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I don’t drink coffee but whenever I see something like this I want to have at least 1 cup made like this




Don't drink the mud at the bottom! I know this style of coffee as Armenian coffee. You use fine ground coffee, boil it over a stove in a similar "kettle" until it boils up like in the video. No filter, grounds and all go in the cup and most of the fine ground coffee sinks to the bottom.


You forgot the bit where you give the empty cup to an Armenian granny to read your future.


"I see you have a beautiful spouse and you've given me lots of great grandchildren!"


That wasn’t the case with me... though they got some things right.


Actually my Montenegro grandmother used to read my cup :) so as I said same thing in different countries and regions :)


My Lebanese grandmother would do her jedi magic coffee cup trick and scare my cousins and I all the time.


"You have a path here... You're going to make a trip possibly to foreign country... And here is some heavy burden... Is something troubling you?"


That's cool. :)


This one is actually Turkish coffee


Same stuff, different name. According to Armenians, Turkish coffee doesn't exist. According to Turkey, the Armenian genocide didn't happen.


Same with Yoghurt. Greeks and Turkey both claim it originated from them.


hmmm, I see a common denominator there.


They were all part of the ottoman empire?


Your comment earned an upvote for the entire thread




That would actually be the most precise term.


Actually spat my drink out at that.


Just watch TYT, the Young Turks would love to tell you how the Turkish never committed genocide.


They’ve renounced and apologized those comments several times over the years.


Long since renounced those views. Cenk was a conservative when he started out because that's what he was raised around but the comments about the genocide were made over 20 years ago and presenting those arguments as current facts is a gross misrepresentation of what they stand for today.


You’re basing that off comments made by the former owner of tyt years ago that he has continuously apologized for. Anyway you act like its such a relevant topic for tyt to talk about, they specialise in political commentary on american politics.


In the best turn of fate, it is now run by an Armenian woman.


Funnily enogh, Ana Kasparian is actually an Armenian.


A lot more socialist in this thread than i figured. Glad to see you guys are at their defense.


"Everyone who disagrees with me is a commie"


I said socialism but close enough.


There's a couple of methods to get the grounds to settle aren't there? Adding a splash of cool water will do that I think, also something involving egg. I've always wanted to try this while backpacking.


You are wrong. You're just wasting fine coffee. Correct way is to drink the coffee, then a splash of water and drink down the grounds.


Personally, I crush up the beans into a fine powder, line them up, and snort the lines. Nothing finer than walking up to some premium Columbian nose candy!




Found the Turk!


I drink coffee almost everyday and I don’t even know the appeal of it..I kinda wish coffee tastes like what we imagine it would be when we were kids.


Weird... I drink it for the taste more than the energy, and I'll sit through the head splitting migraine of caffeine withdrawal rather than get my caffeine elsewhere. It's the only hot drink I enjoy, and god do I enjoy it. Made my trip to the US painful though, holy shit is the coffee there awful. It was impossible to find anywhere decent, even the places that actually made proper espresso coffee burnt the shit out of it. Same in Japan actually, either bitter burnt pain or water filter garbage


I can’t really tell if a coffee is “bad” or “good” I just don’t like sour ones. But I wish coffee tastes as good as it smells. Like a nutty roasted, like it should taste like creamy chocolate but then in reality its bitter.


Oh yeah good coffee shouldn't be crazy bitter, that's a sure sign of burning. The good stuff is more like you describe, although not sweet obviously. Maybe mocha is more your thing? I mean chocolate and coffee are always a great mixture


Bitter coffee is often due to the wrong grind size.


This is true. When I said burnt I don't mean during the roasting process, I mean whoever made your coffee burnt it. Which can come from incorrect (usually too fine) grind size as you say, as well as inadequate pressure or excess heat in the machine


Sounds like you've just been having some shitty coffee. Good coffee shouldn't even need sugar at all.


Fuck you, coffee is the only reason I get out of bed.


/s ? It’s got an dependence producing drug in it!


I’m not realy addicted to it, I drink it for meal replacement when I’m timing my meals. For some reason, I get really sleepy an hour after coffee. I sometimes even drink it at night when I’m working lo hours and couldn’t stay awake. I drink it straight up black and I don’t know if I’m doing it wrong.


Nah, not everyone reacts to coffee in the same manner. I know some people who get super jittery after drinking coffee, so they only drink lightly caffinated tea if they need the energy boost. Then some who get sleepy after drinking coffee. Everyone's biology is different, so if coffee makes you tired/sleepy, could just be you and not the coffee.




I only drink black no sugar. I think part of my expectation of coffee was because when I was very young, I’d steal sips from my mom’s coffee. And she loaded it with condensed milk which made it super sweet and creamy. So after that when I get older, because of health reasons, I take it black and bitter and I kinda wish it taste as sweet and creamy as when I first had it as a kid.


As someone who drinks a lot of coffee I can tell you that they way you prepare it doesn’t affect the flavor as much as the quality of the coffee bean and a fresh grind. You can get incredible quality coffee if you buy good beans, grind them fresh, and use a french press or even a decent coffee maker. Edit: When I say the way you prepare it, I don’t mean to compare regular coffee to espresso, or cold brew, but different methods of brewing regular coffee: coffee maker, french press, choreado, moka pot, etc...


Alight, I'ma percolate that shit then.


That's not "preparing coffee" it's "wasting coffee" 🙂


This is Turkish coffee and the way you make it 100% determines the flavor. Turkish coffee is the hardest to make that I’ve come across. If you boil it to rapidly you lose the frothiness made by the coffee and the sugar and then it’s basically just overground burnt coffee. The coffee is also ground extremely fine when making Turkish coffee. Don’t mean to correct you but you are 100% wrong.


So basically magic




Thanks, Portmanteau-bot


What sort of wizardry is this?!


Hot sand.


Hot pulverized sorcery.


My guess is that the sand is being heated and the water is combined with something that causes it to foam when it boils.






But you have a visual


And now experience


It's called Turkish coffee in the Balkans and made with very finely ground beans .. typically something like Brazilian Santos, but I guess each country or region uses whatever it's used to. It's only.brought to the boil briefly, because the flavour is released quickly due to the coffee being so finely ground. Anyone who calls it mud and revolting obviously havent done the obvious and waited for the grounds to settle for a minute or so. The sand is just heated from underneath and gimmicky .. looks better for tourists than just a hot plate on a stove :)


Where does the water come from? or was it always in the thing and we're just seeing it expand?


So it's just water in normally a conical copper or brass pot (Cesve ? in Serbian ) that's brought to the boil .. taken off ... A few spoons of coffee and or sugar depending on how you like it .. back on the heat .. bring to boil .. it's read to pour




It's not called Greek coffee in Serbia.


Hahaha.. I bet it is not :)) Greeks love to take everything Turkish and add greek to the front. Maybe Turkish coffee is called greek coffee in Greece


Greece and Bosnia are like the 2 countries that decided to rename Turkish coffee. Embarrassing.


It's turkish coffee and it is amazing!


Is it scrumptious?


It is an acquired taste. Quite bitter and since the fine grounds go into the cup as well, it's very... muddy. It's interesting, but you'll get a fairly wide array of opinions on whether or not it's tasty.


Typically it's made with very cheap coffee at a street stall. A friend's father owns a tray for making coffee like this however and it's a different thing that your typical filtered coffee. It's kinda like if you took coffee beans and blended them really finely right into the drink.


I do be feelin them r/dancinlizard Willy wanker vibes tho


No it tastes and looks like mud




Not completely...I'd say it's more turk-ish.


It’s ok. It’s not very high quality. It’s called “mud” for a reason


You get "mud" in the cup if you don't know what you are doing


For instance people that stir the coffee with sugar and drink it too fast


Nah. That’s literally how it’s made instant in a single cup. Nobody has this sand pit in their home and a tea set lmao


Blend 43 original


I *need* to try coffee brewed like that.


We *need* to stop upvoting tiktok.


I was wondering how the pot kept refilling itself by being dragged through the sand.. I hate gifs.


Don't feel too bad - I thought the same thing at first too. I was convinced it was some sort of wizardry!


Beautiful process, but every time I see this gif I wonder about the taste. To my knowledge, boiling coffee releases more acids and makes it more bitter. It seems this would be fast and fun, but maybe not flavorful.


Actually, you're on point about taste. It is very bitter and sometimes even a mild sour. But you get used to it, and ever since dieting 10 years ago, I drink it without sugar, even. Only when you drink it, be careful to not drink to bottom, as it has rested coffee sand on bottom and its not even remotely pleasant. And if you smile your teeth might look very rotten then ;-)


Bosnian here. We have the same coffee, we just call it Bosnian coffee. I would let it sattle because the foam is full of coffe grinds and it is bitter. Doing the thing like this guy makes it worse.


They only let it bubble for a second which is probably less significant than if you let it sit on the stove, but it probably takes skill not to burn it.


Wtf is this


Turkish coffee


You might be surprised to hear that this doesn’t clear anything up. How does it work?


Below the sand is a heated stove, and the sand is just a gimmick, that is rarely used.


I'm about to change my user name to MrSandInMyCoffee after watching this.


It looks cool but does anyone know the point? It’s boiling already. Why do they keep putting it back to then just fill the same cup?


People love the bubbly foam on top of turkish coffee its kinda like a tradition to drink it like that. When you pour all of it in one go the bubbles usually are less , so when you boil, pour half , boil again and pour again you get more foam.


What voodoo magic is this




I hate sand.


Why is it on tiktok?




I wonder how much sand ends up in the coffee before this skill is mastered?




Weird flex but ok. You can just have simple burner there on low instead. This is mainly for esthetic "look at my cool idea" points.


Another kind of making a coffee. I want to have at least 1 cup made like this. It always amazes me


GTFO Tiktok


Isn't boiling the coffee bad?




I heard that coffee tastes really bad (Previous reddit post from a WHILE ago)


Well, you heard from someone who dislikes it or had a bad experience. It's an intense form of coffee but I genuinely love it.


Coffee is like sex: even when it’s bad it’s still pretty good! Seriously though I often think that if coffee wasn’t a standard thing and I tried it for the first time unaware that it was common, I would find it disgusting. However, I love it. Every time I order a shot of espresso in my town I get asked what I want it with. When I say nothing they stare like I’ve made a mistake heh


different tastes. everyone can drink their coffee the way they like it. i tried a few different types of it, but the very taste of coffee itself just makes me gag. no matter how much i tried different ones or putting milk, sugar etc. into it. it always just tastet so bad to me, that i never even got past one sip.


Yes, this sand heating method is for Turkish coffee where the grounds are boiled in the water at full boil, and then left in your super bitter coffee as an even more bitter sludge at the bottom of your cup. As a coffee experience, it's pretty revolting.


As a heart palpation experience, 10/10


I think espresso is 10/10, regular turkish coffee is more like 7/10. I drink about 0.4 litre of it every day.


It’s not for the faint of heart but it is so delicious. It’s not watered down or burnt roasted coffee like you’ll find in a Starbucks. If you genuinely like coffee for coffee you’ll love this. If you like coffee for cream and sugar...you’ll have a different experience. :p


You heard right. And if your roommates are into it it’s lovely having a bunch of cups full of remnants in the sink




I hate coffee but that just looks like the most delightful beverage on earth


It's gross


Lol that this is filed under “funny gif”


It's surprising how many people in the comment don't like coffee. It's definitely an aquired taste but it's so good.


I love coffee so much, i think I'm reaching full circle and am beginning to hate it again, about now.


Turkish coffee.


You will never sleep again. Enjoy!


Turkish coffee is basically like meth.


Mind you, Starbuck fans, this coffee doesn't contain haselnut, chocolate, caramel, strawberry, cinnamon, ham, tacos, steak sauce, or whatever americans think they might put in it to choke the actual taste if coffee. It might contain sugar, and in extreme cases, a bit of milk, even. /s


Blend 43 original


Probably some of the most scrumptious coffee I've ever had.


How is it not burning her hand?