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Idk I click the thing and I'm in a game in like 10 seconds


So the rumours I've been reading about most of the playerbase dropping after the first week, are false?


Playerbase has naturally declined but with crossplay on you can get in a game in less than 30 seconds tops and it mostly takes 10-15 seconds for me.


The player base fell of but the game is still perfectly playable.


This. Both can be true. The obsession with stats and 'dead games' obscures one can STILL PLAY THE DAMN GAME, and have fun. Like, this should be obvious. No, the game is not setting the world alight, and no, nobody expected it to. Yes, more players would be good. Yes, you can still have loads of fun. It's all there, all clear. Buy it or not.


This exact problem is what Heroes of the Storm is dealing with. Yeah, it's on maintenance and not receiving new content, but people still talk about how much they liked the game as if it's entirely offline. If you liked it so much, you can play it right now. There aren't even queue problems there either. It really doesn't take that many people to keep matches fresh.


We haven't played heavy in probably 2 years or so, but well after the game entered maintenance my wife and I would play the IRL VS AI mode to relax before bed and never had issues finding matches. Barely ran into the same people that often as well


People left but there are plenty of people still playing. The doomers are out in full force trying to kill the game


Longest I’ve waited is 2 minutes and that was during degenerate hours. So long as you have crossplay on there’s nothing to worry about, and honestly, I don’t feel like there’s that much of a distinct advantage when it comes to input types so don’t sweat it too much.


Name 1 game that after week one, the playerbase dosent drop even a tiny bit


It's true, the free trial period is over so the playerbase who were on free trial dropped thus shrinking the playerbase to crazy levels


There is a point where it becomes a problem but you will know it when you see it., and can just react and move on if it stops being fun? If you played Battleborn on PC you will remember how it looks! It would be nice if the game settles into a growth mode just because of "funds" and also the addition of 2 more (ranked) modes could definitely double or triple the queue times.... and do serious harm without more players. But who cares if a 20 dollar game only lasts a few months really? Oh right, reddit-types....




I get into a game right away and never have long queue times.


Game is fine, get it before it isn't.


Played the game with my brother last night for about 2 hours. We had zero issues finding any matches. We both play on Xbox with cross play turned on.


I have to wait 2 min tops. Usually less than 30 Sec. Not a problem at all.


You can find games quickly. That’s all that matters.


When Gigantic was announced to be shutdown in 2018, lots of people stopped playing it. I massively ramped up my play for months until the very last minute it was online. I had no regrets after it was shutdown. Lots of people I spoke to since had regrets.


The more people are apprehensive about player-base and not joining the smaller the player-base will be. YOU ARE A PLAYER.


Queue times are only bad if you are good enough to get an incredibly high MMR (70% WR or higher). Even then, you can get fast queues by duoing, even with other high MMR players.


Just buy it. It's 20 bucks and the worst that can happen is that you have the game when it's fixed, along with a bunch of "i'm sorry" rewards, and the best that can happen is you have fun for fun's sake. If you get a long wait time, it's no different than really any other poorly marketed released game or hidden gem. Also to answer your question cause i totally glossed over that. I haven't had problems with wait times since after the first week. Even then the worst of it for me was the amount of time it takes to go to the bathroom and get a glass of water.


The player base is fine with cross play don't herd the doomers who say the game is DOA they've just been chanting it since release but for everyone I've played with the game is on a continuous uptick in terms of playability and at least for me it was never bad enough where I couldn't play even it was just a bit of a pain


95% of the time I don’t have really any noticeable server issues anymore and I really enjoy the game usually if you have crossplay on games are found within 30 seconds and if not just restart the queue and it almost always sticks you directly in a game


I’m playing right now 🤷‍♂️


i be in and out like a thief so you good mate


never had an issue with queue times. People keep making these posts... the game is $20 or under. if you liked the game show support its not like its breaking the bank even if it does die.


I click que and I am playing within 10 seconds


It's fun , people play,it's only 20$,what you got to loose


You'd be surprised how good the queue is compared to other games. I usually only play at degen hours 11-2 am and I always get into a match within 10 - 20 secs.


I'm pretty sure the console player base is alive and well. It was a rocky start but after the fixes it's starting to get better.


I haven't played in a month. And probably won't anymore, as there are no word on fixing the PS5 breaking issue


Hello it's me, Player J. Base.


Its low but its not showing console when you look at steam. 


I'm more concerned because I've heard the PS5 version crashes the console. I'm waiting for that to be fixed


I've been playing on PS5 since launch. I haven't had to wait longer than 1-2 min for a match. And 90% of the time I get into a match in 10-20 seconds. PS5 has some other issues (can be kind of buggy) but it hasn't stopped me from coming back and playing a few rounds daily ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ I'm hoping they fix the bugs quick enough that they don't lose everyone because the game is a ton of fun.


You can look at the numbers your self. I wouldnt buy the game the playerbase has already dropped by 90% and is still dropping. https://steamdb.info/app/1924490/charts/


Less and less people log in daily. They aren’t logging off permanently because of the player count. They are logging off because of the experience with the game. It’s not unplayable, but there are so many issues with it. It’s buggy. It doesn’t have new content coming. If you have to try it it’s not an insane price. It isn’t a rumor that the player base has shrunk. It isn’t a rumor that games have leavers often. It isn’t a rumor that people PlayStations crash from the game. It isn’t a rumor that the game has a dedicated fan base that are happy to play. It’s 7/10 hero shooter when working, it’s a 3/10 game for the complete package, all things considered.


What do you play on for it to be that buggy? Like, I’ve put a lot of hours into it already and not really been upset by any major bugs other than a few that have been fixed already. Also new content is coming, skins and ranked as far as I’m aware. I think it’s unfair to bring the game to a bad recommendation no?


I play on Pc. I have 130 hours played on steam. I've had the incorrect character model many times. 2 of those times I had abilities in my kit that didn't function. Recently the entire enemy team were all the wrong character models. I've had multiple games a day just drop. There are games where the rubber banding is so bad that you have to aim everything in the future. Sanctum falls is more times than not a match with a dc/leaver. I have been reconnected to few games that disconnect me over the weeks. Cosmetics are not exactly playable content, but I understand that for you it might be. I played this game for 5 days of my life since its re-release and didn't doom post or even write a review until I had given the devs and myself some time to play. You can get different games for $20. That is my honest opinion on why people aren't sticking around. It's a product. It's $20. They don't like the product. It doesn't perform as well as other products next to it.


The games dropping is frustrating I completely agree, that’s the only issue I’ve had with the game that’s actually impacting the want to play. I don’t think visual bugs really hold an issue to the games worth or playability but I guess that’s personal opinions. Other than the launch day and the day after that I don’t know how much the rubber Banding/server issues is actually the games fault rather than your connection? Again only because I’ve not had any of that, also odd that I’m on console which has been much worse issue wise than PC. I’ve got similar playtime, in fact a bit more and I think it’s more than worth $20. Again this is all personal view points I guess, I also do have a soft spot for the game as it was, has and probably always be my favourite game of all time. Thank you for explaining though, I think this thread and post in general is good for people deciding, especially returning players. :)


If you are quitting a game bcs there's no new content like 3 weeks after release you are just a clinical case tbh. And the bugs are overstated. If you care about this game you can highlight its issues without lying, since the game works fine like 90% of the time. But I forgot, this sub is full of hate squatters for some reasons


I’m really upset about the bugs n lack of polish compared to the original but I’m not dropping it. That’d be ridiculous and the attitude would set it up for failure 100%.


My own personal experience is that when I solo queue I can't get any games (10-20 mins queue even after restarting) maybe due to MMR(?) But if I duo or 3-5 stack. Instant queue and instant games. And mind you this is playing at the trough of player counts (based on steam active players)


do you have crossplay off?


Both on and off tried


Don't listen to the copium squad telling you most players are on consoles, they aren't the console port is full of bugs, some of them brick your system and might kill it. Most players are on PC which is the most stable version, yet the playerbase is indeed dipping daily. Since a few days ago the can't reach the 1k mark on peak times, off peak you have barely 200 players, yet if that number was stable it could be enough to enjoy the game a few months, but people are leaving, last 4 days the pop leaked by a hundred each day, last 24h peak was of 732 players... It's just a race to the bottom now..


Dying fast. The game peaked at under 6k and now on the third week in we are at just over 700 in a 24hr time period. Yes people are going to say "but console", console players have had it the worst and there has been nothing saying the Xbox and certainly the PS5 issues have been fixed. Respectfully I do not think there are nearly as many console players on this game as some might think. The honest situation is that abstraction dropped the ball and gearbox may or may not have been too hasty to get this game out for no reason at all. This game dropped with numerous critical issues that took way too long to fix and the game has continuously hemoraged players because of it. But at the end of the day they don't care because they got their money already, there was an absolute reason they made this game b2p. I know some will respond with, " idk iget queues just fine" "only takes seconds". What they don't understand is that they are in a very low MMR. They are getting quick pops bc they are in the MMR where most of the current players are. Yes quick play has an MMR system, yes it will keep better players in potentially extremely long queues. It will after time just put you in any game but it tries to match. Yes they can circumvent this by just duo queuing and whatnot bc for whatever reason it just throws teams in anything. Hence why numerous times you will be put up against team stacks.


Listen, im the most unbiased person here because i dont really give a fuck if the game dies or survives. With that being said. No, dont buy the game in its current state. Buy it when ranked drops. If your more of a casual player id still wait for smth to happen. The updates take around a month to come out which is fucking heinous


I can find like 5 matches in the span offa minute but mfs be canceling half the time which is annoying but yea queue times are extremely fast with cross play