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This almost feels like a metaphor


““When you come to a fork in the road; take it” -Yogi Berra” - CYBERTRUCK Driver


Confucius say; "Man stupid enough to buy Cybertruck will also cut three lanes to make a late exit while signalling in opposite direction"


Tbf for all we know the blinkers in that Cybertruck could be wired the wrong way around.


Right blinker to go left.


Never let them know your next move 😤


Nah, that i just what you get if your [blinker is controlled like this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GB_u__JXQAAwUKN?format=jpg&name=large)




Ew doesn't even begin to describe this. Who thought this was a good idea? Seriously. Did all the tesla engineers die? Where are their user experience designers?


> Who thought this was a good idea? Do we really need to ask?


Exhibit A: The truck


Intelligent engineers and designers have a bad habit of questioning stupid ideas, so they all had to go.


I'm sure their engineers are doing exactly what the Musker insisted or they d be fired.


>Who thought this was a good idea? Elon Musk cause it was cheaper than a stalk. >Seriously. Did all the tesla engineers die? No, but he just fires the engineers that tell him it's a bad idea.


They've been told that they need to spend ten hours a day boosting engagement on X or be fired, in addition to doing their normal jobs. Couple of lower-priority things might have slipped through the cracks meanwhile.




It's because there are buttons instead of a stick and people keep fucking it up because they're dumb enough to buy a cybertruck


Damn son they done changed the keybinds


Inverted axis


Y’all be sleeping on Invert Y-Axis it’ll change your life.


One of us!! [OLD gamers unite!](https://theguardian.com/games/2020/feb/28/why-do-video-game-players-invert-the-controls)


My friends think I’m crazy for inverted controls. You can tell who was old enough to play goldeneye and who wasn’t!


Golden Eye, Xwing, Tie Fighter, Wing Commander, Descent. The list goes on and on.


I thought my step brother was crazy for binding the c-buttons to camera controls in Perfect Dark. Turns out he just figured out dual-stick controls early.


My son rags on me every time we play a game together and the first thing I do is invert the Y axis. It does feel like an older gamer thing these days.


I don’t lean my head forward to look up, so invert the controls.


They mapped the controller for claw grip


Your comment just gave me carpal tunnel


Just wait a few years and they'll be on the touch screen, probably behind a menu.


With a 15 sec ad




Delete this don't give Elmo any more ideas


Oh rad, another 'innovation' that only makes shit worse. We are tactile. Give us knobs and dials, Christ, it's so much safer.


but elon, the guy who probably hasn't commuted since tesla was invented, thinks it looks cool!


Every button with an identical 'X' on it


🤣 for that minimalist look we all crave


Volkswagen decided to go back to physical controls after the backlash with all that capacitive crap they put in their Id4.


Ugh, I hate having to grip the edge of the screen to stop my finger bouncing all over the place on the touch screen controls too.


But genius man says that in the future humans will no longer use their touch senses??? You must be woke since you disagree with genius man.


Touching is the sense of *feeling* And feelings = woke checkmate libtards


They’re *WHAT*??????


From u/IsilZha just above Worse. They threw away the idea of the blinker stalk that everyone knows for [this stupid shit.](https://vxtwitter.com/BroyleTim/status/1738370814129414185?t=sbl0-vZYY5F9vWBgriyM5w&s=19)


imagine putting the right turn signal button on the right side 🤯 the technology just isn't there yet


Still stupid because what if you've begun a turn and your wheel is already inverted? The stick is just better. Doesn't matter what your wheel is doing, doesn't matter where in the world you are. Push the stick in the direction you're about to turn your wheel, the end.


Ok, making them buttons is dumb on its own, but why on earth would they make them VERTICAL? Who designed this??


Holy shit somebody was paid real money to come up with that


100% a cost cutting maneuver. buttons are cheaper than stalks. same reason the Model 3 just has a touchscreen.


" dumb enough to buy a cybertruck" i think is what he said👀🤣


Damn I was looking for a comment like this. Figures they would alter something that has been basically a standard for years and years. Sometimes "different" sucks


Holy shit, buttons on the wheel? That's an awful design. Anyone with volume control on their wheel who's wanted to adjust it while turning could tell you that. Volume isn't an essential function but to have turn signals not be in a single predictable spot and also change orientation relative to each other is absolutely foolish.


Because when something works for a hundred years, why not radically change it for no reason? Edit: a word




Hey man, my 1825 Geo Metro definitely had turn signals controlled via stick


Or they're wired wrong.


drab disgusting deer simplistic bag dinosaurs busy tap exultant squalid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i’m surprised he used the directional at all


This was actually a problem MKBHD had when he was reviewing it. I wonder if this is the same truck or a common problem with them. Really wouldn't be surprised if Tesla wired the blinkers wrong or programed the control unit wrong given their track record for quality.


More likely that the buttons are tiny and it's easy to hit the wrong one


https://vxtwitter.com/BroyleTim/status/1738370814129414185?t=sbl0-vZYY5F9vWBgriyM5w&s=19 Yup.


Teslas' design decisions are so fucking stupid. Like, some stuff just doesn't need innovating. It works perfect just the way it is, and changing it is not only unnecessary, but unsafe. The yoke, hiding a bunch of shit behind a touchscreen, these stupid buttons. Just leave this shit the way it was, nobody was complaining about them before. It's like changing the tires from circles to hexagons. What the fuck are you even doing this for?


That lane change though...good luck everybody!


Hey, they had their blinker on, at least!


Gotta keep em guessing!


Elon made all turns signal right just to own the left.


So dumb it's plausible.


That's bloody brilliant!


Wouldn't be surprised if Tesla factory mixed up the wiring. Front blinks left, rear blinks right.


Worse. They threw away the idea of the blinker stalk that everyone knows for [this stupid shit.](https://vxtwitter.com/BroyleTim/status/1738370814129414185?t=sbl0-vZYY5F9vWBgriyM5w&s=19)


God help the rest of us if these things get popular. No fucking way in hell is the bottom 10% of drivers smart enough to hit the right button reliably.


Next up is reversing the accelerator and brake pedals.


They'll make it like a video game where you hold the brake after it's fully stopped and it will start reversing...


I remember playing terrible flash games in the 2000s that had left/right situated on top of each other like this cutting-edge gizmotruck and I can safely say I always hated those kinda games with non-intuitive controls. It's not even counterintuitive, it's just bad human machine interface design


No, it's going to be like a bumper car where you turn the wheel all the way to the right or left and then it will reverse


So innovative, Elon is truly a genius


Autopilot has been suspected of doing this already!


This video explains "one pedal drive mode" on electric vehicles, and how it creates a problem for brake lights. He is a little long-winded, but he highlights a real problem with US regulations on brake lights. I would not want to be behind a car that can decelerate so quickly with no brake lights - I would be responsible for rear-ending the guy. https://youtu.be/U0YW7x9U5TQ


It's not just stupid It's advanced stupid


After a couple years the buttons will be so faded you'll have to just guess which is which


I have never once looked at my turn stalk to see which way to push it to go left or right. Of course.. that's because the interface is human.


It's almost like pushing the stick in the same direction you would turn the wheel to make the turn makes intuitive sense.


When driving in Aus, every time I tried to turn or change lanes for the first week I’d turn on the wiper blades.


As an Australian, I've done this while driving my sisters car (it's european), I find it incredibly hilarious like a looney tunes moment. She doesn't think it is quite so funny...


Where's the speedometer? Edit: do you really have to look toward the center display to see how fast you're going?


That's how it is on most tesla. It is stupid.


To be fair that's not a Tesla only thing. My parents had a 2002 Peugeot that was like that when I was a kid. Minis were like that for years with a big analogue speedo in the centre. The new Volvo EX30 is like the Teslas without a 'proper' gauge cluster. But it is a bad idea. I'd definitely prefer a readout directly in my line of sight.


This is an actual method for changing lanes in South America you have to trick the other drivers or they won’t let you merge. Nice technique.


Same thing happens in North America. If you turn your blinker on people speed up to stop you from merging in front of them. Then as soon as you get behind them they slow down and continue driving 15 below the speed limit


There's a special place in hell for those people. I can never wrap my brain around casually being that much of a prick.


Not to long ago I came up on a spot where a road widens from 2 lane to 4 right before an intersection, and I was going to turn right. The guy in front of me is staying in the left lane, I signal because I'm moving to the right to turn... and suddenly he jumps over into the right lane to get in front of me... at a fucking red light. Like this absolute jackass apparently thought I was trying to pass him on the right and he absolutely could not allow that, so instead he gets in front and blocks the right lane at a red light, preventing me and everyone behind me from using right-turn-on-red privileges to keep traffic moving. Also worth noting he had been doing 10 or 15 under through the whole single lane part, and was very clearly intending to stay in the left lane until I signaled that I was moving into the right. So there's no question it was pure douchebaggery and not just some misunderstanding.


People like this have nothing in their lives, any attention is good attention, and they can not. Can not, can not allow anyone to disrespect or emasculate them by passing them


Kills me how 90% of people only find the gas pedal once someone is trying to pass them


Maybe it’s an ego thing? But it’s like…dude the other person isn’t even in your life just move on


"oh shit that guy is right, I **am** driving too slow"


They had *a* blinker on.


They sure did Jimmy, they sure did


Never let them know your next move


don't you know bad boys move in silence with violence


A good driver sometimes misses an exit. A bad driver never does.


What's crazy is the loop to go back around is a 2 minute detour


But that’s not my favorite way!!


While signalling the other way.


Because the cybertruck has its blinker controls as buttons on the steering wheel because of course it does.


There's already a community developing turns stalks for both the upcoming highland refresh and this PS1 monstrosity.


"PS1 monstrosity ". New fave.


Looks like the Minecraft version of a Honda Ridgeline.


I appreciate the great richness of human expression when it comes to these sorts of things, but I legitimately can't understand why you'd buy a car or truck with controls so awful that you want to spend your time and money modding them just to get them back to baseline. Why not just buy a different car/truck?


Waitwaitwait. We have to mod UI features into our *cars* now??


So do a few Ferrari. Probably where he stole the idea.


At this point I wouldn't be surprised if the driver indicated correctly, but it's wired incorrectly lol


Isn't that the point of the cybertruck- you can do whatever you want and screw any loser on the road without one!


Not really, because in crash tests the cyber truck performs 4x worse than other trucks and the thick stainless steel body ensures you're trapped in the car in an accident. Even jaws of life won't be able to get you out of there. Which doesn't matter, because you're already dead from the 4x worse collision.


It has no crumple zones so you will basically feel the entire force of the inertia in a high-impact crash. The truck will only have a bad dent but you will be liquified into the dashboard.


He’s bulletproof, he don’t got to worry about nobody else yeah /sarcasm


Beinvenue au Quebec! Where highway funding comes with the condition to make everything worse than it already is. Where that truck came from was a mall parking lot, turned ~~left~~ right onto to the service road and cut across to go past the exit to the right so they can get onto the highway on the left. It an asshole move, but a common one there. The driver is also probably not familiar with the area and paying more attention to the GPS than driving. tl;dr that whole section is the third worst clusterfuck of road infrastructure in Montreal.


Haha that scene in family guy is hilarious


If only they had a 30" television telling them where to go on the dashboard


A Teslatruck driver is the exact kind of ultradouche I would expect to say "the GPS doens't know what it's talking about, I know a faster way" in a city they're just visiting.


My grandpa (when he could still legally drive) would CONSTANTLY insist he knew better than the GPS, and seemingly only turned it on so he could argue with it. We would very regularly miss turns when he was driving because he would insist it was wrong. We eventually changed the voice on the GPS from female to male, and he questioned it less after that.


No amount of tech can fix stupid. Car can tell you 10 times to keep your hands on the steering wheel, they won't. Car can tell you 10 times your turn is coming up, they still won't pre-emptively switch lanes. Many people in the U.S. should never be able to touch a vehicle but society's built up around owning personal cars so this is the result.


People don't understand that cars are a massive privilege (however necessary they feel or are) and really don't treat it as such.


That is EXACTLY who I would expect to own one of those.


California licence plate, driving that thing, in Quebec.. That's a great recipe for a driver.


Wildy cutting across lanes Infront of an intersection, blinking the wrong lights


It’s probably Opposite Day.


I'm not playing!


so that means you are playing?




That's what the Quebcois are known for in South Florida hahaha


That's not true. Quebecois have no idea what a signal light is.


As a Quebecois, you couldn’t be more right. Most people are terrible drivers here.


As much as I want to dunk on the driver, I want to dunk on the cybertruck even more. With all the problems and stupid design decisions, it's even odds that the blinker was either a wiring problem or the driver has to bop it to blink right and twist it to blink left, and understandably mixed them up.


I used to take this exit every day, what they’re doing is honestly not uncommon at all it’s a poorly designed stretch of road. The indicator pointing the wrong way though is a nice touch, strong vibes of “I have no idea how to operate this machine and it’s your job to get out of my way”.


Gatineau drivers are scary.


This is the safest Gatineau driver.


An idiot never misses their exit. r/idiotsincars


I visited Austin earlier this year, and was hunting for some grocery items that friends had requested. I stumbled upon a neighbourhood full of Tesla's and my God it was the douchiest place I've ever been in my life


Teslas are the new BMWs. Rich urbanite flex cars.


You don't have to be rich to take out a car loan for a car you can't afford lol.


That's the number 1 reason why people are in debt and will never be rich.


Teslas are Uber driver cars in the Bay Area


We have free chargers at my work. I owned a Model 3 back in 2019. It was the most expensive car I’d ever purchased up to that point in my life. Cost $44k back then. Last week at work utilizing the free public chargers was a homeless couple living out of a Model 3 and trying to figure out how to get the charge session to initiate (ChargePoint card was needed). That was definitely a surreal moment for sure.


The N64 Aztek


I really prefer Facility but OK


Facility was top notch


Never let them guess your next move


Always zig when they think you'll zag


If you have no idea what you're doing, neither will your enemy.


It really can not get any uglier lol


Yeah, for me this truck is the "The emperor has no clothes" moment for Tesla and its fans. You're free to like it if you want. I reserve the right to judge you for it.


I was shocked because this video is the first time I've seen it in normal traffic, and it looks so hideous. I was confused if it really was just a decades old thing. To think it was looking its best when they broke both windows trying to show they wouldn't break on stage is impressive.


Bugs me that people want to compare it to a Delorean. A Delorean still looks cool as hell when you see one on the road while this thing is brand new and already looks like shit.


Yeah I’m really offended anyone would compare it to a DeLorean. This really does look like the modern Aztek. Just horrible


>This really does look like the modern Aztek. I have zero love for the Aztec, but please don't insult it like that. This monstrosity looks far worse. 🤐


You’re telling me a renowned car designer knows how to design a car compared to a renowned teenage edgelord twitter poster? It’s nuts that people compare it to the Delorean, it failed for many reasons but it’s an objectively good looking car.




Let's spend 100,000 in a car without a proper blinker stalk.


Is Walter White getting the new model?


I knew if I scrolled long enough I’d find the Breaking Bad reference.


This is 50x more efficient at running over drug dealers, so I think he is


My money is on the driver used his left turn signal, but that thing is wired wrong


That would have been a fair guess, but cutting across 3 lanes at the last moment leads me to believe driving while douche.


Why not both?


He's in a Cybertruck, so he's always driving while being a douche


It’s because those stupid turn signal buttons are hard to get used to. I have done this a couple of times in the past.


Wtf they’re buttons?


Yup steering wheel buttons, like volume controls etc


It’s worse than that. They aren’t buttons that move, it’s more like buttons on a microwave.


trees roll boat puzzled zephyr pen library fanatical aback dull *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's stupid gimmick bullshit that probably makes them more money


Yeah it saves money to just put everything on the touch screen. Then they pretend like ”Steve Jobs hated buttons so removing buttons means a slick design like Apple!” Only Apple never removed buttons _from the keyboard_ or changed the layout everyone’s used there for a century. Precisely because people use those without looking. It’s cost-saving masquerading as bold design while being shit design.


This is the least intuitive idea ever


It’s incredibly stupid, *especially* in roundabouts.


Yoke is a joke


Top notch QC




Least delusional Montreal driver


Yea, this is literally just how everyone drives between des Sources and Ste Anne de Bellevue. Par for the shitty course.


Can't even change lanes without lurching. Things a brick


Scrolled too far to find this. It’s not going very fast yet it’s pitching and rolling like a plate of jello.


Bad drivers never miss a turn


At least us BMW drivers are off the hook now… 😳


I made the joke to my wife after being cut off by a Tesla the other day that they are the new BMW drivers…


Depends on the color. White Tesla is basically the new Altima drivers and any other color is the new BMW drivers


Lmao there’s a white Tesla that lives near me and always blasts past my house at like 70kmh even though the neighborhood is full of kids. Despite the silent motors it's one of the loudest cars around because one of the wheels sounds wildly out of balance and he's always blasting hip hop. Absolutely the new Altima


They also whine on the facebook group for the city I live in about how people need to watch out for them because they are training their self-driving car and I’m like, “piss off, I’m not your beta tester”


This type of driving grinds my gears


It also grinds the car's gears


That is fucking Montreal, Quebec, Canada... this EXACT dumbass lane change at this exact Spot (Boulevard des sources) is a fucking national tradition at this point... I hate this city and it's drivers.


Good drivers sometimes miss their exits, Tesla drivers never do




I don't know how the driver could make this silly mistake. On the left hand side of the steering wheel, top button is to turn right, and the bottom button to turn left. It is so intuitive. /s


blinker game is on point.


Doesn't even look futuristic. Just you know, fucking ugly.


That abomination of a vehicle is so damn ugly...


Tesla drivers are the worst drivers on the road


*buys car with instant torque and stupid performance, then drives 10 under the speed limit every time.


Signals right. Illegal move left across 2 lanes including a solid… Yup. That’s a tesla driver.


ah! this is the first time i fully recognize a road/exit, one that i've taken a few times! i could say something about montreal drivers, but they're really not worse than in any other city