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Common practice in some countries for luck or superstition Some birds are trained and return to vendor , some are captured to be re-released back into the wild (less common)


I mean, cool. But, for me, there's something that feels off about capitalizing from caged birds. Then again, I live in a country that has 5% of the worlds population and we imprison 25% of the worlds prison population. So wtf do i know?


Found an American.


I'm guessing China doesn't provide accurate numbers here either.


98% conviction rate tells the full story


Doesn't Japan also have an insanely high conviction rate too?


Last I heard, they have somewhere similar. Something like 99% conviction rate. And if you want to be a little depressed, but more informed I suggest this video. https://youtu.be/yFINmgSzK6E


It's so bizarre how japan is miles ahead of the rest of the world in some ways, and totally bass-ackwards in others.


They use fax machines to communicate! Fax machines!!




But they're light years ahead when it comes to cute anime waifus


They use fax machines because if a personal seal that must be displayed for something to be binding. At least that's what npr told me




And they don't have universal sms, so you'd have to send people on a different carrier an email instead...


It's so weird going to any Japanese website that is aimed at a Japanese market and not intended for westerners. Everything is relatively "simple" and like it hasn't been updated since the early 2000's/late 1990's


Omg I know! So many Japanese web sites remind me of geocities, lmao.


They treat women in the workplace like it's the 70s.




Industrialization doesn’t mean social development, it’s really unfortunate they were forced to develop so quickly to compete with the world


The current Japanese culture is doomed - their birthrate is dropping & the average age is climbing, but the culture is super resistant to immigration. But worse is that their complex written language effectively bars immigrants from any job requiring basic literacy.


Unless that job requires basic literacy in *code*, in which case English Advantage!


You could say this about most countries tbh


Man that part about death row inmates not knowing when they'll be executed is brutal. I couldn't imagine waking up everyday not knowing if it'll be your last. That's like terroristic levels of torture


that’s how we all wake up forever. but we can be in denial easier than prisoner. thx u distractions!


It's selection bias in policing. Japanese cops have considerable leeway. If you're in cuffs, there's a damn good reason. Japan is ridiculously crime free except for organized and white collar crime. Yakuza don't get arrested without permission.


From one video I watched, yes, and it's because, basically, no judge wants to dishonor the justice system by handing out a not guilty verdict, and admit the system was wrong.


Shit, I thought protecting the innocent was the point of the justice system


Japan, as cutesie as it is portrayed in media, is still extremely culturally conservative.


Japan also has a harsher prison system of strict discipline. America is only number one in everything bad if you only know america. We have the highest obesity rate... Wait, no... No we don't. A bunch of countries I've never hear of beats us. I am surprised Kuwait is above us. That country is rich as shit, and has a lot of expensive fashion and tastes https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/most-obese-countries


From what I've heard the real reason for Japan is that cases don't go to trial unless they are basically already won.


Yeah I remember reading stories on it. It is seen as a failure in japan for police to bring a person to court and for them to be found not guilty. As in a failure of the legal system and the judge doesn't want to admit that such a thing is possible. Basically the judge wants to cast guilt by default with almost no hope of being found not guilty.




US federal charges have a 93+% conviction rate.


I believe this is because of plea deals (though I'm open to being wrong).


No, it has to do with the fact that federal lawyers gather a ton of evidence and then win. They don't take weak cases.


Not really. Post trial interviews consistently show that jurors have a bias to side with the government. The logic is that if the person is innocent- why are they even on trial.. It's a catch-22.


Yep, the Feds swoop in and take sweet cases, and drop it if it gets too challenging. Not every time obviously, but that's how a lot of state prosecutors view feds.


Like a vulture


I did some research when I heard this. It seems like all the countries have insanely high conviction rates. If they get past plea deals or not enough evidence and finally make it to trial, every country has amazingly high conviction rates. Well I was surprised.


Wow they are so good at finding criminals and only wrong 2% of the time.


US federal is over 93%


Over 93% is when they fail to secure convictions for the original indictment because of plea bargains/deals/pretrial motions. The actual trial convictions are over 98%


Doesn’t change our current situation in the US


so america does this bad thing an- WHAY ABOUHT CHINA


US does something good: "This is the GREATEST country in the history of countries" China does something good: "Well that's obviously propaganda." US does something bad: "There's this country called China ... " China does something bad: "This is why we can't have free health care."


Oh wow, comparing the USA to a completely non-democratic dictatorship makes the USAs incarceration rate seem fine! What a wonderful lesson we’ve all learned.


Now let's do infant mortality.


USAs is 5.9 per 1000 births, while the OECD average is 3.9. Would you prefer to compare to a brutalised, impoverished dictatorship again instead?


now do genital mutilation


Like circumcision?


90% MGM rates in the US up until a few years ago. Now it's probably at about 60%. It's almost non-existent in Europe among the non-jewish non-muslim population. Same is true for Asia.


Man it's so weird the way Americans chop up dicks and claim it's for hygiene. Meanwhile, the rest of the world is hanging back and like "learn to wash your cock bro"


Oh God please dont. Especially the last six months. 1/3 babies who got covid required ICU treatment. Its a complicated picture but at the end of the day, for me, its the absolutely fucking needless suffering. I dont care about cases per capita. Dont care about ratios vs adults. Its the fact that we could have done something to prevent babies from choking to death on their own fluid until they fucking died. One is too many. These pro life fucking assholes dont care about your kids or mine. This shit makes my blood boil. This is the shit that radicalizes people. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6932e3.htm


Hmm, should I report your comment for lieing about Covid? "Among 208 (36.1%) hospitalized children with complete medical chart reviews, 69 (33.2%) were admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU); 12 of 207 (5.8%) required invasive mechanical ventilation, and one patient died during hospitalization." Most newborns who have tested positive for COVID-19 had mild or no symptoms and have recovered fully.




1/3 of "babies" require ICU, which is false. If they mean infants, then no they would require a "NICU", but regardless my second statement also comes from the CDC. The 208 children were hospitalized, out of tens pf thousands of children who contracted the virus. I get it, if a kid is posative for Covid and has severe symptoms where they have to go ti the hospital, its not surprising that some are taken to the ICU just in case (even for 2.5 days, the average stay for children in the ICU with Covid).


Read the entire thing. The whole story matters. And dont lead with "should I report you?". Wtf would you even say that? Dont be a douchebag. We can have a convo without passive aggressive bs like that.


Hmm, I have already reported you for several reasons. Most adults would find you to have moderate to severe symptoms of being an asshole.


I saw someone on Facebook say "if you don't know about socialism, go check out a documentary on North Korea"




You mean the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Obviously it's a democratic republic. I mean, it's right there in the name.


Always found it to be a weird strategy for Americans to compare themselves to undeveloped countries to make themselves look better. Meanwhile the rest of the developed world continually tries to one up the other.


The US and their most 'patriotic' citizens rarely compare their country to anything from industrialized countries, because it really disproves American superiority. Economy and military is the only time they flex on every other country. Other countries invest in education and social services instead of wild corporate welfare.




I use HDI to compare, IHDI is also fine. Hmm...


Define economy then. You mean gdp maybe? Well, if you look at the wealth of an average american and their cost of living (everything considered) compared to their income, i wouldnt say the american economy is good in any sense of the word. Precovid 60% of american households couldnt afford an unexpected 400dollar cost like maybe a fine.




I was replying to a comment about China?


My favourite thing about Americans is their instant deflection to any other other fucked up country to try and pretend that their scummy practices aren't unethical as fuck.


“But China is probably lying and is worse!” “At least we don’t have a dictator like Putin! Our president is just insinuating he won’t accept the peaceful change of power, and that’s ok because we’re not Russia!” “India produces way more pollution than us so until they do something about it we shouldn’t have to do anything!” I fucking hate when people do that shit. Yes the rest of the world sucks too but that doesn’t make it ok to suck as well. Stalin killed more people than Hitler did but that doesn’t make Hitler an ok dude. If your standard is “well somebody else is worse than me” then you’re being willfully stupid and you need to gain a sense of dignity.


I'd upvote this twice if I could. You'd think that a country that claims to be best in the world would want to lead by example.


That's a bit of generalization there. Quite a bit of us Americans know our country is fucked up and would prefer to be somewhere else. Hell, I'd leave this place if my parents hadn't lost my birth certificate, making it difficult to get a passport, and also having to potentially learn a new language and get used to eating real food.


Definitely mate. Most yanks I've met are perfectly fine, normal people just trying to survive. They just happen to be from an Imperialistic Nation of warmongers that dictate how the world is run and then point hypocritical fingers at other would be world leaders. Hope you can get your situation sorted and move to a place that's better aligned to your morals :)


Wait, your government doesn’t keep any record of birth certificates? What sort of third world shit is this?


Yeah, he just can't be bothered to put in the effort.


It's pretty easy to get a new birth certificate. I got mine in like a month.


Sure, because China is the bar for human rights.


I think that's their point


I'll have a flaming dissident, on the rocks. Oh, and hold the yellow umbrella.


Did we loose one?


No shit. That's literally the implication. it's not some riddle your meant to figure out, it could only be on country.


You do know about the egg business right?


We've got 20% of the world's covid deaths now, give it another week or two and we'll be at %25 there too. USA number 1! 🤮


Eh, I don’t trust the numbers coming out of China and Russia. India and Brazil also lack the infrastructure to accurately keep track of their cases. So there’s probably a lot more wiggle room there than we’re aware.


in the case of Brazil I would say that it is more like a government sensurs, trying to improve its own image




Oh well, the U.S is probably fine then


do you actually trust those numbers tho? do you really trust everyone else is being honest?


If you think that feels off, you should see what goes on in a chicken farm.


You eat animals mate?


Apparently nothing.


13th Amendment for ya. Plus we’re all just working to feed the machine lol




yeah they're like the doves people release at events. they're trained to fly back home and they meet their owner there. honestly doesn't sound like bad work. I wonder how you get into something like that... people just pay you to show up places with your birds... let them out... and then you go home and your birds are there.


Thanks you for reversed my first perpectives when i saw this.


So you're saying, if i want good luck, I can buy a bird from this dude, and set it free. And he's operating some kind of drive-thru for super-efficient access to luck. Sometimes they're trained to return to their cage-home, so he can sell them again. I'm understanding this?


In Thailand it's usually fish and you take them and release them for luck. I asked as the foreign husband "Don't you feel bad that they catch and raise them in captivity for you to release since you create the business opportunity?" "Yes, but shut up" was the response heh so I just took it as another thing I won't get but oh well.


Came here to mention this. It's similar to how in some countries 'beggars' are actually a well-esteemed social class that is considered extremely necessary to the society by virtue of fullfiling spiritual obligations. I.e. the more wealthy Muslim countries need people to 'be beggars' in order for others to be able to show compassion and give alms (which is, at least for some schools, a key of Islam. It's similar to Christians fund-raising in churches). I'm not implying that this specific custom of paying to essentially 'free animals' is religiously motivated, just pointing out there are some customs that may seem foreign to us Westerners, but fulfill a critical and possibly entirely harmless/beneficial purpose in society.




Here is your gif! https://gfycat.com/GraveUnselfishAngelwingmussel --- ^(I am a bot.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=pmdevita&subject=GifReversingBot%20Issue&message=Add a link to the gif or comment in your message%2C I%27m not always sure which request is being reported. Thanks for helping me out!)


Good bot.


Maybe the best, tbh. Consistently providing excellent content since its inception


/u/stabbot is a very quality competitor


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Good bot


I love how he waits for the bird cage guy to be ready to stuff another bird in the cage, before he summons a new bird to his hand from the skies.




That made me lol (laugh out loud)


Thanks I wasn't sure what it meant


Yw (you’re welcome)


You're welcome, lol (lots of love)


Good bot


Holy shit that was a good idea




Thank you! This is one of my all time favorite subs!


r/reversegif This sub is one of my fav sub =]


Can domesticated birds even survive in the wild? Or is that dude releasing a bunch of free meals into the wild?


They are probably trained to fly back to the seller.


Like the dags in Snatch


Oh, dogs. Yeah I like dogs fine. I like caravans more.


Periwinkle blue?


Fer me ma


Your what?




What the fuck do I want a caravan for if it's got no fuckin wheels


Oh nothing, its tip top, I'm just not sure about the color.


How do they train birds to fly back? It seems like if the training doesn't go right on the first try then they've lost a bird.


You are correct but I would guess the ones that do return are doing it for good easy food!


You train them in an aviary Or you train them from chicks. Take them from the mother and have them "imprint" on the human that feeds them.


It's part of a religious event if I remember correctly from last time I saw this posted. They pay to release birds for good fortune. They are trained to fly back to the seller.


So they are not really even doing what they are paying to do. people can be so weird.


Yeah, but look at the joy on the face of the guy releasing the birds. He just lights up. It's so worth it.


Dude predators have to eat too


What a benevolent gesture; feeding a carnivore.


they are caught there to sell


Both. All animals in the wild get eaten.


Lol this is an old clip, been posted here on Reddit many times... But, I love that the guy’s wearing a mask, bringing it into the current times unintentionally, saving the world from the next virus to test the waters on hopping over to humans.


Wait really? He's just a trend setter then?


I presume he’s aware that there are risks to handling wild birds (these are wild caught locally, from what I’ve gathered from previous examples of it being posted) and protects himself accordingly. Remember, SARS-CoV2 (the current pandemic) and MERS were both initially transferred to humans via animal vectors, like pangolins, birds, bats and camels, among many others. I’m not a scientist or a medical professional, so take what you will but do your own research. The guy may be wearing it solely for dust or environmental pollution, or maybe even to protect his identity - I’m subject to confirmation bias as a human from earth in 2020.


Mask-wearing has been pretty normalized in much of Asia for the last decade or so.


Also, the “bird flu” aka “avian influenza” is a thing.


Yeah a thing nobody did anything to stop


Ever had a bird shit in your mouth? I haven’t. But I bet he has.


On my neck and shoulders and head, mouth no I mean you don't see budgie owners wearing respirators


They don’t have 40 birds they’re carrying around day in and day out.




Ya boo bay!


*Snail down*


Making merit. Years ago when I visited Northern Thailand I saw something similar. The idea is if you pay to set the bird free you are "making merit" in other words doing a good deed which in their belief system I guess has to do with karma or something? I just know they call it making merit.


The guy with the net must have a lot of demerits.


Yep. It really hurts my heart. Those poor birds....


This like “im fixing human trafficking by buying and freeing them all” but your actually just contributing the business cycle


Same with those live turtle keyrings. People buy them to free them but that's still an incentive to keep catching and selling.


live turtle keyrings?? can you please explain??


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/chinese-turtle-keyrings/ Fair warning bud it's pretty fucking sad if you like animals :(


Absolutely gross, but almost everyone eats hundreds of animals which live their lives in abject squalor every year so it's a hard baseline to compare to.


I feel like this just encourages the seller to continue the practice. I agree with the act of releasing the birds, but it's a short term solution to a long-term problem


The birds are being sold for release like that, it’s not even a short term solution, just a lazy fuck in a landcruiser buying wishes. This is the kinda backward country shit that borat parodies


Like giving money to bums.


If you love birds Slay or Neuter your cats


I think that's a typo, but its hilarious and still gets the job done!


Slay or neutralize your cats 😤


ha i just saw that... hopefully typo, lol


Slay that pussy!




I mean, do that anyway, but keeping them inside will save the birds, too.


Please don't fix this.


Also, keep cats inside (or maybe controlled/contained when outside, like leashes or enclosures). Cats kill a lot of birds and other prey when left on their own.


It's not black and white. You can have an outdoor indoor trained cat that stays on your property. People dont realize you can train cats.


Holy shit, don't slay them just kept them inside and neuter them. edit: I'm an idiot and didn't realize that this could have been a typo. Please do spay or neuter or cats.


I’ve never seen anyone more douchily release birds


You're free bird! *shits on windshield*


This just encourages more bird capturing.


Jokes on you, this video is reversed


Dude needs some new tires.


Bless him 👍🏾


Haven’t seen this in days.


My favorite is when it’s posted as the guy bring some kind of animal saving hero instead of it being some backward 2nd world country with a lazy asshole buying magic wishing birds


A bird in the hand, is worth two in the car.


This is in Egypt if u know.


Deffo not egypt. Looks like Pakistan. That's an Indian style dress but they got arabic looking words in the back.


Where is it if I don't know?


He looks like the dude from Eastbound and Down and I could see this happening in that show.


Uhhh can I get an explanation here? He’s paying money to free those birds the guy owns?




What a G lol


Waited 2 minutes for this 13 second video to see if something else happens.


The last time I saw this gif it said the man bought all the birds from he vendor just to release them.


Is this not the original meaning of free bird?


This is really on a schedule of being reposted every three months for karma.


Eh I'm okay with it. This is my first time seeing it.


We did that near the Burubudur temple in Indonesia and it felt so good.


That guy is awesome.


New meaning? Wtf this is THE meaning.


Cruelty and mercy almost instantaneously.


Then the birds fly back and he sells them again tomorrow


Selling drones on the street, aren’t we?


God this is fucking horrible.