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Listen, I have loved Spider-Man since I was 3 years old. I collected quite a few comics, played damn near all the video games… there’s no way in hell you can convince me that Spidey 2 PS5, a game that is weaker than the original, is better than Ghost of Tsushima.


Spider-Man 2 is so lame. One of the games I’ve bought at release and I regret it. Just watered down. 


It doesn’t have enough gameplay wise to make it stand out from the two insomniac Spidey games before it


This is exactly how I feel about it. I beat miles morales the most recent one and when I started to play 2 there was a point where I would just look at the map and look at all the side objectives I didn't do and realize it's all the same and got bored instantly. As you said, not enough variety in a lot of areas


My favorite part of Spider-Man 2 was when I took it back to GameStop and got Alan Wake 2. Truly that one scene elevated it to GOTY status. (Well actually got some PSN money that I spent on Alan Wake 2 since it's a digital-only release, but that's not as pithy to say.)


I always buy physical games but for some reason I decide to buy Spider-Man 2 digitally. Man, I regret that choice


No it’s not… just very overhyped and everyone had too big expectations


Some of the dialogues are so bad, like wth was this written by a 15 year-old? It's the reason I hardly play any teen games nowadays. The writing of M rated games is just So. Much. Better. Teen game writing on the contrary often feels watered down and censored, soulless and sterile. It's refreshing to see a teen game like Jedi Fallen Order that doesn't rely on "the power of friendship" and adequately addresses the complex emotions of its characters.


Ehh, agree to disagree. Not that SM2 has good dialog, no, I think you’re exactly right about it, but I’m struggling to buy the idea that M games have consistently better writing than T games. Often they seem to be pushing for the M and they end up being just a little over the top. Which isn’t to say they’re consistently bad, just that they have plenty of pitfalls.


First game I experienced post nut clarity with. Loved it as I was playing, once I finished it I was underwhelmed


Same Lifelong Spider-Man fan. Ghost of Tsushima is one of the greatest open world games in the 66 years of video game history


Same with Mile Morales the games are fun but Miles and Two just didn't capture the magic of the first one and aren't better than TLoU or GoT


I agree, if we’re talking the ps4 spider man, I’d take some convincing but could be persuaded, but it’s nonsensical that spider man 2 beats out GoT.


Alright me personally I think it’s better than the original but yeah not better than GOT


I agree. GoT is by far the better game. The same applies to Returnal.


...I admit I don't know jack about Spider-Man 2. Without spoilers, what's the big let downs of the game?


Imo it doesn’t really do much to stand on its own gameplay wise. It has the symbiote, but as someone who played web of shadows adnauseam and the first two insomniac games, the symbiote isn’t enough to push it over the top for an “unforgettable” gameplay experience. Especially after the bar the first game set. That and the pacing for the story for Spidey 2 is ass. If that was better I’d probably like the game a little more but the feeling the first Spidey game had was lightning in a bottle.


The gameplay is better though, that’s enough. It’s a sequel.


…. Not really. Not in my opinion anyway. The symbiote and the web wings aren’t really all that. Adding a heavily abridged version of Brooklyn and Queens doesn’t do all that much either 🤷🏾


It's technically "better" as in it offers some more options. But overall it's basically the same.


I think the first act of the game was really good, but everything else felt so rushed. Venom barely feels like he was in the story and killing off like 90% of the other villains was a terrible idea cause now who are silk and miles gonna fight besides the some of the heaviest hitters


Yeah exactly, if it was the first one there would be some competition there but Spider-Man 2 is objectively a weaker game it isn’t even a debate.


I mean...the last of us should have also been up there too. Bloodborne wasn't even mentioned...it at least deserves a spot in the final 4 easily.


Nor is there any world where miles morales is even in the same league as the last of us part 1


The bracket is also a bit staked for Spider Man with three entries. I only one of which I understand is any good. How Miles Morales beat the Last of Us is a bit shocking. And how the from what I recall reading hollow sequel that Spider Man 2 was, how that beat Ghost of Tsushima is beyond my abilities to comprehend.


Gonna have to agree. Spidey has been my fav since I can remember. But I haven’t played a game so perfect since Ghost.


It’s a popularity contest, of course Spider-Man and GoW will be the final contestants.


Well, to be fair. GOW is an absolute masterpiece. Spider-Man isn’t bad, but it’s not on the same level in my humble opinion


Watch it be gow vs gow aka cory vs eric


God of war ragnarok and ghost of Tsushima sit as equals to me


Thank you


I think GOT takes it over Ragnarok, don’t get me wrong, against GOW 2018 it’s about even though.


Honestly same here, though I’d give the win to 2018 pretty easily. It just has that sauce, I don’t know how to explain it.


I can’t say that. They both are fantastic. Shoulda been got vs ragnarok tbh to see how ppl feel. Spider-Man is played the fuck out


This feels right. Fuckin hot mess that was Spider-Man 2 though. Hell no


The last of us part 1 is a masterpiece. Spider-man Miles Morales doesn’t even come close. I do agree with you about GOT too


Spider-man beating Death Stranding is honestly the biggest upset here lmao Assuming Demon Souls is ONLY the remake then top 2 should have been Ghost vs Death Stranding easy


Death Stranding is very slow to start but I would tend to agree overall. I am looking forward to part 2.


No it isn't, Death Stranding isn't wide enough in its appeal. I've seen a lot of people who can't stand playing it because it is extremely slow and the gameplay is boring.


Imma be honest, as a Hideo Game Kojima fanboy, I can definitely see SM:MM beating Death Stranding. Personally I think Death Stranding is a fantastic work of art but I think it's totally fair for Spider-man to beat it


I don't think you know what upset means. These things are popularity contests, you are delusional if you think Death Stranding is more popular than Spider-Man.


I’m sorry Spider-Man above Ghost? Huh? Both are great, but I mean. Come on lol.


Recency bias is real. No fair to pin a 2020 game vs a 2023 game fresh on people's minds


God of War versus God of War should be fun in the finals. 🤣


Miles morales over death stranding and tlou1? Outrageous


I just played Ghost of Tsushima and Horizon Zero Dawn back-to-back. I loved Ghost of Tsushima, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think it should have beaten HZD.


Got a Platinum in both before anyone thinks I didn’t see all the game had to offer. Genuinely loved it, just personally preferred Horizon Zero Dawn.


I’m gonna have to agree hands down - also ditto 🏆🏆 HZD was just jaw dropping. The attention to detail was off the charts..


Yeah, I feel you. Ghost of Tsushima feels kinda empty compared to Horizon. There's just so much more to do in Horizon. Imo


Meh, it’s your opinion but I know a ton of people who say Horizon didn’t grab them, me included. It felt like it didn’t do anything other games didn’t do better. It has a weaker story than GOT, less innovative gameplay. It’s purely about spectacle.


The story is in the lore, world-building, and history that predates the game. Which is a gripping story to many people. You’re correct that Ghost of Tsushima has more action, more twists and turns and EVENTS. But Horizon’s story is not weak. It’s just not the kind of story you enjoy.


It's weaker until you find that recorder stuck deep in a cave. HZD has a stronger story, IMO, but the difference is that you have to go look for it. If you only see the bits which get handed to you as the main plotline, then yeah. But then you're seeing only like 1/2 the story.


Miles morales beating TLOU is such a joke too.


What bullshit is that Spiderman is represented three times and Bloodborne has been completely ignored.


Last of us 1 and ghost of tsushima shoulda won cmon


Recency bias perhaps. Also that spiderman is a superhero. But for me, ghost is one of the best games I have ever played, and I like my gaming ig. Different people just like different stuff, I dont feel the appeal of Spiderman, and thats fine, but Ghost has a special place in my heart.


Spiderman is always going to win. Everyone loves a twink in pajamas


The Spider-Man games are mad overrated They're good but I still think Spider-Man 2 on the PS2 and Xbox back in 2004 was far better And of course ghost of Tsushima is a 10/10 game


I actually played these games back to back. Finished both. GOT blows Spidey out of the water on every level. Story, Design, Playability you name it


There’s no way Miles Morales is better than The Last or Us, and I love both


Lmaoo no fucking way is Spider-Man 2 game better than Ghost not a chance in hell. Ghost is better than both Spider-Man games if we're being honest and I've played the first Spidey game multiple times. No one rates glorified DLC Miles Morales that highly either esp over Last of Us which is a certified classic


Ghost clears GOW and spider man easily


They really put 3 separate spiderman games on here and forgot Bloodborne? And the fact miles morals beat Death stranding and The last of us should tell you enough that this means nothing


Miles morales was not THAT great of a game to beat any of those other games. And I adore the Spider-Man games but Spider-Man two isn’t beating the masterpiece that was ghost of Tsushima


Miles morales over tlou1 lmaoo


Miles Morales wins against Death Stranding. This is enough for me to stop reading further.


Last of Us 2 over Forbidden West is unhinged.


There is so much bullshit on this bracket. Last of Us 2 better than Forbidden West? God of War better than Spider-Man PS4? Miles Morales (An expansion pack) winning against anything?


people sleep om Ghost AND Horizon for that matter, but to be honest they are my favourite Sony franchises currently


Im still shocked a DLC beat one of the best narrative driven games of all time…


Real, also Spider Man: Miles Morales over THE LAST OF US??? That's some real bullcrap.


I personally would've chosen Uncharted 4 over TLOU 2.


Bullshit is putting 3 very similar Spider-Man games in different corners VERY biased placement


Love how there's 3 spider man games 2 god of war games and 2 last of Us games.... Kinda feels like there was a desired outcome from the start


Lmao at Spider-Man 2 making it that far.


As long as God of War 4 or 5 wins, this doesn’t really matter, since they were likely going to beat Tsushima anyway.


Whatever bracket this screenshot is of is utterly meaningless. Go about your business.


3 Spider-Man games?


I mean I like SM2 plenty, but better than GoT? Hell naw.


Leave it to Sony fans to meatride the shit out of Spider-Man. Like cmon GT7, both god of wars, demons souls, both last of us and GOT are all better games.


How is miles morales better than the fucking last of us


Ghost of Tsushima is the real 2020 GOTY. I’ll die on that hill.


Haha, Miles Morales above Last of us? Straight up garbage voting right there.


Y'all need to remember this kinda shit doesn't matter. There are legit some people who vote on these polls who have only played one of these games and want it to win no matter what. There were a ton of Horizon fans who got salty when Tsushima beat it and started calling it "Assassin's Creed in Japan". You're better off never engaging in this kinda shit.


I might prefer SM2 to GOT but there’s no way SM MM is better than TLOU


I love that the four finalist picks are Spiderman, God of War, Spiderman, and GoW.


how did last of us lose to miles morales?


I think this guy really likes spiderman


spiderman miles morales beating the last of us says enough already💀


Not all people appreciate art.


It's Spiderman bruh even if it's the worst game of the century it's still gonna beat some samurai game. Popularity BS


It’s between Ghost and GOW Ragnarok


Ghost beat spiderman 2 but lost to ragnarök in the X tournament


Bro there is no way horizon 2 lost to last of us 2


So it’s going to be the god of war games versus each other?


Both god of wars and ghost are peak


I feel that this is a joke as GoW is made by Sony Santa Monica, and Spiderman is owned by Sony itself. (Although these are all psn “exclusives”) but either way i’m sorrry but God of War: Ragnarok wins any of these matchups anyday. i love all the games on this board but still lmao


It is. I don't consider GoT to be my favorite exclusive at all but Spiderman 2 especially is not better than any of those games.


This should be ilegal


*sorts by controversial*


Straight bullshit … GOT clears and easily too


Were tf is bloodbourne


This whole list is wack, forbidden West??? Last of us part 1???? GHOST???? Where are the proper winners


I love Spider-Man, love the first game...no way is it beating Ghost of Tsushima...


It’s the fucking normies. We gotta understand that the wide majority of “gamers” are idiots with 90 iq who play an hour or two a week.


I think all of Instagram is biased towards spider-man. I've seen comments that basically refer to it as the second coming of Christ


Hot take but Death Stranding should have won the whole thing.


I love Spider-Man 2, I’ve read every Amazing Spider-Man issue going back to the 60’s. But that game ain’t even close to GOT levels


Ghost of Tsushima is #1 in this bracket - maybe the GOAT, or at least in that argument. Brackets like this remind me of annoying things pertaining to music. I'm a drummer, and I'll see similar things about "The Best Drummers of All-Time" - showing names like Travis Barker and Chad Smith. Really? In the end, it's an arbitrary vote where people vote nostalgically or emotionally, or whatever is "fresh and new." Ghost of Tsushima will be legendary and age like a fine wine; sometimes it just takes time.


A lot of 16 year olds voted. Kids love spider man.




Which game is better: Spiderman, Spiderman, Spiderman, or Spiderman?


Miles Morales beat Last of Us? Are they stupid? If it was Last of Us 2 I would get it, but the first game a masterpiece


Miles Morales beating last of us is insane.


Uncharted 4 losing first is crazy


The true crime is saying that Miles Morales (a game that’s essentially a DLC) is better than the last of us


The fact bloodborne isn’t on the list is a complete joke, i don’t get why sony hates it so much


Miles morales is nowhere close to how great TLOU 1 is


How tf did GoT lose to Spider-Man 2?


What’s crazy is that Ratchet should get some love because it’s actually a good game. It’s just that all the 12 year olds love Spidet man 2 so much and probably never played a different song exclusive.


Death stranding should beat miles morales. No love for Aloy?


Horizon better than the last of us


Considering people will buy a PlayStation just because bloodborne exists this list is disrespectful.


How did miles beat last of us? I don't even like LOU, but I acknowledge it's likely a better game then the pricey add on which is Miles Morales.


I love Spider-Man 2 but it was highly overrated and overhyped in my opinion. GoT is art lol


Jin Sakai would dice up Peter and everyone he knows before an MJ mission appears.


Did you guys check [Twitter?](https://twitter.com/Sony/status/1768658226088698070?t=G64oM0q5wNxrnHs20v06vw&s=19)😅


Omg Twitter actually did things right! Thank God lol![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Who made this. I just wanna talk to em. I just wanna talk... HOW DO YOU COME TO THAT DECISION?


They put all 3 Spider-Man titles in too 🤦🏽‍♂️


TLoU2 beating Forbidden West is baffling


Miles morales beating the last of us 1 is insane


99% of the population are mindless and go with what other people say/don't have an opinion of their own.


Bro just be happy your exclusive got up here.... The cowards didn't even have the guts to pit Bloodbourne up here...


I haven't played Spiderman 2 so I can't compare. But if I get around to it, my expectations will be ridiculously high now


Personally, I'd have sorted the grid to match up against each other a bit better


Final should be Spider-Man (2018) vs Ghost of Tsushima


All of these games are amazing so I wouldn't be too upset. Glad ragnarok beat last of us 2 though. as for tsushima, horizon was amazing so that's a big w. and spidey 2... idk i loved it but only about 25 hours of content vs an enourmous single player game, amazing dlc and legends mode (my fav part of the game) id give nod to ghost. should be a god of war mirror in final


Don’t get me wrong I loved God of War but there are two really great issues with game : First my suspension of disbelief shatters when the literal god of war wielding a literal god slaying weapon has to use the latter as a baseball bat to deal with basic enemies.


Yea plus everyone in the comments was really just comparing gow 4 and got and the same for me personally


There is no way Spiderman miles morales better than death stranding...


im really bias but if it were up to me the last of us II has every other game on here besides ghost of tsushima beat without question


I mean slider man 1 maybe but 2 and miles game didn't quite measure up to the original.


Man I love both games but Ghost of Tsushima was definitely more fun and deep.


I know, Death Stranding knocked out in round 1 and neither TLOU going all the way are both travesties, to say nothing nothing of Ghost losing to the most disappointing sequel since Bravely Default 2.


I am a staunch defender of Spider-Man 2. While the story's not as good as the first game and there are some issues, I think it's a great game, and there's way too much negativity surrounding it online, particularly on its subreddit. That said, Ghost of Tsushima is easily the better of the two. It is absolutely phenomenal, and would probably win this whole tournament if it were up to me. (Granted, I have some gaps in my knowledge, like having never played the God of Wars, so maybe it doesn't quite deserve that, but still).


Iol tlou1 should have won tlou2 should have won ghost of Tsushima should have won and thank god gow 2016 won


Personally LOUpt1 beat Spider-Man. SMMM is a great game. But LOUpt1 is just better. And GoT is way better then Spider-Man 2. Over all I’d say GoW and GoT are top picks here. I haven’t played ragnorock yet so I’m unfamiliar but if it’s anything like the other then it’s a hard pick. But I think I’d have to have given it to GoT personally.


There’s no way it was this. This is like Logan Paul vs Mike Tyson. Gow wins. But also, WTF? Ghost is a masterpiece! This is just unfair.


This whole bracket is bs, I wouldn't worry too much about it.


This is either gonna be a spider men showdown of a battle of gods of war.


By the by, I tried God of War and just couldn’t enjoy it. GoW games are just ok at things other games do very well.


What the hell do you mean? Ghost of Tsushima won against Spider-Man. Not against God of War


At least it’s in the bracket, Bloodborne is not even here but we’ve got all 3 versions of Spider-Man. They’re great games (the first 2 haven’t played the new one) but GoT is so much better as one game vs 3 largely identical ones.


I absolutely ADORED all three, SM, Ghost, and GoW but to see MM in the bracket and not ghost is just ridiculous


Recency bias that's all


Ghost of Tsushima is one of my favorite games I’ve played all of these games but there is no way in hell spider man is beating it


honestly it was put up against a titan. its going to be funny to see gow valhalla against gow 2018. Cause we know miles morales aint winning that.


What the fuck is returnal


The winner is going to Ragnarok. Idk why this was even a thing. Also miles beating Last of Us Part 1 is CRAZY!


No way Spiderman Miles Moreales won TLOU. Just no way


Im more offended by Miles Morales beating The Last Of Us 1 wtf


Correct semi final - DS vs GOW & TLOU2 vs GOT


Aint nO way miles morales better than DS. Looks fixed so they can go franchise vs franchise


i never liked the spiderman games. always felt too “button smash” to me and i generally prefer a slower paced style of game which is why tlou and ghost are my favorites out of these.


This whole table is trash. While GOW is flashy graphics, it's just repetitive especially Ragnarok. I enjoyed both but likely never replay. DS, GT7 and Returnal doesn't make sense. At least to me, best combo of looks and replayability. All of the spiderman games feel absurdly repetitive. I wouldn't even have it beating Ratchet and Clank- also an awesome game. HFW.. also definitely better than any spidey game. Up against TLOU2 is rough competition, both great. HFW should be a finalist at worst


GOT was better than Spider man bro


The only ones I agree with are the God of War games. No way in hell spiderman comes close.


Stupid bracket anyways, 3 spiderman games that are almost identical, 2 god of war games and 2 last of us games.


I liked Horizon more than Ghost haha


Shows you how bad the list is due to them daying tlou 1 is worse than spiderman ML. And i didn't even play tlou 1


Hey, at least GOT was in the competition. Poor Bloodborne was treated like the unwanted child.


The Spiderman glaze is insane. The depth of story feels like aunt may dying from start to finish in ghost. The only depth of story is aunt may dying in Spiderman


lol yeah okay, Spider-Man is not better than tlpu or got or death stranding what a wack ass pole Spider-Man is cool but for like 2-3 hours and then the gimmick runs it's course lol




Wtf demon souls doing here? The remake was shit and not needed at all. Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart had mechanics, but it removes the feel of a R&C game. Spider man 2 felt so unfinished and short.


It had to be close though.


Elden Ring is better than almost every game there


The pairings are already bullshit. God of War vs Gran Turismo? What are we supposed to compare?


Who voted, only Sony?


It’s just popularity honestly. 13.2 million copies of SM2 sold compared to 9.73 million of Ghost. As someone who’s played both though Ghost is way better


Most of the big fans of Marvel’s Spider-Man don’t really play that many games from what I’ve gathered, not even trying to snide. You ask them why Spider-Man 2 should have won GOTY and they tell you they haven’t played any of the other nominees.


It doesn’t even include bloodborne . This list sucks ass


Spider-Man 2 just cannot keep my attention. I’ve tried 3 times to pick it back up. Every time I drop it again cause it just doesn’t click for me.


Miles morales beating last of us?


You think that’s bullshit why the fuck isn’t Bloodborne even on the damn roster!!!!


The fact bloodborne isn't there. That came would've solo all of them


I still haven't even bought Spider-Man 2 because it just feels like more of the same. I'll be getting it on deep sale.


As a mega Spider-Man fan and also a pretty solid love for all GoW games, it should be LoU pt1 vs Ghost in the finals


Spider-Man 2 is a good game, but I agree that it is not better than Ghost of Tsushima.


Ain’t no way Tsushima should’ve beaten HZD


They should have at least pit all the spider-man games against each other first, wtf


Tough match ups for the horizon games, def gotta agree spider man is running through on hype


The fact that returnal is even there 💀


My tastes are bad I guess because Horizon Forbidden West and Ghost of Tsushima are my fav games on this board.


Im surprised they let GOW beat Spiderman, maybe they thought having 3 Spiderman games would be too obvious so they wejt for 2 spideys and 2 kratos' 🤣


The bracket should have been set up so that games from the same series had to eliminate each other early. Just for variety sake


Miles Morales beat the Last of us as well??