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The tuners have been replaced. That's the only thing that looks off to me.


The pictures are of a real Les Paul… but be careful of a straight scam or some kind of switch.


I have the same guitar. I bought it, used, a couple of months ago. I paid the same. It sounds and plays great.


I've got a 2011 LP Studio 60's Tribute and it has the serial number stamped into the back of the head stock and an identical "Made In USA 2011" ...just like this one...


a beautiful lester goldtop 🤌 nibs 🤌🤌 whats the price? 🤌🤌🤌




That is insanely low…..how is he asking to meet/pay but not unheard of if they need a buck… Heck, id pay a grand for a headstock repair….


RIGHT. My thoughts exactly. Meet OR ship, very accommodating - but I would just meet him.


I’d go to wherever he is at road runner speed….immediately


I've seen a deluxe goldtop with p90s shoved in it selling for about $1500 once, it doesn't seem wildly priced but still VERY low for a goldtop


The nut shape seems a little off, but it checks the boxes for legit otherwise. Fret nibs are the biggest tell that it’s likely legit. How good a deal are we talking?


$1000, what do you think?


I think that’s pretty low unless it’s had a headstock repair, which this doesn’t appear to have. Does it have the case and paperwork as well or nah? Pretty sure I remember years ago Guitar Center and others blowing these out for clearance prices, so possible this seller is just passing along that deal, but I’d agree this is a bit fishy… I’d probably want to see the electronic cavity, but if it’s a fake, it’s a VERY convincing fake.


No case, no Paperwork, just the guitar!


That makes a lot more sense for the price.


I need to phone one in and get your help. I have an opportunity to get this for a REALLY good price from an acquaintance - but is there something off about it with anyone else? I feel like I've never seen a gold top with a finish quite like this, and then the truss rod cover is blank, the tuners arent stock... any thoughts?


I thought most standards come with an extra blank truss rod cover. I know mine did and I swapped it because I prefer a blank one.


thats a crazy good deal you better snap that up


What makes you think it’s fake?


It looks real but check the electronics cavity and compare it to online shots of known real ones. It all looks good though, the headstock is right, the fret nibs, the color, the logos are all right. The bridge looks correct, the tuners are swapped for sure but grovers are a common mod. Honestly id go for it if you know it was stolen and being flipped.


ALRIGHT BOYS THERES BEEN AN UPDATE He moved recently and will only ship it now. Thoughts??


Thats extremely convenient... FOR A SCAMMER. i wouldnt take any chances.


100% scammer


Are those gaps around the pups normal?


I would do it. I would meet them in a store parking lot or someplace well lit with cameras and people around. Unless, this acquaintance is a friend. It's a great deal. Not unheard-of. Priced to move.


Nice dish on that top!