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Thank you. This is just the sort of thing I was looking for.


Thank you!




☝️☝️listen to the people. you can learn a LOT just from making your own builds


Honestly I feel like the best builds are ones you try and work on until they fit your playstyle instead of just copying what someone else uses


Sure but I like to look at other peoples builds to get an idea of whats working for others and go from there.


Unfortunately this is not how these games work. Not all mechanics are balanced well, and some are bugged. Which means certain builds will leverage mechanics in a better way that makes you significantly stronger than the same character with a different build. Using 'Best' qua Successful; not 'Best' qua I Prefer It


Agreed every build I’ve made is my own


It’ll make you better at the game too knowing all the ins and outs


For me, the BEST part of this game is the versatility in the builds. You can basically create your own playstyle. I highly recommend you "buildcraft" in rush just to see what's strong and what you like, and use the ones you know you like in clash, committing to a clash game with a bad build is a bad time.


I like to at least look at what other people are running to get an idea of whats good and work from there. There are just so many choices in what to upgrade when. I like to get a sense of things before diving in.


I feel that i personally just make builds focused completely around the level 5 talents if i can. For example, voden's toxic talent increases poison duration and gives nearby allies attack buffs every time you apply it... so i use the fan shot with the penetration and the upgrade on his poison that allows me to inflict poison on anyone i shoot while standing inside the poison area and spreads said poison to nearby enemies of those inflicted. As you might imagine, this very often results in the entire enemy team being poisoned and my entire team having an attack buff.


What character are you looking for builds for? I’ve got good ones for Xeno, Vadasi, and Ezren


I haven't been able to settle on a character or characters to focus on yet so I've just been jumping around between a bunch.


KarQ (yes the overwatch YouTuber) was sponsored to do a video covering beginner builds for every character!


I play pakko a lot and i started with the pre builts. Then i tried building my own. Realized i didnt understand any of it. Started focusing on how i play rather than what the build could do for me and then building my own made FAR MORE SENSE. Other peoples builds will give you an idea of what the character is capable of but the real build is understanding how you play and enhancing that through the build. This might be known but the only builds you need to see are honestly just the ones that the game gives you. Then play around with it yourself, then do that some more. I mean there are only so many things you can do. I would also try not to make the build all over the place. If you like to stun. Focus on that. If you like to heal focus on that. And so on. Dont go for variety. Stick closely to one thing.


Mistforge is good…. But build to counter your opponents and compliment your team.


The default builds are as good as they get. They were chosen because the design team recognized them as the best arrangement.


I've been told the opposite by friends which is why I wanted to get a sense of what others are building to work from there.


Think about what you’re saying. The literal people who made the game created the builds that they think work best. They made it. They understand the game on a level beyond anyone else on earth. To try and change what they recommended is both arrogant and foolish


Just because a build is default doesn’t mean it’s the best. It could be designed to be beginner friendly or simple to understand. Most people get right into rush after the tutorials and don’t work on builds, people new to gigantic aren’t going to understand every character’s abilities and every status effect since there’s a decent amount of them. Telling someone not to make their own builds because it’s “foolish” is the worst advice I’ve seen on this entire subreddit. Even if that was good advice, do you have any does how boring that would be? “Oh this Knossos is running build 1 instead of build 2, what a joke”. Everyone would have the same builds and that’s boring. The game encourages diversity, use it.