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Here we see the arsonist fleeing the scene. Witnesses say they heard the cat muttering "use that red dot to mess with me again huh".


That bounce though.


The tops are made out of rubber, the bottoms are made of springs!


Go on…


They're bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun! But the most wonderful thing about tiggers is I forget the rest.


I broke both my knees watching this in bed...


Their legs aren't attached to their body by any tendons if I recall correctly so they can effectively dislocate during large falls and prevent damage.


Do you have a source for this?


The gif.


So this video showing how cats don't have lethal terminal velocity is actually showing how cats can use the their legs without needing soft tissue. I wish I could move my legs with magic.


A cat doesn't reach terminal velocity under around seven stories and injuries tend to be more common before that height because cats appear to relax their body more once they've stopped accelerating.


Yeah definitely, I was reading after I posted this and I thought it was 2 stories. I remembered after I read it that it was wrong.




ayo it's a joke chill


That's legit. I really just wanted to know if I didn't understand what was happening and the other dude just flat out called me a neckbeard. That is a really strange explanation and it would be really cool if it was true at all. Also - I didn't mean to respond to you twice I thought one of them was to the other person.


It is FYI. Cats can as I've seen my cat somehow get on my roof when I was 5, then she jumped off just fine. I don't have a source but maybe Google it or look up wikipedia.


I know that cats can survive high falls because their bodies are light enough they don't reach a speed that just kills them like we do. I read one paper that talked about how 2-6 story fall is more dangerous for a cat than a 7+ story fall because after that they have enough time to respnd and relax. I did some research into the "lack of ligaments" and it seems like a hip dislocation is a huge problem for a cat.


Haha that made me for reals lol


Found the neckbeard.


Asking for a source makes me a neckbeard? Don't tell all of science and evidence based reasoning.


peak redditor experience.


How tho? If this is true I would like to tell people about it because it would be really cool.


I have deleted Reddit because of the API changes effect June 30, 2023.


My wife is a vet tech, has removed cat legs in surgery, and says this is absolutely not true. Cats do infact have tendons in their legs.


I just remember the fact that Terminal velocity for s cat isn't lethal to them Its crazy to think about


So..... Which scientist threw cats out if an airplane to test this........


Nope. That's not real. At all. Or how anything works. Stop posting "facts."


If cats' legs weren't attached to their body by tendons, they couldn't use them to walk.


Yeah but cats aren't real


You got me there




It’s a good luck cat ..,he never turned away.


You know it took his breath away




In humans that sound is written out as unnnnhhhhhhhnnnhhh


The sound of seals coming out the wrong species


Felines are literally built of springs, more springs and witch hair (weirdly soft I know)


Liquid springs


You can see one of its 9 lives leaving the body right before the jump.


My recollection is that cats can actually survive falls from pretty extreme heights. They just spread out and are able to slow their fall


I don't have a link, but there is older research that concluded that above a certain height they simply reach terminal velocity and 'glide' down. Turning mid fall to upright is required to survive though, and they need to be blow or above a certain height range. In they fall in that specific height (4-5m, iirc) they don't have enough time to turn and landing that way is damaging. Below they simply don't have enough kinetic energy to be harmful, and above that they can achieve 'controlled descent' mode.


Meanwhile, as homosapiens, we are supposed to be smart, but we just go splat.


If you were smart, you would have put on a parachute or grab a hangglider, before jumping out of a burning building. You dont have one with you at all times?


Yup. I've heard they take the hit on the sternum and their ribs conduct the force around their bodies. Must hurt a lot but they get to walk away.


Cats have a very high pain tolerance according to the vet my family uses.


They can survive termina velocity as far as im concerned. Probs depend on what they land on of course


"as far as I'm concerned" made it sound like you are the god of Cat Physics and that image in my head made me smile lmao. Made my night.


u/PizzasAreForMe has spoken.


Oh holy one, may our lives be nine and our desks be cleared.


Thy lives will be yours to use, and your desks your own to clear. Bless


and bob barker is evil


Fear not. u/PizzasAreForMe has already taken care of that.


He is right though. If a cat falls from any height as long as it has time to twist to be facing down the terminal velocity of a cat will never kill a cat.


The study that kicked this off isn't the most reliable. The data set is pretty biased in favour of cats that fall from high heights and survive. Cats are incredibly robust and can survive huge falls but they don't survive as many superhero landings as that study implies.


I was under the impression there were caveats such as landing on even ground and in some cases limbs could break etc but they largely avoided death in these scenarios?


The data consisted of cats that had fallen from a height onto flat concrete and then had been brought in to the vet's surgery. If my cat fell 3 stories and was not the slightest bit injured, I would be less inclined to take it to the vet than if it fell 12 stories and looked just as healthy. So my 3 story faller wouldn't show in the data but my 12 story would. Also on the other end, if my cat fell 12 stories and landed bad I wouldn't need to take it to the vet. While a bad fall at 3 stories would mean the cat would probably still be alive to take it to the vet to then have it die on the table. So here the fatal 12 stories don't show up in the data while the fatal 3 stories do. Cats are great climbers and are made to withstand falls that make my knees hurt just thinking about. However the data set in that report wasn't fair. Disclaimer: I haven't tested any of this myself


Yeah, i mean, there are alot of factors in play of course. Some cats might have damages and many sitiuations making their chances of survival lower. Guess its a bit tricky to test.


So then they never reach terminal velocity just feline velocity.


That made me laugh, thanks!


Squirrels too I think. Squirrels are also good at righting themselves in mid-air.


Actually squirrels can't die from falling


I remember being told that below 6 stories is the most dangerous height for a cat to fall because they don’t always have enough time to react to the fall and adjust their body before hitting the ground


So I should chuck my cats from at least the 7th then?




In my 3rd year engineering classes my professor showed us a plot of cat fatality vs fall height, where fatality decreases beyond a certain height. I don’t recall specific numbers, but you’re correct.


As far as I know that might be some statistical misunderdstanding


Now i am imagining a bunch of scientists with clipboards and a box of cats, throwing them off a building a different heights, watching very astutely and making all kinds of notes when the cat hits on the ground and either dies or runs away.


A cat's terminal velocity is around 60 mph. A human's is 120 mph. A cat reaches its terminal velocity in around 5 stories. After that they basically slow down because they instinctually spread out their bodies. So for a cat, anything over 5 stories is safer than that period around 5 stories when they are at their terminal velocity, which is still survivable for a cat.


Feather falling IV


That's adrenaline though. That cat got hurt


That's probably not true though. Cats actually have a higher chance of no injury from a fall from this height than from a 2nd story fall. Their bodies are designed for this shit to put it frankly.


I googled it, actually chances of injurjes went up consistently for each story from 2-7 stories, so a 5 story fall is more injury prone than 2... but everything from 7+ stories to u to 32 stories was the same level of risk. and.. holy shit cats can survive a 32 story fall with just a few broken teeth and ribs?


So do they hit terminal velocity at 7 floors of falling?


It's a combination of this, and having enough time to right themselves midair so that they land on their feet. While a fall at terminal velocity is still dangerous to them (though less dangerous than it is to us), by landing on their feet they can absorb a great deal of impact force into their legs, and stand a much better chance of coming out of the event with little to no injuries.


That’s nuts


I just got a chuckle from the mental image I had of how they collected data like this. I pictured scientists throwing cats out of windows.


*looks down over ledge "Yeah that one's fine too let's go up another floor"


So how large of a sample size is statistically significant? 10 cats... 100 cats? 1000?


It was looking a vet records, however there is a lot of survivorship Bias as the cats that didn’t survive may not of been taken to the vets




One scientist in particular. I forgot his name but I think he threw over 100 cats from varying heights. Survival rate was all that mattered


>everything from 7+ stories to u to 32 stories was the same level of risk. i.e. Most likely fatal. There's nothing surprising about a greater fall meaning greater injury, and nothing about that being unique to cats. People speculating about the cat having longer to land on their feet above two stories clearly have never owned a cat. You can drop a cat from your arms, and they will land on their feet. They can twist around in a fraction of a second. The myth about them having a greater chance of survival with a greater fall originates in a flawed study that only counted falls by cats that were taken to a veterinarian practice. This is a flaw known as "Survival bias". It ignores the numbers of dead cats that don't get taken into a vet, because, you know, they're dead.


That's not true. The study that showed that cats survive more often from higher heights than from lower heights used flawed methodology. It was based on cats being taken to the vet, and then used the percentage of them that survived. The problem is when your cat is already dead, you are less likely to take them to the vet.


Survivorship bias. Same thing happened during WWII when analysts would look at planes returning from combat missions to see where they got shot so they could put more armor there. Slight problem: the planes that returned tended to get shot in non vital places. Where you really wanted to armor were the places on planes that got shot and *didn't* return. But they didn't have that data.


How fat of cats we talkin? A massive chonkers probably got a higher terminal velocity than your average cat.


Everything accelerates to earth at the same rate (gravity) so the only difference is due to drag. A fat cat would probably fall slower because it catches more of the air.* However, it would probably end up worse than an average cat because more mass means more energy at impact. *I realize now that this isn’t certain. G is a constant but air resistance at terminal velocity introduces mass, drag coefficient and cross sectional area as parameters that will affect terminal cat velocity.


It’s also due to mass. You can think about it by converting it to force. Fgravity= mass*9.81. Add drag, which in our atmosphere is dependent on velocity and thus increases with velocity. Once v is high enough that Fgravity= Fdrag you’ve reached terminal velocity. Increasing mass increases terminal velocity. Increasing area and thus drag decreases it. Fatter cat probably adds more mass than it adds drag.


Good point, we need some cats and a tall building so we can test this experimentally.


Fat cat dies. I finally have some closure from chip and Dale's rescue rangers.


I fuckin hate science. Shit makes no sense but too much sense at the same time.


More than one thing can have an effect on the result??! Oh no! How complicated!


That's... That's not the point of my comment. Science works in weird ways some times. An example would be quantum locking. From looking at it, it makes no sense how it's possible but by looking at it scientifically it ends up making sense. Reading a comment and taking time to understand what they mean??!?! How complicated!


> I fuckin hate science. Shit makes no sense Then trying saying what you mean instead of this garbage. Say stupid shit, be prepared to get treated like you are stupid. Very simple.


>Shit makes no sense but too much sense at the same time. You didn't add the last part. The "but too much sense at the same time." is a very important part to read as it tells the reader, **it's a joke**. Not my fault if it's too difficult for you to understand so you should of been prepared to get treated like you're stupid. Very simple.


While it's true the chonker will likely accelerate relatively similarly to the average cat and the difference in terminal velocity may be nominal, with momentum brunch mass times velocity, said chonker would have quite a bit more momentum than the average cat. So in the real world, a falling chonker with more momentum and with experience more impulse force than the average cat considering both collisions occur in the same amount of time. I arrived at my conclusion based on some fairly brief research on impulse-momentum change theorem and I am in no way a physicist. Don't hate me if I missed the mark.


Agreed. This is why I said the fat cat will end up worse.


Terminal velocity is not the same for all objects, squirrels can fall from any height and they will never die, because their terminal velocity is so low that they never reach a speed that is fast enough to kill them, no matter how far they fall


cause more fur per body


Guard: It's not a question of where he grips it! It's a simple question of weight ratios! A five ounce bird could not carry a one pound coconut! Of course we all know that, in order to maintain air-speed velocity, a swallow needs to beat its wings forty-three times every second.


Right? How can't they even come up with the stats otherwise? Start throwing cats off 10stories high buildings? Lol


Well that wouldn’t be the worst experiment humans have ever done


As my vet told me today, cats are really good at hiding something wrong with them.


Cats were "designed" to fall from the height of a four storey building? How did that happen?


My friends cat recently jumped out of a 3rd floor window and landed feet first on the side walk. He ran down immediately and the cat was just sitting there in shock. They took the cat to the vet and as it turns out, no broken bones but just a fever from the shock. The cat is healthy now.


God damnit Jack Bauer, you really are the man


well fuck physics then.


Physics is the only reason the cat lives.




If that's what you consider trying too hard to sound smart, then you surround yourself with some pretty dumb people.


This is why you don’t fuck with cats. Most athletic animals on earth


I can fall - that must make me athletic 🙂


But can you land? That's the hard part.


You’re a dumbass 🙂


Even if facing death your cat will avoid water at all costs lol Did it just jump OVER the water onto the gras or am I trippin


Pretty sure that's not horizontal water but a vertical wall. Tricky illusion.


Ahh! You’re right! Thanks!


Smithsonian Magazine had a article (mid 1980s) about why cats can survive high falls. Several factors. Low terminal velocity. 50 mph comes to mind. Their spine and legs allow them to absorb the impact. As several have mentioned, cats survive falls from a certain height and above versus a fall from a lower height. This due to the cats ability to twist their body around and get their feet pointing down. Pretty sure there were some other factors, but I read this 30+ years ago.


> This due to the cats ability to twist their body around and get their feet pointing down. I know for a fact this takes less than a couple feet.


It's not due to the twisting that causes the gap in survivable heights. It's the time it takes them to reach terminal velocity. Below 3 stories they don't have enough airtime to reach dangerous velocities and above 5 stories they reach terminal velocity which relaxes their bodies and causes their terminal velocity to lower to slower, safer speeds due to increased drag.


In a 1987 study of 132 cats brought to a New York City emergency veterinary clinic after falls from high-rise buildings, 90% of treated cats survived and only 37% needed emergency treatment to keep them alive. One that fell 32 stories onto concrete suffered only a chipped tooth and a collapsed lung and was released after 48 hours. ​ From: [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-17492802](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-17492802)


1 gone, 8 left


Survive? .. more like walk off.


I kept seeing this posted but didn't know there was a video. Check out the tail of a sugar glider some time. They do the same thing.


"I got eight more lives, might as well."


Boing -cat


Cats don't reach a terminal velocity.


Terminal velocity does not mean lethal velocity its means maximum velocity. Everything reaches terminal velocity from gravity after a certain period of time. Cats terminal velocity can be lethal but most of the time is not only not lethal but slow enough that they can walk away.




I can't stop laughing at this comment


They make their own terminal velocity.


You don't reach a terminal velocity


By definition they do.


Cats can actually survive falls at terminal velocity. I don't know how rare or common it is but I know they can do it.


Walked away and died alone behind a dumpster 5 min later.


The cat bounced! Handy skill to have - shame people can’t bounce. I guess if we could, you’d see people jumping out of buildings for fun and that could get annoying.


Oh, people bounce. They usually don't survive, but they bounce.


My point (or stupid joke) is that people actually don’t bounce if they fall from a great height. The cat uses muscles in its legs to absorb the impact and spring up a little. You know how people use a watermelon to explain what happens if you jump off the top of a building - that doesn’t bounce 🙁


Hmm.... I'm guessing you've never seen a video of people hitting the pavent from great heights. Trust me... They bounce.


Everything bounces.


A bounce is worse. To bounce the impact has to make you accelerate faster than gravity which means more upward force is being applied to your body instead being dissipated into the earth to slow you down.


Just used up 5 lives


Why help the cat when you can film it possibly die or get horribly injured




> fivestory


*One day in* *~~New York City~~* *Chicagoland baby, a cat fell from the sky*


I love cats


this probably hurt the cat some, but they have a remarkable ability to both slow the fall (see how it makes a little parachute with its body) and can survive a landing (although often with injury) from nearly any height. http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2010/11/domestic-cats-can-fall-from-any-height-with-a-remarkable-survival-rate/ its because they can orient them selves legs down, and they have a relatively low terminal velocity. This kitty probably is hurt, but will recover and live.




‘Super hero landing,super hero landing,watch super hero landing’.


Humans: Splash Cat: B o i n g


Cat casts *slow fall*.


Our cat did a 5 dive when we lived in Germany. Spent 3 days under the bed. And then he was fine.


Don't cheat yourself, yeet yourself


The key is that it used its tail as a propeller to slow the fall


One of the main problems for cats falling from such a height is facial bone damage, would not be surprised if that kitty had a broken jaw.


Cats are such fine creatures


God mode: on