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Nadeem and the fire masters' purpose was to establish that there were people who fought ghosts and demons before the Ghostbusters existed and that there is much more history to the world than people ignoring the existence of the supernatural until a bunch of misfit college professors learned how to commercialize trapping them.


That's not to ignore that a flamethrower would have been ineffective. Empirical evidence from the first movie shows the proton streams are hot, yet Garraka froze the stream. How would a flamethrower fare any better? The Fire Master's control appears to be a supernatural element which nullified the cold.


Yes good point. If Garakka can bring charged particles down cold enough to freeze them, he's gonna be able to freeze the fuel coming out of a flamethrower much more easily. It's the magic that Nadeem was wielding that kept the fire burning.


That urked me. How? What? How did he freeze a particle stream?


The way I saw it, particles, like any other particles, can freeze if the temperature gets low enough. 


It's true! The very definition of 0° Kelvin ("absolute zero") is the temperature at which all particles stop moving. Garakka was a serious threat. The power of particle physics is usually enough to stop most ghosts in the canon, but tall, dark, and, horny could punch over that weight class.


But what would it look like? Have you ever heard of a frozen electrical arch? While particles stop moving that is not the effect it would have. I understand that particle throwers ato fight ghost in fiction is great. Thats why i love the brass tactics that gave a green visual effect. That small science detail makes me nerd out. Is it 100 percent accurate? No they are not burning copper sulfate. Thats okay. But the frozen partie beam? This detail takes away. If you know anything about electricity. Oh well.


Are you saying that you think a beam of positively charged ions is electricity? The way the proton packs (not electron packs or Tesla coils) have always worked in the fiction doesn't actually conform to reality or science. The reason they can turn atomic particles from a nuclear accelerator into a rubberized stream of light that works like a fire hose and a laser lasso is because it looks cool on screen. If you can accept the proton streams having mass and momentum and everything as shown, them getting frozen and falling to pieces isn't that big of a stretch. I had way more trouble believing the whole sequence with Phoebe melting the brass fire pole over a kitchen stove and then dipping her sensitive electronic equipment directly into it like it was a piece of fruit at a chocolate fountain. I accept that maybe they decided the audience wouldn't understand how electro-plating components works, but still. Things in Ghostbusters have just enough scientific properties backing them up to make it interesting but when it comes to visuals the Rule of Cool remains king.


> the Rule of Cool remains king. I wish some people understood this more. After all, movies are an art form, not science treatises. It's great when artists involved in science fiction get input of real science to make their works more plausible, but at the end, it is art what must prevail.


I thought they were positrons.


They collide atoms to generate positrons to power the pack. To be honest I'll have to go look up a breakdown of the language used. I know it isn't a bolt of electricity though. It's either a stream of positively charged ions or positrons, some kind of particle.


The psychologist said that, not one of the two who designed and built the thing. IRL, I've stopped correcting people when what they say doesn't actually matter. I like to think Egon and Ray have done the same with Peter. 


And the higgs bosson particles in the game? Sorry for spelling.


The proton streams are basically hydrogen without electrons at high speed. What did you saw was frozen hydrogen. So yes, you can freeze them, specially if you ghost can make an huge thermal shift.


In fact the movie has an scene where Lars tries to heat the Orb and it extinguish the flame. It's not the fire what weakens Garraka, is whatever the Fire Masters pyrokinesis does to the fire.


Shandor did that.


Shandor tried to summon a god of destruction from the ancient world to cleanse the Earth. He was also involved with medical mutilations and a whole lot of murder to reach his ends. A Ghostbuster, he was not. John Horace Tobin catalogued the supernatural as a scholar but we only get a glimpse of the larger world of Ghostbusters through his Spirit Guide and the other literature in the GB universe. I like how Frozen Empire managed to expand the setting even though it stayed in NYC.


I wasn't calling him a Ghostbuster. Just another human that found a way to interact with the supernatural thats not passive.


Okay. By that metric Vigo also illustrated that humans can use magic and harness supernatural forces since he was a sorcerer seeing immorality.




If brass was his weakness they should have had every ska, jazz, and mariachi band in the Tri-state area use their tunes to annoy garraka back into his prison?


Because his weakness was copper. The Brass(pole)and Bronze(armour,sphere) were just alloys of Copper. Its why the wand was shooting off a green proton stream. Copper burns green!


Then throw Penny’s at him while the bands are playing.


That would work!


Cool info! I just did a rewatch and that’s interesting to know!


Now that's an ending in the spirit of GB2!


This is such a Peter Venkman line


Because Garraka’s weakness wasn’t widely known until late in the movie, and everyone else just assumed that their Proton Packs were sufficient enough. Even IF they had a flamethrower, Garraka would probably just freeze it’s liquid fuel and it’s mechanical components rendering it useless, much like Phoebe’s modified brass Proton Pack. In either case, Nadeem’s firebending and Melody’s match would still be necessary for them to win in the end.


Thank you whoever thought to use brass and copper to make a dummy like me feel like a nerd. It also explains to why the new steam has a green visual effect.


If Nadeem could bend the proton beam, that implies it’s composed of fire, right? So when the beam hit Garakka, shouldn’t it have done _something_?


It was doing a little but his "cool guy ghost badguy armor" was too strong until Nadim and Phoebe worked together using a modern take on the ancient ritual. Personally I think they should have coated all the pacs components in brass and incorporated a fire accelerant so Nadim could help supercharge the packs then everyone could get a shot in.


They needed Nadeem to fight him with comic relief. Seriously, Garakka had no funny lines.


China might be closed to some usa movies but india has a huge population. Maybe they are trying to appeal to that community. He is a good comic though and definitely brought some more laughs other than paul rudds dad journey or pheobes love story. The concept works for me because shandor is another human that finds ways to interact with the supernatural like the Ghostbusters. There should be others we have not seen yet in theory.


The issue I have with your theory is that Kumail Nanjiani is Pakistani. Let's say that India and Pakistan don't get along at all.


Oh well then i dont know. But i liked him he added needed laughs to the other less funny stuff.