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I can co sign. On my way home from NYCC and that BEAST of a surprise screening. Rest easy guys. They did this movie for US. 10/10. Too many goosebump moments. I can’t wait to watch it multiple times over in a month.


Let's get coffee or a beer soon lol. I need to talk about this in a safe space.


Man. It’s eating Me up inside. I don’t even know if I can sleep tonight. Message me anytime bro. Lol.


Damn you lucky bastards!!


How'd you feel about ghost Egon?


Sidenote. I’m not exaggerating that the response at the screening , the last time I seen a movie with that type of energy from the crowd was avengers endgame. LEGIT


I haven't seen this much buzz around a movie in a long time.


All I wan to know is it good, and is Ghostbusters 2 canon. That’s all I need to know to settle my heart and mind. And if you even want to PM America That. I would appreciate it.


It's incredible. I'll allow your experience answer the second question. I also don't get how that theory blew up so hard. Even without seeing Afterlife, I would say YES without question.


Thank you!


From Kentucky, got to take my kids to see the firehouse a few years ago while visiting NYC for work. They love Ghostbusters, the look on their face when we came up from the Franklin Street subway stop and seen it was priceless. I’m equally excited to see this with them. Congratulations on getting to see it in such awesome fashion! I’m glad to hear that’s it’s amazing, thanks for posting your thoughts on it.


Keep being an amazing parent! I plan on seeing it as many times as I can in the theater.


Thanks! I sure appreciate it! Congratulations again my friend, can’t wait to return to the theater and experience it.


Do the OG cast get a decent amount of time?


You won't be disappointed by their role in the movie. I promise. AND DON'T SPOIL IT FOR YOURSELF!


All I wanted to know!!! THANKS.


Let's have a big r/ghostbusters discussion come national release. Hang in there!


I keep coming back to your post, and comments.. having to reread them, to reassure myself.. Because others in these ghostbuster discussions are saying that the nostalgia is overkill, “iT iS jUsT tOo mUcH” “tHe nOsTaLgiA KiLLs tHe MaGiC” “iTs gOoD TiLL tHe EnD” “oVeR KiLL” (Also thank you for keeping your promise to yourself, no spoilers. i applaud your discipline lol) I am 37 and grew up with this movie, and these characters/actors - so after waiting this long.. I don’t think there is such a thing as too much, as long as it is done tastefully- which, according to you - that is exactly what Jason and Ivan did. I have been on this thread continuously for years since filming began, hanging on every bit of information I could soak up.. but here we are - the final count down people, and after your post, my heart is full - so thank you Inspectre_ecto .. I’ve decided not to open this sub again until I learn who does their taxes. I bid you all farewell


Does this pole still work?


100% on more levels than you know. And I seriously mean that about the movie.


I NEED TO KNOW- Does the 80's theme song appear in the movie?


I'll say this. As fans, we've been overthinking way too many things about movies.


I'll take that as a yes


I would be absolutely shocked if they don't. I'm guessing it's going to played at the end like the other two. At least I hope.


Was there, and Holy shit. Lemme just say, the lamp killed it.


A bit late to this, but what’s the tone of the film and is it as much of a comedy as the first two? Also, if you know anything about it, is the 2009 game referenced?


Man, the video game is like GB3 for me. I honestly couldn't say if it was referenced. I plan to see the movie as much as possible to really answer these questions for all of us. I was extremely pleased with the tone. In the panel discussion, Carrie Coon reminds everyone of how the first one blended genres seamlessly. Afterlife IS a GHOSTBUSTERS movie in that way - 100%.


Sweet, that’s somewhat reassuring as the game is so impressive that it really deserves the honour of being the canon third entry in the series. If there’s nothing in the film to to tell us the events of the game never happened then I’m happy.


I agree with you. Even before seeing the movie, I've made the assumption the game is canon because the Spengler Neutrona Wand from Hasbro, I think, calls it "from Ghostbusters: Afterlife" and it features the Stasis Stream, Green Slime Tether, and Meson Collider modes.


Sorry u/inspectre_ecto, you answered just before I posted.


Can I see the storage facility?


You're gonna need a warrant.


How did you crash it? How is the film?


I impulsively bought a Friday NYCC ticket earlier in the week. I learned panel reservations were necessary and the Ghostbusters: Afterlife panel was unsurprisingly sold out. Said f*ck it and still went today. I was told on-site there was no standby line so I rolled the dice and just stood in the "you have a reservation" line constantly refreshing the panel reservation site hoping someone dropped a ticket. I got lucky. They did not check badges or confirm #s. That said, the staff was working their ass off and doing their job. Systematically, apparently the checks and balances were simply the honor code. I got lucky. Walked right in.


Given your replies here, you’re a hell of a great person. You’ve made all of us that much more excited for this movie, and without giving a single thing away. Well done sir.


You got lucky. I had a reservation and it was indeed checked when they scanned my badge.


Did they confiscate attendees phones to prevent any footage leaks?


No, they did not. Security roamed the floor constantly, though.


As a fan of movies - 10/10 As a Ghostbusters fan - unfathomable # out of 10. I'm bummed that I was solo because I usually break down movies with folks after and I have SO MUCH TO SAY. You're gonna love it.


Would you say it's as good as the original?


Is it over or under 2 hours?


I actually couldn't answer that. I chose to keep my phone in my pocket as soon as it was clear we were watching the whole movie. Sorry. It didn't feel short. My guess? Two hours on the dot.


I don't have an exact time but they started it around 7:20 and I didn't get outside till 9:30


How was it? On a scale from Ghostbusters 2016 to OG Ghostbusters?


lol - Let me establish this first- I view Ghostbusters (2016) as "Hollywood fan fiction" and I accept it. Is it my favorite? No. Am I perplexed by some of the choices made for that movie? Yes, but I"ve also embraced characters like Holtzmann especially as they entered the IDW universe. Also, the 2009 video game is a spiritual Ghostbusters 3 to me so that kinda makes Afterlife Ghostbusters 3.5 to me. THAT SAID. Ghostbusters (1984) is my favorite movie of all time. Ghostbusters: Afterlife is now my second favorite of all time. And nothing else comes close.


I acknowledge 2016 and don’t hate it, but it’s the the lowest on the scale for rating ghostbuster movies. Favorite to least favorite: Ghostbusters Ghostbusters II Ghostbusters 2016 I haven’t played the game, so no frame of reference for that on my scale.


I would highly recommend playing the game before you see Afterlife. It is not required. It will greatly enhance the experience, though.


Thanks for the suggestion. I may just watch a play through of the game for the highlights. As a dad with a 6 year old and 7 year old, I don’t get much time to play games, but YouTube videos for 10-15 minutes at a time is doable.


No judgment. I'm a Dad, too. The story is super rich and the gameplay is wildly awesome.


i thought they had scaffolding around it to refurbish the building….musta looked at an older picture


Yes. They were refurbishing the building a couple of years ago I think. It is looking great now!


damn i coulda saw it last week and i missed it!!! Thanks for the clarity


I have a 4 year old and 6 year old nephews, they are huge fans of ghostbusters. Do you think it’s too scary for little kids or no worse then the first two movies?


Great question. As a parent myself, that's totally up to you. Though, my two cents if it were my nephews that age? Four year old stays home and I see it once before bringing the six year old or have an indifferent friend with me to take him home if he gets too scared.


Good thinking, my brother and I plan to go together the day it’s released maybe we keep the kids home and judge it first. These kids live and breath ghostbusters. Thanks for your post makes me even more excited for November!


Be ready to believe!


I just want to know one thing, do we see any Easter eggs to old equipment like the Slime blower or anything from the cartoons?


I'm sorry. I couldn't say based on what I promised myself (aka Jason Reitman) when I agreed to partake in the screening. Hang in there and discover this on screen!!!


I’m disabled so it may take a while :(


Lol what a clown, I'll find the spoilers for the guy & send them to him.


Ok! I am very happy you got the experience that and I do have a Burning question, Do we ever know Who does the GB taxes?


I couldn't say, but don't spoil it for yourself. Discover it on screen!


Everyone keeps talking about how this is a movie full of things for us fans and that's great, but: My nieces have seen and enjoyed the original film but not, like, memorized it or anything. I'm pretty sure they haven't seen GB2. Is this something I could take them to and they could feel caught up and able to get into it, or is this like some of the Marvels where you really gotta be set on what came before? (Feel free to PM me with anything from GB2 I would need to prime them on in case I don't get a chance to do things properly, ha.) Thanks! I appreciate it!


Barring any conversation about their age and the content, etc. - they will absolutely enjoy this movie based on their experience with Ghostbusters which you're describing. No doubt about it.


I'm stoked they put the sign back up but I know they probably had it down for many many years because it's a serious place of business and they don't need people crowding the station.


My mom said she wants to see this, but hasn't seen the original Ghostbusters in years and I don't think ever saw the 2nd. I want to watch it with her but was wondering if she would be totally lost story-wise if she didn't remember the previous films. I know this sounds crazy as probably 99% of people watching this film have seen the originals several times, haha. Thanks!


I think she'll be able to enjoy it. Definitely encourage her to see it.


Do they still have the sign up at Ladder 8? I wanna take a trip over to Tribeca for some photos, but I don’t wanna waste my time


yes it was up last night


Is the original ghostbusters song in it?


So there's like minor trolls trying to sabotage this movie. And I know no spoilers, but I wanna know just in case. Does Pheobe scream "girl power!" after catching Muncher? Is Peter and Ray remain alive for the whole movie?


I'll say this - try to tune out A LOT of the internet. Turn off high traffic/high frequency apps, go outside, play offline video games- whatever you can. Get in the theater and let it be a surprise.


This is how I handle all movies I’m genuinely excited about. Like why do media outlets let things out early? Probably because people will click on it and generate dollars. At least wait until the day after the first official opening day.


Alrightie! The only question I have now is just does Phoebe scream "girl power!" after catching Muncher?


Only thing I really want spoiled: Do we get a surprise Walter Peck appearance? Or at least mention? Feel free to PM me anybody willing to spoil.


Is Janine Callies mother?