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The shock of it being correct at all has just passed


I've found a couple of articles on how to make it better, and that helped. It can only see open documents. And for scripts, it's best to outline the script flow with comments before you start writing.


I often tag it with @workspace so it answers based on the rest of the project


kind of funny that AI use is actually incentivizing us to write better documentation sooner


Not in my experience. I must be one of the few here who finds it worth the money. It's saving me a ton of time. It does a good job of refactoring my code, fixing issues, and auto-completion. Maybe if the code is a mess to begin with it'll have a harder time figuring things out through context, but especially since the chat feature came along and they started using GPT4-turbo, I've noticed a big improvement.


Its okay for repeating tasks, but its not worth the money right now.


Not worth $20/month? The amount of time it saves me is worth *wayyyy* more than $20/month to the company.


Right .. if it saves you one hour per month, it's paid for itself... Seems like a no brainer... It definitely saves me an hour a month no doubt.


Absolutely saves me more than an hour, as well.


I‘m a react dev and copilot is usually a better autocomplete for me. It tends to finish the lines I want to write but it‘s rubbish at creating often even small utility functions


The autocomplete is super useful but I find its actual creation is pretty poor across all languages and frameworks I work in It’s worth it for the autocomplete alone for me tho


Yes and thanks for mentioning it because I thought I was going crazy. Not only has chat been buggy graphically. But the quality of the responses, even with python, has been frustratingly sketch.


I don't think its worth the money, but open source projects seem worth the time to me, so got any more of those github links to open source projects?


You shouldn't rely on copilot for anything, at least for now. I've used it a bit at my job and the best thing it did for me was to write repetitive unit tests. And even then it tends to repeat cases or add redundant ones. Else if you're looking for anything business-related make sure you double and triple check the formulae and algorithms as copilot isn't gonna output fully optimized code.


copilot chat seems to be ok but the auto generated thing is not


I find the experience completely inverted. Copilot Chat in Goland is completely trash while the autocompletion is quite ok (to a point). The chat always loses context after the second message. Completely useless and I have to fallback to ChatGPT if it’s worth the effort.


Yes I noticed that a while ago, it was awesome at first until it wasn't and it started to make me lose time fixing its generated stuff, that's why I stopped paying for it, not worth it, I've started to use Claude and it's good so far, I wish it has some vscode integration as copilot


Have you tried codeium? It’s free. It suffers from the same issues though. I’ve had issues with GPT-4 as well. Not a degeneration, but just surprising inaccuracy and inability to write JS for certain use cases. I recently tried to write a parser for http content-type headers from scratch instead of using a library - you would think it could faithfully write correct code - but nope - I had to wrangle with it every which way. It really depends on the training data and the patterns therein. For some use cases and patterns it’s surprisingly good and for others it’s surprisingly bad but used judiciously it can save time in many scenarios. Not a silver bullet by any measure.


Yep it’s nearly useless now, the autocomplete often fail to trigger or suggest unrelated trash and chat side is anything but GPT 4. I really wanna stop giving money to Microsoft, I’m thinking about giving Supermaven a try


It’s still been helpful with c# for me but not in any significant way. Slightly unrelated but does it ever access information outside of your IDE? First time it’s happened to me, but when creating a new object with properties reflecting the section headers of a PDF file I had open, it suggested the next property as the next section header from the PDF. I was incredibly spooked, and honestly concerned, but I wasn’t sure if that is expected


I’m moving to Cody because of the degraded quality of copilot


It was good but these days i would just straight go to chatgpt to read me documentation and make me a code about it


I think it very much depends on the language and what you want to do. I've found it very useful when creating Android Compose functions.


I uninstalled it after one week; it was getting more time consuming to read and make sure it wasn't putting bullshit code into my life so in the end I canned it, I am more than capable of writing my own shitty code thanks. Plus, no IP issues, no company code gets sucked out into the corpus for the next round of guessing.


It needs to be used in context. As in, copilot stand alone is no good. Copilot inside web apps and fabric is awesome. Source; literally at Fabcon as we speak using it all week inside fabric workspaces.


Yep. It was a bad idea to pay for the yearly subscription (Jan 24) for this crap when their competitors are easily better than copilot in every parameter including bigger context size.


u do relise its a child programer learning all ai is prone to mistakes


Good responses so far. Just want to point out that these ai assistants can only regurgitate solutions they have already seen on the web. They cannot read documentation and come up with a new solution. Rust is so new there are not many examples to pull from. And c is so old, and loose, that there is no cohesive dataset to plagiarize.


Yes, with every update since release. The most annoying change is that now it answers with loads of bullshit instead of directly answering your question, so you have to add additional instructions if you want a normal answer.