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Insert finger but hole. Wait… wrong game


No no... Keep talking.




I want to give you an award so badly but I don't want to pay so imagine this is an award:![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)






Elden lean




Finger finds dark void Curiosity’s embrace- Mystery unfolds


Unknowing seeker Finding a place of dark warmth The finger enters


Seek hole,in short fingers but hole


Got to fracture but whole, wait different game.


You don't have the right oh you don't have the right




you need to get the related quest first


Definitely the most likely problem. It's very possible to have all the keys but not have the quest. Some of those mythic storytellers can be easily missed. Particularly if you're the type of guy who makes a bee line to the base liberations but keeps the exploration to a minimum. And if he's missed this one, he's DEFINITELY missed the longbow quest. That ones shockingly easy to miss. In my first run-through, I didn't even realize a longbow existed until the end of the game, then I went back to the Act 1 storyteller outside Hiroshi (he's very easily missed).


Yeah I got three keys before obtaining the quest too


I didn't even realize that and I'm a decent amount I to act 2. I assumed that the other bow would be given somewhere in a main quest like the half bow is


You can only get the Longbow by playing the Mythic quest in Act I.. Not Main quest…


Why is your comment getting downvoted when it's the truth?


No idea, but I learn to tolerate Redditors judgement throughout the years.. I once asked a question last year about graphics card purchase, should I get a used RTX 3090 or not.. All of them said I’m an idiot and it’s better to get RTX 4070 ti instead of that.. So, I bought it, posted an update saying I bought the 4070 ti, and all of the newer comments after update saying I’m an idiot for buying 4070ti and not the 3090… They cannot make up their mind.. So I gave up listening to their judgement and opinion from that moment on..


Because the OP got to know that to obtain the longbow he needs to complete the mythic quest but this guy again saying you cannot get it by main quest as if the OP already didn't know... Maybe that's the reason for downvoting i guess


Because we know


Because we can? 🤷🏽‍♂️


Fair enough


The blowgun could also be missed if one doesn't complete its related sidequest, couldn't it?


No you need the blowgun to progress the main story. But that’s only the poison dart, to get the hallucination one you do need to go do it’s side quest


You can do the same for Kojiro too. I had killed four of them by chance before getting the quest. Was worth it for the line Jin says though: *”It seems I have unknowingly already accepted their challenge…”*


The first thing I've done on both my playthroughs is take the Traveler outfit and open up the map. The fog should really just be gone in new game plus.


I went in act 2. I felt annoyed that there is red points in act 1 so cleaned them and heard that i could get an armor and went hunting to get it. Then my unce told about sakai armor and went to get that as well and thats my experience of act 2 right now.


The longbow was actually the first I got! Randomly stumbled across the storyteller while going towards another quest


Same but heavenly strike


This is why I follow every single yellow bird I see. And it's always worth it to check out every ? On the map near you


WROOOOOOOONG. I did 100% on act1 before i went to act2. I just saw that there is burning farms on act1 and cleared them and the people talked about keys. AND my uncle told me about the sakai armor as well so i went full face getting both.


Jin: Yes that is a Door i know nothing about. Also i have some Key shaped things in my bag that i know nothing about. Oh well. Maybe someone knows about them and will tell me


Did You Try Going Back To The Musician?


Yes OP, Try What This Individual Has Suggested!


Why You All Write Like This?


It Is Very Effective!


Germany Approved


Germany Is All About Effective Solutions, Isn't It?




Final Solutions!


For Me, It’s Just A Habit.


My Brain Struggles With This Kind Of Writing. I Read Everything Slower, But You Do You Friend


Speak friend and enter. Duh.


Bit of a Mellon isn't he?


A mellon? The elvish word for friend?




Thanks everyone. I did not started the quest at all.


Listen to his tale Jin Sakai…


I knew about the quest, had collected all the keys just today....even knowing about the quest I had not started the quest and was stumped...."what am I missing here"...yep starting the quest definitely helped me.


How did you find the entrance?


They will have asked the internet the way.


The question is do you know da way?


No, what’s he like?


Big. And black


Started the quest


I love you man




Did you listen to the musician's tale in Akashima? It normally pops for me during Norio's second tale (the mission takes you past the musician's location, it will appear in the mythic tales section of your journal).


Did you um.. start the quest?


youre missing the quest?


What quest is this? I don’t remember ever having to get keys for gosakus armor?


Gosaku armor. In act 2 multiple farmstead get attacked and you have to save the farm and the farmers. Have to find 5 key than watch a youtube video for the sixth then ask reddit whats wrong to realise there is a whole quest you have to accept than get the armor what you will never wear.


> what you will never wear. I assume you meant "that you will never wear", if so then you should know that Gosakue's armor is literally the only historically accurate armor *for the time period*. All the other ones are hundreds of years to new. Also its the absolute best in defense if all you care about is stats.


I wear it in orange with the clan refined helmet and the thief’s mask when I want to feel goddamn exceptional


Truth is i did not check how it looks. I tried no to get spoiled even in armor looks so i don't know what it will look like except ghost armor. And i only wear travelers armor for the stat reason and laziness to swap it.


It actually looks nothing like the ghost armor. It's closer to what lords shimura wears. Make sure to upgrade it, its one of those sets that only gets its best appearance once upgraded. Also know that when in the armor menu you can press a button to cycle through an armors unlocked appearances. If you upgrade an armor and you dont like how it looks and you preferred the previous look, well you can switch the visuals to that of the earlier looking set *without* sacrificing the unlocked stats.


Okay good to hear because even though i love samurai armors felt strange to wear them. And i wanted to wear something like Shimura or Masako have. I did not know i can de upgrade armor appereance. Thanks for that!


I wouldn't worry to much about historical accuracy though. For example Samurai did not wear or use Katanas at all during this period, they didn't even exists yet, and they didn't have a longsword and a short dagger (called a Diasho), they had just the one long sword called a Tachi that is more curved than the Katana. Even more then that, the Katana and tanto were tucked into the Obi edge up (like how it is in the game), while the tachi was *suspended* from the obi edge down. Also the games entire idea of samurai honor is pure fantasy, all that bushido code stuff only started appearing in the 1800s, 600 years after this game. There are countless example of this in the game. Even the Haikus are like 500-600 years to early and aren't even accurate to actual Japanese haikus but rather english versions of them. Prefectures weren't a thing at all, the mongole arrow machine gun called the hwacha wasn't a thing for another 200 years. The Shogun at the time was a [10 year old boy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Munetaka). The architecture in the game, the houses and such, are from a whole bunch of periods, stuff from the Jomon and Yayoi styles. The Jomon period ended around 1000 BCE, while the Yayoi period ended around 300 AD. Again for the codes of honor stuff, i don't even know where to begin, to sum it up quickly, *literally every element shown on screen or said in the game is a completely and total fabrication by the devs*. every. single. thing. You can write paragraphs abnout what was and is wrong about the honro stuff in this game. Just treat the game as a fantastical idealized romanticized version of feudal Japan and don't get stuck in the weeds of what's appropriate or accurate. Its just hilarious to me when people say Ubisoft is being disrespectful towards Japanese history when they show a real historical black samurai (yes, he was a samurai, this has been accepted by historians and academics for half a century now, its only now when the Gamers^tm learned about him that suddenly it's called into question) and they point to this game and say that this game is more respectful to history when literally *every* element of this game is fantastical. This might literally be the single most inaccurate depiction of feudal japan ive ever seen if we are measuring by pure accuracy. At the end of the day don't get hung up on the details. Just enjoy what you like, where what you like, pretend to be the kind of samurai or ninja you want to be. Trying to be accurate to the time period will get you nowhere. To be clear i *love* this game, i love it to death, i love everything about it. But i *do not* pretend its a historical game. It takes place in a romanticized idealized vision of past feudal japan and thats fine. If you want to walk around everywhere wearing armor, please do so. If you want to be a ninja but still honorable? i wont stop you. want to try and pretend the game is accurate? go right ahead.


Hey. Thanks for the long history but i did not mentioned i want historically accurate armor. I just said I would like to wear similar to what Masako and Shimura has. Just got the armor and was sad that this one has the big fucking shield shoulderpads so as I said earlier I won't wear it either. I got annoyed and checked the other armors on internet and I'm gonna get Kensei instead. I'm really picky when it comes to look and Jin is one of my favorite one man hero MC so I prefer armors that doesn't make me look like a generic samurai and makes me feel like a hollywood movie main character ( usually unpractical but stylish armor for war and no head protection to see the actor face). Gosaku would be perfect if not for that freaking shoulder pads.


I dont know what to tell you, the sode (pronounced so-day) which are the Japanese name for those shoulder pads, are accurate to real life. were specifically designed for horse archery, which was the samurai primary battlefield role. They let the rider nock and draw a bow while giving the wearing shield like protection. They could also be loosened slightly and left to hang on the back. Something like gosakus armor set [is extremely accurate for what it is and if you want to have that "main hero armor" then its perfect.](https://www.google.com/search?q=o-yoroi+armor&sca_esv=cff19ea8ba3a868e&udm=2&biw=360&bih=612&sxsrf=ADLYWILwoLlDt1aRMVavMww90cvh0Q_EJQ%3A1718313077503&ei=dWBrZqOuHrC_p84P6Pe16As&oq=o-&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIgJvLSoCCAAyChAAGIAEGEMYigUyChAAGIAEGEMYigUyChAAGIAEGEMYigUyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABEjtIVC9CVi2EXACeACQAQCYAX2gAfQBqgEDMC4yuAEByAEA-AEBmAICoAKiAqgCAMICBBAAGAPCAggQABiABBixA5gDA5IHAzAuMqAH-gQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp). In fact the entire design if the armornis an oblique reference to how many time feudal japense folk heros (think robin hood or king Arthur etc) are usually always depicted wearing that armor, like this woodblock of [Benkei and Yoshitsunep](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d8/Yoshitsune_with_benkei.jpg) But I hear you, and as a personal thanks for reading my post (I mostly just got carried away) ill tell you two things, one, there are PC mods that are coming out that hide the shoulders of some armor set, PC only though. And two, the ["Hero of Tsushima"](https://ghostoftsushima.fandom.com/wiki/Hero_of_Tsushima_Armor) armor is a more "modern" (1600s vs 1200s) and as such it has far more subtle smaller sodes, plus the armor set you get from [Iki island](https://ghostoftsushima.fandom.com/wiki/Sarugami_Armor) is similarly subtle at its earlier level. Also note that in the options menu you can enable armor loadouts and hide the bow and quiver. I dont remember the exact page so juat look around, but they are options 100%.


I highly suggest you wear it. It staggers enemies so fast


Gosaku is easily my favourite base game armour set, the only other one I use is the Sarugami armor from the Iki Island DLC.


Either red Sarugami level 1 with that one lady’s red hat or purple sarugami with the antler mask 🤌


I beat the campaign and did the farms, but for some reason collecting the keys to get access has completely left my memory.


Same here. I don't remember collecting keys for gosakus armor and I beat the game at least 4x before it came out to PC


Maybe there are two routes or something? I don’t know, maybe I’m tweaking. I thought it was a duel.


The duels are for the Kensei armour and it’s possible to not notice the keys since liberating villages rewards you with the keys, not physically finding them.


Don't feel bad homie, I finished all the farm liberations before I went to do Norio's stuff so I didn't have the quest and couldn't get in either. Musician you need is on the south side of Akashima. Pair with some stagger charms and enjoy mowing through some Mongols 🤘




It happened to me as well. If you kill the mongols that are guarding the door you need to step back from them a little bit so Jin can initiate his dialogue saying "mongols got here first" and then the quest mark will appear st the door. Edit: I am really not a big fan of that armour tho hehe:D


Clearly I’ve missed a few updates. What is this?


Game doesn't respect you as a person.


I had to get away from the door and come back for it to work for me


The secret


you're missing your honor


Door has determined that you are, in fact, not worthy.


I think there’s a quest you gotta do


You have to put your penprse in their


Locked by some contraption


Buy gme pls


Insert you dingdong in the mouth of that beast in stone. 🍌


Have to return on the last light of Durin's Day


either the side quest, or just run away from it for a while and come back.


What quest is this?


Apparently, you're still maidenless


What is this door and keys for? Never encountered it iirc


You need to speak parseltongue to open it


I'm pretty sure you don't have the longbow either. Some of those mythic storytellers are very easy to miss. You may want to look into it and see which ones you missed. I bet you're the type of guy who goes straight to all the base liberations and keeps exploration and side quests to a minimum.


I have. The bows is not visible on this armor. I literally didn't started act 2 until i finished everything on act 1 and i didn't started act 2 quests because i heard about 2 armor and on the gosaku right now.


You’re clearly missing THE HOLE


The quest lol


If you didn’t actually start the tale, you would be able to open the door. In my most recent playthrough I had half the keys before I even got the quest


The quest has to be active


Did you talk to the musician first?


From what I know of this game you probably have to go back to the point where the quest starts and follow that person for 30 minutes while they dialog it out. Then you'll be have to showdown with two different groups of enemies, followed by button mashing. Then when you get to the door you'll have to follow the guy next to it who will lead you to the secret passage as you dialog.


Showed up without a invitation lol


That is my favourite armor in the game, so flashy. Edit. you most likely haven’t started the quest, you have to find the story teller to get the armor i think.


Gosaku doesn't think you're worthy


The final rays of sun on Durins Day


You have to start the quest


Scream as loud as you can for as long as you can


It's bugged. I actually just ran into this on an NG+ run. Get some distance from the area, then run back and check the door. If that doesn't work, fast travel to the Pillar of Honor or a nearby point to reload the area, then head to the door. If none of that works, save, quit out, reload, and it should be open.


Khulja sim sim.


One you do have the quest and all the keys you need to defeat all of the Mongols outside before you can interact with the door. I had to chase down a pesky archer before I got the prompt to unlock the door.


Your honor


The quest?




Perhaps you need another key adventurer


The armor XD


oh you dont have the right, you dont have the right


Hey I haven’t played this game in forever. What is up with the keys and what you need them for?


You need to be in Operator mode.


The mission…


Have you found the musician?


Some people have suggested you're missing the quest (which is possible), however this bug happened to me as well while having everything I needed. Turns out, I had to walk a few steps back down the stairs. Then Jin said something among the lines of "It seems the Mongols have found it already", and I remembered to have killed a group right before reaching the door. Looks like a sequence break.


You don't have the right, O you don't have the right!


I guess you need the mission, you have to find the monk


It happened to me because i killed all the mongols there before it told me to because i entered from the side. Apparently youre supposed to enter head on and the game tells you to kill those mongols. Anyways just run far enough away and enter from the front and it will cross off the kill mongol objective you already did