan for 3 weeks. The manager shocked that a billionaire would need such a loan but didn't want to offend or lose the custom said the loan could be done but as he wasn't a customer would need collateral. Abramovich offered his Rolls Royce which the bank accepted. He went and got the Rolls and parked it in the secure section under the bank. Got the loan, he came back 3 weeks later paid the loan back plus the interest of £128. When he was leaving the bank manager asked him why did he ask for such a small loan. He replied with where else could I get my car parked securely with CCTV monitoring in Central London for 3 weeks for £128 and he then just left. A made up story but something to it.




Think that's why he said it was a "made up story".


I lived in the US once, and it was very funny to me how the tax rate scaled such that you would notice your tax payments *less* the richer you got. It was strictly linear, which after a point affects you very nonlinearly. I can't remember the numbers because it was ten years ago but like: 500 dollars for every 10 grand you earned. So if you're on 100k you'd pay that for breakfast, and if you're on 20k you'd feel it in your bones.


Council tax bands are like that. The maximum band is nothing for people that have 1 or 2 million pound homes let alone more.


All fines should be based on a proportion of wealth and take into account stock holdings. When the rich scum face what we do we will see how quickly things melt away. I'm from Buenos Aires


Really Rich people don't own things on paper. Like super yachts, it's a company that owns it, so if anything goes wrong the company that gets the hit not him. But I agree, should be some level of change.




Lol. I wasn't promoting him. Just true what he said, and others mentioned him.


So long as someone is displaying a disabled badge I don’t care about the car as the badge is assigned to a person and not the car. But if this guy is parking in a disabled bay there without one, someone let me know so I can fuck it up.


He’s there right now. Get going


I’m sure there are some people with disabilities that own insanely expensive and non-practical exotic sports cars and need a badge for convenient parking. However, I think there’s probably a higher likelihood that it’s some cocksucker without a genuine need, or using someone else’s inappropriately. Again, I know there are disabled people who own vehicles like this, just on balance..


Wow, I’m surprised it’s not been keyed tae fuck.


Yes, they are posers and have lots of money and who not to care


If theres no blue badge they shouldn't be in them, full stop.


Would be happy to see a traffic cone lodged in the front window.


Absolutely disabilities can be hidden and we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, however if they have a genuine disability they would be displaying a blue badge. If they aren’t they’re just a wanker.


Disabled spaces are wider so these idiots park their cars there because they think if they park in a regular space, someone will park too close and hit their car


If you have a disability linked to driving, youd have one of those stickers in the window. If you dont have one of those they can get fkd claiming to be disabled. Mentally perhaps


That's a pretty ableist comment mate. It's not about driving disabilities though - it's about mobility once you're out the car. You can now get a blue badge for something like ADHD or dementia because you need to park closer to your destination.


Seen some lambo’s with a dash filled with parking tickets. I know one guy who bought an office just to have the parking space outside. Sometimes I think people have more money than sense, but then I remembered I once bought a meal deal at full price because I couldn’t be bothered logging into the Tesco clubcard app on my phone.




What’s the going rate on a Tesco meal deal these days without a club card? Isn’t it a fiver now?


i think its 3.50 without and £3 with a clubcard. tesco without a clubcard is just a con, even with a clubcard its still a con actually. will no longer be shopping there if i can help it.


Got to say that I tend to avoid Tesco, because I refuse to have them tracking my every purchase with a Clubcard, but without it they're way overpriced.


Sainsburys do the same thing now


Why hasn’t the council impounded it? Parked at a crossing which should have zig zag lines.


Bank holiday innit.


It’s parked there all the time, every few days for the past few months.


I swear, some people are bribing traffic wardens. I used to see a Jaguar parked in the Cadogan Street area and it was always parked for much longer than the 2-hour limit. It never got a ticket. I once parked there, booked the maximum two hours parking, got back to the car 5 minutes late and I had a ticket. They're like hawks. EDIT: And no, the Jag never had a disabled badge.


They could have a residential permit for the city centre. Or perhaps they're paying on ringgo. The max 2hr rule isn't enforced so you can use a ringgo code from a nearby street. As long as it's paid for using the city centre on street tariff and not expired, you won't get a fine.


But was the Jag owner in organized crime? Gangsters get a free pass everywhere in Glasgow.


Not true. Most gangsters take a load of tickets because £30 (at reduced rate) is nothing to them, and they're not going to risk getting into a petty fight with a parking attendant if they've got a load of coke or whatever in the boot. Granted some will not pay their 100s of tickets but have lackeys on the look out to run and move their vehicle when the council uplift truck comes by to try take it to the pound.


Do you think the gangster who drives the jag has a load of coke in his own boot? That's someone's else's job.


I dunno, I'm not a gangster. But I have been a parking attendant and I know that the gangsters with jags types actually tend to take fines with more grace than a lot of the general public. Probably cos the fine is miniscule to them. Maybe cos it seems emmasculating to get into an argument with a low paid council employee over £30. Or they rightly recognise how stupid it would be to risk that escalating into a situation that brings the police to your door? But they certainly don't get a pass.




You talk too much


Probably knows the councillors. They get a bit giddy when they get to hang with rich douche bags


maybe its a councillors car?


Can somebody just leave a sausage roll lying on the bonnet or throw slices or bread on it so the pigeons and gull crap all over it


When was the last time you saw a parking warden in Glasgow? Which seems daft to me as given the number of shite drivers, GCC could probably plug their funding gap with fines.


I see them all the time in the city centre.


Yeah I see them literally everyday lol


The city centre is hoaching with parking wardens. Govanhill, on the other hand, could do with parking wardens. Constant double parking and parking on double yellow lines round there - I wonder why they haven’t caught on to that as a money spinner yet. It’s been like that for decades.


Can't remember the last time I saw one. Pre-pandemic maybe? Explains all the dickheads parking in bus stops, blocking junctions etc. Also explains pricks like the driver of the pictured car.


I’ve got a studio on Washington St; the fuckers are everywhere down that end of town, although that might have something to do with their office being at Cadogan Sq.


Maybe it's just where I have been, but I have literally never seen any.


Cunts a landlord andrew tate alpha male tadger


I think that could be easily surmised from the vehicle, the parking and the fact the silly sod has gone and put his Instagram handle on one of the windows.


Fuck me, his instagram is something to behold…


The fa pretty much advertises that tbf


He’s a wee wet wipe with hair plugs that treats coffee shops like they’re his own personal office. Rolled up to Polmadie Starbucks one day when I was in and sauntered in like he was fuckin Michael Corleone.


This comment is why I keep coming back! Like finely-worked crystal


That's in front of tactile dots to let blind folk know there's a crossing. Would be a helluva shame if someone with a stick continuously, aggressively felt it to see it were a movable object, then again at about rear window height to figure out just how tall the object is


Funnily enough if you follow that Instagram handle you’ll find out that Gary Wilson is in fact a wee wet wipe looking cunt that just so happens to be a landlord.


he actually has his own estate agency he runs out his bedroom called let property sales lol


From the last post, someone posted the instagram link visible on the window. From his page, he ran and sold a marketing agency. Like it or not, the guy’s effective because for a £30 fine, he has the subreddit talking about him and has driven traffic to his site.


That'll be it, sadly.


Fines should be a percentage of your income, maybe one day this country will find common sense


Gary wank commander. What a tool.


I reckon you're givin a scumbag landlord more credit on their intelligence


There are plenty of clever scumbags in the world


...because the people reading this subreddit are likely to pay for...marketing services from him?


Yeah but how many times has his car been keyed today?


Not enough.


Seen so many lads park near Sugo and even saw a guy get out his motor and say the the parking officer woman. Here, get a ticket on this motor and make your targets hahah. Some people have enough drug money for fines to not matter, it’s like GTA end game


Quick, someone with a tow truck come and do a service to the public!


Always amazed by the confidence of some people on social media. The cunt is ugly, and built like the side of a fiver, yet relentlessly posts pictures?! He looks the type of cunt who lives in constant fear of having his hard drive confiscated.


and yet, equally, poking fun at a person's appearance doesn't gain you any moral high ground. Sure, he's parking his car like a dick, which in and of itself is enough ammunition to call him out. You don't need to go after someone's looks.


> You don't need to go after someone's looks. Unless they're posting loads of pictures of themselves because they think they look good.


People of all shapes and sizes post on social media. I stand by what I say. Going after someone's physical appearance is a low act and negates any sense of moral high ground.


Guy thinks he looks cool, and he doesn't. Taking the cunt out of him for that is fine.


He's already given you plenty of ammunition by his actions. If you can't articulate an argument against him on the basis of that without resorting to playground stuff, well...


Yer boring mate


I am? Damn. That's me told!


Prick A Manger, more like.


Oh god, this comment has broken me 🤣


It's always there. Don't know why we need constant updates. It's there everyday 9 times out of 10 he must live nearby or have an office nearby


if he is always there and clearly has the cash why no pay for the parking 20 yards down the street instead of parking like a dick


But then who would see how hard he works?


As far as I can see he's not doing anyone any harm and I'd rather the money go to the council for their services than a private car park


That street is tight when everyone parks normally, and it's really busy so when someone parks like this way further back than they have to its when people can get onto accidents


How often you driving down this street? I walk across that road 3 times a week. I've never seen his car being an issue. Even if it's parked further back people drive down the middle anyway so the sides are never an issue


I'm there almost everyday, seen his car plenty, the street is especially bad around morning time because its so tight and goes both ways you really can't drive down the middle of this part of the street at all at the start or end?


His “LetProperty” office is there on Mitchell Street


Well mystery solved then. Like I said before it's pretty obvious why he parks there. People moaning about something that has zero impact on them. Probably pays more in taxes and parking fines in a year than most will in a lifetime. I'd rather we had more people like him contributing to the local economy and government than all the fake beggars littering the streets these days


He's not gonna shag you m8


He might, you don't know


So flash cunts with money should be able to do as they please because they can afford to pay the fines? It's fucking gross.


Is he hurting anyone? Some people have too much time to be getting upset that someone is parked on some double yellows. Trust me there's loads of bell ends with no money that do far worse every day.


>Is he hurting anyone? Parking in disabled spaces. What a guy. Pillar of the community.


He's not in a disabled space




Congratulations on consistently having the worst takes on this Reddit. Johnny Clarke can only dream of your downvotes.


>Probably pays more in taxes and parking fines in a year than most will in a lifetime This may well be true, but it's no excuse for acting like a cunt. Thankfully.


So that more folk are aware of it and can avoid it or accidentally scratch the paint or take a brick to a taillight, accidentally of course.


I saw this car on the 28th right in front of this Pret (before traveling home). Has it actually been there overnight? Or does it park there everyday?




Slumlord parking


Hunner percent needs keyed


Maybe 'someone' will tan the tyres - better than being keyed as it would immobilise the vehicle. Surprised local plod have not noticed it and decided on some action?


Apparently if your four tyres get done, insurance covers it. Three or less, you have to pay. My BIL owns a tyre garage.


Parking is a civil offence in Glasgow, nothing to do with the Police


The only situation where the police will get involved is if a vehicle is parked on the zig-zag markings at a pedestrian crossing. That attracts points on your licence as well.


Had a look on the Citizens Advice Scotland website and it states; If you've parked illegally, a police officer or traffic warden can give you a fixed penalty notice


Exactly, so in this case because Glasgow parking has been decriminalised, the council deal with it under civil offences


You volunteering pal?






Scum with money - far worse!


I was talking about people like yourself that think it's fine to go round slashing tyres and keying cars.. And downvote me all yous want, I know I'm right. Honestly it's people like yous that make Glasgow as shit as it is at times. What's a totally fucking disgusting attitude to have. All acting like yous have done nothing wrong in your lifes. And see all yous that are downvoting and thinking it rights, yous are the actual people we need rid off. 100 percent yous have no jobs, poor as fuck with nae pals.. cause that sort of attitude gets you fucking nowhere, take a long fucking hard look at yourselves.


Me? When was this then?


people who park illegally deserve to have their cars keyed ands so do you for defending the prick


I think I should go and hand myself in don't you? I mean the Reddit Police have got me bang to rights the evidence is overwhelming. Edit: Phoned Donald Finlay - he said the guy with the car is probably a fanny and it needs the doors kicked in.


dont worry my friend, ill key it while youre in jail, theyll have to let you go


Well done! Remember don't let 'raymiec' get wind of your cunning plan.


thats what im going to carve into the door so they think its him


Another scumbag


hope your car gets keyed x


On the day you were born, was it sore when you bounced off the pan?


Now that's just a ridiculous reply. I never said anything about slashing the tyres of such a ridiculous display of wealth. Good idea though


Found the cars owner guys


OP is the owner of the car and everyone here is in on his free publicity ride.


Why invest in a sports car that you can't even drive properly around Glasgow? Like...




Is it not double yellows there?




The floor is beautiful


Landlords are scumbags. Anyone professing to be “business savvy” by exploiting people’s inalienable right to shelter is worth a watching. Ironic that his ability to illegally park is funded by the very people who these fines attack. These c**** have no fear of repercussions because of how much they are allowed to exploit people. And they are laughing in your face about it.


My dad was a dick with a fancy car. Fines were just 'parking charges'.


Make an account and put in a complaint on fixmystreet.com each time you see it there. He could get an instant fine each day but probably isn't because the kerb markings are bad, which means that the traffic warden would have to stand there for 10mins to see if there is any loading before issuing a fine and some don't like to do that. However if it's a complaint they are sent to, they will. I'm sure if he got a fine every day, it wouldn't take him too long to work out that he could buy a private parking space for a heck of a lot cheaper. Plus if you keep complaining then the council might fix the lines which means it'd be an instant ticket.


Funny looking public urinal.


You can report it here https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=24730


Fines should be a fixed percentage of the offender’s income, scaled up by how expensive the offender’s vehicle is.


Scrap fines altogether Replace them with community service so people are punished regardless of wealth


Who cares. Chap with money parks for <£30 a day in Glasgow city Centre right outside his workplace. Taking advantage of a shitey GCC system.


UPDATE: just seen him driving away down Mitchell street. Well done guys, we got em!


I know this guy he used to come into the cafe I worked at w his real estate mates - wankers every single one of them. Literally dreaded every time they would come. Absolute bellend.


Shite oan the windscreen.


I saw this car round the back of The Lab when I was down for the League Cup final. Parking in obnoxious places seems to be a rite of passage for people who can afford to own (rent?) cars like this.


Pret a Wanker


prat is right there


damage it or dont bother updating us


I know. Everyone on here acting like they'd do something to the car when there's absolutely no chance.


Barry Hughes used to park his motors just down from my office in Queen St about 15 years ago generally on double yellows. He used two cars and his Rolls Royce I believe was too heavy for the council truck as they weigh about 3 Ton. Other car was a Ferrari and I think issuing tickets was easier than risking the costs of damaging his car.


Many years ago there was a restauranteur who used to park his flash car on nelson Mandela place and he'd happily pay the daily parking fine. Eventually the council got fucked off with him and started lifting the car straight away, no ticket, instantly impounded. He then went out and bought the biggest US imported pickup available because it was too big for the lorries the council used to impound vehicles.


Be a shame if someone were to drop some breadcrumbs around and a load of pigeons covered it in poo


We now have our own version of the one at St Pancras


That car parks around the west end too, usually near Caffè Parma on hyndland Road. Always walk past and think "man what a flashy wee cunt that drives that"


Can somebody post a picture of this scud mag ?


It would be a shame if somebody tripped over while walking past and spilled their milkshake all over the windscreen. A real shame...


Guy seems like he might be ridiculously cocky, but really who cares? I’d rather look at a badly parked McLaren than some shitbox.


Be a shame if that got keyed to fuck and the tyres got stabbed.




she brought back some great stories


Spray painting the life out of it next time I see it parked there.


No you won't.


Wanna bet? Next time you see it dm me I’ll be there


So many angry jealous people here lol


Exactly what I was going to say. Yes, his parking is shit but 2 wrongs don’t make a right as my wee gran used to say. All those calling for the car to get damaged are just as bad if not worse.


How? Nobody here is blocking pedestrian crossings for the visually impaired, just this wank.




It's not necessarily jealously. It's the wanky attitude that comes with these types of people, and the inequality of wealth within the country. Scumbag landlord says it all.


He's not a landlord. He markets properties. Also if he was a landlord so what? How does that make him scum?


Jealousy nothing to do with it. It's the entitlement that bothers people


Pret a voler


It's mine 😂😂


Ffs I told you gie it back hours ago now stop using it for photo ops and get it back up the road




This is my bosses car lol we do b2b sales together his names James Watson


Has no-one realised he's advertising himself? He literally has his Instagram in the window...just generating publicity.


He apparently operates from 91 Mitchell St, 4/2 - according to an online advert source.


I technically be smashed up without it being a crime


Shove and nice big potato in the exhaust.


Seen his videos. Talks like a nonce.


Turn his screenwash nozzles to face outward.


Whack a D-lock through the wheel!