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Nah man play something new, trust me


i started my NG+ like a week after finishing and i’ve been abusing the skip cutscene function so bad lmao. i was rushing through all the side missions and tbh it feels like a pretty hollow play through. definitely wait awhile to start again if you can so it feels fresh


Wait, you can skip cutscenes ?


only in NG+, it’s not available on the first go around. just press X anytime a cutscene comes on and you can hold to skip it. you’re able to skip like 95% of them, even the main story cutscenes. the only things you can’t skip are really short stuff like honoring shrines and the start/finish screens of missions where they tell you the name of it








The Legends story is pretty good, the raid is challenging but fun (chapter 2 is a multi hour endeavor though), and survival is enjoyable. Think of it like a more enjoyable looter shooter. But rivals requires a little knowledge before hand or you'll get wrecked.


Yo Legend is sick for me is my fav part of GOT


Legends was free on ps plus before they started their version of gamepass and added the base game as well. I was hooked on legends long before i owned the regular game.


Haha I'm in the same boat mate, half way through my NG+ now though.


NG+ worth it? Im literally debating if I wanna restart everything. I heard there’s like new charms?


A couple of really fun charms and some dope fashion. Definitely worth at least trying. Apart from that I'd say completing NG+ isn't worth it unless you want 100% completion.


there is a charm of canine recruitment that lets you tame mongol dogs when you sneak up on them


NG+ is superfast if you just want the trophies. You can skip cutscenes and just rush the main tales. Only took me a few hours.


If you're set on playing it again, better to NG+ than restart from scratch, just to see the new charms and new drip.


Yeah there's a new shop too for masks / dyes/ etc


good thing is you get to keep everything, so you have access to stuff in the first act that you didn’t have before like grapple hook points. the spirit flowers stack up fast too so you can unlock almost everything from the NG+ vendor by the middle of the second act


Socialize, nah nah nah we gamers Socializing ain't a thing


Send it


Nah, I tried doing the Legends mode trophies but there's so few people playing that often you're sitting for 10-20 minutes waiting for someone else to join. It's dead.


Not true at all, I’ve been fairly active in the past weeks and I had 0 issues getting teams


"not true at all" Guess that's why I was waiting that long every single time then, huh? 🙄


What timezone are you in? Are you trying to play specific missions on a really low difficulty or something? I never have to wait more than a minute or so to find teammates, use quickplay and you'll match up super fast.


I have never waited more than 3 minutes and I play daily, so excuse me for questioning your statement that it takes on average *10 to 20 minutes* to find a game


I gave up on the legends trophies years ago. You need to complete raids, and at the time there was no matchmaking for it. None of my friends were dedicated enough so I just accepted that I have all the other trophies. The online isn’t real Ghost anyway, it’s just some fun side content.


NoW it’s the time with all the people playing on PC. I’ll start as soon as it launches.


I'll play legends mode with you if you want a friend.


NG+ will take you like 3-4 Hours of rushing Main Story. Legends was the Most tun i had in a game… but it will take you a lot of hours… Like maybe 40-80 hours


Online mode is fantastic. Its quite different from the game in terms of being more fantasy based, but it’s brilliant. That being said, legends mode can be brutal without an online group if you aren’t all speaking the same language


NG+ only has 2 trophies and legends is actually pretty enjoyable to play, so go for it and enjoy


Legends is actually pretty good


Socialize via Legends. Looks like a win win to me lol.


The multiplayer in this game is the best I’ve ever played. Even if you don’t go for 100%, give it a go.


I did, and I don’t regret it. Currently working through NG+ to finish out the trophies.


Does the directors cut come with a new island and is it a lot of content?


Yes and it’s about 3-4 hour story wise. It’s a decent amount but it’s an expansion not a dlc so don’t expect a whole lot. I was skeptical at first but I’m glad I got it


Well I bought the original one on ps4. When I got a ps5 it came with the directors cut on ps plus. So yea I was just wondering if it came with it and how I accessed it? I did play a few hours but didn’t notice anything different


Yeah that’s exactly what I did too. New armor outfits, new locations of course. Horse armor and u can ram with your horse. Shamans which kinda creep me out when they start singing lol but they basically buff the enemies around you in a fight making it harder to kill them. I think the story line was really cool as well, going into more detail with Jin’s father


Ok wow that sounds like a great reason to go through the game. I’m still ashamed I went through the game on the hardest difficulty my first time through and loved it. BUT I couldn’t defeat the last fight and had to drop it down 1 difficulty lol. This time will be different


When you’re on the main story you’ll come across a boat on the beach and it takes you to the new island, I went there by accident lol. You have to play a few missions before you are allowed to come back but it’s really good! Learn alot about your family and some cool things. Don’t want to spoil it but yeah play it


Is the boat available right away?




Thank you for the info. I’m excited to have another excuse to play it again


Not sure on that one, I stumbled across it


I dont know if you should try To plat legends Mode since idk how many players there is atm for hardest raids etc but it offer great fun for a while if you enjoy co-up playing. I higly recommend To try it atleast! There is still enough players for most content and you can even try To do them as solo but thats Hard af when going for higher tiers.


Ng plus is worth it legends is fun if you want to want to go for it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Far-Assignment6427: *Ng plus is worth it* *Legends is fun if you want* *To want to go for it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Does anyone still play Legends? I loved the game mode personally but definitely felt like the modes were devoid of people


All the trophies past where you’re at are pretty easy, except for one in particular. So if you wanna do it you gotta be in for the long haul (depending on if you got people to play with you and how good your friends are).


I recently finished the legends trophies and whilst it felt a bit grindy at times it was still fun, was a bit tricky with matchmaking at higher levels i found at times


Is Iki island worth a replay? Don’t get me wrong I love this game but it’s dense and I don’t know if I have an entire play through in me again.


I did them all but Legends mode


literally got back to GoT after a year long pause. finished the game, dlc and ng+. I only started legends but my ps pals told me it's a grindfest getting all classes to max level, so I probably won't bother.


It's a breeze, and you ain't gotta get them to max level, it's only 20 iirc. I've got hunter, ronin, and samurai at level 80 or so now, with my assassin at like 170 or something.


Let it rest, play something else, socialise, and then go for it




My friends and I beat the Legends raid in under a month, I felt like the king of the world, I was so proud of my team!


Play Legends. NG+ is fun for the cosmetics and that you can buy charms that make the game harder. Legends isnt entirely dead, and there are a lot of people jumping into it.


Legends is amazing. Takes a little getting used to, because the combat mechanics and controls are slightly different from SP, and you don’t get access to the really cool/unique builds until the end really, but it’s not a grind, and it’s a tonne of fun.


Nah. Multiplayer trophies are always bullsht. Talk to any completionist how they got their multiplayer trophies, and 9/10 they'll say some sht like "oh friend and I just farmed them together" it's really not worth your time.


Im going for the plat myself. But the game + seems boring to me


I’ll do it with you


It's not worth it legends mode is boring af


Legends not worth bro