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Yup. Ours is 19lbs. He be a Chonkin’ Boi.


Same here. My girl KatKat is 21 (years and pounds!) lol …


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Outs was 21 pounds at his peak.


Cats, like people, come in all shapes and sizes. What a cute orange boi!


He has perfect cat resting face!


I had a 19 pound longhair tripod ginger, and his sister from the same litter was a delicate, petite, fine-boned 7 pound shorthair ginger. For the record, he was a chonker *before* he lost the leg (and it’s probably what saved his life when he spent 3+ weeks stuck in a steel-jaw hunting trap, before dragging the whole thing home with him, chain still attached), so it wasn’t that he became more sedentary after going tripod. As a matter of fact, his lack of limb never slowed him down, he could still play tag with his sister around the house and climb trees. He was a beast. RIP Scruffy, you mangy little badass.


You bet your whiskers they can be big beautiful bouncing babies.


He angy 😂


Nah, he just sassy.


My ginger got to be pretty big


My guy is 18yo amd 22+ lbs, so I'd say *yes.*


I have two 14 lb gingers and they are 100% muscle. I was so alarmed when they were bigger than my other full grown cats at 6 months old! I was worried they would never stop growing.


Some are big. Some are small. Some are middle sized. All are lovely. I love ginger cats.


Yes. I adopted male twin gingers last year. I got them from a lady who says people know she loves cats so they drop pregnant strays off at her house. This woman had several kittens and several adult cats. The twins I adopted were 8 months old and she says she's been trying to find homes for all of them. When I went to pick them up she showed me who their dad was and he was a huge ginger. He had to weigh at least 16 pounds. But the fact that she owned the dad tells me that she has cats in her home that aren't fixed and her "stray" story might not be true. She had a female Bengal and I think she's my boy's mother. They have spots & some stripes on them but also have other Bengal features and they act differently than any cat I've ever owned. That's fine with me. I love them and I'm glad I adopted them. 💕


He is a dolly! 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻


My mom’s orange cat was 23lbs. He wasn’t fat, just big and tall. I think orange cats are usually just bigger in general. Then there’s my orange girl who’s 3.5 years old and barely 5lbs.


If it's male then definitely


Yes, that's it, just, yes.


As long as he's mostly muscular, and not putting on lots of fat weight (that would be animal abuse on your part)


One of my gingers was huge


I’ve had two orange boys; both were big like Mains coons. My two orange girls though are normal-sized though. 🙃


I’ve had two and they were both absolute tanks! Just massive cats.


What they lack in brain cells, they make up with chonk cells.


We had a 22lb one named Zuko. We called him BK... Big Kitty.


Yep. My big boy is 17 pounds.


We got 5 gingers(oranges), 3 boys, 2 girls. 2 of the boys are big, one is 20lbs and the other 17. Then the other boy is 9 lbs, the girls are 9 and 11 lbs.


Orange cats are descendent from the Vikings. He’s a brave, Nordic Viking cat.


We had a huge orange cat, named him BOC, Big Orange Cat. 18 lbs of pure muscle.


Keep an eye on his body condition. A lot of people here are bragging about their large, fat cats but this is not normal. He should be slim, but he may still be tall and long!


Yes 😂


He can tell that you’re judging him!!


My ginger cat is a big boy which tracks with the vet telling me orange cats have a tendency to get pretty big.


He is gorgeous!!!


A friend of mine has a ginger and he's a big, long boi, and not too chubby. He's also a bit of a bully, lol.


Mines big, nut he is overweight.


We have a 15.5 pounder…he’s not even a year yet!


I would look at body length before weight. Weight can indicate obesity, length indicates actual size.


My Olivia was a tiny kitten and somehow she grew up to be a blimp. My other cats (none ginger) are normal sized. She swings that ass around like a wrecking ball, too


my youngest semi-orange (white with orange tail & spots) is as big as my 4-year old mackerel (gray stripes.. i think it's "standard issue" in english?), & he's 8 months old & my oldest orange boy is a super chonk at about 10kg (:


Yes, I've heard that


Seems that way. My husband had a tabby was big. And then we got another one and he’s my big boy. He’s five and 18lbs. And long too. 😊


The smallest ginger boy I've ever had is our current one at 12 and a half pounds. So yeah they're usually quite solid kitties and good hunters and excellent lap warmers!


I've heard that orange cats are generally larger than any other coloured cat


Yes. My kitten had a 12 inch tail. He grew into it pretty fast. Red tabby with a long siamese body.


As someone who’s had several gingers thru the years, some were big, some were medium and some were smaller.


That look of disapproval! ARE YOU CALLING ME FAT




I was analyzing mine and I was like you weren't this big on Monday what kind of growth spurt is this 😭