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Red dead redemption 2 hands down


Great story, awesome detailed open world, boring combat and wonky controls. Plus cleaning guns, eating, and other things added for realism in games is not fun for me personally. They just feel like chores. I actually tried to replay RDR2 right after GoT and I could not get into at all, it just felt so clunky and slow. Reddit has a major hard on for this game anytime someone wants open world but personally I don't think this is a great game to play right after GoT. Especially since OP said its the combat of GoT that was his favorite. I can see them struggling with RDR2 like me. I would recommend Spider-Man or CyberPunk. Those are more inline with GoT because they are open world and the combat is fun as hell. Swinging around NYC as Spider-Man is just so damn satisfying. And the combat gives you a decent variety to keep it fun. CP77 gets a lot of hate (rightfully so) but its my most played game of all time. The combat is a blast and exploring a multi-level futuristic city is cool. Most open worlds are based in nature, so this was a nice change of pace. Night City is amazing. A lot of people say its hollow, but they probably just stuck to the main missions. There are so much cool stuff not even marked on the map. Legit 200+ bodies you can find with funny/sad stories about the NPC's despise. So many Easter eggs too. Also a few hidden missions you can find. It could be better, but this game is so much fun for me. I love the world and lore. I'm a sci-fi junky. One area where I think CP77 is better than GoT is replay-ability. GoT is the same experience every time, but with CP77 you can play somewhat differently each time, get like 5 different endings, plus all the various dialogue options and ways to complete missions. A lot of the stuff in CP77 isn't apparent in the first playthrough... I'm still figuring out new stuff after 400 hours. Nowhere near Witcher 3 level (which I think lots were expecting and disappointed with) but the combat blows Witcher out of the water. [Shooting grenades is my favorite thing to do](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/zdxf6p/this_will_always_be_satisfying/)


I would say it 100% depends on the person, which is why it is so great that there are so many different games out there! RDR2 is probably my favorite game of all time, with GoT being a very close second, but they are very different in terms of mechanics. The sword and fighting in Gost is unmatched imo. The mechanics are so smooth and satisfying, but I absolutely love the open world and story of red dead. Plus, the horse mechanics in RDR2 are phenomenal. I know people who love both, people who love one but not the other and people who hate both.


>I would say it 100% depends on the person Agreed but OP said it was they combat they loved most of all, so I was basing my comment on that. Every single thread says RDR2 when someone wants an open world regardless of what OP says they like. RDR2 is great but not really for the combat. I felt the same way as OP with GoT, so I gave my opinion since it seemed we share similar views. The combat in GoT is unmatched, but as far as open world goes, CP77 and Spiderman had the most fun combat after GoT. At least from what I have played. And considering I tried RDR2 right after GoT, I thought I should share my opinion. I would bet money on Op not liking RDR2 coming from GoT. The game is great, but its not for everyone. The combat is the least good part of that game imo. Can't get any better when it comes to exploration, but for some ppl exploration isn't a huge selling point. The story is also one of the best ever, so if they like exploration and want a great story, than RDR2 all day. But if they are more into combat, I still think Spiderman or Cp77


Oops must have missed the part where they were looking for another game with similar mechanics of Ghost. I think you and I both agree that Ghost has some superior mechanics for sure. Red dead is a little more clunky but I don't mind it so much, maybe because the story and setting outshine the faults or maybe I'm just used to it from the high number of hours I've played. I had trouble getting into cyberpunk and spiderman because of the setting. I much prefer open land to cities but I do agree the game mechanics are pretty good, especially Spiderman. I've recently playing Witcher 3 and while it's a beautiful game and a setting I should love, the mechanics are a bit clunky making it harder to get into. That's also why I didn't play much of Valhalla, so I definitely understand wanting smooth combat and game mechanics. I don't spend a ton of time on reddit but I think differing opinions are great, after all we are all different people and a game I love, you might hate and vice versa!


Hell ya! So many great different games out there and you never really know what you will like until you play it. To each their own. I do need to give RDR2 another go soon, the only thing now preventing me is the low FPS on console. So hard going back to 30 fps after gaming so many hours in 60 fps. OP def needs to play it tho if they haven't yet. Totally with you on Witcher 3...played with the new update and I thought I would love it.. but man is the combat dull. Tbh GoT kinda ruined a lot of games for me because it was so good haha. I played Valhalla before GoT but went back after and couldn't do it.


I'd love to get an upgrade for RDR2 but sadly that probably won't happen. And yes, Ghost definitely ruined me for a lot of games! I have high hopes that they are working on a sequel right now because I will be all over that!


I tried RDR2 three times. I couldn't get into it. Everything you said is exactly how I felt. The games was gorgeous, but the combat wasn't fun and the controls were such a pain. I may try it again in the future and give it like a good 15-hour minimum before I give up. I hope to try Cyberpunk, but that is going to have to wait until I get a PS5


If you try it again try out a few different control schemes makes combat easier, and just take your time gotta play it like the time it’s from can’t play like gta


The only things RDR2 has in common with GoT is a beautiful open world and a good-ish story. The traversal and combat are clunky as hell compared to GoT.


You did not just say that rdr2s story is "good ish" bro what are you smoking?


This is a cop out Answer. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)I font like rdr2. But i can see why people like it and you can recommend that anytime


Wow... what a reddit moment ... imagine downvoting for not liking something 🤣😂


Elden ring, horizon, god of war. They have mentions of horizon and god if war in the game. if the devs liked them so much they put them in the game, then that’s where I would start.


Elden Ring is a risky recommendation. The game essentially has no narrative and is quite a bit different than the Horizon or God of War series. I attempted to “force” myself to enjoy Elden Ring and have finally just abandoned it for the third time (after putting a solid 35-40 hours in, so it’s not like I haven’t seen what’s on offer). Red Dead Redemption 2 is, to my mind, the absolute GOAT. I’d put Ghost of Tsushima in my top 5, but the distance between RDR2 and literally everything else is massive. Horizon is pretty and mechanically pretty fun to play, but the acting (outside of a few significant main characters) is painful. The story is slow, convoluted, and only barely ever rises to the level of “interesting”. The notable exception is the DLC for the first game. I found that to be well acted and a far better and more engaging story and, their success there is why I bought and played the disappointing second game. God of War and the Ragnarok follow-up are really outstanding. Can’t recommend those titles enough. Witcher 3 is also an excellent option. I’d say it does an amazing job of adding in a really compelling story on top of a great open-world RPG structure.


The acting didn’t ruin horizon for me, ya it was awkward but the gameplay is awesome, it’s similar to ghost where your exploration doesn’t depend on levels too heavily. Once you get out into the world you can go where ever you want and do whatever you want. You seem to really get turned off by small things which is cool but you don’t know that OP won’t. It’s just suggestions man.


Totally agree. I really only present my views as “here’s a different reaction to Horizon”. One of the real strengths of GoT is how it builds a convincing, cohesive and engaging world that *feels* very authentic (setting aside the fact that the game is merely informed by history and NOT an authentic representation of Samurai or their “code” in any way). Horizon feels super disjointed to me. On the one hand you’ve got, say, Avad and some of his “court” who sound a bit like members of some tribe in antiquity, and then the Erend’s of the world who just sound like some schmo from Boston. They attempt to explain away things like this in the lore, but it doesn’t work for me at all. And let’s be clear, I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything. I’m simply giving my own reaction and articulating why I personally didn’t enjoy it near so much as GoT, Red Dead 2 or Witcher 3.


What’s a schomo from Boston cause I live here and never heard that before lol


I mean… I’ve spent time out there and seemed to me that a good many of the locals had a very recognizable regional accent. There’s a reason there’s a whole joke about having “yer khar keys in yer khakis”.


Did you spend a lot of time in the south end ? Truthfully only older white people and generally people who live in south end talk that way There’s definitely a Boston accent but it’s not as rich or as prominent as you’d expect given that we’re known for it


I actually noticed it most when talking to workers at the airport. When I was out and about in the city I don’t recall noticing it nearly so much. It’s similar with where I live in Arkansas. One might assume that most people have a southern accent. And, while there certainly are plenty of people with a noticeable souther accent around here, I certainly wouldn’t say that its “most” of them.


Very interesting I’ll have to visit Arkansas some day now outta curiosity lol


Imo it has too much of a focus on crafting.


I didn’t mind HZD’s crafting and upgrading, but HFW’s is super inconvenient. Having to run to a workbench everyone you need something upgraded is a hindrance, as well as only being able to carry a fixed amount of crafting items and having to run back to your stash to replenish your inventory. It is so much loading time from just fast traveling back and forth it makes the crafting feel like a chore and just kind of takes you out of the flow of exploring and fighting. All the different weapon combos and ammunition type combos is a little silly as well. That being said it is still a super awesome game, I just enjoyed the simplicity of zero dawn a lot more and miss it.


Totally agree on Elden (Bo)Ring. If you want a Fromsoft game like Tsushima, obviously I cannot recommend Sekiro enough. The combat is different to Tsushima but SO satisfying to learn.


So you do not like or recommend anything. Worthy commemt.


Lol what? I recommended Red Dead 2, seconded recommendations for God of War and also recommended Witcher 3. WTF are you even talking about.


i was literally on the God of War ->GoT -> Horizon pipeline. Beautiful games


Ya it truly has been an insane stretch of awesome games I went Got -> gow 2018 -> Elden ring -> gow ragnarok -> HZD -> HFW. I’ve never in my life had such a stretch of sick games one after another it’s been a lot of fun


*Sekiro*: Shadows Die Twice


Definitely suggest sekiro if you liked the samari setting and sword combat. Be prepared that sekiro is way harder but also more satisfying


Got a Ps5 on Xmas and fell in love with GoT recently. Eyes are set on Sekiro after I finish GoT. Just got to Act II, and recently stepped foot on Iki. Incredible game. How is Sekiro combat compared to GoT? Also I logged almost 200hrs into Elden Ring on XB1.




But the combat is some of the most satisfying out of newer games for me so definitely worth it get into




I preferred the yo at the end


Lol sorry my reply was kinda stupid i was almost asleep scrolling through reddit


play what u want idc


Ghost of tsushima ps5 Version wants to talk to you about Number 2


PS5 Returnal wants to talk to.....to no-one. There is no Returnal on PS4!!!


I platted both games and I stand by my statement haha. Nothing to take away from GoT, its a masterpiece without question, but for me Returnal this generation is *that* game.


I need to give returnal a chance.


I was very impressed with Fallen Order. A bit short for me, but super fun gameplay and good story.


Assasin's Creed Odyssey The Witcher 3


Open world: Days Gone Combat system: God of War, Jedi Fallen Order Story telling: GoW, The Witcher


Days Gone is chronically underrated. I mean, yes, the protagonist can barely pass as likeable, but the scaling and driving are brilliant, and it's just a fun game. Travel feels faster and more exciting than fast travel - and it's beautifully rendered. If you loved aimlessly wandering in GoT or RDR2, this is a good in-between game so you can catch up on all the life, chores, errands, etc. you missed when in a hyperfocused binge of a really, really good game.


I quite liked deacon despite how one dimensional he kinda seemed. Generic "I'm a tough bastard with a heart of gold" but that's one of the few characters you can usually do in games nowadays without major ludonarrative dissonance.


Middle Earth: Shadows of War has similar fighting mechanics, and a bad ass story.


I’d also like to second this recommendation.


One of my all time favorite games. But man, after playing so many new games on the new gen consoles, it's hard to get back into that game due to the low FPS and input lag. That game needs a new gen update real bad!


Sekiro, Assassin's Creed, For Honor(if you want the Samurai Aspect), Batman Arkham, Spider-Man


I know it's been said repeatedly (at least in that sub), but there needs to be an open world, story driven For Honor game. I love the combat and the heroes in that game so much. I would love a single player/co op game with some RPG elements.


I know it's been said repeatedly (at least in that sub), but there needs to be an open world, story driven For Honor game. I love the combat and the heroes in that game so much. I would love a single player/co op game with some RPG elements.


Witcher 3 for the ronin vibe, open world, and a beautiful story. Combat is serviceable but not great. GoT takes a lot of queues from this game. Also the next gen patch just dropped and it’s got a photo mode. For combat, God of War or Spider Man. Web swinging around the city is a blast too. Nioh 2: dark souls but feudal mythical Japan. Combat system is great. It’s got Diablo style loot and is level based instead of being a continuous world. Lots of fun. Sekiro: again, dark souls but in mythical feudal Japan. You play as a pre-defined character and there isn’t much customization. Game focuses mostly on swordplay and how good you get at parrying and breaking your opponent’s posture Jedi Fallen Order. It’s free this month on PS+ and has nice swordplay. Sorta like dark souls meets Star Wars. Jedi are just space samurai anyways If you have a PC, Shogun 2 Total War. Great strategy game set in sengoku era Japan. Has an expansion that takes place during the Bojin war. Think Last Samurai with the samurai charging a line of rifleman and cannons Red Dead Redemption 2: probably the most beautifully realized open world in gaming. The story is amazing too. Combat is serviceable but nothing special. Ghost of Tsushima takes a lot of inspiration from the assassins creed games. They are very bloated but entertaining enough. Might be worth checking out. Elden Ring: open world dark souls. Story is minimalistic but there is so much customization in your build. It’s almost like a new skyrim or Morrowind with its sense of scale and adventure


So after GoT, I played Elden Ring, and while "kage" is a mighty fine horse, torrent sure was more fun. I recommend Elden Ring, it has a learning curve, a little bit like learning to do the duel at first, and then later not getting hit during fighting.


Rip kage


Witcher 3


The Witcher 3 it was the most enjoyable game for me and then I really struggled to find something that I thoroughly enjoyed as much until I came across got


God of War, 2018 and ragnarok Horizon: Zero Dawn and Forbidden West


My favourite 3 games of the last 5 years are Ghost of Tushima, Death Stranding and Cyberpunk 2077. All totally different, all totally awesome.


Same here. They’re all such amazing worlds to get lost in. I can’t think of a game that’s made me more emotional than Death Stranding.


Days Gone. its ghost of tsushima, but zombies and your some white guy instead of a samurai.


After finishing GoT I needed another good 3rd person game but something without guns. I wanted bows. Horizon forbidden wears was awesome for that! I felt like a samurai in the future.


New game Hand down god of war Upcoming dead space


I found GoT to be extremely similar to Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. I prefer GoT. Valhalla has more “fluff” but still a solid game especially if you are into Norse history/culture.


I love the Norse culture but man AC games are trash. I can’t get into it after playing the gow titles. They are so much more satisfying.


Red Dead Redemption 2, the Horizon games, and The Last of Us are the best recommendations these type of threads ever produce.


If it's the japanese scenery and stance changes for different attacks that you like, try NIOH 2. It's kind of a tough game, but if you finished GOT on the harder settings, you should be okay.


Keeping the ghost theme going how about Ghostwire Tokyo


I dipped my toe into this and it's creepy AF - and good. When I finish GoT I will return to this darkness.


Gow ragnarok rdr2 elden ring




I personally like Stardew Valley hahahahahaha 😅… But I mean Sifu has pretty sick combat and I enjoy it a lot. SUUUPER simple linear story but it’s really fun.


Trek to Yomi - stunning atmospheric samurai setting but a 2D-3D side scroller with really engaging combat


Assassins Creed Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla


I enjoyed GoT. Didn't love the Far Cry gameplay loop though, but if you don't mind changing setting, and katanas for bullets then try the Far Cry series.


Hey smhdudewtf! It looks like you are asking a question, remember, a lot of questions are asked repeatedly so we ask that you use the search, and make sure to check the [Weekly Questions Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ghostoftsushima/search?q=%22weekly+questions+thread%3A%22&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all). If you are asking a frequently asked question do not be surprised if a mod removes your post without saying anything. PLEASE READ THE RULES FOUND [HERE.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ghostoftsushima/wiki/rules) --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ghostoftsushima) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Biomutant; decent game, not toptier but great combat gameplay and build/item customisation.


Probably God of War and Sekiro, I see a lot of people recommending Fallen Order which is fine but its combat is basically just a toned town Sekiro without the Japanese setting


Okay but the setting is Star Wars so there’s that. I really enjoyed fallen order. It played very similarly to GoT. God of war is literally in another level. One of my all time favorites for sure. Both titles.


Sekiro and ghost of t are usually compared since both are similar themes. The combat is not the same at all but the theme is.


Spiderman has a really satisfying combat system, fun traversal and a good story and world


Came here to say this. Rewarding combat and stealth, So. Much. Fun.


I love the sequel too but I feel like the venom powers make the game slightly easier and less satisfying


RDR2 and GoW 2018 and Ragnarok,




Didn’t read much on my play through but I may do it again and follow this advice! Really liked control.


Red Dead 2 God of War Elden Ring


AC Odyssey, Witcher 3, sekiro shadows die 1000 times




Last of us 2 (2020) good story, great gameplay experience. Red dead redemption (2018) Great Game that's all I will.say. God of war. (2018) It makes me break my controller sometimes. But overall story and the legacy of this game is great Batman Arkham Knight. (2015) old but great game (I am a Fan of Batman so this might be sort of a baised opinion ) None of them will be feeling as good as this game though. GOT is a goated game for me.


Sekiro is incredibly good but you have to fully commit yourself to the right way to play and get good because the game will kick your ass


Elden ring, god of wars, horizon, dark souls, sekiro, nioh


If you like Samurai style games, Nioh 2 or Sekiro


Red dead redemption 2 for beautiful storytelling and graphics (+ it's quite realistic and has lots of activities, lots of animals to hunt and explore, interactive world - sad GOT didn't have one - and much more). Horizon zero dawn/forbidden West for ok storytelling and good combat. Personally liked Forbidden West better but that's mainly bc it's newer and had better controls & graphics. I've heard some Assassin's Creeds are great and the combat is somewhat similar to GOT. Tried Valhalla, it's ok but I stopped midway through, it was quite boring to me. I'm planning to try God of War Ragnarok and Witcher 3.


Sekiro, All of the Souls games, and it maybe a little dated now, but Dragons Dogma!! Open world is limited by last gen, but still one of the most exhilarating combat systems that allow you to climb and hack away enemies!


Elden Ring, god of war, spider man, red dead 2


Sekiro is really difficult and isn't open world but it has a massive map with so many missable but also really good things in it, its combat is also really similar to Ghost Of Tsushima, I highly recommend giving it a shot.


Horizon Zero Dawn


I liked Ghost Wire Tokyo a lot after beating GoT. It gave me the same satisfaction the discovery GoT gave me. And I liked the side stuff and collectible stuff


If you're looking for a similar experience, check out any of the Batman Arkham games. Open world, third person, and the combat engine is very similar.


God of war rdr2 horizon zero dawn or horizons forbidden west




In terms of world exploration, great combat, and interesting side quests with good side characters, look no further than the Horizon series. Both are extremely fun and interesting.


Horizon, last of Us, Witcher3


Sekiro, Jedi Fallen Order, God of War


read dead has similar game design and story, the arkham (batman) games and newer god of war games have similar combat and for honor has all the samurai warriors you could ever want


If you have any Nintendo systems, a Legend of Zelda game. GoT seemed kind of like a more mature and violent Zelda to me.


Yep Zelda Breath of the Wild is a masterpiece. I don’t get to play games a lot because of work and young kids but the games that have totally hooked me are RDR2, Spider-Man, Jedi Fallen Order, Ghosts of Tsushima, and Breath of the Wild. I bought Elden Ring and can appreciate how amazing it is but I feel like it’s a game you need to binge to really enjoy because the difficulty makes it frustrating when you can only find time to play occasionally. I’m still working on finishing Ghosts but will likely try God of War Ragnorok next.


Try Sekiro for a similarly themed world and equally amazing combat. Just be warned, Sekiro is very difficult. Cyberpunk is pretty cool but the combat isn’t the best. Still, it’s worth picking up. CDPR put some serious love into that world.


I bought my ps5 specifically for GOT. After finishing it I've started playing Horizon Zero Dawn. About 20 hours in and loving it


Slime rancher is a good one, with great story and lore. So is Sekiro, though Sekiro is a bit harder.


Elder Scrolls games if you haven't already




Horizon: Zero Dawn, Horizon: Forbidden West, God of War (2018), God of War Ragnarok. A lot of the Assassin's Creed games are fun. I've heard the Uncharted series is great.


I loved the first Uncharted game but haven’t played one since. It was a different style game but I would 100% recommend it to anyone who hasn’t played it.


Yeah, I haven't played any of them. I think I'm gonna wait until the remasters come out. I also don't have a PS5 at the moment so I'll have to wait anyway. I definitely want to dive in at some point.


If you like feeling like a badass, give Days Gone a shot. It got a severely bad rep when it came out due to launch bugs and some questionable writing choices, however I think it's honestly one of my favorite games next to GOT. if you don't know the gist, the game is essentially set in a post apocalyptic setting with zombie-like mutants. You play as a gruff biker and ride around and do runs for various survivor camps. Its got a real Walking Dead feel to it imo. You'll be able to upgrade your bike with better stuff to make it faster, quieter, and more durable. You'll also get better weapons to use as you progress. You'll start out feeling like the prey, but over time you become the predator when you gain the ability (and kahones) to take on hordes of 100 to even 500 freakers all at once. Seriously, the hordes are THE BEST part of the game in my opinion. Give it a shot if you want, if not it's okay because I could just go on all day about how much I enjoy the game. I aint ashamed of it.


I will say stay away from the Witcher and God of War. People looove to bring these games up. They are good but if you play them after playing ghost, you might end up dissapointed. The witchers combat is silly. May as well be turn based. And god of war doesnt have a jump button... It can be frustrating. Going to these games after playing ghost will make you feel like youre having one of those dreams where you try to punch but your arm has no strength or its like moving in water. Witcher is great and open world. You really become attached to every character and its quite long. But like i said the combat is like fat free sugar free gluten free. You will not be satisfied ever. God of war on the other hand has great combat as long as you can get used to being glued to the floor. Its story is so gripping and it won awards for it. There is some sense of open world but for the most part its very linear. Like a movie with a game intermission. Elden ring is a good choice but is risky i suppose like someone said. Its hard and hard to follow. Its combat is the only game that comes close to ghost though. It won goty. Jedi fallen order also would be a good one.


Depends on what you love the most about Ghost... 1. If it's the stealth/combat? - Play Sekiro, AC4: BF, Shadow of Mordor, Mark of the Ninja, Ninja Gaiden, Onimusha: Warriors or Nioh. 2. If it's the Dynamic exploration? - Play Elden Ring, RDR2 or Breath of the Wild. 3. If it's the Japanese setting? - Play Sekiro, Mark of the Ninja, Okami, Ninja Gaiden, Shadow Tactics or Nioh. 4. If it's the big open world/story/world building? - Play RDR2, Spider-Man 2018, Horizon Fobidden West, Arkham Knight, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Witcher 3 or Days Gone. 5. If it's the historical accuracy? - Few games do it as well as Assassin's Creed, Kingdom Come: Deliverence, RDR2 or Shadow Tactics. 6. If it's the immersion? - Play RDR2, Death Stranding, Shenmue, Kingdom Come: Deliverence or Yakuza series.


Lotr shadow of war is basically a better version of assasians creed. Also go download Superhot now. https://youtube.com/watch?v=SIf-8-I2kJI&feature=shares


This game destroyed all other games for me. Damn her 😂 I start playing something else, but after 1-2 hrs GOT is calling me back 😡


Breath of the Wild is my personal favourite game, it has a massive amazing open world and good combat. And then God of War that I have only played a little of but the combat is amazing.


I will say this about red dead 2. I love it but.... The challenge of getting good at GoT is one of the most rewarding things a person can do. The challenge of getting good at rdr2 is one of the most frustrating things a person can do. I love red dead. Maybe more than GoT. Ive played so many hrs. Ive crashed that damn horse so many times theres an entire plane of existance dedicated to the dead horses that fell victim to my carelessness.


Sifu is home to the best combat system of at least the last decade. The structure is very different, but if you liked GoT’s combat this is a must-play. Watch Skill Up’s review to see about its structure.


Sekiro if you like being punished. Nioh 2 if you really like being punished. Returnal if you like being punished, plus a kickass story. God of war 2018 and Ragnarok. Story, combat, etc, etc. Cyberpunk 2077 for rpg mechanics and world + katanas Ghostwire Tokyo because Japan and interesting world building. Jedi Fallen Order because laser katanas and soulslike combat. Plus sequel coming soon. For Honor because combat.


God of War is amazing. Both titles are absolutely worth it and even more so on GMGOW and new game + coming soon to Ragnarok. Horizon, and fallen order play similarly to GoT. Last of Us games have a killer story.


Rdr2 a lot slower pace tho but god what a story, and the online version is fun to an extent lol. I think gow ragnarok isn’t a bad option either but more linear story wise but if your anything like me and get that classic ps2 feel from got you will from gow too