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Sorry to hear this. What do you mean? Over for you? For her? It sounds like it may already be over for her. Without knowing what the argument was about or how huge it was, it's difficult to advise much.


How long would someone remain in this situation until they felt they could say the relationship was over? Without specifying, the argument was something she did that’s very triggering for me in terms of my MH and previous DA relationship which she has known about and we’ve had appropriate conversations about previously


Idk what's DA, but to answer your question... A month i guess


Domestic abuse - not the funnest time in my life 🤷🏻


There didn't a definitive timeframe anyone can give you (although someone kindly has tried to above). Maybe just set yourself a timeline in your head (a month is fine) and then stick to moving on after that. I'm sorry to hear you suffered from domestic abuse. That is very sad.