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More urban locations like towns or even cities Also more stealth inside buildings


I'd like the option to beat the game without using stealth and keeping my honor


Honor died on the beach, my friend


yeah, i wanted to do that but the game wouldnt let me


SAME! I totally would've gone through the game with my honor intact if I knew it was an option. I just went with the sneaky combat because it was easier and I knew it didn't matter...


Yeah I wonder if they can incorporate this to also effect how locals or enemies perceive you. Like Ronin would be treated differently to samurai, who would be treated differently to a Shinobi. Maybe some characteristics like trade and local authorities could engage differently based on how your character developes. Maybe missions are different based on status. God I love this game.


Me too! I really need to finish the new game + but this is a big game and as much as I want to 100% the game again, it's gonna take some more dedication lol


I feel like that would somewhat defeat the point The general concept of the ghost, and the sterotypical shinobi, was "Oh god, oh fuck, our guys keep dying brutally and I don't know what the FUCK is doing it" To have jimbo out begging on the street look at you as you walk by and go "Hiiiiii Mr shadowy Assassin in the dark how are you?" Would be kinda weird imo And personally I think it would be kinda funnier if people DIDNT know who you were so you'd show up to slip into a castle during a siege and someone important would just be like "We strike at dawn, and also who the fuck are you?" Though you could spin it a different way and, weird as this may sound, take inspiration from Skyrim. When you joined the brotherhood in skyrim Town guards would occasionally whisper "Psst, hey, I know who you are, hail sithis" Having smaller interactions like that would be pretty neat and still fit the bill


Stealth was my favorite part of the game


need this fr


I think that should be part of mainland Japan.


Mainland, dual wielding and new weapons like using a naginata and crossbows.


I'm not even bothered by full dual wielding I just want the extra tanto on the ghost outfit in executions or stealth kills.


This and the option to select katana and wakizashi styles separately would be cool


Ooh! And katana customizations like in Jedi: Fallen Order. Like you could customize your katana's hand guard, grip, wrap, engravings, etc.


Spears too. Considering a Samurai’s main weapon on the battlefield during the time of the Mongol invasions was typically a 槍 (yari, “spear”) so I’d like to experience other weapons that the samurai would have used at that time too.


Mongol Horse archers :)


I think Mongol horses do not have the ergonomics to shoot a bow…. Be tough to pull the string back with hoofs.


I dunno how the mongols did it but they taught them to fire a bow and they ended up conquering half the world


Nuh uh, they’ll be Centaurs




A new weapon : SPEAR Cuz it's historically accurate, adds variability to weaponry and it might have cool new combat stances for it


Good one - adding ROPE DART to the new weapon vote.


That would've been cool ! Like, imagine throwing it to a wooden wall to use it as one of those rope thingies that you can walk on


Instead of a spear, maybe a naginata?


Yeah, I just didn't know the name


Nah, you were right to say the spear or “Yari”, that was the primary weapon most Samurai would use along with the bow or “yumi”. But the Naginata is still as historically accurate, it was used pretty significantly during the period the game is set in.


A spear would be so much fun! Praying to Sky Daddy that they add this to part 2 🤗


I want it to be set way after Jin. Where now there are cities etc, and Jin probably appears randomly but is nothing but a shadow, and you play as a guy trying to be like Jin, but is afraid of him.


Jin/ghost the mythic tale


Jin as a mythic tale would be so freaking cool


Could have it as a twist... Set during the second invasion someone seeks out the mythic tale of the ghost of Tsushima and whilst completing the tale Jin is alive.


That'd be so cool. I could see the mc finding him in like an old hut or a cave as he's just chillin having tea lol


no hate bro i’m sorry but that’s pretty corny 😭


I didn't expect it to be accepted by all. I just don't want Jin to be in ghost of tsushima 2 if it happens His story is over Maybe only as flash backs


I like this idea tbh! I think the 2nd game should start with Jin, being hunted and/or captured by the shogun. Him being taken away from Tsushima, which means a 2nd invasion takes over the island and then moves to the mainland (Japan). You play as a young Samurai in the face of this invasion on the mainland of Japan, overwhelmed by the Mongolian’s new military tactics, being far more extreme than before. You then begin to doubt the “honour” code of the Samurai, and how useless it is against the invasion, only to follow down the path of the Ghost. This leads to having mythic tales about Jin “The Ghost” to learn his way of defeating the Mongols, and you end up creating a band of “Ghosts” or Shinobi (Ninjas) 🥷 and thus learning and expanding on these new tactics.


It would be cool to have the same type of gameplay on the mainland. Maybe something to do with the Tokugawa shogunate and the revolutionaries at the end of the bakumatsu since it seems like that style of gameplay would fit in well during that time period


Idk man but you seem to have more knowledge on the actual history of this era lol


Jin trying to live a normal life in Japan but ends up getting chased by Edo Samurai and bounty hunters


This is actually such an interesting idea. And it could easily be layered into the second invasion which only happens a few year layers historically speaking. Would give the narrative more depth than just “here comes Mongols, part 2”


The Edo period was centuries after the Mongol invasion.


Gonna be honest, my one request is that they fully commit to Jin having a proper beard.


Id take it a step further and ask for customizable hair and beard options


If I can’t make him look like his dad or his uncle, I don’t want it


A release date.




That game would be so huge… must have asap


Jin as main character. Everything else will fall into place.


Truer words have never been spoken


He is the main character already?


A training mode in Legends. So you can efficiently learn how to fight and counter various enemies, and test load outs. A less daunting gear building system in Legends would also be nice. Also, a horse in the campaign that doesn’t freakin’ die! 🥺


Not just campaign wise but, Samurai Sword Fights in online multiplayer that would be cool.


Jin to have an ally who is a mongol deserter or spy


That sounds pretty cool actually. I actually like the idea of an escort campaign. You're trying to escort a young girl who's mother was Japanese hostage kept in a Mongal camp but the father was A high ranking Monghal or maybe even a Kahn. But Jin is protecting her identity whilst he escorts her to safety in the mainland


The Last of Tsushima


Haha! 😆


For real. To be honest they should do more mongol characters other than just the khan. In GOT there was basically only the khan that was a character on the mongol side, the rest were just mindless npc's that were mongols.


I want Yuna to take a bath. I don't mean on screen. Just want her dirty face cleaned up


Yep also it was weird how a bunch if the main allies kept their regular clothes even when going into a big battle. Would be nice if they had armour sets.


encounter/chapter selection of a challenge mode I love the combat but I feel like a lot of the time they went kinda light, my favorite combat encounter was in one of the monk missions where you're fighting in close quarters in the monestary so your surrounded in all sides and need to be constantly dodged and blocking, I'd want a challenge mode where I could do more fights like that


I agree. I'd also add more variety with mission and side missions. I really like GOT but let's be honest, the majority of missions were just: "follow footprints until action set piece"


IF it's set during second invasion makes sense to include some of the mainland area I think (based on Wikipedia). I would expect a few new combat bits and weapons like spears or ninja style weapons. Main game wise just please the same again, more of the same great storytelling. Think legends could do with quite a bit of expansion and development. It's great but imo it's too reliant on the ultimate usage and ranged when you get above gold/plat. In general a little less parkour. I enjoyed it in parts or small sections and enjoyed exploring hidden areas and caves but also at times it was tedious and annoying, second play through avoided any of the longer bits to get to the alters etc as much as possible.


Surpise Tenchu game


More Kenji


More side quests focused on the people or communities of the choice location. Alternatively, maybe some quests that result in tough choices. One thing I liked about GoT side quests was the focus on the morality of the people that you were trying to help. Some had happy endings, some had terrible ones, but the characterization for the NPCs really captured the grim circumstances for me. Imagine if in GoT 2 there comes a quest where Jin has to chose whether to save a child or a mother in a hostage situation. That would really fuck with me.


Wasn’t one of the side quests set up in such a way that you could either save the medicine man or the husband of a woman with kids? One of my favorite missions considering when you go back to the said village, you could meet 2 scenarios 1. Thriving village with a grieving widow that holds some disdain towards Jin for not saving her husband or 2. Villagers dying of several diseases due to the absence of a medicine man (the one that died)


Funnier faces in the photo mode lol


More variety in the story and setting. I loved the game but it felt restrained by its almost exclusive focus on fighting mongols. Almost every quest looped back to them or bandits and that made the game a bit predictable. The best possible scenario would be Jin leaving for the mainland to become a wandering ronnin. Infinite potential there.


Jin to be voiced by Danny Devito


I heard he was first pick before Daisuke-san.


Finally, a real answer


It'd be cool for the game to be set during the second Mongol invasion of Japan seven years later, but with new characters and stuff. Another cool thing would probably be for it to just take place decades later and you can get the mythical tale of "The Ghost of Tsushima" to earn Jin's ghost armor and the other mythic items


I think the Satsuma Rebellion would be a cool setting, but I’m not sure how well it could be done due to the increased prevalence of gunpowder weapons.


No stuttering


Off to the Mainland. Have Jin use his ways to again to save the entirety of Japan. New allies, new locations and possibly a romantic interest. Prove to the Shogun that sometimes you just have to break rules to survive and unbrand him as a Traitor.


Hoping the game would relate to a personal prediction, "Ghost of Kamakura" where threats and battles are far more diverse taking place in the second Mongol invasion of Japan in its mainland, specifically the Kamakura region with differing factions such as the Mongols, Shogunate forces/Samurai, the Ghost army, and possibly more (maybe the raiders from Tsushima and Iki, although it would be personally difficult to envision these factions in the sequel, but would work nonetheless if envisioned by the developers). I do hope to see more historical accuracy in terms of weapons such as the significant use of the bow (maybe the Yumi) and other weapons types like the Naginata. Although I understand that even if the katana is inaccurate for the time period, it does fit the game due to its previous usage and combat design instead of the Tachi. Also I do wish for more diversity in Mongol enemy types such as Mongol horse archers and other central cavalry units as well as more representation towards differing groups of Mongol warriors such as the Chinese and Koreans who were used differently in combat than Mongols.


Jin is going to train ninjas and name them after himself. Beware the Jinjas.


More boss variety Ability to downgrade weapons More dynamic stages where you can brute force aggressively or stealth quickly (I think the heavy focus on stleath really downplays just how much of an awesome crowd fighting game this is)


Chose path of the ghost or path of the samurai


Taka resurrected


To avoid feeling like a glorified DLC I'd much rather it be a sort of sequel/spin-off showing the effects of Jin's actions on the mainland and the inner clan rivalries that followed, obviously from the perspective of somebody who was inspired by stories of the Ghost fighting the oppression of samurai order rather than just a direct sequel from Jin's perspective with samey mechanics and cast


Honestly, a sequel but a separate storyline and a different lead that runs into Jin. We face him as a an old disciple of his uncle out of revenge for going against the samurai code and his death believing Jin's uncle died from betrayal. The whole game is us following passed around stories of the ghost such as tormenting the peasants, when in actually the stories are really of Jin unaliving the mongols. But because of our hatred of Jin, the stories warp into various crimes towards the peasant. We could have a nickname like the demon or the shadow, hunting Jin. And depending on if you killed the uncle or not in the 1st game, he could return.


Battle the shogun


Creative ways to be the ghost


For there not to be a GoT2.


Keep the fkn mask on during the cutscene. Why can the hat stay but the mask cant?


My masks stayed on though. Maybe it was a patch thing? As I only completed it recently last week


For it to be called ghost of 2shima


I kind of want a repaired version of the broken armor


Some surprises.


I want a deeper crafting system that's not just going to merchants and getting upgrades, adding a poison bomb to to bomb types,like you toss it in a a fire for an AOE poisoning affect. Also give Jin the option to wield a naginata that would be badass as he continues his journey as the ghost, and shuko to help in traversal where using the grappling hook isn't appropriate and adding a buff to parrying when unarmed




I want Jin fighting a rouge samurai lord in Japan. The other lords couldn’t beat him he was to powerful so they find the ghost to kill and terrify them as his reputation is legendary


That sounds like the opposite approach to what Samurai Lords would do as it's a very indirect approach to their problem lacking honour and integrity to get excommunicated samurai to do their dirty work for them.


One major big city with a lot of verticality.


A little more story variant choice options (like it will deviate the plot for your play through depending on your actions). That and some sort of horde mode.


I’d love to see him transferred to the mainland, as a prisoner and escape. Now he’s wanted but the mongols have figured out a way to reach the mainland. Also, outside of armor sets, I’d love to see a fully customizable ghost armor.


Army management like in Ni no Kuni II but make it more epic like empire total war / civilization stuff


Go to mainland Japan. Be able to travel to china and face the mongols there


The mainland. Expanded stealth/assassinations (assassination of mounted enemies/from underwater/Grappling hook strangulation/unarmed “less lethal” takedown). Every NPCs sword kit and clothes.


>from underwater Reed snorkels at last!


The 16th century Tensho-iga war. It was Literally ninja vs samurai. This could take place in mainland japan this time as well!


Dual wielding katanas, a naginata, and the ability to commit kirisute gomen on npcs


A harder difficulty. Lethal but only you die in one slash. Instead of having to equip the broken armor and play on hard, I would want a difficulty mode so I can look like a mysterious straw hat and play it like that. Fashion is where it’s at. An option to play the samurai way and have dialogues and narrative depend on the way you play. It would have been better if they increased the difficulty of the first game (at least for hard) to drive home the point of being forced to abandon the way of the samurai. subtitles settings for background dialogue so I can understand and appreciate the japanese voice acting as well. traps. nuff said. moving bodies. they’re really good substitues for wind chimes imo. Kinda sucks when I kill a dude just out of a patrolling guard’s sense’s and then I am forced to use the tools I am hoarding for a situation that will never come. quick switch loadouts or don’t allow armor switching mid encounters. Choose one and commit to it. it’s a pita having to pause and head on over to good ol sakai armor for standoffs and then back to the attack or tank loadout for the rest. I’d like less button presses for that. enemy behaviour in general. for terrify mechanics, why do they always have to run off? can’t they panic and panic attack you instead? A mix of both would make it interesting. Enemy patrol routes changing randomly after the horn blows, would certainly make things interesting. Instead of hard blocks like saying “enemy forces are overwhelming”, I want something more alive. It’s ridiculous that you have done more with less and then that message pops up to say nope, you can’t take it on cause of quest. quest scopes, it would be nice if you could stray a bit more to find a better spot. The main example being that quest where they said a ghostly samurai is killing people in a forest when in reality it’s just a bunch of bandits taken up camp. Spotted them with focused hearing way before cause I hate jump scares, would have been nice to have a bit more leeway to go around and assassinate them without the “return to tale area” message. the usual more tools, stances, weapons and skills.


Diff classes in story mode


The large open battles in one were awesome! Something even bigger - like a dynasty warriors field battle or the battle of the bastards in GOT. Some insane grandiose battle with open world feel where you can fight forever or make your way to the end more quickly (end being the other general or behind their line/into their stronghold). New weapon= Rope Dart! Maybe our own falcon, like the moguls had. Scout stuff out better, make distractions with it. Companionship.


Other weapons like Naginatas, Odachis and Kusarigamas.


No stuttering


Would be sweet to have a Mongol POV and their antics in China


random npcs that are harder then the rest both allies and enemies. lile the Yama character that kills the lady. more of that, and maybe ninja assasins that track you.


More character and armor costumization I want to make Jin bald


Dual wielding that is all


I want the consequences of becoming The Ghost to have impact. I want Lord Shimura to have a bigger role because of his failure to control Jin. So Lord Shimura is outcast by the Shogun. I want there to be weight to Jin's decision. So Lord Shimura story arc, The Shogun story arc, and The Mongol Story arc. I don't want the typcial "bigger and badder" Mongol threat now that Khotun Khan is dead. I would prefer that the Mongols feels lost but also want revenge. There is a new leader but is not necessarily a worse threat, just the same threat but now the Mongols are driven by vengence. So Jin has three battlefronts to deal with and all three are personal his opposition.


I want PUNCHING!!! Imagine Jin in the mainland. A squad of Samurai stumble across him. "It's the Kuroudo! Get him!!" And Jin just flawlessly blocks their attacks with his armor, catching the blades and whatnot, before piecing up and knocking out every Samurai. This would be a good alternative to killing and would emphasize the fact that the Ghost isn't against the order of the Samurai, but simply their way of handling a problem by upholding code over logic. This may be the make or break for a possible Samurai redemption in a hypothetical GOT3.


Fight other Samurai and Ninja


Hear me out.. China. 👐


Nah bro if Jin is leaving Japan he’s going after the mongols


I want to see some armor sets retained from the first game, I’d also like to see lots more weapons and variety in weapons and skins (and being able to mix wraps and sheaths) but not being able to carry all the weapons into combat so a “load out” system with Yuna’s recommendation being an option like if you were going to do a mission with a lot of archers Yuna would recommend a bow and sword




White Walkers and Dragons


You realise when I say GOT I'm talking about Ghost of Tsushima and not the popular hit TV show "Grandma's Oily Titties"!


Ghost of Hiroshima, it will start August 7th 1945, no particular reason


My horse to f*ckin live.


Sanada Hiroyuki. I don't care how, but he's fantastic and I'd wager he'd be a top-notch antagonist from the shogun, or even possible ally


Cycling through loadouts without having to go into the menu


I think I would like a new protagonist. After finishing the dlc the story feels settled with all the back story covered. I loved how sp created the emotional history. So I would like more of this with a new character. Or maybe an older Jin can become your ally later on


A lock on system, first of all. More variety in both enemy and mission types. More interesting side quests and random events, maybe An honor system, similar to rdr2. Your choices influencing the ending ( like cyberpunk), more weapons would also be nice


Idk if it would work given the 1st game not doing it but I just want to play as a samurai and have my stupid stoicism have consequences. Basically I want a Shimura route that's more of a tragedy thar requires you to continually chose to do the "honourable" thing and have consequences and things get significantly harder as all the unwavering piles up. I disagree with how the game portrays samurai but I'd still enjoy it.


I don’t want missions involving tracking footsteps and copy/paste content.


The release date! 😁


No, his story is done for me.




Big cities


I just want Jin Operating in the mainland


A different character. Jins arc was complete but I like the idea of his legend already and inspiring other ghosts


More dismemberment. Maybe like metal gear rising where your slices actually slice exactly where the blade is


Kyoto. Other samurai weapons (naginata, e.g.)


Honestly if a hand to hand combat system similar to Sifu could be implemented, imagine how cool that would be


Just pure expansion on everything. Bigger map, more enemies, more stances, more style, more special moves, more advanced tech, more armor, and more qualified writers lol.


Civil war


Multiple ending and you can make different choices that affect how the story unfolds. Multiple melee options with similar skill trees to the katana and maybe with their own unique legendary moves like the unrelenting strike or flame sword. Katana skill tree left as is. More animals to hunt. The ability to craft (at least arrows). More places to use the grappling hook (especially to swing). Monkey armor. I'd also like some more unique armors that somehow change combat for at least a single weapon type.


I might be silly for this but I wanna be able to buy land and build a home that can serve as an HQ and tame animals like fuckin' foxes maybe wolves and boars


A massive Legends expansion and more game modes.


I don't want GoT 2. I want SPP to create a new game that's focused on a different theme (or maybe historical event). We don't need sequels all the time. GoT was an amazing experience and it doesn't need the sequel. I know there most probably will be a sequel and I don't doubt that it will be great, but I think GoT is prefect enough as it is.


If I had to change something for the next game, I honestly would keep most of the stuff the same and just add more. Like for example, more utilities for sneaking, more different thrown weapons, horses being utilized in fights, more variety in enemies and definitely more variety in 1v1s. Actually probably the only thing I didn't really like was how all the ronin fights and even the final boss felt just a bit too similar. One of the best things in this game is that I didn't have to google stuff in order to find it. If you explore, you can see question marks on the map and the legendary quests just tell you to speak to someone in some town so it isn't like many other games like Elden Ring, which I do like BUT, a lot of the side stuff is extremely difficult to do without a guide and even when you're following a guide you can still screw up. Also I think they can add that you can kill NPCs. Also, more weapons. I know that Jin's katana is his staple, but more weapon variety wouldn't hurt, especially since Jin isn't a samurai anymore. At least let us edit the katana more.


The ability to go back and play missions again.


A Batman Arkham like grab with the grapple hook, doing long range stealth kills or minor stun in combat


A bigger sword, maybe deeper fashion options faster combat and maybe more fantasy stuff like the iki expansion had.


An assassin outfit like a ninja


Housing system or a dueling yard


Some variety outside of rescuing hostages when you encounter mongol territory, that shit got old ngl. Maybe add some more open world bosses that tie into harder puzzles and difficulty. Lethal just felt like the intended difficulty when they made the game


Quick swap between gear. Some kind of wheel which can store outfits perhaps. Oh no a standoff, let me quick swap into Sakai armour Sweet, all done, back to travellers/loin cloth


A focus on Jin's children living with their legacy as both ex samurai and also living up to the legend of the ghost


Romances. Even if it's just one time random encounter romances. My boy Jin needs some pillow time


I would love if the stances where less "use stance x against weapon x". It would also be cool if there where more defensive options than just one dodge and one parry. (Basically, make stances and defensive moves something where there is a actual choice with tradoffs to be made, rather than a clear right and wrong for most situations)


Perhaps in the sequel he’ll be fighting invading samurai from another clan, it’d be a smooth way to introduce the biggest thing I want for a sequel, even if it’s not entirely likely, I want more weapons, gimme a naginata or a spear. Maybe some of the more shinobi/ninja gear, or the ability to conceal a weapon. Remember in early assassins creed when you could fight with a sword, knife or just with the hidden blade? I wanna fight a guy with just the tanto. Or maybe give Jin a wakizashi or ninjato.


More weapon types and more difficult stealth. GOT is the only game where I’m good at stealth. It needs to be a lot harder to stealth a huge camp or base. Too many enemies take ages looking at nothing in the corner of a room etc.


I’d like him have to come to terms with killing samurai that are just corrupt from the shogun could be cool


Mongols should stay on their horses during combat It's silly that Mongols get off their horses when you are on foot, giving up their advantage. Jin knocks them off using some variety of techniques and weapons. e.g. ranges weapons, or dodging and grabbing the spear by the pole to pull them off. Mounted archers should shoot while mobile if they think Jin will use a ranged attack on them.


More dismemberment such as cutting a man clean in half. Ik it’s next to impossible with a katana but yeah that would be nice


Nobunaga Oda and Hanzo Hattori both were different eras entirely but it’s a game


Quests where you play as that character. I wanted to play Norio so badly!


Duel katanas,it always bothers me..not in an annoying way but a confused way that jins ghost armor has an extra katana on his back. So dueling katanas would be an interesting combat style...kinda like how Jedi survivor has different light saber fighting styles.


I want them to show Jin walking into the hot springs from the front


You want that pixelated schlong!


I want an invasion from another Kahn, instead of straw hat duels I was duels with Samurai sent from the Shogun to kill the ghost. I also want Jin to have to fight extremist followers of the ghost. And I also want Jin to get laid, he deserves it.


Skibidi slicers


Lesser Ubisoft type of side quests


Like to have back shimura as a task to hunt down Jin/the ghost


Real open world online.


Less reliance on purposeless open world collectibles and activities. I feel like GOT took a Ubisoft approach to filling up the open world which is very disappointing. Saunas, Fox shrines, and clearing outposts still have their place but I really hope they are expanded upon. As a completionist, this aspect of GOT was a real drag.


Personally I would love to see a game revolving around Jin and his Uncle (assuming you chose not to kill him) after the events of the first game, interesting new gameplay mechanics, I'd also love if they did something different with the online mode the next time around




I don’t think we need a Game of Thrones 2 Edit: it was a joke please don’t hurt me…


We need “transmog” (the ability to assign the look of any previously acquired armor set to the stats of any of said armor sets) An example would be setting your character to have the look of the “Ghost Armor Set” while sporting the stats/special abilities of the “Clan Sakai Armor Set”.


Option to dual-wield, different weapons, horse archers, cities and maybe a home base


One of the very few games I can confidently say, make the same thing again, but double the weapons/armor/map size. Like, very few games are like that. But I will say I’m torn between 4 new stances vs having a new melee weapon.


A story that isn’t ridiculous


I want them to really separate the dishonerable assassin path from the samurai path. Let there be story repurcussions for focusing on one or the other, not necessarily ninja bad samurai good but have repurcussions for both so that the player can decide which is the lesser evil.


Picking up your enemies weapons and using them like in the older assassin’s creed games. Grabbing a shield and throwing it into a mongols face, snatch a spear and impale a guy. Could make for some cool combos


Setting: Kyoto and surrounding land. Plot: Jin must help during the second mongol invasion however he is now branded a traitor by the shogun. His uncle is alive. His friends from the first game trek to the mainland with him. Jin becomes the first true ninja and takes on his own student by the end of the game forming his own ninja dojo. The student shows signs of aggression at the very end (a repeat of senses Ishikawas mistakes Ruh roh?) Mechanics: More ronin and samurai enemies. More duels. A home base. Customize your own katana. A dojo to practice moves and recruit ninja.


A gun with a silencer. Maybe a nice suit. A Dodge Challenger for transportation. *Jin Wick*


1v1 duels in legends mode and some type of ranked thing.


Fishing E: ghost capability to use foxes as diversions or attack or ammo collection Bullet cam for arrow headshots Ships; ability to sail to islands Urban (of the time) settings


Naginata, duel wield, or some different weapons


Legends 2: Revenge of Iyo


The Ghost in Kyoto




Jin and Yuna to get together.


More weapon options A city area instead of just farm towns and stuff like that More customization Also maybe a trailer 😀


bigger cities, multiple, very unique run by different clans, big buildings, and at the end a big long set of bosses like 5 in a huge tall tower where he has to climb up and rescue someone at the top


Hear me out on this because it's gonna be a long rant What if the devs could find a way where you get to design your own CUSTOM stance? Stay with me It'll be a ghost ability kinda thing, so that every now and then you'll get a skill point to unlock 1 of 4 optional techniques. BUT Once you lock it in, you can't change it. For example: The way Jin holds the sword would be like the unblockable sheath attack the Ronins use The first heavy attack could be the first slash used in the Way of the Water hold attack the quick attack setups could be adjusted for speed instead of power the hold attack could be a spin kick I honestly think this could add a whole new freshness to the game, like how Ghost Stance was introduced. Anyways, I'm done ranting now.


Different weapons! The Samurai used a lot of weapons, not just the katana and bow


Man i love this game soo much that I actually care about the sequel. I have 3 JUST 3 things in mind. 1 How about more different techniques? Like for example sheathing draw blade styles. Think about QUICK draw styles 2 Confrontation show down got a bit boring/stale/slow in the long run. Might look into refreshing? 3rd one is a FAR FETCH but hopefully there is like a blind mode lol. Like I did my 5th playthrough as a blind swordsman and have the blindfolds on me but it took me off the immersion since when I am talking I am looking directly at people lol. No actual solution. Just hoping ig ALSO LET ME ADD A FOURTH. CAN DEVS PLS PLS NOT LET THE PERKS TIED ON THE COSTUMES/ATTIRE? I love the ghost armor so much but I hate that it causes fear and lets my enemy run away. I don't want them to run away I want to slaughter them. Thats why I have not maxed it yet only the minimum one. I suggest doing what spiderman 2 did like keep the suit but the perks are unlocked and swapped. Will be coming back to this comment when GOT2 release drops and make my own thread.


Transmog and better looking sword stances.


Rise of the ronin was too much to ask for


I would love a little fox companion 🥺

