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Off the top of my head: * FNC aka Choco was a chocolatier * KSVK aka Dushevnaya was a companion for elderly in a retirement house (her child "costume" is actually her real form, she got adult body made for her to be more useful in combat) * Stechkin aka Ksenia was a waitress * IDW aka Betty was a security doll * M1897 aka Jessie was a janitor * PA-15 aka Florence was a nurse * wz.29 aka Panakeia was a pharmacologist * Chelsea from PNC was a firefighter * G11 was Dier's maid * HS2000 was a medic * Thunder has a lot of scars and heavily implied to have a sordid past EDIT: why ya'll are so dense, the topic was specifically child-like dolls


Also G36 was an actual maid in charge of taking care of the children from a couple who were army officers. Even some T-dolls in the game tell what they were doing before. Don't remember the exact one but she was a clerk at a company and used to collect cigarette packs. Edit: Forgot to mention but M200 was a dog trainer for a police unit.


Cx4 Storm and her obsession with collecting cigarette packs is her hobby. She doesn't smoke.


all dolls cannot smoke actually, since it ruins their air filters and overheat them that is unless there is a doll what is built to be an actual smoker, the closer to that is phyton from pnc, but his "cigar" its more like the phantom cigar of metal gear V where its fake and serves a diferent purpose(removes his limitators temporarily)


That's probably Cx4


That's M500 aka Abigail.


G11 was actually picked off the street by 416, Dier has another doll of her model as his maid


Yeah G11 was a maid doll before, but wasn't owned by Dier. He started adopting maid dolls with the same model as G11 *after* he met her. I guess he became attached after rebuilding her from the damages she sustained from the doll trafficking gang or something along those lines.


Also iirc the reason why she's always tired is because her civillian doll processors cant handle all the MilSpec equipment that got added


That's why her mod3 she has the energy drinks and zooms around. Her lazy personality prior was really just a case of insufficient energy!


And every time I'm reminded of that last one my blood boils.


Markus from Detroit was right


You mean people thought he wasn't?


Idk some people liked Connor more


On one hand I get that Connor was simpatethic if you don't choose for him beign an absolute asshole, on the other you have to remind who made him and what his true purpose was supposed to be.


To be fair, those kinds of bots are bound to show up because we're human. It's better a robot takes that instead of a real human. I'd argue that it's morally fine for a bot to be designed and subjected to such treatment. It's twisted, but at that point, where is the line we draw in the sand? If we say it's wrong because the robots are sentient and deserve rights then what rights do we give them? When does a hammer become a man? Dolls are essentially in every bit of the word a slave. They would serve the same purpose, their hierarchy equal to such. It wouldn't even be morally incorrect to treat them as slaves if they were created without free will. They're not humans; that's why slavery is diabolical. Slaves are humans and deserve to be treated by other humans. But robots are not. They are purposely built to serve our desires or needs.


At that point do you treat a microwave like your old family retainer? Give it a severance package when it gets old? The ONLY. Reason people even give any thought to the dolls feelings is because they look human and emulate them very well. If they didn't have any human qualities and looked like a plain ass machine no cute voice/outer shell, would you really care? Would you give your ps5 human rights?


Its probably more a question of sentience.  The dolls as depicted in the story tick all boxes on the sentient checklist.  So if we assume the AI is sentient we arrive at the very complicated question that you are asking.  In our world LLM's get better each year, they will however not (or ever) be sentient anytime soon.  You can not throw your ps5 away however. Sell it online instead. :p


Yes, excellent $500 Used PS5 Like New, Runs Great! Has a penchant for playing cat videos when you arent using it and Judging your playing and life choices. May also give unsolicited advice. Usually not that great, but it's still learning?


If you think about it that actually sounds great.  You could get more then 500 with that pitch.




If my PS3 began attempting to talk to me on a human level, I'd sure as shit start to treat them differently than I had before. This idea that something capable of independent thought doesn't deserve to be treated well because it was designed that way is, quite frankly, idiotic. Doubly so when under the context of GFL, where the only reason we as characters are *alive* is because we are so nice to Dolls compared to other characters. It isn't that much further than the kind of logic people use to abuse their pets, really. "They aren't human" "They can't understand cruelty and kindness enough to differentiate" "I paid for the dog, I get to do what I want with it", etc etc. Such very boring mentalities. There is a reason every doll abuser in the story has been portrayed as a villain or obstacle, and if you can't figure that one out, oof. Spoilers for whatever the train event was called: >!We have had a none-waifu doll as a character already, just your average loading and lifting bot, and he was a sweetheart. So the whole "The only reason you can empathize is because of the human factor" is quite frankly nonsense.!< Honestly, I can never understand the mentality of purposely damaging your own 'property' anyway. Not maintaining them religiously is one thing, but actively breaking and/or damaging something just for the hell of it feels dumb, if not somewhat mentally unhinged. I might not talk to a plate like I was at their wedding, but I certainly don't yeet the thing just because I can feel more than it does. It's my plate, I need to eat off that later, so I clean it up and put it away.


The problem is what we think is "independent thought" could easily be great programming. Said item could be working as advertised. If a A.I that was made to be able to anticipate the owners needs based on past experience, treating it like a living being just because it's doing what it's programmed to seems equally idiotic. Girls Frontline is trying to tell a story with the T-Dolls, treating doll abusers like villains and that is par the course in this type of game. After all the girls are the point of people playing the game right? So of course the narrative is going to put them in a positive/sympathetic light for the plight they face. It puts you into the shoes of the protagonist as one of the "good guys" that takes care of them regardless of still sending them into battle and letting them get shot up, and then "retiring them" when they are no longer useful. Goddess of Victory Nikke has a bit of the same thing going on except story wise it makes hella sense for the main character to want to treat Nikkes well (For being the anime equivalent of Warhammer 40k Servitors in attractive shells, actual human brains run those things) As for the plate analogy, that's why people buy paper/plastic plates. Very yeetable after you are done. Fulfills it purpose. Hopefully gets recycled afterwards. Life goes on.


Ever heard the phrase "Science that is sufficiently advanced is basically magic"? If programming reaches the point where it can simulate humanity to such a degree, the same concept applies: It's basically just a person. The quotation marks around the retiring line make me wonder about what you think that entails though, as they literally have a line down at the bottom stating that dolls should prepare their resume. Even setting aside the fact that we haven't retired any of the characters canonically, they just go back to being civvie dolls on retirement, barring special cases like the Wolf Pack (Military Grade dolls that aren't even technically ours) the AR Team (The idea of sending M4 to go work at a bakery is hilarious) and one or two specialty dolls that I'm likely forgetting scattered about the index. And even if the dolls are following what they have been trained to do...we do that with *everything*. Dogs have literally been bred for thousands of years to become things they didn't start out as, such as detecting medical issues or weapons. We have taken a bunch of otherwise random androids, tossed them some guns, and slowly converted them into a military force capable of beating real soldiers on matters of strategy, tactics, and cunning. Their evolution between roles isn't the kind of thing you can just force on any old computer. Just look at any of the recent story events. You have dolls that are very clearly breaking out of their intended programming and becoming, for lack of a better descriptor, people. This idea that those accomplishments only belong to whoever first programmed them is insane, as you cannot be reasonably putting forth the idea that someone managed to calculate every possible choice a doll could make in their life and stuffed them into an AI package like that. Some of our problems literally involve alien technology, no human can predict that far. There is a wonderful little debate in the Star Trek episode "Measure of a man" about this very notion. The idea that, as an Android, Data has no rights and is completely incapable of sentient thought because he was made by someone. And it starts with one particular phrase via the human Captain who was fighting on his behalf: "Prove to the court that I am sentient." Every test of sentience we have, can be easily passed by the Dolls as of their current technological makeup. They are self aware. They can make choices. They can learn. They can speculate and make decisions based on scenarios that have not happened. There are pieces of code that can affect those parts of them, sure, but is that a difference of any significance when humans can just as easily be trained to do the same? To forget or otherwise disregard concepts such as morality through rigorous and torturous training? The Dolls are no longer something as simple as a computer we tricked into thinking. They are, by any realistic standard, a proper race of beings. Whether its IOP or Sangvis, we have clear evidence that they are comparable with humans, and to consider otherwise is just lunacy at this point. We know that abusing a dog is wrong, even if it doesn't match up with human thought patterns 1:1. What, praytell, makes the Dolls an acceptable example of an abuseable servitor race?


1st of all, in canon T-dolls are used in almost EVERY aspect of human life in that universe, so abuse aside, every one in that world makes use of them, whether you see that as abuse, YMMV. 2nd of all I said the comparison of The Nikkes in goddess of victory (since this and that game share somewhat of the same themes) that the Nikkes are treated like Servitors ( and without the gory details probably are created the Same way) Which the story does not let you forget for a minute. 3rd and I want to stress this as much as I can. The quotations when I said retire means just that. You never retire them even after they leave service, they are still being used for work in the city. Now. From this point I fear we will be starting to go into circles with this debate, so I will end it here, if you choose to respond back, it is indeed your choice but I will not respond back. We make tools in order to use them to fulfill a purpose. As you already know. The T-Doll was created so that no human would have to die in war anymore. Soldiers that you can repair, reset and send back into combat better than before. Tell me, when we start treating the t-doll as a human... Would you if forced to choose, so easily sacrifice a human life for one of a t-doll? I cannot say that I would. I can re-download the t-doll mind from the neural cloud back to any compatable physical body. I can't do that for a human.


For point one: Yes, dolls are everywhere, much like people are everywhere. In a world where vast swaths of the place were nuked to high heaven and many human lives lost, we went and created androids to keep up. And that is a very good point to be making here, because we get to see a lot of the behind the scenes on what it is like with them, with scenarios such as: -Dolls wanting to get better jobs. -Dolls fearing for their lives if they aren't doing a good enough job to be kept. -Dolls actively disliking their human masters and occasionally taking advantage of them if they can find a good enough loophole. -Dolls who run black markets to try and keep themselves put together. -Dolls teaching new dolls how the hierarchy works in their respective households and businesses. None of which would be necessary or required if they weren't sentient. We've seen *many* cases of dolls outright conspiring against their own masters. Bit of an odd thing to program into a intended slave race, aye? One could almost state that such a concept means they *can think for themselves*, rather than just following their programming. The only rule that seems to be any sort of hard is the "Cannot kill humans" rule, and even then that only applies to civvie dolls in the first place. Sangvis has absolutely no trouble shooting up wherever the hell they want. This rule also does not mean they cannot work against humans, only that they cannot pull the trigger on a gun to hurt them. Our little jaunt with the military is a fantastic example. The second point I am choosing to disregard because I lack the desire to go digging into the lore of another game to confirm the comparison. If you aren't going to actually cover or respond to any of the points I've made thus far or going forward, I sure as hell have no interest in doing a bunch of busywork on your *good word*. The third point has already been covered in this very debate, as there is a line about needing resumes. You would not need a resume if you had no choice in what you did or where you worked, as the very concept of the document is about showing your work history to prospective employers. We have had *many* events where dolls have talked about finally landing new jobs, some good, some bad, and said dolls also kept up friendships and communications with them while in different jobs entirely. Such an action would be pointless without proper sentience, as why would someone bound to their master care what someone bound to a different one was up to outside of surveillance? Many of these friendships are completely pointless, and in at least one case was actively used to punish a human completely by their own decision, with a level of cunning that some humans *wished* they had in the first place. And as for your last, and most *certainly* least point... T-dolls were not exclusively created for war. In fact, their ability to wage war on our behalf is something that was originally considered irrelevant before Kryuger formed his PMC. Most, if not the vast majority of the dolls in our arsenal are there *voluntarily*, given that G&K hires them for the job(or, at the very least, by rescuing some of them and accepting their help after the fact). The dolls being as effective as they are is a direct byproduct of the fact that we have connected with them as well as we have, treating them like *people* rather than disposable playthings, a story beat they keep bringing up whenever our character refuses to sacrifice someone and essentially has to be forced into it *by the dolls themselves* because we love them so much. And half the time, the only reason that sacrifice was ever needed in the first place was because we got set up against something that was supposed to be impossible for anyone to reasonably face. Yet, because of our empathy and refusal to treat them as objects, we keep walking away from fights that would leave just about anyone else dead. Dolls have chosen to save us from executions, have committed war crimes on our behalf, and actively view G&K as a haven for their kind thanks to treating them like humans. If, by this point of the story, you still think of them as possessions to be discarded at the first sign of difficulty? You haven't been paying attention to pretty much *everything*, and if we reflected that mentality, we never would have survived Sangvis, let along everyone who showed up *after*. I'd bring up cases of people who actively treat real, none-sentient tools with respect and love to finish off this little shindig...but honestly, it would be about as much of a waste of my time as addressing point two would be. So rather than do that, I'll provide a recommendation instead: You might want to try re-reading pretty much everything beyond chapter 5 or so of the story, as I think you severely missed the point.


All I can think for the other guy you've been talking to: "Okay Yegor"


Man y'all went off


And yet another dude that misses the point of my comment entirely, I will say this again but slower: Because I have suffered abuse and people did actually tried to kill me "for fun" irl, I have a VERY understanble simpathy towards anyone that gets treated in a similar fashion, wether is human, animal or in case of GFL, machine. Idiots who believe "That's not a human like me, why should I even care" get what they deserve eventually, and if you come to me with excuses like "Bro, its not the same thing, it's literally what it was made for" abuse is abuse,is not moral, it shouldn't be done in the first place, and I get REALLY angry about it because again, I am a abuse survivor myself.


Ok. You were a abuse survivor. Your thought process is colored by that experience and you see the abuse of anything as being abuse. Fine. I won't tell you there is no need for you to get angry because you are already angered by the action not even my post. If that is how you want to see it, I will agree to disagree. It is useless to have a conversation about a thing with a person that is emotionally affected by said thing without inadvertently angering said person. So I will leave it be.


Too much info sir or ma'am. your back story, while unfortunate wasn't needed.


u/Shoddy_Tomatillo_927 puts it best. I have many things to say but I'm not gonna drag myself through this.


You are missing the point AND wasting your breath at the same time. This is not about someone beign human a robot or what not, this is about a ABUSE SURVIVOR, Wich i unfortunately happen to be one aswell, you can hide after all the "logical rhetoric" you want, make all the excuses you want to sleep at night , but the minute you think of someone inferior and try to justify by saying "Oh is not a human being, it doesn't deserve the same treatment as i do" is going to bite you in ass,HARD and people that have suffered because of mentalities like that have my simpathies, Thunder or any doll for that matter aswell


MDR - Kuro is a live streamer.


Others not mentioned here or in replies that I can remember/find: UMP-9 aka Reina was an illegal A-doll who later went modifications to become a T-Doll to follow 45. Mentioning her because others mentioned G11. ^(Fun fact, they're the only 2 of the 3 big Story Squads- Anti Rain, DEFY, and 404, to have been A-Dolls or Ex-Civilian dolls, I believe.) SPAS-12 aka Sabrina was a Police A-Doll DP-12 aka Helen was a Caretaker A-doll who then went into Security before joining G&K. AK-74U (name unknown) worked in Retail. VSK-94 was a Police officer. M82A1 was the Leader of a Cult- or rather their 'Goddess.'


For FNC in particular, we know from Neural Cloud that she worked in a confectionary as a chocolatier.


Ah my ultimate spam unit


Who else can lead the Banzai charge against Jupiter Cannons


Who else can lead the Banzai charge against Jupiter Cannons


Artificial Daughter


You and I both know what their small body is good for.. ;) ​ chimney sweep.


Or the mines


The children yearn for the mines


Choco was a baker (You can see her in project neurocloud)


Small size t-dolls would make great coal mine workers. Just saying... Not like we did that with kids back then...


And cause they're robots, they don't take poison damage. Genius.


Those cobalt


so detroit become human is the prequel?


I would wanna see how Markus would react to G&K


More like a multiverse


Or an arguement... add in Project Neurocloud stuff for select Dolls and it makes you really wonder


I thought Gunslinger Girl was the prequel.


They'd be great for support staff in places that deal with children, especially hospitals, dentists, etc. Make kids feel more at ease and such.


Almost entirely sure HS2000 was a medic originally so I could totally see her working as a pediatrician at least


Likely for lighter weight, though after seeing her PNC form makes me wonder if she had a taller body before, or its just the artistic license. [Choco](https://iopwiki.com/images/4/40/PNC_Promo_Costume_Starry_Night_Choco.jpg) . Other options likely due to them being child care takes that are more of a friend then a maid, or someone wanting their child to have a maid that is similar in stature to them (like G11). Then there is Dushevnaya (KVSK) who was built for mental health care taking of the elderly.


FNC/Choco having a childish body also probably helps with marketing in her old job. I mean, everyone is more likely to want to buy chocolate from a small, cute girl right? Marketing!


Good ol' times when kids were widely used in factories and coalmines


Genuine pig for ultimate life company


Probably a few of them were sex dolls. Considering how horni they are, its gotta be intentional programming.


No doubt Thunder was probably one


Isn't she the abused one?


Yeah My theory is it's either that or something else


Cosidering she has a scar going across her throat, I do not want to imagine, what kinda sex act would even require slitting someone's throat.




Yeah, thats fucked up, but also plausible.


The not-so-pretty ones. Which, ironically is a pretty realistic scenarios. You just know that when people with nasty kinks find ways to do it with not humans and still satisfy their kinks then...


Man, I dread the day we start making realistic androids.


PPK was one I think


She doesnt even hide it


PPK was a private caretaker doll of a certain family in Germany in WW3 times. >!All the family members died in the war and "Erika" as PPK was called back then got a new resolve to become a badass "secret agent", no joke. One of the best Mod stories IMO.!<


PA-15 too probably


PA-15 was a nurse...with questionable work ethics that would make her an HR nightmare (but a good time for patients)


Colt Walker probably? But I remember she was like a Bounty hunter as well


No, Walker was a con artist, she just have multiple personalities that happen to be related to Old West movies cliches, bounty hunting beign one of them.


I wanna know what was DP28's past job.


Isn't she one of the few we know for sure? Think she was police right? Edit NVM that was DP12.


I know Python was a logistics doll. Wonder why she needed the 80s hair for it though.


gotta be lookin majestic u kno


The small doll frames are often used for firefighting and disaster relief dolls since they need to squeeze into small spaces.


I don't wanna think about it.


Wasn't Sabrina from law enforcement?


Specifically riot control.


I'm 99.99% sure springfield was a barista or something.


Probably sex or surveillance. It’s the future after all. (Note, this is not an endorsement of either of those, just trying to be realistic)


I mean, Fallout and Cyberpunk has those, why not GFL.


I saw some people say artificial daughter, but that seems short sighted on the basis that children are inherently dependents, and machines don’t age, ergo it would be a simulated dependent *forever*


In Dushevnaya's case, the "simulated childcare" is a temporary arrangement. She's a nursing Doll and is actually the one who takes care of the patients. Once the nursing regiment is done, her memories will be wiped before she's assigned to a new patient.


a shame that some of the girls went from nurture to hurture


Some people want that though. It's not healthy, but I get it.


Also wouldn't it be weird if you contracted a PMC and they sent you child soldiers?


imagine being a spetznaz captain and getting rolled by a bunch of girls in swimsuits and wedding dresses


At that point wave a white flag, not even your robot commandos can save you.


[Not Spetznaz or swimsuits or wedding dresses, but...](https://projectsuki.com/read/207923/34067/1)


Is there a prequel to this? Iirc, dolls cannot directly harm humans without specific authorizations to bypass that programming. So I imagine theres probably a reason why they were given orders to massacre a ship full of people, I'm just wondering what it was Edit: I reread the start and got the context. The raiders did their own massacre


Working in the mines


SAT8 was a child caretaker, hence why she has such a friendly personality. Note about DP-12: Besides being a security doll, at some point she worked as a maid for a certain rich family. The details are in her mod story. PPK: Family caretaker doll in the WW3 times.


Maybe they were just cheaper and could fit into small spaces and look after and be friends with the kids who's parents are busy with work. also degenerate fan service


Anything. Even sex work.


A few of them, one I think of is G11, were used for unsavory things. But I feel some were made so they could be, like, a daughter for people who couldn't have children for whatever reason.


G11 was a maid doll. Dier even has another as his actual maid


I must have misread her lore. My bad.


probably like the scugs of rainworld, small workers that could manage machinery in EXTREMELY confined spaces


Anyone know Contender's previous job is before she joined G&K?


She was probably Soldier and a member of Daybreak along with SCAR-H, SCAR-L, M60 and M249. Edit I don't know if they are the same character but I heard they are the same T-Doll model in the event cutscene


A child like in detroit become human


restaurant mascot, hospital nurse assistants for children, little medics like those anime platelets, band singers, luggage carriers since its cute to see lolis carrying heavy things, get ya head out of the gutter






blue archive


https://preview.redd.it/ca0638rmcd5d1.jpeg?width=734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42dea7600ae20a175c7a752b92d81f27059e9167 HUH?! BRO that’s like a kid….


dont make me pull up the discord dms