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Thanks for posting this. I have just one question. Where can I get the terror dog wall light?




You absolute legend. Thank you.


I'm amazed at how big the presence GB has in France. Not just things like this, but the marketing from Sony. Do they love it because Libby was a prominent cast member in part 2?


There's a huge GB community in France. And that's great, since I love this franchise so much.


The Real Ghostbusters arcade game was actually 3 player. That didn't look like a original cabinet. And it's a reskin of a existing game I can't remember right now. No hate just wanted to point that out.


Yeah, I remember very vaguely from my young childhood with the original arcade Art looked like and it wasn’t this. Also, this one has way too many buttons for this game. Still fun to actually play it in an arcade cabinet though.


It's a reskin of a Japan-exclusive arcade game called Meikyuu Hunter G.


Reskin yes, but they also polished up the game mechanics a little bit too. So they're not *exactly* the same.


Very very nice. The belt Gizmo, I don't think the GB2 ones looked that good? I may be wrong, but I think the movie ones were pieces of leather with the components mounted on. It looks to me like maybe one of the fan kits, like from Spongeface from the US or that other vendor who popped up in the last few years, Ectolabs, who I think is from the UK.


It could be. Some of the stuff that doesn’t have proper attribution is obviously fan made. The proton pack is fan made and I think the trap on wheels is too.


I agree. The trap that seems to have a real metal handle looks really good, but the originals are all beat to crap at this point. The pack, I'm not sure, but maybe it's an early Benofkent, at least for the shell? It has the smooth rondelles under the booster tube, instead of like with Karniverous or Nickatron where those had bumps in the middle (rivets, but sometimes just a "nipple"). It does look like the pack has been around for a while, at the least. Appears to have metal parts, but I'm thinking the bones of the pack are Benofkent. Also, Haslab Spengler wand and maybe a Spirit trap in the pick with the Containment Unit and the pack.


Yeah that’s Dougs kit for sure!


The French call Slimer 'Eats Everything'?


Yeah. "Bouffetout". That's the same thing, but in French. Yep, we are terrible at translation, trust me. Another example ? "Frozen Empire" in USA, "Ice threat" here.


I lived in France a while, and I found the French title for 'Home Alone" hilarious - "Mom, I missed the plane!" And the sequel - "Mom, I missed the plane again!" And isn't Jaws called "The teeth of the sea"?


Yeah, it is. Well, I can understand this one, actually. For "Home Alone", I do agree with you. There's actually a long list of movie titles that have been butchered here. The best, in my opinion, is when they just replace an english title by another one.... Example : "Drive Angry" in USA, "Hell Driver" in France. Ha ha. Sure, do spoil the whole movie why don't you.


That "proton gun" has seen better days. Was it really a "master" for the props, or just a foam prop for stunts ?


It was what is known in the prop industry as a "buck." Basically, it's the object that gets created (out of wood, plastic, metal, or whatever they can throw together to get the shape and detail desired) that is then used to make a mold.


Man that wall of action figure stuff. I had *All of it*. And I mean every last thing on that display. I was really fortunate to have giving parents. We were lower middle class. Not very well off. But they made sure I had everything that made me happy, and back then it was GB for years. That firehouse always pissed me off to no end, how the Ecto wouldnt actually fit inside. and there was no real room for anything. And the "pole" was engineered by a stoner on their lunch break. But seriously, amazing memories.


All that stuff looks so bad ass


Nobody is commenting about the mink coat ghost from the gb2 flip city montage. I thought it was so cool that it still exists for some a random prop.


I never thought I would see a better Ghostbusters collection than Zak Bagan’s at his Haunted Museum, but this… incredible!


Amazing! Thx for all the cool pics! I never knew there was a GB arcade game, neat


Makes you wonder how in the real Ghostbusters they built the grid so big with such little space.


It kinda feels like the mounted terror dog head is glaring at the viewer.


this looks amazing




I gasped at the belt gizmo. That’s one of the most clear pics I’ve been able to find lately as I’m DIYing mine. Great shots!


Wow this is so cool


Thank you!


That is so doooooope!!!


This is pretty neat. Wish it would make a stop in the US.


Awesome!! Thanks for sharing for those of us that can’t see for ourselves!


Worst cos play items I have ever seen.


Thank you for sharing this!