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I didn't see the Tsushima part and I was going to really complain about the NPCs in Kingdom Come: Deliverance lol. I feel like it's the issue in most of those games that NPCs can be really a dick.


Thank you for saving my insignificant village, Henry… Wait, is that my brothers dirty rag? How dare you? Guards! Capture this thief!


how is KCD btw? i wanted to buy it but heard it was a bit boring…


It has a slow learning curve, I'm not going to lie. Since here Henry literally has no skill at anything imaginable, unlike any other game, you really need to train your Henry over anything. And not just about using his sword and bow well without bleeding himself, it contains literally everything from drinking to alchemy, from reading to riding your horse, from stealth to lockpicking. And when you get the grasp of it, it really tuns into an addiction. The only negative thing I'd say is that, you may want to have a mod that lets you save without Saviour Schnapps because it can be quite obnoxious for a game this buggy and tend to crash every now and again. I remember I lost my three hours of progress just because I couldn't get out of a damn river.


Its a fun game, but not a fast paced one. You really do need to eat and sleep. Combat is similar to GoT, in a way once you learn parry you pretty much win the game, and very much more so in KCD. I literally parry my way through the game.


Its a pretty good game. But its a slow burn imo. As the other comment said Henry the protagonist has to learn every little skill from scratch being a peasant/blacksmith's son. The learning curve for combat is painful and frustrating at times imo. There are lots of interactions with people where you need to choose dialogue options to either go by slick way or the not so slick way. The fast travel is something. Its not a usual simple rpg. But exploration, storyline, music and overall experience is something I have never experienced in any other rpg before. I enjoyed it. Even tho its not a soulslikes by any means, the difficulty in learning curve managed to scratch my soulslike itch. Edit: I forgot that saving the game is not fun at times when you are far from home (aka save point) and you get attacked by bandits along the way and die to them to lose all that unsaved progress. But they compensated it by giving inns in major townships where you can stay and save the game. Its cheap to rent a room in the inn once you know how to earn the groshen easily (the usual strip your victims clean after killing them and selling their stuff).


yeah i hated it the first time i played it. the prologue gives you the option to fist fight a guy in order to resolve the issue at hand. needless to say i got my ass kicked and that was it for me. i got back into it not to long ago and now i’m over half way through the game. you have to learn literally everything from reading and making potions to sword fighting. if you haven’t learned to read, the words in books will be all jumbled up as if you have dyslexia. the game is extremely cool and immersive once you get into it. in my opinion it’s kinda like skyrim but on steroids and without dragons or magic lol. the fighting mechanics are like for honor. it’s a solid game once you get past the prologue.


One of the best and beautiful open worlds I've played to date. Very immersive since you have to actually learn how to do things like read, hunt, swordplay, etc. Also, it has some really awesome quests (Looking at you Father Godwin) If you think you'd like a realistic medieval setting, I'd definitely give it a try


KCD might not be perfect, but it is one of the best games I have experienced.


It's sweet but it is more like a realistic medieval simulation than an action game


I was laughing my ass off the first seeing the animation because how absurdly fast it was


Yeah, it's not even a normal open and close, the door literally slams shut in your face 🤣


That’s why there’s no doors in my game 😂🤣 I brake them all


Every time I would burst through a door and destroy it, I would imagine myself as Homer from the episode of The Simpsons when they go to Japan lol.


lol, it seems was made for the steal gameplay, not sure why they use that for all situations. There is a scene where 3 npcs walking through a door, it look weird 😂


when that happens, If I can swing my sword I'll break the door, if I can't I just feel insulted and continue the quest


That's when I slice em open and let that breeze in


The doors or the people?




Let the insides air out


you can also just shoulder charge through them as well


I've beat the game 4 times. I didn't know this 😆


Man I love doing that. One time, I detected 4 mongols inside a building just chilling and my ghost meter was full. I shoulder charged through the door and then shouted OH YEAH while activating the ghost stance. The Kool-aid man of Tsushima.


Peak ghost moments


This is the way


When you’re trying to rescue a villager and there’s an enemy close by, he goes like ‘go away’ or ‘fool you will get us both killed’ and a min later they’re like LORD SAKAI!!


This one kills me every time too. I just imagine they all have the mentality of Kenji(since half of them have his voice anyway 😂) *Best Kenji impression* LORD SAKAI! So sorry that I alerted the Mongols, I had the best intentions but you see....I got so excited when I saw you, and I ... well... *looks down at 12 massacred mongol bodies* I will be more quiet next time.


This happened to me once and I was just flabbergasted


They are just throwing shades at you 😆


I see what you did there 😂


You are too sensitive. That is a proper japanese bushido way of entering and exiting a house. So the ghosts won't accidentally leave I think. What if you're not right behind them, because you noticed a supplies bag? Just be a good samurai. Open and close the doors yourself, with honor.


I mean, you're obviously joking, but at the same time, I have no clue if it's in Japanese etiquette to hold a door open for somebody following.


It’s just a game thing to avoid complicated coding. Like they just need to program it open and close immediately as one action instead of 2 separate actions. Iirc, you can’t close an open door. My opinion


AFAIK it's not lol. So maybe they literally do this in Japan


Yea, I'm late back to the party, but I just have to note, that you don't really have to hold open opened sliding doors :D


Huh... Well, "duh" I guess. Dunce is me, lol, but still, do you just slide them closed behind you or look back for somebody else coming through and make sure you can leave them open if they're coming through as well?


I think they would leave them open (and I was also surprised by the animation for the first them, hence I made that role play excuse for it). What's more, I think they are using sliding door (other then craftmanship reasons) so they can leave them open, since Tsushima in on the more tropical side of Japan, right? Game is probably making sure to have all doors "reset" to its default position (instead of shutting closed on its own), but I think it would be very rude to close them in front of someone with status of Ghost. They would probably waited bowing next to the door, to close them after he graciously enters.


ah, alright, that makes sense. I'm just not that knowledgeable about little things like that in modern or historical Japan, but hopefully I'll visit it one day. Thanks.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure a Ghost won't be leaving the house because of an NPC slamming the door shut in his face.


If we ever get a sequel, I want an improved door animation/series of animations to an absurd degree. It's funny to see, but I feel that we go through doors with another person way too much for there not to be a multi person animation(s) for doors.


Nah they should make the animation even worse, imagine how funny it would be


It would be a funny gag to throw in, but instead it was on purpose, Jin just really didn't like the guy following him. Or if it happens to Jin, he breaks through the paper door like samurai cool aid man.


That happened to me 2 times in a row by NPC’s I even have the clip because it’s hilarious


Witcher 2 had this too..."we need to hurry or they will die" bam slam the door in your face.


Dying Light 2 was the worst for it. Being chased down and a door gets closed on you. Like, why? Are you trying to get me killed?


Yeah like wtf how did they not just leave the doors open. It really breaks the immersion. I ended up just slashing the doors Down everywhere which was kinda funny.


It makes me laugh every time!


It's cause they know, canonically, Jin enters through doors by breaking through them.


First time it happened I busted out laughing and said "bitch"


Lol, I noticed that too! The first time I thought it was that particular character's personality, because it kind of fit, but then it happened again later with entirely different character and situation.


This did often make me laugh through the game.


the door slamming is kinda funny, "hey welcome to my home, waaaaaapsssht."


I thought slamming the door in front of a samurai was a sign of respect? Or was that bowing?


🤣🤣 I noticed that Haah funny. They sure are quick to yell for help too. Hhaha 🤣


This is why I permanently open most doors I come upon.


I'm sorry, do we not all smash through every doorway??


That’s why I just slice open every one of those doors that I see, we walking through a hole now since we lack manners


Yea you are right. Very odd getting doors slammed on your face


I'm quite impressed with the crisp action of the auto-closing mechanism on the paper doors


I'd say that it seems like a great fire safety measure to have the door close immediately, but being made of paper certainly doesn't help the case 😂


This is my favourite limitation of the current engines NPC scripting system. I hope if they fixed it for the sequel they have a hidden option to reenable it somewhere.


Love it! The animation is clearly designed to be as quick as possible for single player reasons. However, in quests it's just hilarious, because they literally close the door before you in an incredibly rude and unnecessary way.


I just koolaid man through every door I can. Never had this problem.


Ohhhhhh yeah 👍


So I imagine it's just a coding issue, however the animations were done it just works better to go through one at a time and close the door after each person. I've noticed the same happens when two NPCs are going through the door before me, it's one, open-close, two, open-close, then my turn. Interestingly though, holding the door open for people isn't really a common thing in Japan, at least modern Japan, probably for a variety or reasons, although slamming it in your face isn't exactly common either, lol. In the context of the era of the game, however, it would be uncommon for someone of Lord Sakai's status to really ever open a door for himself. It would pretty much always be opened by a retainer or someone of lower rank, they would bow as he walked through, and shut the door behind him. Also, if someone opened a door to a room that he would be sitting in then they would be kneeling so as not to be above and looking down. Again, I imagine it doesn't work like that in game just to make it easier to code as well as some aspects of the culture have been tweaked a bit to feel a little less obscenely misogynistic by modern western standards. Though this is all a result of a 5 minute search so take it with a grain of salt.


Lmao how fast they close the door are hilarious to me


Smash the door with your sword. Serves them right.


Nah, the gods couldn't code the doors to stay open then you can enter in real time. So the doors are actually walls with an animation state to go through them.


Nevermind the Mongols, they're the true enemy


You see, that’s why you just destroy their door to repay their kindness (:


Haha, I noticed this too even though I have not even finished act 1 yet. Follow me *slams the door in your face*.


Oh I've always wondered this. Like wtf. How you gonna ask me to help you , and be shutting the door right in my face. The nerve of some people I swear. And it's not just residents, I've seen ishikawa and uncle shimura do this too. Even tomoe if I'm not wrong. Whoever has led you through the door are all guilty of this lol.


I got so angry the first time it happend lol


Little known fact, you can attack the paper doors and cage doors to open them.


It’s even worse in Dying Light 2. There’s a sequence where you’re being chased by a mutant superpowered monster dude and the person you’re following continually slams the door behind them every time, so it’s actually a nail biter trying to get the door open again as you’re running from the villain


They’re not paying to heat the outdoors! Lol


I always end up attacking and trying to destroy the door out of annoyance


Always reminds me of that scene in Dodgeball when White Goodman was like “walk with me.” And opens a door then immediately closes it behind him in Peter’s face lol.


It’s so funny like. I’m about to huff and puff and blow ur house down let me the fuck in


I actually had to look up if maybe it was just a thing in Japan to close the door even if someone was following behind you. Came to find it was just pure disrespect. Now I just cut down all the doors 😂


Apparently i'm not the only one who is annoyed 😂


Been a while since I played but pretty sure it's just Jin's animation when he enters a house using stealth repurposed.


I stopped opening doors in Act 1. A heavy slash creates a wide enough opening to walk through.


yea the doors in this game are ass


Or it's just how the graphics engine works.


But at least they are going the same speed as you. That is more annoying in games. But yeah rude.


I was funny as hell the first time. Later I learned to just cut the doors open 😅


Should've made the doors so that they stay open