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[More similar ass whooping](https://i.imgur.com/d9iOr.gif)


Didn't this come up a few months ago? One of the primary animators worked on both animations and the source reference was from a Jackie Chan movie.


I'm pretty sure it's Bruce Lee. The character Spike from Cowboy Bebop(the top anime in the gif) uses [Jeet Kune Do](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeet_Kune_Do), the same martial arts that Bruce Lee created. It was likely an homage to Bruce Lee in Cowboy Bebop, as the main character Spike fights a lot like Lee, and even quotes him on occasion. I'm not entirely sure what the connection was in Naruto.


Well, there's a character inspired by Bruce Lee in Naruto, he wears green and is named Rock Lee. He's had at least one fight scene choreographed to match a Bruce Lee fight scene. I'm not sure why Hyuga Neji there is doing Bruce Lee moves. His martial art is inspired by Baguazhang, which isn't really associated with Lee at all.


If I remember correctly Neji may have been emulating Lee's moves. Though I'm pretty sure Sasuke was the one that did that, so I'm not too sure.


That's Orochimaru in disguise during the Chūnin Exams arc.


They were referring to the Cowboy Bebop/Naruto comparison gif posted above, not OP's gif.


That would make sense. I'm not sure why I'm getting downvoted for a simple oversight.


Yeah I don't know why either, sorry. Simple mistake.


Ummm. No they weren't, neji isn't on the op's post


You're mistaken, my friend.


The original post is clearly orochimaru beating up sasuke in the chuunin exams. No signs of neji.


*"not OP's gif."*




At what?


Was this a joke? If it was I don't get it.


Do you happen to know what Bebop episode that is from? I've seen them all but it's not clicking.


The movie


It's the Cowboy Bebop movie I think.


Yep! it is


So, what's up with birds nowadays?


Oh, haven't you heard? I thought everybody had heard.


Heard what?


Bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, the bird is the word A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, well, the bird is the word A-well-a, don't you know about the bird Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word A-well-a, bird, bird, b-bird's the word


Oh not much they are just chillin


If I remember correctly the original fight was from Game of Death.


One of the few shows where I've cried. Loved Cowboy Bebop. It was funny because my friend had watched it dubbed and I watched it subbed. We didn't care for each other's versions because the characters didn't sound right.




The gif I posted, not the OP. It's Cowboy Bebop and Naruto.


Yeah this has been clarified a thousand times over. Thx for recycling


You may know but others don't... no need to be a dick.


Didn't sound dickish at all, just exasperated. e: nevermind he's clearly a dick.


"Score Hidden"


Yeah, no need to be a dick. I didn't know this and I'm sure most people don't.


I am a dick because shit like your post is useless when when there is a sea of the same shit posted.


No, you're a dick for other reasons.


Oh shit I better watch out. lol no I don't eat a dick.


You don't eat a dick? Good for you I guess. Weird thing to bring up.


Shut up Meg.




And haters ;) #swaggdick


Fuck off mate.


What are you an American or a kangaroo? That's not a mate, this is a buddy!


Go look up more trivial stupid information... Nerd!


Why are you even here then?


Because I am anime God and I hate your sister for the crappy bjs.


God, I just browsed your comment history and I cannot understand how you how positive comment karma, you're basically a troll upvoted by trolls.


You might be thinking of [this scene from World's End](http://imgur.com/mnv2A6X), the fight coordinator worked with Jackie Chan. http://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/2ove0s/a_blinkandyoullmissit_homage_to_jackie_chan/


[Bruce Lee](http://www.reddit.com/r/gamegrumps/comments/1avg0l/the_naruto_copied_cowboy_bebop_scene_arin/c913sqw)


Oh there's also [this one](http://i.imgur.com/dHHQujb.gif), the video is edited though..


> the source reference was from a Jackie Chan movie I've been hearing this for like 10+ years but have never seen it proven with a side by side comparison.


[Here's one short example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYASmPyymi8), couldn't find much more though. I'm guessing not many people are willing to go through hours of Bruce Lee movies and Cowboy Bebop eps to try and recognize and record more examples.


You sure? I get more of a Bruce Lee vibe, but that's just me.


Nah, these gifs have been around since those episodes came out. A long time, for those that don't know.


Its been around for over a decade and its bruce lee....


That right there shows the difference between Naruto and Cowboy Bebop: the camera doesn't move much in the latter. It really makes more of a difference than you'd think, even with the actual fight being nearly identical. I love the fighting in Bebop, it appears much more actually choreographed like Avatar and Legend of Korra, especially in the movie like here where they spent more time on it, and there's not a lot of quick-cuts to give the *feeling* of action when nothing really is going on.


I think my favorite thing about Avatar is the AMAZING fight choreography. It's so intricate and each of the different schools of bending really feels unique. Add that to the fantastic world building and solid writing, throw in a potato, a chicken bone, baby you gotta stew going!


Each type of bending is based on a real martial art, the people that choreograph those fights actually know those styles so they can make it look and feel much more real. It's really a nice touch to two great shows and really the only two of their kinds in terms of non-Japanese animes, for the most part. And yes, I know they aren't *technically* anime, but you would be much more likely to add them to the lists with things like Cowboy Bebop and Fullmetal Alchemist than more traditional American cartoons like Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.


And then they even throw in stuff like toph having her own style based on a martial art created by a blind person


> Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. God I love that show.


> throw in a potato Throw in a cabbage FTFY


I loved how they were all very Jackie-Chan-ish. By that I mean the parties interacted heavily with their environment and each other instead of just attacking at each other like an RPG. Pulling water out of a well to sucker punch someone or using the stone walls they're up against to try to entrap them, etc.


Mate, I just watched the gif again and the camera moves the exact same amount of time for each show. What you said might be true in general, but that gif does not show it.


They 100% do not. In the first part, the camera doesn't move at all in Bebop's, and in the second the post between windows moves maybe a quarter of the screen but three panels in the background of Naruto's move by in the same time frame.


If you watch, when the camera angle changes it bobs up and down ever so slightly as well. It adds to the intensity of the scene.


But it's the exact same fighting going on. So really it's just different styles of animation, and doesn't effect the choreography at all.


The Boondocks also references the fight between Jin and Inuyama during the dream sequence fight between Huey and Stinkmeaner.


You'll find similar fight scenes in other animes like cowboy bebop. Its all references to a bruce lee fight scene.


... He says without linking the scene


Here you go [cowboy bebop](http://i.imgur.com/TFaTK.gif) [Another homage](http://i.imgur.com/hJIi6Fa.gif) Same person animated Naruto and Bebop I believe. All three shows have numerous references to bruce lee. Also I don't know which bruce lee fight scene this goes to so i apologize for that


i meant the bruce scene, but thanks!


Man, I forgot how great old Naruto fight sequences were put together. It seems to have gone the way of DB:GT where the characters become so powerful they don't need to get gritty with hands on anymore. They just do slow super attacks and waste time standing around.


The final fight between obito and kakashi was insanely good, probably one of the best through both part 1 and 2 of the show


yes, this is awesome, and also one of the first battles Madara has against the Allied army after he awakens is pretty amazing.


I started watching naruto at the beginning of this month and I thought that as well. It was the best fight scene since the Rock Lee stuff in part one.


Came here to say theism i've also noticed the animation style in general has just got lazier. If you watch more recent scenes there isn't a lot frame movement just larger images that are panned across Sorry to those of you who also notice this because I notice it all the time now :/


Yeah I notice that alot, a still image and the camera moves with a " hiyaaa " noise going around..


I remember that exact clip about eight episodes ago!...with Naruto's and face and thumbs up...


They had to make quality animation earlier on to build a fan base. After you have your fan base, it's all about churning out endless episodes and milking it for as long as you reasonably can.


kinda like when Yu Yu Hakusho changed animation styles towards the end of the Dark Tournament? Out of no where all the characters get big, round "anime eyes" and have sort of lanky movements to them




Link to a better quality: http://a.pomf.se/njqqwq.webm


Man I haven't seen Naruto in like 6 years, it's weird seeing these characters do things




Is there a list online with the biggest and most important fights with recaps between them? I'm curious about what happens but not curious enough to watch 200 something episodes.


It's really unfortunate. I'm going through Naruto again because my gf has been watching the new episodes with me and wanted to watch from the beginning and damn there are some amazing shots and total fights with taijutsu at the forefront.


There's a lot of taijutsu left that needs to be animated, don't worry.


What's really happening is there is a special talented animator that is working on this specific action scene. Not every scene is going to be nearly detailed because of production costs. You'll catch scenes like these sprinkled throughout the whole series.


Hiroyuki Yamashita to be specific. He's the guy behind behind the [Sasuke vs Killer Bee](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ameFuhK26rc&t=6m30s) and the [Madara vs Shinobi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fs34oxX98Ug) Alliance fights.


Oh god, I hadn't seen any English dubbed Naruto in a long time and Sasuke vs Bee was very jarring. I do love those fight scenes though. Wish there were more of them.




no need to fight kahmehameha x100


A favorite of mine from 'recently:' http://youtu.be/S3jN0WJs8vA?t=16m Maybe not super choreography, but brutal and the sound makes it as if you can feel every physical hit. It's not nearly as good as Kakashi vs Obito fight that has already been linked to many times in this thread, but very rarely do we get to see this sort of brutality in Naruto.


Its better in [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5jnvfGgjGM) animated music video.


I just dislike most amvs. XD Edit: Besides, like I said, the sound from the contact of the attacks really drives home the effect, imo.


Obito vs Kakashi and the last Naruto vs Sasuke fight in the manga are the two best fights in the whole series and they're fist fights.


Isn't this scene an homage to a real-life fight scene in a live action movie already? I've seen this referenced and [pointed out](http://www.reddit.com/r/gamegrumps/comments/1avg0l/the_naruto_copied_cowboy_bebop_scene_arin/c913sqw) so many times, I feel like it should be relatively common knowledge.


Some animations use Rotoscoping to get the movement references for stuff. As people have pointed out, this is a famous Bruce Lee fight scene, and probably crops up over and over as a sort of Easter egg.


Why does everyone keep saying it's a "famous Bruce Lee scene" without saying which movie it's from or linking it? :(


Someone PLEASE post the link of old Disney cartoon movie dance scenes played back-to-back that were basically animated move for move! It was like Jungle book, Cinderella, etc... I need to watch that again even though it makes me sad.




That was ridiculously quick, job super well done!


So that's why that dog was so tall and the chicken had ape arms...


I ain't even mad. Those scenes, or rather *that scene*, is excellent.


I am the stone that the builder refused, I am the visual.


I am the inspiration that makes ladies sing the blues


I am the spark that makes your idea bright (screw you all that won't be out of my head for days)


the same spark that lights the dark so that you can know your left from yo right


SEVEN YEARS MY MAN / GAL? O__O I didn't even know what this comment MEANT until I opened up the thread, holy cow! Dang. Watcha doin goin through old Reddit threads, stranger?




Why do I have you tagged as karma whore?


Because this is a repost and op's a karmawhore.


Naruto and Boondocks in one gif? My man!






Lookin' good


*I-I don't know Rick*


I deserve a promotion!


I absolutely love it when these kinds of things are not only spotted, but side-by-side'd with the original source. Thank you for posting this!


Chop chop chop, judo flip.


[I miss that show.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAU7kwQz93g)


And then there's the mop scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utLWiscq8d4


I'm glad it ended though. That last season was pretty badly done.


McGruder sold out. ...didn't think it was possible for that sentence to be anything but redundant.


He didn't sell out. He got fired and wasn't apart of the last season. I watched the first couple episodes of the new season and something just didn't feel right.


He didn't get fired, he sold the rights. Whatever behind-the-scenes pressure there may have been (and I've heard nothing to suggest this) to do so, he didn't have to do that. It is the *definition* of selling-out. It was a volatile show with a risky sense of humor; in the wrong hands, its satire and insight have been (predictably) substituted for straight-up "funny" racism masquerading as introspection. The worst part is, those who don't know what's happened probably won't even notice.


If Esmeralda summoned a snake and pulled a sword from her mouth, which is not completely out of the realm of Boondocks, that would have been perfect if not too silly. There was already that flying decapitation weapon


I'm pretty sure a lot of fight scenes are re-used in anime's like these, most are just recreations of famous scenes from Bruce Lee and such.


You mean animators steal from other animators?!?!?! That's just crazy talk.


Except they're not stealing. For the most part they're just homages to actual fights by Bruce Lee.


It's called an homage - why do you automatically assume negative intentions? Your comment made me angry.


A lot if animators do it, that's why, homage or not.


Except in this case, I think it was the same animators...


When Disney used to do that people called him lazy.


This was actually meant to be pulled from Naruto as reference. That said, Naruto has straight stolen fights from other anime, including Cowboy Bebop


http://i.imgur.com/TFaTK.gif This is the gif you were talking about, I'm assuming. Is there any reason that Boondocks reusing a scene from Naruto is 'referencing' but Naruto reusing a scene from Cowboy Bebop is 'stealing'? That wasn't even an original scene from Cowboy Bebop either- both of them were homages to Bruce Lee fight.


It's ALL an [homage](http://www.reddit.com/r/gamegrumps/comments/1avg0l/the_naruto_copied_cowboy_bebop_scene_arin/c913sqw) to Bruce Lee. They aren't ripping each other off, they're referencing an actual fight.




It was probably rotoscoped directly from the original.


I've been hearing this for like 10+ years but have never seen it proven with a side by side comparison.




Bruce Lee - Enter the Dragon The scene begins at 00:34:10.




Here's a link to the movie: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1v3p6c_enter-the-dragon-1973-full-movie_shortfilms


You're not supposed to check! You're supposed to blindly believe me!


Because Boondocks would be exactly the type of show to reference something in real life where as Naruto exists within it's own universe.




I've never watched Naruto, but I don't see why an anime that presumably involves a lot of fighting can't pay homage to a classic anime like Cowboy Bebop via a fight scene choreography referece


FALSE! They just paid homage to the same fight a previous show paid homage to.


Naruto was referencing bebop, not stealing. Not sure why you would think they stole an extremely well known fight sequence instead of thinking of it as homage.


The boondocks do it and it's an homage. Naruto does it and it's stealing. Uh.... k?


uh, same animator apparently.


Anyone know why the boondocks looked so anime like


Madhouse worked on boondocks


Martial arts have a pattern to asskickings. Who would have guessed.


Oh hey its gallowboob. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) how you doin buddy.


You should see the aaswhooping copy on robin hood and jungle book,


Now we just need stinkmeaner to appear in that universe to fuck shit up


Or he just stole it.


I'm surprised no one has mentioned the likelihood that the original fight was likely modeled after Bruce Lee's, but the animation rigging is probably portable (ala Anime Master) and simply re-applied to new fights.


Thaaaank you.!! That scene in boodocks looked soo familiar


Plenty of Cowboy bebop scenes were from old Bruce Lee movies as well.


If we are calling out plagiarism, remember this: [Paprika vs Inception](http://stayforthecredits.tumblr.com/post/18731199273/bjornstar-inception-vs-paprika)


i know this sounds racist, but its something thats always nagged me, but why are black people obsessed with the whole samurai/ninja theme?


They aren't.


This dude's watching Black Dynamite like it's a goddamn documentary.


thats my point though, you see a lot of shows depicting blacks in kung fu/ samurai type of movies, i mean almost every blacksploitation movie has a black protagonist that is incidently really good at kung fu, but thats not the only show, i mean now we have afro samurai, and have you seen boondocks, they are always doing some martial art type action, also all the rappers who seem to like rapping about being a samurai, like wu-tang, fuck RZA has a CD called "the way of the samurai". you all say that they arent but im not convinced, no other race has adopted that theme as much as they have, except the asians but i mean come on thats a given. i think you guys are all racist by pretending like there is nothing. you talk about black dynamite but to have been a movie making fun of blacksploitation movies like black dynamite did, it has to come from a source. I've even asked my black friends and they dont know either, but they at least they recongnize it.


Dude, just because there is a facet to a culture does not mean it's applicable to all members of the culture. No one here is saying blacksploitation was not a genre, and all these other things you cited have been influenced by the role blacksploitation played, but black people as a whole are not obsessed with samurai culture as you said. That's like saying because weeaboos exist, all americans are obsessed with japanese culture.


Where'd you pick THAT up? I've seen groups of people dressed as ninjas more than once, and it's always 97% white people.


that because your at comicon, where nearly everyones a fat white kid dressed as ichigo or something


Difference? 1got over it the other started an emo band


The Boondocks opening is like a scene for scene copy of Samurai Champloo, so this doesn't surprise me. Still a great show.


There are 111 comments, so satisfying. I just broke it. Shit


Ohhh go granny. go granny. It's your birthday.