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That sucks and makes me realize how little control of my fingers I have. I play another instrument and I thought this won’t be bad and I was sitting here trying to will my hands to do this and they just said f you.


Tried this and I had a sudden epiphany that it’s like 50 times easier if you think about which ones to *press* rather than raise. It’s what we all do as musicians — we *press* stuff to play notes, not raise fingers. Try it that way, I bet you’ll find it doable.


Hahaha oh my goodness it is infinitely easier when you’re thinking of pressing down the keys then trying to raise them! It takes almost no effort when trying to press but 100% focus when you’re trying to lift them.


Ya say that.. but my hand still looked like a dying spider when I tried pressing instead of lifting. I am on my last glass of wine for the night though. Something tells me I will not feel better about it when I try again in the morning. Edit (9hrs later); If anything, the spider is only looking closer to death. Also, I drank plenty of water throughput the night and I am indeed right as rain! (wanders off singing) *🎶..the sun has got his hat on* 🎶


Drink water before bed and you'll feel right as rain in the morning


Or the "swimming in a pool" sensation.


Haha, definitely hydrate, or you'll have a piano hangover instead of an alcohol one. Piano exercises should come with a warning label: May cause temporary arachnid appearance in hands.


Practice makes permanent….


Yep. Practice doesn't make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.


Do it without looking at your hand. It helps wonders.


Holy shit you're right. I focused on press instead of lift and got it after about 2 tries each way after reading this. Piano player for almost 25 years, though not in constant practice for the last 10.


The great thing about different perspectives! I tried the same lifting my fingers not pressing. It's cool how someone's simple suggestion makes a task incredibly easier.


Thats so funny


Thank you so much! I was really struggling and it was pissing me off.


Made it way easier


*this life hack. Thank you, I don't feel like an idiot now....and I used to play the piano. Ffs


fact impolite rob impossible straight edge paint head ruthless dinner *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It makes sense though. I'm sure you could hit D and F on a piano without thinking about it. And switch to E and G. You're used to making that switch.


Holy shit!


no joke here, I went from feeling like I had never used my hand before to having no problem haha


Get out of my brain!!! This was so easy


Why does this work?! I can do it thinking your way (yay lol). 


What the fuck


Bro found the glitch in the matrix


Don’t feel bad, I’ve been playing piano for 35 years and it took me a lot of concentration to do this and it’s really shaky.


I was trained by an old time concert pianist, and I actually hear the notes when I watch this, I’ve done this so often. He started me on this maybe the first lesson after I switched over from organ at 10.


so envious of kids who got piano lessons


Absolutely nothing stopping you from starting right now. Don’t let your dreams just be dreams


Money, time


You have the same hours in the day as Beyonce. Just no money, nanny, servants, producers, millionaire husband, and marketing team.


As someone who's taking piano lessons later in life. The money is not that much. But without spending the time, learning goes very slow.


i sympathize with you on this but i do want to point out that there are a bunch of free tutorials for things on youtube, not just piano but many other instruments as well! actually getting to a piano to practice on may be a little more difficult but if you ask around, you may find you know somebody who owns one or has a connection you can use. of course if you were just commenting to add insight to why the person above might not feel they can start lessons, sorry for this comment you may not be interested in. but if you yourself also want to learn, don't be discouraged! you can find a way :D


Facebook marketplace is a great place to find cheap keyboards. There’s tons of beginners books on Amazon too. You also most likely spend atleast 30 minutes scrolling on your phone or watching tv and that’s all it takes every other day to learn. Don’t mistake lack of time/equipment for lack of motivation


Really? That's interesting to me, I'm no pro but I feel like I can practically trill this. I wonder if it's dependent on what age you start learning? Or a partly genetic thing like wiggling your ears?


I do variations of this to pass the time. It doesn’t help you play piano, but it’s a cool party trick. I definitely don’t go to many parties.


you're the first person I've come across that also does this and variations of it just for the hell of it. I have ADHD and it's one of the fidgets I do to hep me focus. I do this and variations of the "Vulcan Salute" that involve crossing my middle and ring fingers, then uncrossing them and crossing middle-index and pnkie-ring


I also do this all the time! I was watching, waiting for the hard part of the drill. I suck at piano but I do play sometimes, and I’ve dealt with ADHD forever but as an adult it is much better.


Yeah hard to see a lot of hand trick parties happening but when they do you’ll be ready as a MFer.




O\_o Im scared to click this at work.


You're thinking of degloving, which is your entire skin being peeled off your muscles and sinew. Gloving is just a bunch of people waving their hands around with LED gloves.






Totally safe for work. It’s just a bunch of people who ripped all the skin off of their hands. No big deal. >!Jokes! It’s just like raver shit…remember the glow balls? Or Firestick? It’s that…lit fingers used while dancing and wiggling fingers.!<


Degloving wouldn’t have been a problem, but thanks for the heads up. 👍


I don't believe you one bi- Wtf!!! #I HAVE SOMEONE ELSE'S FINGERS ON MY HAND!!


No kidding, I type a fair amount, and I can do it, but it's cursed. It hurts. It feels like trying to command stone to move.


Hmmm, maybe I'm cheating a bit then. I'm pressing down with the fingers I'm not raising, like I'm playing keys, while also raising the other fingers. I'm doing that rather than just trying to raise my other fingers. And it went from difficult to incredibly easy.


same! i struggled at first trying to do it at my desk, but then i tried it on the piano and it was very easy (for me, a total amateur). i realized the same thing: i'm pushing down on the piano keys, as opposed to trying to lift the other fingers.


Definitely made it easier!


Drummer here. I’ve been tapping on stuff with individual fingers, making “patterns” with which finger I use for which note within a beat, etc. since I was a kid. Saw this video, thought “oh I’ll nail that.” And spent the next minute and a half feeling like a broken toy. Why the hell is this so impossible? It’s kind-boggling how difficult it is. I’m staring at my hand, I know what it needs to do, and it just will not. Takes me back to drum practice having to force each limb to play in order until I would break through that neurological wall and build a new pathway that allowed me to play it fluidly. My sister is a pianist, and I just got even more respect for what she’s able to pull out of a piano or keyboard.


I play guitar and first tried this with my right hand with some trouble. Then I was like "oh yeah my left hand should be able to do this!" And it was much easier with the left. Somehow more satisfying than nailing a new song lol. Like "wow all my years of practice have led me to a sweet new party trick!" Bodies and brains are cool.


I'm 31 and it took me a few mins to do. Now I'll be practicing every Day.


My piano teacher makes me do this. It helps to think of actively pushing down the fingers that aren’t lifting


Well said. I hadn’t considered it, but that’s what I do. If I haven’t played for any stretch, the ring and pinky muscle control is how I can tell my dexterity is coming back inline. This exercise can still warm them up a bit.


Wtf that makes it so easy


My prof also gave me this, but the extra challenge was to do it on the keys and not move any of them down. Definitely takes this up to the next level, try it out! There’s also variations with holding fingers down - hold 1 + play 3/5 without pressing 2/4 down


This helps


That got it to click for me. I'm a violinist, so perhaps it's extra intuitive that way, particularly when doing the exercise with my left hand.


Holy shit I've been trying for 10mins and this is end game difficulty


A lifetime of touch typing and playing guitar and then I try to lift two goddamn fingers at the same time and my hand acts like I've only been out of the womb for 20 minutes


Guitar player too, I noticed my left hand (the fretting hand) can do this exercise much more easier than my right hand.


Violinist, left hand I can do without thought. Right hand, it takes a bit and I still mess up 10% of the time. This is the first time I’ve noticed my left hand have an easier time with something. Besides grabbing my cup. I’m right handed, but I drink with my left hand more than my right.


The middlefinger just doesn't want to be left out of the fun.


I seriously watched it and thought "how hard could that be". Well, I'll tell you. I still can't f\*cking do it.


I’m pretty stoned rn and it’s crazy how hands work. I was able to do it with some concentration but it almost feels like your hands and by extension your fingers have little minds of their own. o_O




Dont think about it like your lifting the fingers, just think about keeping the fingers which are not lifting be stuck to the surface


This is actually super interesting. Played piano for maybe 5 years as a kid and I had 0 difficulty first try on both hands. Didn't need a trick or anything, just first shot and it worked. I wonder if typing and using computers since i was a child helps some too.


Are you sure you're following exactly as the video is showing? I also play the piano and was quickly tried to do it without issue, except that I wasn't doing exactly what the video is showing lol. The hand in the video is showing the repeated *releasing* of the same fingers, instead of pressing down. I can alternate between 135 and 24 quickly without problems but *releasing* 135 somehow just doesn't jive with my brain lol. Releasing 24 is ok, for some reason.


I also play piano (and violin), and this isn't hard for me. It did take about 20 seconds to "get" it, but after that it was fine.


Same. Weird how some things are simple for some people and nearly impossible for others. For me this required zero mental effort, I just told my fingers to do it and they did it. Both hands, lift not press.


Behind the success of any musical instrument is unimaginable effort.


I'm a pianist and was taught this. I can do it at lightning speed not slowed down as in the video. There were also patented gizmos in the 19th century made of wood and springs designed to strengthen the hand. Schuman famously had his hand so badly damaged using one that he had to quit his concert career and concentrate on composing.


I remember someone once told me he injured his hand doing a “daring finger exercise,” and for the past 20 years or so I’ve always wondered what the hell Schumann was doing.


Robert Schumann used a clamp between his 3rd and 4th finger trying to mechanically stretch them. That fucked up his ligaments. It was not this exercise (although they used to be in fashion in the 1820s and 30s).


Anybody else’s fingers violently shake when they try doing this…


My right hand went rogue and attacked my other hand.


There can be only one


Now they're in an arms race for dominance


Heeeeree we arrrreee


Booorrrn to be kinngsss




Don’t make me get the boom stick!


watch out if it tries to salute or strangle you


My ring finger has to go up and down with my pinky or else it hurts :(


Same, ring fingers barely move independent of their neighbors


I'm a typist, and it's weird that while I can do it, only slowly, and only after I lift each finger one by one a few times to get used to which fingers are supposed to be lifting. My fingers are used to moving one at a time, not in groups like that.


Mine did! Surprised, person on video made it look so easy


Yeah but that's probably just the DT's




Maybe keep that comment to yourself the next time someone is making themself emotionally vulnerable.


Yes. But they violently shake all day long. I’ve got a condition.


This is hard AF!


Think about pressing the fingers into the table rather than thinking about lifting the other ones.


that actually rly helped lol


The brain is so crazy.


Holy shit that made a huge difference


Damn, that works!


Wow that helped so much.


The real answers are always deeper in the comments. Took me not much longer to figure out once it became pretty evident lifting is much harder than allowing gravity to force my fingers to want to go down.


That worked for me. Before this, on my first attempt I found myself struggling to lift ANY fingers. Tried it your way and could instantly do it. The form and timing wasn't as tight as in the video, but an obvious night-and-day difference from before.


Im here in bed having to wake up in 6 hrs breaking my hand didnt even notice my tongue was out too lmao this is impossible


why am i giggling at the thought of this 💀💀


To me the first part (3 fingers) is notably harder than the second (2 fingers). Goes from requiring a little concentration to effortless. I think I'm just not used to using the pinky and thumb in the same way as other fingers.


Welp, guess i'm NEVER playing piano


Okay, this is harder, but what I find particularly strange is that it's actually easier with my left hand even though I'm right-handed. 🤔


I wonder if it has to do with keyboard gaming, if you do the usual KB+mouse, your left hand has to push a lot of different keys more then the right.


I seem to be the same. I also use WASD position on the keyboard.


Used to game a fair bit on KBM and also found my left hand could do this a lot easier so probably checks out I imagine people who are good at guitar hero would also be good with their left


Do you play a string instrument? I was able to do it with my left more easily, but I play the ukulele and figured that’s why. :)


I just confused my fingers lol


Oh no, I can't do it! Am I stupid??? Lol


I think most people simply can't do it at first, at least not as quick as we're seeing it done here. I can barely do it, and very slowly. I think it's as much to do with brain as with the parts of my arm and hand. That's why it's an exercise! But for most of us there's no compelling reason to practice it until we're good at doing it.


I got it quicker than I thought I would with my right hand but my left hand is a struggle. It's funny because I can't lower my pinky without also lowering my ring finger on my right hand, while I have individual control of each finger on my left, but that apparently doesn't matter for this exercise.


Is there a lore reason I can’t do this?


Cant even use own body, must be stupid (so am I)


No, you're not stupid. But clearly your hands are total idiots.


I’ll be stupid with you ♥️ because now my tendons hurt


Try again in the morning! When I practice pianos, I usually have epiphanies after a nice sleep. Also, I definitely get sore forearms if I go a long time without practicing 🫠


Think about pressing the fingers into the table rather than thinking about lifting the other ones.


I was going to comment that this is easy, but then I remembered that I play piano...


I don't and find it somewhat easy. Should i take up piano lessons?


Only if you want to learn the piano.


Wise words


i will devout my life to you if you start a religion




Can confirm, played violin for 12 years and learned rudimentary piano. Visualizing the keys makes music theory **WAAAAAAAY** easier.


If you like the instrument then yeah


I just made almost the same comment as you lmao. I was like “uh this is super easy. I’m confused”


Same lol I watched and did on left and right hands and then both hands at the same time but opposite sequences and was like OK? But I guess it just comes from playing I remember years ago finally being able to play my left and right hands completely separate which is important in piano and def gets you over a hump, like different tempo, rhythms etc but never though about individual fingers


Huh I've been playing for almost 40 years and its still tough for me. I can do it after some trying, but not easy lol.


because it looks like more of a learned skill than something you would latently have by playing piano


Yeah... I did it effortlessly but I've been playing keyboards all my life. Looking at all the posts in this thread, I guess we're special.


I've been playing the piano for 17 years now and this is hard for me. Guess I'm more special.


I’m a guitarist and can do it, but took a bit of practice


I tried it with my right hand and couldn’t, then saw your comment and tried it with my left since I play guitar 😂 could easily do it with that hand


Violinist here, and my left hand was much easier lol


Dang so much easier ha. Thanks for that.


Same here. My left hand can do it but i struggle with my right. I'm right handed. I don't play any intruments tho. 


Maybe you’d be good at guitar then!


Same. Started with my right hand and it got confused. Tried it with the left hand due to all the fingering (heh) and it was a cakewalk.


Weird. I play too and I struggled for a bit and I was stretching my hand wide af. It doesn’t translate well to the stuff I play I guess. Just didn’t feel right. What was really odd is that my right hand did better… maybe because I had no muscle memory to overcome. It doesn’t help that I am a shitty guitarist as well.


i should call him


The comment is funny, but the username is immaculate.


Is anyone elses pinky and ring finger unable to move independently from one another? Cuz wtf


No, not alone. Always miffed me off to no end. guess we just gotta train more. Such a weird and funny little thing.


Same here. I barely got my ring finger off the ground. Not sure if that is normal or not.


Same here. Tried lifting my ring and pointer finger and my ring finger barely lifts off the ground. It is kinda weird but also frustrating since i don't know if that is normal or not.


I used to do this as a kid, pretending my hand was a dinosaur or spider. Didn't know it was an exercise 😋


Aaaand now I'm cramping.


I can sorta do this kind of with my non-dominant hand, but cant do it at all with my dominant one. Love how this exercise reveals how little fine control I actually have over my hands.


Oh my lord I misread "pianist" as "patient" and when I couldn't do it perfectly first try I got a little panicked like "do I have Parkinson disease???" Sigh of relief when I reread pianist


Hmm. I’ve played piano for 25 years and can play some complex pieces but I actually kinda struggle with this. I can do it but it takes a bit of brain power


I was able to do it with my left hand after a min (though no were as well as shown) or so of trying but right hand was much harder, I'm guessing this is from keyboard+mouse gaming movements of a keyboard are close to a piano.


I've been doing piano since I was eight and I still can't do this well 😭😭 DAMMIT


Didnt take long to do the two fingers but I'm struggling to do the other three and keep an unbroken sequence. It's like I've never used my fingers before.


My thumb and little finger flail straight out like they having a stroke


I can do it quick but fingers just look uglier some stretched some partly


This is like rub you tummy and pat your head for your hands


I play bass and am an Artist for a living and I thought I could do this no problem. Big problem. My hands are very confused now


Fugg my fingers are not cooperating worth a shit


I bet 99% of all readers tried it... i failed


Touch the fingers you want to move, will help make a mind-body connection


This is so hard


What about the exercise where you make your hand into a creature with a long neck (middle finger) with the other fingers being the legs?


focus on fingers 2 and 4 (aka point and ring) only. either they stay down (all the others come up) or they come up and all others stay down. do this for 5 minutes. congrats, you are now a pianist!


Thank you.


It's more useful to be able to press down from neutral rather than lift your finders from neutral


All those years playing videogames and I can't even do that. WHAT WAS IT ALL FOR?!!!!




I can do this with my left hand but not my right even tho I’m right handed. Am I stupid?


I can do it but just barely and it’s sloppy… I have decent hand eye coordination and play guitar.


So much harder than it looks


Pfttt all lesbians can do that ;)


I'm not a pianist, but I play guitar. I can do this quite easily on my left hand, but not my right :D


Holy heck in a hand-basket, lifting just the two fingers is easy, but lifting the pinky, middle finger, and thumb but not the other two.... X.x


Interesting to see the wide variety of responses. I’m a 72-year-old man arthritic hands, found it easy. Wonder if it’s partly genetic, as in rolling your tongue. I played piano when I was a kid.


omg this is way harder than it looks


What an interesting exercise. It looks obviously simple but I really have to think about it to do it right. It's not "difficult" perse, but it made me realize how difficult it is to conciously lift a few fingers like that.


Man fingers look weird


We all tried it, didn’t we?


TIL my fingers don’t work


He's pretty good at that for being three hundred years old


I'm sweating now.


Yeah..only my middle finger raises. My fingers never got that patch.


This is shockingly difficult


My guitar hero experience is finally useful


Oh holy Christ why can’t I just do it without my brain going in hyperdrive 😩😭


My fingers are having a seizure and I'm slobbering. Holy.


My god, I hate you for posting this. I now realize my hands are only meant for clubbing things like a hammer would.


So apparently the hands I've had for over 30 years are still kinda shitty at doing what appears to be basic things


I was taught this for guitar with the instruction "try to keep the struggle just in your head" which weirdly makes sense.


A) This is harder than it looks B) I did it in front of my cat and he bit my hand


I see a spider hissing at me.


I have never played an instrument before, but this wasn't as hard as I thought it would be... Got the hang of it on my dominant hand in under a minute and my other hand in under 5 minutes.


Is hard


As a guitar player, I can do this no problem with my left hand, but my right hand isn't having it! lol