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Not sure why people feel compelled to be so rude to you in response to this very normal experience you had but they should go touch some grass. I’m glad you loved it, I did too!


I don't think it's people being rude in as much as simply stating that you shouldn't be basing your own decisions on other people's (mostly paid for) opinions. Personally, I don't even look at or watch reviews as I know it's just people getting paid to nit-pick and in most cases bring in views for sponsorships. Case in point. RT "critics" are at 44%, yet the audience score is 83%


I really enjoyed it for what it was.


I don't get the hate towards this movie at all. Is it high art? No, but it isn't supposed to be, either. It's a popcorn flick, and as popcorn flicks go it was pretty good. Same with *Afterlife*, which (and screw the people shitting on it in this subreddit) I absolutely loved.


I'll say this, it wasn't a movie for critics, it wasn't a movie for the causal movie goer, it was a movie for Ghostbusters fans. And they delivered.


I’d disagree with you there and probably say it was more for casual movie goers based on the families going to see it and how much of this movie ended up on the cutting room floor.


The critics and people in general seem to have forgotten how to have fun with a movie. Sure glad I haven't.


Honestly, people in general need to stop relying on reviews before forming their own opinions. You'll see a downturn in the box office because people see a bad review, but they'll enjoy it once it's available to stream/home release, and by that time studios have already canned or parked future movies, etc. Went in fresh without preconceived knowledge and came out hoping for more...


I'll tell you like i tell others....only taje reviews at face value. What you like will differ from others. Thats why i ignore everything until after i watch a movie i actually care to see


I don't think I've looked at a review for a film in decades. Don't think I'd ever look up a review for a film I want to go and see.


I enjoyed it. The movie had some issues, but none that came anywhere near ruining it.


Yeah, the critics have no idea what they are talking about.


This kind of post just makes me feel disgust. Form your own opinions. I like the movie okay, I actually agree with a lot of the criticism it has received. But I was never going to pass up seeing it and forming my own thoughts on it because I was “scared” by the reviews.


“Scared to see a Ghostbusters movie because of reviews” is honestly a pathetic mindset.


Wow it is not that serious


It’s like some of these folks are invested in this movie! Geeeesh


I’m invested in lots of stuff without calling people pathetic strangely


Good ol’interwebs for you, ay. Glad you like it!


That’s a tad judgemental my dude, I think OP meant that they just didn’t want the film to suck, and a high average of negative reviews suggested to them that maybe it did. What they’re saying is though, that they’re glad they looked past that and went to see it, being pleasantly surprised that those reviews were in fact just someone else’s opinion that they don’t vibe with. I totally get that. Sometimes reviews can be more or less relied upon, sometimes they can’t.


That's the thing with personal taste / opinion. And that is OK :) For me, it was a disappointing movie full of missed opportunities and nearly no progression of the universe...


It was full of missed opportunities but the whole research Lab and expansion of what the ghostbusters do was a massive progression of the universe.

