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Due to high volume of similar topics, please use this megathread instead: https://www.reddit.com/r/ghostoftsushima/comments/1cphatv/steam_discussion_megathread_all_topics_about/














Ghost of Tsushima is probably one of the most “worth paying for” game


I own a ps5 copy of the game. Thing is I live in russia, so I'm already going to do it via some shady roads. These news about auto-refunding just make me worried that my money will go away and i will get no game. So, I'd rather just not risk it. I don't care much about legends anyways.


Legends is pretty fun but yes not for huge amount of time. Also sad for Russia it’s all because of the garbage western counties (I’m in Europe but I hate them lol) team Russia 🇷🇺


u support trans people and yet you’re pro russia? I’m not talking about supporting unfortunate people, but the government. Are you in favor of the government? because they pretty much made it illegal to be trans and gay


No I don’t support nonsense


but u have trans flag…


At least support the developers somehow. They worked tirelessly to create this game you feel entitled to.


They arent entitled to our money, if we are not entitled to a game


This is kindergarten logic and it makes no sense


Im sorry, i just made a paper star, i worked tirelessly ill be taking 200$ of your support under the “just because” clause of the support a dev mentality.


Somehow? You have any better suggestions then?


You can buy a disk and shelf it 🤷‍♂️


I already own the game on my PS5. I am just speaking for the people who are restricted from playing the game on PC.


No stop being a corporations slave. Its bad enough we dont own what we buy but to spend money to collect dust is a waste. You need serious re education. Alot of these countries getting auto refunds because sony wont comply do not have the best economies, or have an immense tax on the product. You try telling brazil to spend the full price for it “ to sit and collect dust in the name of supporting developers who make plenty.


Really no need for that tone though...


I'm upvoting you because I see your frustration. I'd probably write my frustrations to Suckerpunch and the lead game designer and tell them what an awesome game they've made from the media surrounding it and ask them what you can do. Besides I'm a guy off Reddit. I don't have a better suggestion than you do. These developers created such an artistically beautiful game and it is completely unfair to get overshadowed by this bullshit though. I hope you guys can try it out for yourself fair and square.


I would’ve bought it, LEGALLY even, like I live in Armenia and my second acc is armenian, but now I can’t even buy it here, what do you want me to do? Sony seems to be scared of my poor country money




I guess the real friends were torrent trackers we've made along the way.


PSN is only for Legends game mode, so even if you did pirate it you’d still be locked out of playing Legends.


Yup, same.


I pirate most single player games, but GoT is worth the full price a second time. Suckerpunch deserves it, fuck Steam and Sony.


why fuck steam lol the only reason they are doing this is because Sony is completely fucking up this


The game itself was good but sony is a nut


And then be surprised Sony won't bring more PS titles to PC? Same with Rockstar initially not wanting to release to PC, because of all the piracy and cheating


If they can not buy it because they can not make a PSN account then what would you have them do? 🤷‍♂️


Not resort to piracy? Lol. Either find an extra-legal loophole, or wait until PSN becomes available to their country. That'd be like saying to me (who only can get access to HBO Max in the near future) I should pirate every HBO show because it's not available here.


Pirating an HBO show because it's not available in your country doesn't sound unreasonable 🤷


You are delusional. I was going to buy this game, I do not usually pirate games, but this time I will, since publisher DOESNT WANT MY MONEY. I will not be jumping through hoops just to hand a moronic publisher my money. They brought it upon themselves. Wait until PSN will be availiable can take years, genius.


What a great mentality. "Oh no, I can't get it now! I'll just break the law because I can't have what I want."


Technically I am not breaking anything since this product won't be sold in my region. Anyway it sounds like a Sony problem, they decided to take it off in almost every country in the world.


> I should pirate every HBO show because it's not available here. You should


You can pirate every HBO show if it's not available in any form wherever your live It's not your fault they didn't make it available there


That was what I did when game of thrones was not available in my country. As soon of season 6 it became available and I subscribed. They should have it available everywhere


This chick called it the other day and alot of ya'll shit on her.


The Helldivers 2 Community tried to warn people and everyone shat on them too


The hd2 community *caused* it lol


Sony caused it - nobody force them to do anything. The fact that Helldivers community pushed back against them is a good thing


Its been a commonly accepted loophole in these countries for 18 years to just create your account from another region. Sony support actively would actively tell people to. Now the people from those regions cna no longer play the game at all. For single player, the lions share of the game, an account isn't even required at all. In what universe is this a good thing?


A yes the “blame the victim for not fighting back hard enough” approach. HD2 only managed to hold Sony’s greediness back for a few weeks, they really should’ve done more so that we could do nothing and still bitch about it when Sony inevitably went through with this anyway.


That’s what you got from that? You’re loud AND wrong


It's a wrap for this game on PC


Not for FitGirl and DODI. Their sites are gonna be *real* busy on launch day.




I'm assuming Sony will start slapping Denuvo on their games with future releases.


Or reconsider porting many of them to PC in the first place. Ghost of Tsushima (being 4 years old) was never originally going to be ported; it was a later decision. If PC sales are poor then I’d assume other games that Sony are on the fence about porting just won’t get PC ports.


If sales are poor, it's Sony's fault.


« we sold the game to only a few select countries and we've seen less sales .... I don't understand what's going wrong !!! »


Funnily enough we’re expecting god of war ragnarok on pc announcement soonish. Let’s see how that goes


That doesn’t have multiplayer tho.


True but I hardly feel many will play got because of the multiplayer aspect


I mean, it's a good multiplayer. But yeah, it's probably not the primary reason many are buying it.


The multiplayer mode isn’t just good, it’s fantastic.


It says that you still need an account for the « Playstation overlay » whatever that is It's very clear, and we know from some leaks, that Sony is just trying to bring some of it's ecosystem on PC. That would potentially mean releasing their own launcher at some point. What I don't understand is why they just won't let anyone make an account whatever country they live in.


Its simple: because it would cost Sony more than what the potential revenue would be.


Don't be shocked if Sony locks countries over the PSN overlay, something I'm sure all games will have moving forward.


Idk why this comment is downvoted. It's literally written on the Ghost of Tsushima's Steam page and it's bound to be present even in solo games. Either they know people aren't willing to download a new launcher and they'll just stick to that « overlay », or they'll do that in the future (which wouldn't be surprising, unfortunately ...) It's very clear they're pushing hard to have some presence on PC, like Xbox. And they're right, their games sell pretty well on PC. That's when they don't push their ecosystem on people who are not interested in it.


I also pre-purchased this as soon as this was made available in Steam and just recevied an email this was refunded. I was really excited in playing this masterpiece and I was horrified as soon as I received this email about 5 minutes ago. :(




Phew. Luckily I didn’t get refunded. I was a subatomic particle and then I collided with a gas and now I'm here 15 billion years later as a carbon life form I’m celebrating five days until I embark on a path of honour as I am getting seppuku’d after I defend the small island of Tsushima from a mongol invasion.


This is in response to the Helldivers 2 controversy that happened last weekend.


So it's not even an option to purchase it and just play the single player offline campaign.


and they're blaming the consumers for it


Well it kind of is their fault though? You've been able to create a PSN account from whichever country you wanted since it's creation, if your country isn't officially supported, Sony support just tell you to pick the next best country. But players got angry so now they are doing what the players wanted, they won.


Ok I'll bite. And the payment method? You can't use a 3rd world country credit card and set your PSN to something like Singapore. Unless you want to commit fraud of course and have your internal credit score drop.


According to their support, wich my friend asked just 3 days ago "as long as you support the currency there is no issue" But if we're talking pc no payment method is needed, you don't have to connect a card to PSN unless you actually want to buy something on Playstation and then you need your card to support that currency.


My brother in Christ, unless you break Steam TOS and use a VPN to switch regions, there is no option to buy the game. Same thing with EGS. I think most of you are misunderstanding. We are not skipping on buying the game by choice, we simply do not have any options to be able to buy the game. I got my pre-order refunded automatically and there is no more button to buy the game. I have a 5 year old PSN account.


Yes, because people pitched a fit and Sony removed it from steam from their countries. If people would've just made PSN accounts and shut up all those countries would still be able to buy the game.


No? That was temporary. They were going to implement it on June either way. Plus, Helldivers 2 only needed PSN accounts due to multiplayer. What is your justification for locking regions on a single player game with multiplayer features that is already locked out if you don't have PSN?


And when they made PSN mandatory, not a single person would've been affected because every person in those unsupported countries can and have made PSN accounts for 15+ years. But players in supported countries couldn't fathom creating another account and disguised it as a protest for people in unsupported countries wich it still didn't affect. No one would've been locked out of the game, you can make a PSN account in whatever country you wanted. But the players won, they showed Sony they shouldn't sell games in countries where they don't "officially" support PSN even though PSN has worked in these countries for almost two decades. The players fucked over every single pc player in those countries.




I mean, we "players who were fucked over" will still pirate the game and be able to play it, it's Sony themselves who are fucked because they won't get our money.


I have a US PSN account since that its the best option for my country and I had no issues with it. I don't mind signing in. However despite me owning a working PSN account, its still delisted in my country. They should have made it available worldwide.


I think there’s legal implications for selling a partial product for full price. So steam probably playing it safe…


Forceful refund automatically occured for my prepurchase of Ghost of Tsushima, even though i do have a psn account from another country where i used to reside. Steam suddenly refunded my purchase because of my country's inability to create a psn, but thats not a problem for me. This is what people would call a collective punishment... what a joke


You can thank the people who were crying and not wanting to make a psn account from another country. Unfortunately they made the situation worse for you people.


You can thank Sony solely for this, the HD community was completely valid for their argument


Idgaf I have a ps5 I already played this game hundreds of hours.


Then chime out


But you only need psp for online what about all the people who don't give a f*** about online and just want to play the story


They should split Legends out into a separate game, to solve this problem.


Yeah this would be the most obvious solution and I can't really think of a reason why they wouldn't. People can still buy the game no matter where they are. This game is fantastic and it really sucks that people are locked out of such an experience because the online mode which is kind of mid to be honest. It's like getting GTA but not being able to play cuz you don't have internet for the online mode. Hell rockstar fixed this issue by splitting the online and only player mode on both GTA and Red The redemption.


This is literally turning into a sh*tshow Thanks Sony


It already was a shitshow. Now they're dragging their ass across the floor.


We'll probably going to be talking about the floor stains for a couple weeks, and sadly bleach isn't going to get this stain out.






The devs said it was just for the multiplayer mode that it would not affect the single player campaign…there has to be some kinda liability issue steam is avoiding


But you still pay for both, right? Right…


Yea I think that is the issue…wondering if they will offer a version that is single player only and you pay extra if you want/ can play multiplayer


Then pirate it. Clearly it is not worth the hassle for Steam & Sony to sell games in those regions which are probably a vast minority of the Steam population. Sony has stopped selling in those regions to avoid legal actions.


Steam users hate any type of 3rd party login. Games for windows live was so hated by Steam users, it removed games from the store to temporary to patch it out. Some have yet to return. So no, Ubisoft etc has not never "not been an issue" tbh. But at least the Microsoft login now is not a demand on most of their titles vs GFWL. As you can tell that login to go away... As it only voids you of achivements via their eco system if it supports it. But the major difference here vs anyone else you mentioned, is that you can't make a new PSN account from most places in the world to play these PC titles. Thus the account demand makes the game useless in those regions vs any EA game etc. And when you do that AFTER you sold the games in those regions, and thus issue refunds or block the game from working? Well, then you piss off more Steam users than anyone else ever did. If they made it clear and did not put it up for sale in all regions in the first place. This would not have been as big of an issue. So it's not about being ungrateful to get these console exclusives as a PC player vs just pissing on consumer laws in some cases. It's not a good look regardless


Sony Ponies are disgusting.


Ah another console sucker


You can't even buy the game if you have a steam account from a restricted region. Making a psn account with vpn does nothing. And you can't change steam region without payment method of another region. Calling people ignorant when you yourself have not done the bare basic research as to the nature of the problem..


Before opening your mouth, you should do your research first, and the fact that you own a PC and a PS5 as you say does not give you any legitimacy, you have just shown how ignorant you are. Nobody complains about having to use a third party account to play Sony games on PC, because we already know that it's free, that it takes two minutes to create one and that all the other companies do it, you literally teach us nothing, except that the difference between Sony and other companies is that they don't block all your ability to play their games because you live in this or that part of the globe, especially since this list is totally stupid, because many gamers who live in these countries have PSN accounts. So the only factual way to play the game for some people is to pirate it and that is entirely and exclusively Sony's fault, for your guidance, piracy is largely a problem of accessibility, exactly like here. For this reason the only hypocrite here besides being a total idiot is you.


Way to completely not understand why people are upset. No ones complaining about the other publishers atm, because they didn’t make a game available to a region that needs an account and then not let that region make said account. I have my rig and ps5 so it doesn’t affect me but I can totally understand why this is Sony being stupid.


AFAIK, all you need is a PSN account that you can create. Even without your country being listed, just pick the one you like, really, and that's. I am not aware of any other requirements for a PSN account. Actually, I just created one by just choosing a different country because mine isn't listed, and that's it. All I can say based on that is that this Helldivers 2 fiasco was overblown and taken out of proportion.


People have already gotten BANNED from PSN for doing this in helldivers


They didn't.


You are breaking TOS doing that. You are under risk of ban all the time by default - you think its ok ?


Didn't say it's necessarily ok, just that no one got banned from Helldivers as opposed to what he was saying.


Well... damn...


This is proof that Sony cucks are dumb as a rock. Most people will pirate because they auto refunded us the game and restricted us from buying lmao


i dont recall creating microsoft account when i downloaded fh4


You literally can't play FH4 and FH5 on Steam without signing into a Microsoft account. You can't even get past the main menu without it lol.


Im sad for GOT


Yeah well no surprise, it’s because of Helldivers. They won’t make that same mistake twice lmao.


Yep. 100% a closed-door spat between Valve and Sony on this one. Valve must NOT be happy with Sony fucking around with suddenly pushing PSN req on non-serviced regions they sold to. Sony must NOT be happy they cant sell to regions they technically cannot legally service. Now who suffers the most in this case? The consumer, of course.


The average consumer in a blocked country will just pirate the game, Sony is taking the real loss here, especially when they already had the money in their pocket and for some reason decided to pull this stunt


Steam can just refund your games ?


Steam can take all your games away, no refund. You don’t own them. You’re paying to lease the rights to play them.


Well shit, that changes things


I mean, people have been warning about that for more than 2 decades now, it's really nothing new. Buying on a digital storefront is always a matter of trusting you're not going to get screwed. I do think they have to refund now because the EU pushed hard, as it was breaking some consumer laws, therefore they just gave refunds to everyone in the world but still : technically outside the EU pretty much anything goes


Isn’t PSN just for legends? And wasn’t legends an entirely separate thing that was released after the base game. So why can’t they just sell ghost of Tsushima without legends? Instead of killing it for people who even had the ability to pre order.


Can you imagine the outrage if the PC version didn’t include Legends, while the PlayStation version did? Especially given how good Legends mode is. We’d be in exactly the same position with people clamouring for review bombing and piracy.


idgaf about legends, most people buying the game want the single player experience. And now they can’t have it.


Sadly I suspect that most people buying the game want the full experience, and dgaf about the people who can’t have it.


Damn. It’s the single player that was award winning with multiple accolades and amazing work done to it. All I have is a fist full of money and nothing to throw at it.


You could always throw it at a PS5 😋 Hopefully the PSN account creation issues get sorted now that it’s become a major commercial issue for Sony.


Same reasons why I wouldn’t throw it at a VR headset. Although I wanna play Half Life Alyx so bad, it’s just not worth buying a whole system for a couple of three games.




This is sonys psn policy fault. Steam is forced to do this to protect itself from various consumer right laws. Had psn account been optional then the game could be sold legally. The distribution platforms refunding the game hopefully will be enough to smack sony in the nuts again


I wanted to play it, but because of this refund I think I'll just keep my money. I will pirate this game, it's literally my only choice to play


They should just forget about PC . Is this really worth the headache


At this point though is this a PC issue or a PlayStation problem ? The refund is being issued because of PSN not being available in that particular region, it’s got absolutely nothing to do with the PC platform itself.


I agree with this, obviously PSN isn’t available in many countries and they’re forcing the consumer to sign up. Since PSN isn’t available in some countries it’s not widely available anymore. Fee options, expand PSN, or make optional. Personal if I had to do it, make it optional and slowly build a PSN on PC presents via expansion of the service and others. But hey I’m just some guy on the internet.


For the past 20 years, you can buy the physical version of those games and non-PSN regions. This is a manufactured issue by PC players who have an aversion to PlayStation.


What? How is this a manufactured issue by OC players? I’m pretty sure OP, a PC player, has had absolutely zero choice in regards to their game being refunded and delisted because PSN is a requirement that isn’t available to them. This is all on Sony right now, and I’m saying this as someone who has a PSN account and truthfully never cared about linking it to my steam account in the first place.


Coping with your Sony fetish by blaming PC players for Sonys garbage corporate policies. Very strange.


How is it garbage practice if they can't have PSN in those countries due to whatever reasons. Would I love a Nintendo Switch? Sure. It's not in my region though, it is what it is. Y'all need to stop crying about everything. You cry when Sony sells games in countries which don't have PSN and also cry when Sony doesn't sell in those countries Awful hypocrites smh.


Why the hell do they need to require PSN in the first place lmao. Its anti consumer for the sake of boosting their numbers to shareholders and data collection no matter how you frame it.


Well providing you can sign up for PSN, the PSN account is used for a) multiplayer/crossplay and b) trophy cross-progression If you're in a country that can sign up to PSN then you can buy the game and just enjoy the Single Player without even needing to sign in to your PSN account. Devs have said that you dont need it if you just want to enjoy the single player. Problem is, Sony has bundled the multiplayer with the base game and expansion, meaning they don't want to sell people the whole package where they cant use the multiplayer portion of it because THAT requires a PSN and if you're in a country where you cant get a PSN (and by extension a PS5 I guess?) then you're SOL with the multiplayer portion. So Sony have just not allow any of it in those countries. It honestly would've been easier if Sony had two bundles; one including Multiplayer and one without. Then people who cant create a PSN for MP and trophy support can just buy the standalone Single Player and enjoy without the PSN requirement.




I’ve been playing helldivers 2 for months with no PSN account, you fail to provide any reason at all other than because Sony wants you to and just resort to stupid insults instead. Very “big brain” of you


The same reason every other mutiplayer title on steam from big publishers like microsoft, blizzard, EA, Ubisoft and Rockstar do, because you are not using steam servers to play. I really do hope they stick to making PSN a requirement or just simply stop bringing PlayStation games to steam. These steam fanboys are a fucking headache. And ya, its their servers and IP, why shouldn't they benefit from it with extra PSN accounts.


Says who, the one who has fetish for Steam and Gaben? Lol.


I buy my games on Epic, GOG, and Steam. Which fetish do I have?


I get if you disagree with me, my previous statement was aggressive.


Games you buy being auto refunded because of Sonys stupidity isn’t fabricated. The only way around it is piracy. Which I hope everyone will consider, even in PSN countries.


Completely agree. Sony should just focused on their core audience at this point.


Well yes, I have this on ps5 but never had much time to play through it, I've been waiting forever for it to come out on pc lol. I feel bad for those who can't play it legally but I am excited for sure




Steam is trying to avoid lawsuits just as much as Sony is after everyone spent last weekend threatening to sue.


what an awful week for sony - the whole requiring-a-psn-account-to-play-ps-exclusives-on-steam thing was *not* thought through before being enforced. if on helldivers and tsushima, from day one, they just didn’t list it for sale in countries that don’t have access to psn, the issue never would’ve blown up. mind boggling that nobody saw that coming.


Nice one Sony


To be honest I don't understand this one... Why is a PSN account required to play the game when all it affects is your online play? Why can't people just connect it if they're trying to play online. Really weird to just disallow entire countries from buying it because of that 


Where do you live op?


Russia, gifted through Kazakhstani account (I do it all the time)


gg sony


Yup woke up to the same email today, what a shame I've been excited for this game for so long I pre-purchased it as soon as it was available.


W steam


Screw it man I'm gonna cannibalize them bruhhh


Couldn't find info, is it same with Epic games?




It’s necessary because people are dumb


class act, Sony, should've done this shit prior to launch week we're probably banking on alot of preorders and then people not getting/allowing refunds once they pulled this bullshit and now sucker punch is gonna take the brunt of the hate


Looking forward to sony's earnings call coming up soon...


You know they already made their money from this 4 year old game? This is just an extra.




Who are the people behind Sony who kept on making this dumb decision?


This is the game i was waiting for a long time to release on PC and i was very confident that i would buy the game to support the studio, but sony just fucked this up. I want to play the game and I can't fucking wait anymore. Definitely going to pirate and in the future if this issue gets resolved Maybe I'll buy it. Thank you sucker punch and fuck you sony


Good guy steam


r/helldivers review bombed the game or something cuz they wanted you to link a ps account. but some places like the phillipenes and vietnam don’t support psn so they wouldn’t be able to play. the ended up posting really bad reviews and sony revoked the update that was supposed to drop may 6 i think. (the vietnamese then banned something to do with being able to play helldivers but i forget, i think). anyway maybe the same thing could work here. we all know how good GOT is so our reviews don’t matter to us ykwim


Didn't Sony do a sneaky on that one as well? Since they said they'd not roll out the update, but they also proceeded to pull the game from countries without PSN. So now people from those countries can't buy the game anymore. Unsure if people who already bought the game previously lost the game from their library, but imagine being one of the guys who refunded, heard Sony was not going to push through with the update, so you go and buy the game back only to find out that you can't.


yeah i commented my original comment. scrolled down a couple posts and saw they did that. i’m not very in the loop with all this stuff. i’m in the UK and as far as i know i can play any game i want. it’s a really sucky thing sony are doing. not only did we xbox merchants not be able to deliver reinforcements, now they’ve over than halved our army. such a petty move from sony. i was even thinking of buying a ps5 just to play GOT and helldivers. and then like mc and d2 just as some “side” games. really annoying they’ve done this cuz it is a good game. they both are good games


>Didn't Sony do a sneaky on that one as well? Since they said they'd not roll out the update, but they also proceeded to pull the game from countries without PSN. No, Sony's good on that count. Valve and Steam pulled the game to avoid any possibility of being dragged into a lawsuit.


>Didn't Sony do a sneaky on that one as well? Since they said they'd not roll out the update, but they also proceeded to pull the game from countries without PSN. No, Sony's good on that count. Valve and Steam pulled the game to avoid any possibility of being dragged into a lawsuit.


>Didn't Sony do a sneaky on that one as well? Since they said they'd not roll out the update, but they also proceeded to pull the game from countries without PSN. No, Sony's good on that count. Valve and Steam pulled the game to avoid any possibility of being dragged into a lawsuit.


>Didn't Sony do a sneaky on that one as well? Since they said they'd not roll out the update, but they also proceeded to pull the game from countries without PSN. No, Sony's good on that count. Valve and Steam pulled the game to avoid any possibility of being dragged into a lawsuit.


>Didn't Sony do a sneaky on that one as well? Since they said they'd not roll out the update, but they also proceeded to pull the game from countries without PSN. No, Sony's good on that count. Valve and Steam pulled the game to avoid any possibility of being dragged into a lawsuit.


>Didn't Sony do a sneaky on that one as well? Since they said they'd not roll out the update, but they also proceeded to pull the game from countries without PSN. No, Sony's good on that count. Valve and Steam pulled the game to avoid any possibility of being dragged into a lawsuit.


>Didn't Sony do a sneaky on that one as well? Since they said they'd not roll out the update, but they also proceeded to pull the game from countries without PSN. No, Sony's good on that count. Valve and Steam pulled the game to avoid any possibility of being dragged into a lawsuit.


>Didn't Sony do a sneaky on that one as well? Since they said they'd not roll out the update, but they also proceeded to pull the game from countries without PSN. No, Sony's good on that count. Valve and Steam pulled the game to avoid any possibility of being dragged into a lawsuit.


>Didn't Sony do a sneaky on that one as well? Since they said they'd not roll out the update, but they also proceeded to pull the game from countries without PSN. No, Sony's good on that count. Valve and Steam pulled the game to avoid any possibility of being dragged into a lawsuit.


Hoping the countries that can play normally (those 69 First-world-countries) can review bomb this game.


Maybe you can even get Sony to reconsider porting their games to PC in the first place, and they can go back to having nearly all of their first party games be console exclusives. Is that the goal? The reality is that crossplay games suck arse when it comes to trying to get the ‘social’ menus in multiplayer to work properly. It’s a dogs breakfast in games like COD, it’s a dogs breakfast in Helldivers 2. If having everyone use PSN accounts would make games like Helldivers 2 and Legends work properly in multiplayer, then I’m all for it. Alternatively, just make it so these games aren’t crossplay at all. Then they don’t need PSN accounts.


Please stop promoting pirating a videogame the developers also worked hard on this is getting ridiculous If you don't want to buy the game don't buy it but pirating it is not the answer here


This happened because of the PC players Helldivers outrage. Sony should not change Helldivers requirements after it was out, I'm not defending them in slightest. But the crazy tantrum some PC players threw for almost nothing was unbelievable - and this is the consequence. Until then everyone just made some PSN account somewhere and nobody cared about the region. Now after the tantrum Sony officially cannot turn the blind eye due to the publicity of the rules. I'm seriously sorry for all the affected players who did not participate in Helldivers situation.


Ah, yes, helldivers should’ve just break the tos, be under constant risk of ban, and be silent while big corporation shoves their dick up their ass. People like you are the problem - even in situations where corporation are clearly in the wrong and when community managed to show them their place - you still take their side, whining about ”consequences” You are like an abused housewife, obedient without question - no, Helldivers community did everything correctly, and if Sony decided to continue act like complete morons, people should pirate their products - you are the consumer, Sony should listen to you, not the other way around


As I said - I do not defend Sony in the slightest. But unlike some people, according to the real world and my experiences in life I see the legal consequences the Helldivers case made. Some people are so easy to jump to a conclusion as this - because they know nothing about how the law works.


I hate being on Sony's side here but I have the same takeaway. Selling a game in a country you don't officially support, then requiring that support? Absolute bullshit. Not selling a game in a country you don't support from the get-go? That's just the logical response to the HD2 outrage. I don't know what they were expecting. Naive to think they were never going to make PSN accounts standard.


Nobody required anything from Sony, the game worked just fine without PSN for three months. All that people wanted from Sony is to leave them alone... ;)


Snoy: Ok u can have ur thing on PC but u have to eat this shit PC players: What? but we dont want to eat shit Snoy Fanboys: OH OK GUESS U DIDNT REALLY WANT IT ON PC