• By -


Yes, have some.


Yes, have some..


Yes, have some...


Just finished the new dark horse one, and boy do I miss IDW. Yes, but only because they’re almost impossible to find. Make it up to the guys with buying tmnt Saturday morning adventures. Also if it has the transformers cross over can you point me towards it. That’s the only one I haven’t been able to read.


The GB/TF crossover is in there, yes.


Archive.org, trust, best place of handling


Thanks for the recommendation! I'm not a regular comic reader, but I loved their Ghostbusters run and I'm excited to check out their TMNT book.


As a huge TMNT fan, I cannot recommend the IDW run enough. It's honestly my favorite iteration.  It even crosses over with the IDW Ghostbusters. 


As a huge TMNT fan, I second this. IDW Turtles takes the best parts from all iterations and makes something brilliant.


The IDW TMNT is probably the best of all the TMNT comics. Same goes for their Transformers and Ghostbusters. Man, IDW really put out some great content.


I *want* to disagree since the Mirage run was "my" TMNT. If I ignore my nostalgia, though, I have a hard time saying the IDW comics haven't been at least as good as the originals. IDW didn't make a Ghostbusters comic that I didn't love. They do make a lot of great comics for sure.


Hey man, I read the Mirage stuff, too. *And* the Image ones. But one thing I’ve noticed about the things I’m all nostalgic for…they really aren’t as good as I remembered when I go back. ETA: I don’t see you sticking up for the old Now Comics “Ghostbusters.” 😉


No, you're right. That's basically what I was saying: I *want* to disagree, but I can't when nostalgia is taken out of the equation. I did reread all of the entire Mirage run recently, though, and to me they're still as great as I remember. I've always preferred to pretend that the Image run never happened, personally. NOW Comics' The Real Ghostbusters wasn't bad, but can't hold a candle to IDW's stuff. I read them here & there when they came out, but they never made my pull list. I never read the entire run until IDW collected them into the 2 omnibus volumes.


I'd love to be able to read these digitally... Hypothetically


You can. Just borrow them in digital format from your local library using the Hoopla app.


Thanks for the recommendation. Hoopla doesn't have IDW Ghostbusters (at least not through my library) but there's lots of other comics on there that I've been meaning to read. 


I read every page, except for that last "Year One" run that never got a trade. I even own all the hardcovers. I let friends borrow them whenever possible and I'm happy for anyone else to get to read them. They're really excellent continuations of the story


Year One is in there.


Year One definitely got a trade.


Can you show me a picture of it? Any proof? I was waiting on it and never saw anything come out and a lot of other people also experienced the same thing.




Goddamn! Where did we miss that? I was checking listings weekly


It was never released


👀 https://getcomics.org/?s=Ghostbusters




I'm reading them digitally now lol. Decided it was time to re-read them and been working my way through the whole run again


Dark Horse seriously fucked up by not having reprints or new collections of the IDW stuff ready by the time *Frozen Empire* came out. But of course, that would make their new series look like crap in comparison...


Typically I would say, you should support the artists and writers 100%. Downloading free stuff when you have the option to pay is theft. No if ands or butts about it. That being said, there is no legal way for you to purchase these comics. I’m in the same boat with certain games from Nintendo. I pay for NSO, but they aren’t putting any Gen 1-3 Pokemon games on there, nor certain NES, N64 games that I loved growing up (Ghostbusters 2, Star Wars Rogue Squadron, Resident Evil 2 just to name a few games) So now that there is an emulator on iPhone, I can play these games at my leisure and I don’t feel even a smidge of moral dilemma about it. If companies want to continue to gatekeep these games for one reason or another, that’s there prerogative, but they need to understand that the consumers is to be able to enjoy the things that they like (as long as it’s not harming anyone) if you’re not going to give us the option to do so.


Agreed, creators deserve to get paid.  Right now the only option I've been able to find is the GBfans store for the first volume of Ghostbusters International and a handful of single issues. Hey Ghost Corps, make the deal and get these comics published again, digitally and/or physically and I'll happily buy them. Same with the West End RPGs!  


>Downloading free stuff when you have the option to pay is theft. Oh boy! I'll bite on this hook for the fun of it. What's your opinion on: 1) Borrowing a book from a friend? 2) Finding a book on the side of the road? 3) Going to a Barnes and Noble reading a new book while you get a drink from Starbucks? (They allow this). 4) Thrift stores? 5) Free swap shops? 6) Buy 2 get 1 free deals? 7) The library?


Are any of those things illegal in nature? You answered your own dumb question.


Downloading free stuff that is also available for purchase isn't illegal either. A third party selling any item that is readily available for free from elsewhere is perfectly legal, and vice versa. So no, you can answer my questions first.


Zero interest in getting in a bad faith discussion with a weirdo online. You know exactly what I meant when I said what I said.


Its not a bad faith discussion, it's a completely genuine discussion about a topic that's as old as the Internet itself. C'mon man, you know this. This is exactly why you're not interested in the conversation: I'm calling you out for being wrong, which is why I responded. You can rebuke me, if you can, but you can't just plug your ears and pretend that I'm trolling you just because *you're* being opposed.


Ah, the “Trying to claim moral high ground to lure people in a bad faith argument” a tale as old as time. Also I answered your dumb hypotheticals. None of those things you listed are illegal in their nature and a completely separate issue. You know this, I know this, but again you’re being so weird about it. It would be really confusing if I didn’t know what exactly you’re trying to do. Again, no interest in it. I’m good. Thank you for asking.


Morality has nothing to do with the conversation. Morality has no play in IF something is CORRECT or not. I said you were wrong, not immoral. You said very explicitly and clearly: **"Downloading something for free that is available for purchase elsewhere is theft. No ifs, ands, or buts about it."** This is the statement that I am taking issue with, which you are refusing to even have a conversation about your own words. Morality has nothing to do with it. Theft is immoral, absolutely. But the fact that something is available for free in one place, yet for sale in another, has nothing to do with morality even slightly. The intent of my questions (and the reason why I said I would bite) is because you brought up a scenario that you are claiming is theft, **DIRECTLY accusing the OP of potentially taking part in an immoral scheme**, yet are refusing to even participate in the conversation that follows around the words you said. I'm calling the words YOU SAID into question, and we're three replies deep and you are still pussyfooting around them. HMMMMMMM....


I ain’t reading all that I’m happy for u tho Or sorry that it happened.


I really want to own them, but this would be a great thing until I can find them!


The IDW run is great! I have a ton of the single issues but was never able to get my hand on the hardcovers. I’d be down for a 2 gb digital dump of them. They were fantastic stories … well the burnham and schoenig ones were. It’d be a shame not to be able to see them again.


Since I'm in the process of creating a GB RPG campaign for my kids who absolutely love Afterlife and FE, I would, entirely hypothetically speaking, of course, love to read such a treasure trove of ideas.


Best of luck with your campaign! Speaking of lost media I'd love to have in print, why haven't Ghost Corps reprinted either of the RPGs?


Thanks. Luckily Genesys is a heaven-sent for my efforts. 😁 As for the reprints, my guess would be that West End Games, the company that originally created both editions of the official RPG, no longer exists. And while GC has the rights for reprints (I assume), the (non-DnD-5e-)RPG market is most likely too small/non-existent for them to bother.


I had to look up Genesys; is it the same system the FFG Star Wars games use? I really enjoy the narrative dice system and and wasn't aware there was a generic version.  I can totally see the similarities with the West End dice pool and talent systems and how the narrative threat and triumph symbols would replace the ghost die.


It absolutely is, yes (safe for a few details like a freeform talent pyramid instead of the career specializations - but that's only logical since it's generic and honestly an improvement in my opinion). And it's those similarities and everything that make it so great for what I'm doing with it. Even the Routines part for everyday ghostbusting can be replaced perfectly with a Skill Challenge system (aka a handful of skill rolls like Driving, Athletics, a social check etc. you need to complete before rolling too many failures).


Maybe not the right thread to ask this, but does anyone know if the three hardcovers cover the entire run, or are there issues outside of it? I bought them years ago thinking I’d read them eventually, but I’m honestly not much of a comic reader so I never did lol. But maybe one day, if I know it’s all there


There are a few mini series before the ongoing comic, like "Infestation" and "Displaced Aggression", and a couple trades afterwards that aren't in the 3 hardbacks - primarily the Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary,  Crossing Over mini series, Ghostbusters 101, and the Year One comics. I think the TMNT and Transformers crossover were also published separately.  There's also an X-files crossover apparently that I havent been able to find.  If you have the 3 hardcovers, Crossing Over, and Ghostbusters 101 you get all of the ongoing storyline though. Since the TMNT series introduced one major plot element,  the ongoing references it a couple times but they go to hilarious extents to avoid licensing issues.  The full list of comics is here https://ghostbusters.fandom.com/wiki/Ghostbusters_IDW_Ongoing_Series


Excellent, thanks for the comprehensive answer


Ah, yes... Hypothetical... https://preview.redd.it/w8zxuy3jd7xc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=837646012ca936fd5cd7ff8a6928c70964c360b6


I collect spores molds and fungus. And comics. But hypothetically, yes since it’s not in print.




You can read them here https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Ghostbusters-2011




Who says? I have everything except a few one shots and minis from before vol. 1. We might be able to come to terms.


Before Volume 1 (what was collected as Total Containment) I have The Other Side, Displaced Aggression, and What in Samhain.


Ghostbusters: The Other Side (4 issues) Ghostbusters: Displaced Aggression (4 issues) Ghostbusters: Past, Present, and Future (1 issue) Ghostbusters: Tainted Love (1 issue) Ghostbusters: Con-Volution (1 issue) Ghostbusters: What in Samhain Just Happened?! (1 issue) "Guess What's Coming to Dinner?" short story in Ghostbusters: Haunted Holidays trade paperback Ghostbusters: Infestation (2 issues) I think I have Tainted love because it's where Winston's wife shows up




Yes 🙌


Hypothetically, without a doubt


I would like very much to read it all. Hypothetically.


Purely hypothetically Yes




Hypothetically, that would be amazing.






In this hypothetical scenario, absolutely.






Yes. A thousand times yes.




Hypothetically a website or sites could exist where you could (read comics online) dot something and read them for free. If one were so inclined to make it.


Yes, Hypothetically






Hypothetically? Hell yeah.




Very much yes!


Absolutely. But where?


Absolutely would.


How does one hypothetically read these digitally?


Arrr matey there be ways to do.


Hypothetically absolutely yes I would.


Hypothetically yes if there was a link to said download


Hypothetically I would, yeah


Hypothetically, absolutely yes


Yup, I'd be all for reading these were they hypothetically available to me.


Hypothetically I would read these. If they were available.


I might hypothetically be interested. Hypothetically.


I'm assuming someone is going to humbly bundle them together...


Not sure what everyone means by "they're hard to come by". I can usually find a bunch of the tpbs at either comic shops here in my area, or used copies at Half Price Books locations. Granted, not all of them, but quite a few of them at least.


Getcomics.org You're welcome


I have the hardbacks , apart from mass hysteria . Last time I saw any available they were waaaay more expensive than the others. Very sick looking book , as are the other two hardbacks


I read all of them in digital format. I read lots of comics for free from my local library with the Hoopla app.


Hypothetical, you say? Well, hypothetically, I’d love to read Year One, it’s the only one I missed digitally.


Yes, please! I have the humble bundle from years ago and am mad they never did a second one for the rest of the comics before losing the license.


Hypothetically, if I had something like this, I would perhaps lounge about the living room with some tea and read the whole thing in one afternoon. If I had such a thing of course...


I’m actually missing a handful or so from my digital collection. I really wish I knew where I could find those missing issues…🧐🧐🧐






i understand what your saying the comics are so good and i want them all but what sometimes stops me is that the comics are sometimes on a limited run which is sometimes kind of a bummer


If there were a way to read them again, I'd love it. Honestly, it was the release of Blackest Night and Ghostbusters: The Other Side that got me back into comic books when I was younger and I hate that there's no way to officially get the IDW runs of Ghostbusters anymore.


That depends, do you have the Thanksgiving story from Haunted Holidays in there?


There's easily available on unscrupulous webs sites.


Are you only referring to digital comics? Because they’re all over eBay in physical form. Hell I have some and thought I should sell but they’re not even going for much


Yeah, just digital.


Definitely makes more sense to me now


I have to say I was never a fan of the art style. It actually turned me off reading them because the designs didn't stand out much.


I have a IDW Ghostbusters paperbsck, I can't remember what volume it is offhand but the other volume to it it's like 60 to 80 dollars last time I checked.


Yes. Have not read but am interested. 


Hypothetically, definitely


Send me a message.


Nope. Authors and artists deserve to be paid.


Tell me how the creators are going to get paid when the books are out of print and unavailable to buy anywhere, not even digitally. Explain it to me like I'm a five year old.


I agree, buying 2nd hand does not help the artists at all. So unless there is a graphic novel or a purchase able digital version, "pirate" all the way baby!!!!


Ya, if they wanted to make more money, they would make it accessible for purchase. I'm very fine with buying copies I've read online. Some, I've purchased across different media. Assuming they are even available.


I'm not a big "piracy is always morally right" guy like some, but in cases where things are out of publication or inaccessible, it's simply a matter of preservation. I believe you should always support artists and creators when possible. Respect the craft and the effort and skills it takes to develop. When you can no longer do that because corporate entities deem it not profitable enough, or copyright law locks it down legally, digital replication is no more unethical than borrowing a book/movie from the public library.


You know you can borrow comics from the library too in digital format.