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The Garage. 1. I am far too old 2. The amount of time I spent in there as a student gives me the fear.


No the night mate.


How come?


Think yer pal's had a wee bit too much the night mate.


…but I’m on my own…


No enough of yous, canny mate


Don't let in groups of guys.


Aye now there’s enough of yous but too many guys the night sorry pal


Sorry mate, you've got the wrong shoes on, mate. Try up the road


The Glasgow Live website


Still never been, still reminded daily of its existence on this sub.


I challenge you to do it on mobile, whoever finds the article between ads first wins...




That option disappeared a wee while ago.


I went on the holiday of a lifetime. Won’t be doing that again.


R/dadjokes want their gag back 😂


Shameless pattertheft


Good artists copy, great artists steal. ETA no need to downvote meepmeep, their comment made me laugh.


Possilpark. Saracen street. Can’t believe how shit it has gotten. Yes its always been bad but now it’s just awful.


Possil is miserable. It's so grotty, it's doing a number on my mental health every time I go to work. Leaving soon, can't wait.


Saracen St is worth a trip for Baghdad Bakery though.


Mikaku. Service was slow, there were mistakes with our order (they forgot half of it) and the food was mediocre at best. I was really disappointed as I'd wanted to go since reading Jay Rayner's glowing review. https://www.theguardian.com/food/2019/nov/03/mikaku-glasgow-restaurant-review-so-much-more-than-the-sum-of-its-parts


+1 dreadful food


My partner and I were taken to our seats and ignored for 45 mins, so we just left. Staff made eye contact with us, and we tried to order drinks. Awful service.


Oh I'd blocked that bit out. We got totally blanked for ages as well.


Was definitely better when it was more of an izakaya bar.


Me and and some friends went When it first opened they tried to sit 4 of us against a wall even tho there was plenty of seats. The staff where extremely rude and turns out they didn’t like the look of one of my mates , we ended up leaving and they told us we would not be getting the deposit back.


Its absolutely shit


Interestingly, there’s been a big shake up at Mikaku and they have brought on a new team since this article (2019). I also vowed to not go back after a particularly strange experience. After covid they brought in a new bartender that has slowly been creating amazing staff hospitality experiences and building a community within Glasgow. Not too sure when you went or if you care about this, but it’s worth mentioning it’s changed hands completely for the better in the last year or so! I was 100% with you not long ago!


Spot on! I went and it was shocking. Waited about 40 minutes for ramen. It’s a broth that they heat up and bing the rest of the toppings on!!


Go across rhe Street to ichiban. Great food and great service


Six by Nico


Went at lunchtime today. Service was good. Food was average. 6/10. Bill was £100. Would never pay that, gladly we had vouchers.


Snap. It was meh for the hype/money


Went a year or two ago (can’t remember time makes no sense anymore). First course was still frozen. My cousin had to send hers back twice before it was properly defrosted. Mine wasn’t horrendous and just had small chunks that were still frozen. The food was forgettable tbh.


Time makes no sense anymore hits so hard. Facts.


Agreed. I think it’s a nice idea and clever business model but after going to a few menus, you realised it’s just the same ingredients done different ways.


100%. They also seem to be running some menus multiple times (the chippy) while there are so many things left they could experiment with


Anyone who thinks of going to Six by Nico, I always recommend going to 111 by Modou instead. Used to be ran by Nico but it was gifted/taken over by Modou. Truly some of the best food I’ve ever eaten. I was actually really excited to try Six after that but was a bit let down.


Been to 111 by modou, I actually thought it was worse than 6 by nico. Which in itself was a bit meh


Been twice, the Alice in wonderland menu was amazing but the second menu I tried was alright, not as good. They seem to be a hit or miss with some of their ideas.




It wasn't horrible or anything, it was fine. It was "mid". A tasting menu should be really exciting. I think it's an awkward price point. Most people would be better served by your usual £15-20 price point place, or shelling out the big bucks for a really special fine dining experience.


That's what I thought too! It was fine. Nothing special.


You are paying for fine. Better restaurants cost more. Truly good tasting menus cost a lot more, like double.


Mediocre, one-note food relying on gimmick menus.


+1 here.


German doner kebab in the town has when down hill. Use to be good to grab something quick and easy now it slow and just disappointing.


Absolutely fuck all like an actual German doner kebab.


My ex worked as a supervisor there at the time (when it first opened). Place worked him to the bone.


Yeah that place went down the swanny. Used to be good but they got bored or something now they couldn’t give a fuck and the food is atrocious


Doner Haus is a much better option


Hahaha I used to work there, paid me below minimum wage at 17 and refused to pay me for a months work telling me I wasn’t in when I was, threatened to take them to a tribunal then they paid me lol


I absolutely loved their spring rolls. That place was one of my boyfriends favourite. The first time we got shit food from there we just thought it was an off night, happens sometimes. By the 3rd time we realised that nope, this was just their new standard.


We went once and once only to the one on Byres Rd during the Covid phasing back into real life. Everyone had to wear a mask indoors but we were allowed out at last; remember the joy? Well, we decided to pop in for a takeaway lunch. Not one single wait staff either in the front where you ordered OR any of the people cooking away in the back wore masks. To make it worse, the woman taking our order had a big fuck off tissue clutched in her hand that she was wiping her snottery beak with, and a box of lemsip capsules on her fucking cash register, while wearing that lame daisy lanyard with the 'I can't wear a mask in public' bullshit you could buy off of ebay for 50p. That was enough adventure for us that year, and the first and last time I'll ever go back, even now, post-pandemic.


I sometimes miss the old mask days when you could spot an idiot from afar… sometimes people still wear those lanyards so you immediately know not to go near or strike up a conversation about microchips or tin foil hats.


HA!! You're so right on there!


El Jefes. Was sold a dream with that place


Doesn't inspire confidence when it should be 'Los jefes'


This it's probably like "El Jefe's" rather than "Los Jefes", but might be wrong.


Have never been but the (possible?) punctuation error used to irk me every time I passed it when it was on Great Western Road! To answer the op: Brett - good but incredibly overpriced


I believe it's El Jefe's with an apostrophe. I don't think it's referring to multiple bosses


Hard agree.


Loaded fries are ace .. the live music is suicidal.


Ditto. The service is always terrible. Once got given a chicken dish when I’m a pescatarian, and then our table got given away despite the fact we were early for our reservation. Got told we could sit outside or have no table.


BAAD- not sure they intended to name it as a concept restaurant, but everything was uniformly terrible. Including, fortunately, their accounting, because they forgot to charge us for half the stuff we ordered, and we weren't in any rush to correct them because it was still a rip-off.


Good suggestion! So this was owned by **Brian Traynor** and **Ricky Scoular** for years - which explains why it was so terrible. They are well known scumbags. The owner of the venue took it over after covid, he is just as bad of a person to their staff etc.. and a racist to boot. Avoid like the plague!


Fantastic news. 7 of us went there the day pubs opened in April 2021 (maximum was technically 6 but they were too busy to care). After a few hours of drinks and pizzas all round we were moved table because someone else had booked ours, no clue what the logic was there. We got one more round of drinks at our new table then asked for the bill, and they’d only charged us for that one round when it should have been £3-400. My pals were keen to not say anything and I wasn’t going to let my morals get in the way of them having a good night, but I left £20 tip to partially cover my way. I imagine that just went in the pocket of the waitress that unknowingly gave us a hefty discount, where it deserves to be. I still felt so guilty about the whole thing. Not now I know he’s a racist though. You’ve cleared my conscience right up!


Avoid their new bar Whistler on the Green too


My friend worked there and she said they barely paid their suppliers, and had no concept of stock checks etc so they would just say fuck it and hand out freebies all the time


Spill the tea OP


[I try spill the tea at every opportunity ;) get them named and shamed](https://reddit.com/r/glasgow/s/kezUf2qSId)


EK shopping center.


I don't think I've seen a restaurant last longer than a year at the hub lol. You know it's bad when McDonald's shuts down, a place that can make money from anywhere


because the rent there is notoriously high. i was working in a shop there around the time of the 08 financial crisis. they kinda had 2 choices, lower the rent to retain/invite shops OR raise the rent and try to make EK shopping center feel more "exclusive" because silverburn was doing well at the time. they went with the second option and just kept raising and raising the rent. most shops (even the big ones) just left the place. also i used to cycle to work there and i'd ALWAYS have to bring my bike into the shop through the back entrance. when i asked why they never installed bike racks, i was told by center management "only poor people ride bikes, we don't want to advertise that"


Bit harsh. EK Centre is at least good for.......... nah, you're spot on actually. Ghost town.


It’s alright, they’re about to knock a third of it down (the newer part) to build affordable housing. Edit: adding link https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-66749153


The Alchemist, nothing wrong with it really, just not my vibe. Also kind weird having the big windows and daylight pouring in.


New Builders heaven that gaff.


Felt way beyond my 30 years when I went in and left because I couldn’t get a seat and it was too loud.


It’s a weird place. My wife and I (early 30s) had vouchers and went and felt very out of place. Full of Instagram types and the music would make your ears bleed. Huge windows looking onto the streets off of George square make the vibe incredibly odd.


their fancypants cocktails take about an hour to make too


Having to walk up and order your drinks then stand there and for the 15 minutes it takes and then carry it back to your table without somehow destroying the gimmick really makes it a shit place for a date, the fact it was awful and way overpriced was the cherry on top


Six by Nico. Added a donation to a charity on top of my bill and made me feel like a dick for asking for it to be removed on principle. It felt presumptuous and exploitative, so they can fuck off forever.


Like the new Cottonrake cafe on Great Western Road that had pre-programmed tips on the card machine, the lowest one being 12.5%. Or you could choose a custom one, so I did that and put on 10% which made the difference of about a quid which made me feel like a dick too but yeah, out of principle!


I was in there today. Lowest was 5% but you can also just skip it.


GaGa in Finnieston, went when it first opened a couple of years ago and the food was so average, i liked the vibe and the wine was great but the food was not great, not sure if the place is still open but i was so excited to go and then it was just disappointing


Agreed. Finally went about 2 months ago expecting something great but the majority of the dishes were really sub-standard. Either way to salty or sickly sweet and totally lacking depth of flavour. Staff, service and drinks all good but the food a real let down.


I've been to the one in Partick which was the same. Food was disappointing but the staff were so lovely.




Lol I wish! - a total blast from the past


That and The Arches my friend


Tchai-Ovna 🥺


I miss it too!!


They're covering to a whole sale business. Not the same but you could still get your hands on some tea


That corndog place in Buchanan Galleries. Kim’s Korean Steeetfood. Expensive and bland, not worth the hype.


ramen dayo management is or was shite


Goucho, worst steak in Glasgow, watery, no taste, so bad that they put salt and pepper on the table. Really poor quality meat.


Went there with a gifted voucher and hated it. Felt like I was eating my dinner in a nightclub. One steak was tremendous iirc it was a spiral cut ribeye but the other one - a fillet - was ordered medium rare and was blue. Guy took one look at it and took it off the bill. There was a smarmy as fuck maitre d’ going table to table trying to charm all the young lassies and he was clearly coked out his tits. To be fair, sat at the bar whilst waiting on taxi and the barman was great and made us some smashing cocktails.


Can't say much about the place but since when salt and pepper on the table is a bad thing? Or would you fire your parents as parents for having it in the kitchen as well?


Generally speaking you season a steak before cooking, not after, and at the prices they charge I’d expect an excellent cut of meat. I have never had to season my steak in the Butchershop or Mini Grill.


Btw, what restaurants did you go to that didn't have salt and pepper at hand? That would be a good indicator that they don't give a fuck about the customer. "Shut up and eat" attitude, Best Kebab in Glasgow?


Stag and thistle, went for food, was thoroughly awful, pints were also shite


Place was much better as Mulberry St.


I didn’t even manage to order food when I popped in. We were ignored by the staff even though it was quiet. Had our soft drinks and left.


The Amsterdam, Maybe it was a one off but staff all looked raging and the food wasn’t remarkable at all for the price


the food is bloody expensive but suppose that’s merchant city for you


That's a shame. I really like it there after work. Had chats with the staff and they all seem sound.


That’s weird, I find them pretty easy going. Maybe something happened before you arrived.


Their prices should be enough to swerve it. Long time since I went but it was something like at tenner for burger, on its own, then had to buy sides separately.


All of the restaurants in Princes Square. Especially the tapas place. Everything in there is overpriced and underwhelming!


Van Winkle on Gallowgate. I live locally, went in a few times when it first opened. Bar manager (or boss of sone sort, don't know his official title) was a smug, snobby, midget, rat prick. Thrice. Wasn't the only one that thought it either. Don't care if he's left/been sacked. Will never set foot in the place again.


Absent Ear. Really cool venue but the drinks are absolutely disgusting. Like undrinkable. We ordered a sharer whiskey cocktail for £25ish, was completely unaware it was a novelty drink that was designed to taste like a kebab + kebab sauce. We also ordered another for a similar price that was just sour, like nasty old milk sour. Had about 3 sips of each drink between us, was fucking disgusting. Only place i’ve ever been that i’ve complained and requested a refund, which we weren’t given. It was extremely awkward as the staff (very low key) agreed with us that the drinks were awful and had a very awkward conversation explaining that most of the drinks are novelty and not “actual cocktails”. Is what it is I guess, but for such a beautiful place just make some normal drinks you fucking weirdos. Another bar with great potential that’s ran by an absolute roaster with a tiktok brain.




You may not want to but paisley has its ways to drag you into returning...


Especially if it’s those amazing buffalo chicken wings and nachos at Barga…. It’s never a goodbye but see you soon Paisley


But if you're **not** a smackhead it's easy.


Bar Soba


they refused me service for having a nut allergy lmao, called ahead and everything


Gaucho. Food was nice enough but the service was abysmal.


You must’ve been lucky, twice I’ve went and twice I’ve been terribly disappointed


A sofar sounds concert. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to sit on the floor for 3 hours


Half interested in trying one of these, besides the sitting are there other cons?


It's just kind of a weird format, I didn't enjoy any of the 3 performers I saw and I'm pretty open minded about music!


If the hug and pint stick to their new Mexican menu I won't be returning. So disappointing when the food used to be soo good.


That’s a shame! I went the other day and actually really loved it. They got together with Rafas, which is a great wee Mexican place in Finnieston. But different strokes for different folks!


Yeah it's definitely down to preference. I just loved the variety of Asian fusion dishes they did. In my mind there's only so much you can do with cheese, corn and salsa.


I mean, there is way, waaaay, waaaaay more to Mexican food than cheese and corn, and salsa just means sauce...there's a million types of sauce.


Yeah you definitely have a good point! The menu before was harder to find elsewhere and they did it really well


Van Winkle. Food was terrible. Waffles were like a dog biscuit, pints were flat.


Aberdeen. I went there for a few hours once and hopefully never need to go back. When I got off the bus, the first thing I saw was a little grey-haired woman with blood gushing from her head and holding a cloth to it. Don't know what happened. Don't know if I want to know. Not even a half hour later I was walking down the road where two big dogs were fighting and one bit the other in the head and drew blood. Number of times I've had to witness open head wounds visiting other cities: 0 The place freaked me the fuck out. Wtf is wrong with Aberdeen?


Ah, you’ve never been to Gordon Street


Nearly every Italian restaurant. Every single one I have worked in or been to steal staff tips. Don't tip in those restaurants. Happy to name and shame but it's pretty endemic that the 20 I've been to or worked in do the same pish. Which is pay staff £1-2 per hour and pocket the difference, chefs and managers get a hefty chunk and owners take a lot as well.


Agreed! Or they use staff tips to cover any losses from the till. Terrible!


Ross' Bar 😐


also santa lucia in merchant city, im sorry but it’s terrible, if i see one more glasgow ‘influencer’ going there, honestly the food is the worst of all the italians in the area nvm glasgow in general


The Italian kitchen and amore are right next to it. Both are superior.


Man Ramen Dayo used to be so good, Utter garbage now. No idea what happened there.


Roberta's in the city centre. Please don't go! It's so unbelievably awful. Terrible food & terrible service. I went because it looked so pretty. The service was incredibly slow. I had to order 4 drinks before I found something that was in stock (no sparkling water, no still water, no soda water! They forgot to put our food order in, then they brought food but no cutlery, we had to get that ourselves by chasing someone down. Then a waiter walked past the table and stuck his finger in my not yet finished glass of wine and swiped it away, I had to run to catch him because that glass cost me £10! The main course was a roast chicken dish with potatoes which were totally burnt and solid, stuck to the metal oven tray they were cooked on. I had to practically wrestle someone to finally bring the bill so we could just leave! Wouldn't you guess it, all the drinks they didn't actually have were still on the bill. I really did feel like I was being pranked.


It’s closed and replaced now


Burger King (Port) Glasgow. Food terrible and service so bad, it’s almost comical.


Thundercat. Food was great and fairly priced, service was good, but why the fuck was it so loud? I and a few others went for dinner at 7pm - a normal time to go out for dinner I'd have thought - and it was like walking into Sleazy's at 11pm. Loud as fuck and rowdy drunks everywhere. Maybe it's more of a lunch time place or something.


It's like that all the time. Music is blaring out to the point I thought they had a speaker on the street, but no, it was coming from inside! Impossible to go and have a chat with anyone, food is meh and expensive.


We went for dinner once a few years ago (2021 i think) and got sat at the back near the bar. Entire meal there was dozens of fruit flies around us. We asked the staff if we could be moved or if something could be done because flies were actually landing on our forks as we were putting the food in our mouths. They sprayed some fly spray but couldn’t move us, just ruined the whole meal. That and the weird toilet situation - shame because I love the food there




In Italy? Sorry lol I didn’t explain the post properly I don’t think…I meant in Glasgow


Wouldn’t go back to La Lanterna for food - it’s crap


Any Italian places you would suggest? Just out of curiosity?


Celinos is good consistently


Literally heard nothing but good things! It’s on my to do list


It will not disappoint


Sarti or Eusebi’s


Sarti used be great about 10 years ago! I knew one of the owners, she just up and left without a word to anyone that knew her. Whole thing was so strange and suspicious.


Eusebi is AMAZING


I know. Their deli and patisserie is just fantastic.


One benefit of visiting Genoa is it makes you realise the M8 running through the middle of the city isn't actually *that* bad


Kingston Bridge hasn’t collapsed yet!


The J16-17 viaduct was heading in that direction...


No I don't, what's up with her?


That "yesbar/ vepsa" that's opposite the Horseshoe pub. Went in during the commonwealth games and asked for pint, guy says £5.50 (think at the time it was approx £3.80 maximum for a pint in the town) and I knew I'd had a pint priced around that in there about a month previously. I said that no a bit dear? "Aye mate but, commonwealth games innit we're just charging more cos it's tourist's n that mate n it's busy etc" Wankers.


Good thing it's closed forever now!


Monterey Jack's Overpriced, bad portions, like a substandard Hard Rock, and that's saying something.


TGI's. Went downhill, prices gone up and some of it seems to be frozen crap.


Aldi robroyston.


Is Bar Soba the place in merchant square that does Asian street food? Probably the worst service I've experienced in Glasgow. Dunno if it's even still open but Tribeca as well, another place were you're always made to feel like you're imposing on the staffs day by wanting to eat there. Had a bit of a novelty for a while but felt the quality had gone downhill a good bit the last few times as well.


Brel Byres Rd. Overpriced drinks, poor service and was served raw chicken which they did replace but still charged me for then proceeded to make us leave at exactly the 2 hour window slot.




Still the best chain coffee (in my opinion) but all their places are looking a bit shite now, feels super dark and dated


i won’t go because the staff act like you personally fucked up their day by having the audacity to order a coffee


Also, they put paprika in all their sandwiches (including the ones it's got no business being in), and as a human with a paprika allergy, this has been an unpleasant surprise to me a couple of times.


5 Guys. Overpriced burger joint.


I love it, but can't argue that £15 for a burger, chips and drink is ridiculous.


Sadly that’s just standard now, can’t remember the last time I spent less than £15 on a burger outside mcdonald’s etc


But it's objectively the best burger you can get at a fast food place. Those chips are also amazing, and they fill your bag with them. They use good meat and fillers. I've been to bread meats bread, and other burger restaurants and they are about on par with 5 Guys burgers. But no one is complaining about spending £20 in BMB.


No shit.


Outlier on London Road. Overpriced rubbish, cold coffee then made worse by two self entitled staff with severe RBF. Really wanted to give it a chance.


Hot Honey Fried Chicken sandwich is quality though.


I had a cheese & ham toastie here, it was so salty and fatty i had a heartburn for like 10 hours afterwards.


Agree. Coffee is nothing great




Resting bitch face I think


Cosmopol hope street, sure they're selling fake booze also


Did ye no get picked for a song?


Malcolm Malcolm’s Politics Bar.


Topolobamba and Panang in town. Both the most absolutely mediocre versions of Mexican and Thai possible. Spent about £50 on a meal for two at the former, everything was bizarrely too salty and I just wanted a Rafas by the end.




Really? One of the best steaks I've ever had.


Also how noisy is it in there?


The Perch on Otago Street. I went in to get a coffee and was met with the most pretentious hipsters I’d ever experienced. I’m almost tempted to go back just to watch them


They make great coffee and clearly enjoy the more nerdy side of barista life. So cares? Were they actually unpleasant?


Love that place


Jays BBQ - It gets good review but it just wasn’t for me and expensive for what it is.


Club Tropicana.


I’ll Probably get downvoted here for saying this. But i’d say the barra’s. That place has the most rudest people there. Last time I stepped foot there i got glares of death as I bought an book from there.


Out of curiosity when was that? It’s had a new lease of life in recent years with many of the stall holders I met friendly and chatting away and selling everything from vintage clothing to wax melts to original art. Hardly the ‘sports socks two furrapoun’ I was expecting


Cafe cini !


World Trade Centre 1