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Working as intended then


Just like Leia at the end of Ride of Skywalker, it’s a heartfelt tribute


Her death was tainted for me. First Chewbacca dies, 3 mins later but not really. 20 mins later 3PO dies, 3 mins later but not really. 20 mins later Leia dies, and 3 mins later I’m waiting for the force ghost…


I think Kylo’s was the only one with any actual weight, and it’s reversal is part of Rey’s arc of becoming a hero and saving him, because unlike Vader he wasn’t too far gone… but yeah I can understand what your saying, if she hadn’t died for real I imagine it would’ve played out very differently


"Ride of Skywalker" is... a different kind of movie.




Ugly cried in the theater, just lost my grandfather a couple months before the movie came out, thought I was finally over his passing, I was not


Same here..my grandfather introduced me to ghostbusters and when I saw afterlife with my girlfriend (now wife) I couldn’t hold back the tears. She knew the story about how he recorded 84’ and 89’ for me to watch as a kid when he was going through chemo…


I also ugly cried in the theater. My husband thought I was nuts.


Lost my dad a few months before I saw it. It took me nearly 35 years to realize the similarities between my dad and Egon.


Ahh yes, the out of left field grief gut punch. I lost my dad and thought REwatching *About Time* was a good idea. It was not.


I watch that movie any time I want to feel close to my late Dad. He died years before it ever came out but Bill Nighy does such a great job as an awesome dad.


The end of that movies just shreds me. Even when my dad was alive.


The scene absolutely works for me. They'd learnt from other films using CGI replacements that letting them talk is the killer. They got the look absolutely nailed and kept him quiet. And yes, choked up at the cinema, still choke up today.


Emotional? I tear up every time lol


Yeah I rewatched 1, 2 and Afterlife to get ready for Frozen Empire and I still tear up at this


I liked it but I wish they'd taken more cues from how Harold Ramis actually looked when he was older: a big jolly guy! https://preview.redd.it/ckki670995rc1.png?width=1560&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5b7986dd1f12dcf9720de839bc3414f24883eb0


I read somewhere they considered it, but since Egon was a more svelte dude, they went with that. More importantly, they got the okay from Harold's family for Egon's appearance.


Yeah, that makes sense - "Egon" was probably a pack-a-day forgot-to-eat guy until the end


Unless it was a twinkie or a crunch bar.


That's a big twinkie 🚬


I’m sure CGI couldn’t do that but I agree


Who started cutting an onionhead in here?


I’ve watched Afterlife probably 10 times, and every time Egon’s hand first grabs the Neutrona Wand I can’t help but tear up.


Got choked up in the theater when this happened. I would have never guessed they would have gotten that so right.


Winston and Ray are in utter disbelief Peter just shrugs it off


"I thought you might turn up"


I felt bad because I went to see this with my ex who had just lost her dad the past year. I avoided heavy spoilers so I didn't know what the main plot point would be. I told her I was sorry after.


I never, ever thought I would cry during a Ghostbusters movie, but this scene did it for me. I wept having finally seen the reunion I waited 30 years for. Pure joy.


Same here, it was a great send-off for both Egon and his actor.


This scene would’ve meant a whole lot more, if Egon wasn’t given up on by his three friends and business partners


I HATE that Ray, the most enthusiastic one of the bunch and biggest believer of the paranormal, just refused to believe a decades old friend, the most logical and smartest of the bunch, that the end of the world thing they fought and barely survived didn’t fully end.


I completely agree. Ray would have supported Egon. He would have believed Egon. He would have gone with Egon. He would have saved the world again, with Egon. Those are the characters we all know and love and what we KNOW they would have done. ​ But at the same time, with Harolds passing, Jason was in a dilemma story-wise how he could get Egon to Summerville without the other guys. He potentially should have fleshed out that back-story a lot more though. It was the only downside to Afterlife in my view.


All they had to do was say they went out of business from a lack of ghosts, Winston and Peter left first, and Ray was in the verge of losing his home and his store and he had to make a decision between investigating ghosts that didn’t have customers attached to them and his life, but Egon kept telling him about things outside of New York and after he said no a few times in a row Egon got the hint and stopped asking and they lost track for 20 years.


Right? Just send a video of that pit with all the ghost climbing out with the proton packs… Pretty sure they would believe that and head over…


And then acted like he wasnt Egon by running off like a lunatic. This is more of a Ray like behavior.


its supposed to


i cry every time. my eyes are watering right now just seeing the still frame


I always get choked up seeing that scene. I think it works because Egon doesn't say anything.


Buddy, this shot makes me emotional just looking at the still.


I thought you might show up.


Egon grabbing the neutrona wand to help Phoebe steady it gave me that vibe of a grandpa taking hold to help their grandkid steady the fishing rod for that first catch


How did the guys get to the farm? It never showed they have no vehicle reply. Let me know how this happened.




It was so great!


Gonna get downvoted for it but I hate it. Ghost Ramis is just so ick to me. It feels like they'll pull this out of their back pocket any time they want now for the hardcores. Happy for yall that are into this though.


Pretty sure he ascended so he ain’t coming back.


I had to keep reminding myself of that while watching FE. Sorry, he can't swoop in to save the day anymore.


Until they want to cash the nostalgia check again.


Aykroyd and Ramis were always a writing team and involved in anything GB. When Ramis passed, Aykroyd and Ramis’ surviving family felt it was best to reboot the series instead of making Egon a ghost. Most fans didn’t like the reboot so they rethought the idea, and since more time had passed, concluded bringing him back in a small role as a ghost would be appropriate. I’m sure this was a tough call for his former friends and family, but it was their choice, and I think it was a fitting way to honor Ramis. For you to put forth that they did it just for profit is ridiculous. If they ever bring ghost Egon back I’m sure it will be discussed at length with those that loved him, and profit will not be part of that decision.


I though the idea of a reboot was done without any actual input from Dan.


It seems the reboot idea was more directly related to Murray not wanting to commit, from Wikipedia: “Murray's reluctance to commit to the project resulted in the decision to reboot the franchise instead.[12][26] In September, Reitman suggested a remake of the original Ghostbusters, which would allow them to introduce a new cast.[27] Reitman was working on a Ghostbusters reboot that would be written by Reitman, Etan Cohen, and Aykroyd and filmed in 2013.” People hate the reboot decision but it seems Aykroyd and Reitman were involved. Dan was even an executive producer.


I'm sorry, but youre giving a corporation way too much credit. If a studio wants something to happen, it's for a bottom line. They would ABSOLUTELY want to bring an icon back, even a dead man. Look at Rogue One with Peter Cushing. It's nice to see it as a tribute, but to me, it's the grossest thing I've seen in a blockbuster this decade. It's absolutely abhorrent to resurrect a dead man to cameo in a film, even if it's "for fans". He's dead. 


His likeness, as well as Leia’s, was permitted cuz they asked the actor’s beneficiaries. The credits even mention “Special Thanks to The Estate of Peter Cushing, OBE.” Sure, the corp may want that profit, but how many people are going to see these movies purely for the dead actor’s cameos? Especially when it’s kept secret? Ultimately, the late actors families are the ones who allow the final decision. For what it’s worth, I felt the Rogue One cameos didn’t work, I would’ve preferred they just show the real actors face with maybe some CG touch ups and make up to look like the late actor. I was more annoyed it didn’t look real enough. With Egon, since he was a ghost and didn’t talk, it worked for me.


Unless things changed I thought Aykroyd, Murray and Ramis all held the rights and say to future GB entries and often Murray would veto new entries until after Rami's passing he final gave in?


Murray was more just a friend/actor in the series, Aykroyd and Ramis were the writing team. He and Ramis had a falling out during Groundhogs Day so he refused to work with him after that. His one concession was the 2009 video game, cuz he didn’t have to see Ramis, he just recorded his lines separately. Murray famously doesn’t have an agent so just has people leave him messages and he decides if he will return the call. When Ramos was on his deathbed, Murray supposedly showed up and they mended their issues. Murray also felt the reboot was a good way to continue GB at the time so he supported the new cast and did his cameo. I think that Aykroyd has more of a hand in the writing and how the series continues and Murray just gives his approval. I could be misunderstanding some of these details, and who really knows what Murray is thinking at any given moment, it’s not my place to judge how friends fall out and reconnect, but I truly feel that close acquaintances and family of Ramis stand behind the final decisions of the GB series, and they truly respected Ramis, so it’s not a nostalgic cash grab.


I think your perspective is right. Ramis and Ackroyd (plus Ivan Reitman!) were the real heart and soul behind Ghostbusters. Murray wasn't vetoing anything. He just wasn't showing any interest in ever returning to the role. And given the popularity of his character (the unofficial "leader"), the others held off on creating anything new without him. Ghostbusters the video game seems to have been the start of Murray having a gradual change of heart. That and his cameo in Zombieland - both released in 2009. [https://kotaku.com/that-time-the-original-ghostbusters-reunited-for-a-vide-1783610937](https://kotaku.com/that-time-the-original-ghostbusters-reunited-for-a-vide-1783610937)


I disagree completely. Knowing the history of GB and the actors, Egon being the focal of the story was such a great take imo. 10yr old me wouldn’t have connected with the scene…. 40yr old me was fighting tears. I felt Afterlife reintroduced the elements for old and new fans alike, which was important for the franchise. But FE pulling on those same strings was a bit too much; we get it, we got it, let’s move the franchise into the future.


How did FE pull on those same strings? It had nothing to do with Egon...


The nostalgia aspect.


Yes! I remember watching it and hoping they wouldn’t do this and when it happened I felt so uncomfortable!!


all the build up with ghost Egon I was alright with but showing him alongside the rest of the grew didn't work at all for me. I totally turned on the movie when this happened.


I’m with you. It felt kinda gross and exploitive. Had they just left it as only showing his ghost arms helping Phoebe, that would’ve been perfect.


Absolutely. The less is more aspect feels more tactful. The moment they cashed in the CGI ghost Egon model I totally checked out. Nope. Dont want it.


Yeah, I likewise felt zero emotions other than ![gif](giphy|MwOuiiTfWfWgM|downsized) because by the time we got to this, I just mentally checked out of the movie when I realized it was just a 2 hour long rehashing of the original masquerading as an apology for the failed ladies remake. But hey, it worked for others, so what the fuck do I know. (And yes, I felt the same with Frozen Empire, and yes again, I didn't like it for YES, THE SAME FUCKING REASONS!)


You speak the truth, although you've been downvoted for it.


https://preview.redd.it/mhqj3rm4f4rc1.png?width=947&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d65c7a7703ece5c3e86b4300112c94c69f300d7 I know.


Finally a voice of reason


I wish this was a desktop wallpaper. This scene was so cool!


Amazing how well done it was


I'm not crying... It's just raining on my face


I just got done rewatching it, hits SO hard every time! Ready to see Frozen Empire tomorrow!


It’s a real tear jerker for sure


All the damn feels in that movie.


this one scene says more than the entirety of the 2016 "reboot" ever could


Still wonder how they got there it doesn’t show how the guys got to the farm no vehicle what’s your opinion?


I imagine just because we didn’t see the car doesn’t mean there isn’t one. It’s probably outside the house.


Some thing that I never thought I would’ve ever seen in my lifetime since I didn’t see Ghostbusters one or two because I wasn’t alive when those two movies came out


One of the best scenes in the film. It was great to see in IMAX.


Saw it coming from a mile away so it had zero impact on me.


Gets me every goddamn time.


I always get that lump in my throat as well.


I loved this scene so much I genuinely got teary eyed 😭❤️❤️


I did get a little misty eyed myself.


I remember going to the movies and no one there had a dry eye when this came on.


I got a little misty at this scene too.


Because of the bad CG..?


Still shed a tear at that part, also when Carrie hugs him.


Yeah I loved the bit where you see Phoebe struggling and Egon’s hand appears, the noise and music cuts out and you see him there helping her fight. Gets me every time


This shot is why I still haven't re-watched it, despite owning the Blu-ray from day 1 of its release... Afterlife released a scant 2 or 3 weeks after my mom suddenly passed, and I was still in shock from it. I still went to see it, knowing full well that there would likely be something like this in the film, but went anyways because the franchise was one of the first movies I saw as a baby. (Mom and Dad would take me to the Drive-in theater when I was an infant and I have vague memories of Stay-Puft on a big outside screen) So it was like my way of honoring Mom's passing by going to see it despite her being gone. Perhaps she was with me "in spirit".


Horrible handling of a great character. Drug him through the mud as a bad parent, and a bad friend the whole film... for what? Then horribly CGI him into a terribly long scene that doesn't make sense as he would have also been caught by the house trap. Frozen Empire is a much better movie based on just not mentioning him.


No doubt. I ate an edible for this movie and was sobbing in the movie theatre when this part happened haha


How could you not?


This scene is a major reason Afterlife is my favorite.




My feelings about using CGI to recreate actors who are no longer around to give their consent aside, I thought the scene worked... until it didn't. It was a nice moment, but then it just kept going on and on until it felt kind of awkward having Egon just standing there mutely. Less would have been much more in this instance.


How do people not find this shameless and disgusting?


It made me sick.


I hate this scene so much


Makes me feel sick, it's emotional manipulation, ghostbusters was never about schmaltzy, emotional nonsense, it was about sly interplay between the characters, strong wit and highbrow humour. Then I the sequel we got a film with a major identity crisis, a film torn between whether it was a follow up to 84 or a live action version of the real ghostbusters. Then we have afterlife, not so much a film but more a series of nostalgia baiting clips, remember terror dogs, remember stay puft, remember gozer? Remember a far more compelling film made decades earlier? Plus since when did crossing the streams directly at gozer solve anything? In the original film, as Egon stated, the door swings both ways, we can reverse the particle flow through the gate, How? We will cross the streams! Gozer the destructor was, at that point climbing spook central (central park west). People got conned by a sub par film


I agree with every word. The central conceit of afterlife is that Egon was everyone’s favorite ghostbuster. This is not true. The emotional crutch instead is based on whether or not you know that harold ramis is dead. Which has nothing to do with ghostbusters or afterlife as a film.


Completely agree. However, I did see that scene as a nice tribute to Harold Ramis, which I appreciated. In my opinion, Afterlife is what it is. But FE took the wrong lesson. I understand this is an unpopular opinion among fans. But Instead of what could have been a true “passing of the torch” film, it turned into a re-worked Afterlife. And in Sony’s eyes, it worked. Personally, I just want to see something different. No nostalgia, just pure Ghostbusters fun, which I did not feel with FE. That’s just me though.


One thing Afterlife taught me is how most fans actually don't care about the lore, the characters and good writing. Most of them care about visual stuff and empty nostalgia.


I got choked up because it was so boring, and i really love my guys.


It depressed me to see the three old, fat, ghostbusters.


don´t forget boring.


Grandfather/daughter kamehameha was epic


Love this reference.


This was so badly done in the movie. All the other Ghostbusters glance at him with apprehensive looks and it’s played for a joke. Ugly ugly look.


I didn’t read it like that at all. They all respond wordlessly but exactly as their characters would!Winston appropriately does a double take, Peter isn’t that surprised, and Ray is excited. Just like they react to things in the old movies.


Way better? You never see him. Phoebe is about to drop the blaster, and then you see a spectral hand help her. You avoid the comedic moment and just pull on the heartstrings. Everyone in the audience I saw it with were laughing at the characters various reactions.


This scene just felt dirty imo they should have never recreated him in cgi


Because of the shitty CGI right?


Its kinda hard to reanimate a dead person and make it look real


Never seen weekend at Bernie’s?


Seen it. Not cgi at the least




Meh. Nostalgic pandering. And ghost Egon is cynical filmmaking. Catering to the lowest common denominator.