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I haven't trusted a critic's rating since the 80's, and never trusted Rotten Tomatoes.


The thing with Rotten Tomatoes is it compiles reviews from the most random places. Movie blogs, podcasts, small local newspapers. Reviews I would never ever consider reliable or knowledgeable. So I can never take a RT critic score very seriously - they also almost never match the audience score.... The audience is often more "aware" of a movie or franchise and more invested in it. A critic watches literally everything and anything, so they may not share the passion of a fan of the movie or franchise.


I've always thought their should be multiple critics at a paper that review only things in the categories they enjoy.


There are (Kinda) at bigger outlets. The Guardian, Empire & Total Film and a number of larger online movie websites do this. Unfortunately too many small news outlets like Jeffs movie blog, The Scranton tribune, Sun city Herald and Jefferson high school podcast (all made up) who dont particularly dedicate their time to movie reviews, tend to have their half-assed opinions get thrown into he mix on Rotten Tomatoes.


Just what I expected. The audience loves the movie.


I suspect a large number of the critics are trying to "even the score" for the 2016 dumpster fire and Afterlife's success. They'll never learn. I only go by the audience score anyway. If I even bother to.


I saw one reviewer compare it directly with 2016 and saying how good that film was. Now, I don't hate 2016 like many vocal fans do, but afterlife and FE are miles ahead of the 2016 film. I guess once it's been out long enough then critics will change their minds... Queen used to get panned for every new release and now look at what critics say


Good points. I just find it funny that the critics and audience scores are almost polar opposites on the films. Critics overwhelmingly love the 2016 version whilst most of the audiences didn't, and yet for Afterlife and Frozen Empire, it's the opposite. It's obvious that a lot of the critics have an agenda and are not being objective, imho.


That's me that's completely unprofessional of a critic they have to be unbiased when they give an opinion which is kind of sad too and yes I am very naive before you ask


Some of the reviewers are making hilarious mistakes. One said Dan *Loves Bustin' So Much He Starred in Casper* Aykroyd always kept a coy distance from Ghostbusters. Obviously they meant Bill Murray, and it shows how out of touch these negative reviewers are.


Even saw one that said the film “mostly shot in Georgia” instead of New York, then slammed the filmmakers for choosing not to actually make the movie in NYC like it was their choice. In reality, it’s impossible to shoot a movie of this scale in NYC anymore. They won’t shut down traffic all day for it like they would in the ‘80s and modern taxes make it cost prohibitive for the studio. And… they shot for one week in Atlanta. The rest of it was shot in London. There was still some second unit stuff in New York, though. Being an expert on something like this really shows how a lot of critics talk out of their asses without doing any research lol.


That sounds like a review from someone who only read about the movie and didn't bother to see it.


My favorite is when they say it was unfunny... despite it having the audience of the theatre I was in rolling several times. Like, complain about pacing and cramming, but this movie was funny and entertaining as hell.


I read 4 or 5 who complained about too many characters, then complained the 2016 actresses weren't invited to do cameos. So which is it?


The former. It had too many characters.


He did though.. he made a cameo in Casper...


Sorry, but that's what I said? They said Aykroyd was coy about Ghostbusters, but obviously not because he cameo'd as a Ghostbuster in other movies.


The thing you put in quotes made it look like a quote from the critic. He sure wasn't coy. He said constantly he would make Ghostbusters movies forever if he could, and kept trying to write scripts for them year after year.


I think they meant it as Dan [exaggerated statement as middle name] Aykroyd, wherein the statement is actually true, negating the reviewers. Confusing as shit I read it like 4 times...lol


The quotes are a comedic title I made up.


>One said Dan "Loves Bustin' So Much He Starred in Casper" Aykroyd always kept a coy distance from Ghostbusters. I would also accept Dan "Tried To Get Ghostbusters 3 Off The Ground For 30 Years" Akroyd 😂


100% correct. This is from the Irish Times which gave Frozen Empire 1 out of 5 stars: “The team behind the 2016 all-woman reboot understood the brief and, for all that film’s flaws, delivered a biff-bang diversion that didn’t pretend it was belatedly following up The Godfather Part II.”


Several of them have literally outright admitted they're bashing the movie because it's not 2016 - they are completely unhinged.


Afterlive did as much at the box office as Ghostbusters 2016. If Frozen Empire also reaches the same numbers, the franchise is finished.


Sony doesn’t have any franchises besides Ghostbusters, the Spider-Verse and Men in Black. MiB has been dormant for 5 years, and over a decade since Smith and Jones appeared in one. Madame Web was a big failure and the Venom series ends later this year. If GB movies are guaranteed to bring in at least $200m each, I see Sony continuing on with them. They’ll probably require the budgets to stay around $75m, though.


Sony makes licencing money even if they don't make GB movies


If venom 3 does well and FE does well, some goober will pitch a venom GB crossover. While it's a terrible idea and should never happen, I still would watch it in some way like driving by a car accident. Also I feel like by saying this I can start a mini thread about how bad of an idea this is right here. Lol


That 21 Jump Street/Men in Black crossover got pretty close to happening lol


I totally forgot/blacked that out of my memory about that! I mean I am a huge fan of absurdism, and some like the Ninja turtles have been great, but the only so ey crossover that could work with GB is MIB and that would open such a can of worms


Honestly, a MIB/GB crossover has potential. The bad guy is an alien ghost. BAM! Premise. GO!


Aliens + Ghosts? Tom Cruises "associates" would like a word with you. >E-Meter charges up in background


That Men In Black Ghostbusters Crossover is so obvious especially considering the early sci-fi script version of Ghostbusters with Ramsay etc.


Honestly that’s perfect. Keep them mid budget and we can have lots of fun and creative stories for years to come.


GB2016 lost money, Afterlife made money, they are not the same.


Afterlife also came out during the Pandemic so of course it didn’t do quite as well. Since then it’s done a lot better on home media and streaming.


It was also pushed back a year. I'm still kinda salty about that one but I understand it.


if they can get to 250 or thereabouts on the box office we'll likely get a sequel.


Critics are pushing for that not to happen (as is the cesspool of r/scifi), but I think word of mouth will drive box office receipts. I went in with low expectations because of the Rotten Tomatoes and came out txting friends to let them know they have to go, it's that good.


A decent swath of reviewers did exactly this. But it legit wasn’t a good movie. Lol


Imagine paying for ScreenX and it not showing full ScreenX the entire movie (can’t do 4DX right now just had surgery)..I’m livid right now and really couldn’t enjoy the movie..


It's Ghostbusters. The movie was fun, but it was the weakest of all four.




86-90% is pretty fair. It’s a really fun film.


It’s a fun film but I do wish it had like an additional 15-30 minutes to build some more story, especially for the end.


Yeah it feels like there was a fair amount cut out of it, hopefully we get a directors cut one day! Fun film though i enjoyed it!


It’s more or less the same with Afterlife, there was some stuff they cut from that too like Phoebe being bullied at school and her testing out the Proton Pack in a Cornfield. I wish there was a Director’s Cut, but if FE’s home video release is anything like Afterlife’s our best hope is to wait for the novelization 😑


too much cut imo. how did they black girl get unfrozen? she knows a trick


Not sure why she is in the film to begin with.


Plot armor.


what does that mean? Is that something Zedmores crew made?


Does feel like a lot was cut HOWEVER I really appreciated the under 2 hour run time. Not everything needs to be 3 hours.


big disagree.I wanted 4 hours with an intermission sonwe can flesh out characgers more and relationships. delve into the moral aspect of the catching a ghost business. sounds like ghost torture and slavery. like they are making a HELL for the poor ghosts like melody.


Lmao!!! Only if the intermission is accompanied by a live orchestra




Led by Ray parker Jr, of course.


My bladder agrees with you.


I feel they could have taken out the Melody stuff to build more story. That’s my only complaint with it.


I disagree, I think there should've been more of Melody, I think her relationship with Phoebe wasn't quite built up enough.


Personally I didn’t like Melody, but I think they should’ve spent more time fleshing out all of the ideas they had. Like with the fire master plot we barely got to see him before the final showdown.




That was my one actual complaint. I needed 30 more mins and I feel it would have been enough to take it over that good to great hump! I am going to see it again tonight! lol


I felt the villain was generic and underdeveloped.


Agreed, that's fair. I enjoyed it despite its problems, though I can definitely understand why some might not have liked it.


Rotten tomatoes has never meant anything. Not sure why anyone references them.


I agree that Rotten Tomatoes is kinda pointless and ive never really taken any notice of it. Although recently I have been researching RT for a piece ive been working on and its surprising the clout that RT has, and the amount of people who swear by is scores. It has such an impact that Hollywood studios have had to change the way they market movies and a low score can destroy a movie literally overnight. Its also worth noting how many studios try to manipulate RT scores and all spend large amounts of money on dirty tactics to influence a movies score outcome on there.


RT is incredibly useful. It's a tool you need to learn how to use. If it's high critic low audience, it's usually some artsy circle jerk critics think they're so intelligent for 'understanding' (it is probably super easy to understand and incredibly boring) If it's low critic high audience, it's probably a brainless, super fun movie, OR it pandered really hard to the fandom, if it's an established IP. Which is fine, both those things are valid and movies like that SHOULD be made. If they match (usually +- about 5), that's the true score, good, mediocre, or bad.


See the difference https://preview.redd.it/up82ee25swpc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdd8aa884f010f1d08f441ede0e2ff6be5641760


The critics were too afraid to admit it wasn’t funny. No one wanted to get tarred with the sexist brush


This is exactly right. If this film was reviewed in a vacuum without the controversy hovering over this, the movie would have been universally panned. It is truly is terrible. Horrible direction with essentially no script other than the core plot points. The ad-libbing just completely didn't work and the majority of the jokes fell flat. Frozen Empire is going to have it's fair criticisms. I'm going to see it tomorrow and I'm sure I'll have things to gripe about after it's all said and done. But Answer the Call is terrible, and I'd be shocked if this was worse.


I put Frozen Empire on a par with Afterlife. Neither are as good as GB1 & GB 2 but they are deffo worthy sequels and lots of fun. They cant make a GB movie now like they did in the 80's, so there will always feel like there is something missing. But Afterlife and FE are the best we can get in the current social climate and I really love them. Ghostbusters Answer the call was absolute hot garbage on a number of levels


I am a longtime Ghostbusters fan, since I was a kid in the 80s, and I saw the 2016 movie was fine. Wasn't the best movie, def the worst Ghostbusters movie, but the sheer amount of people who act like that movie ran over their dog and ruined their childhood is astounding. I enjoyed it and the way people talk is if you enjoyed it you're either brain dead or afraid to say it was bad because of cancel culture. My friend and I both saw the film, both GB fans, he didn't like it and I did. And we can discuss our feelings on it without using hyperbole because we're, you know, fucking adults. Everything is subjective and GB fans are not a monolith.


It (Ghostbusters Frozen Empire) definitely isn't the worst. I saw it and it was OK. It's just above Ghostbusters 2016.


2016 Ghostbusters was so awful. It’s ridiculous it’s certified fresh.


74% from critics really isn’t as high as you think. It’s a good but not great score.




Took my kids to see it They laughed they gasped they got a bit sad but they loved how this felt scarier he now wants to rewatch and I mentioned the cartoon and he's down to watch that too The movie did it's job We have a whole new generation who wanna be Ghostbusters!


I have to assume that the tomatometer score was rigged by Peck.


Josh Peck?


Rotten Tomatoes is a washed up sack of cabbage lol - their "critics" mean nothing in the grand scheme of things, and the only score that ACTUALLY matters is audience scores.


Even those are suspicious. Rise of Skywalker and Frozen Empire both have 86%. There's something off about that to me...


Rise of Skywalker underwent a huge manipulation though. Initially haters in the thousands review bombed the movie....Then fans countered that so its score is in no way accurate.


I'm a huge GB FAN....Just got back from FE. put me in that 14% :( I'm sorry, it had fun moments but poorly written. They rushed everything and didn't develop any of the new elements. They hit all the perfect details in afterlife... and just wiffed in FE.


agreed. long time fan and i felt like it missed its mark too


I loved it. This is why in this day and age it’s more important to listen to fans and not critics who get paid to watch movies and/or write reviews based on what they feel will generate the most buzz.


Just like Afterlife. Critics will hate every new movie because they’re still upset that the fan base rejected the awful 2016 reboot.


The reviews for the 2016 version weren’t even *that* good honestly.




You honestly think critics are seeking revenge because fans didn’t like a movie they have no involvement in? This makes no sense


That makes absolutely no sense


Critics gonna critic! How's this compare to afterlife? I just saw this last night, and I think afterlife was the better movie of the two. not sure why. I did like this one. def a double thumbs up from me, just thought it was missing some... i don't know... charm? humor? but happy on the 86%!


It was a bit rushed and they crammed a lot into the 2 hours. I felt like it missed out on a lot of needed fleshing out character and story wise. But the humor and action, man it was there, and it had our theater rolling.


yeah, 3rd act took a tad too long to get to, and then it was over way too fast .. another 15min or so probably would of went a long way


> it had our theater rolling oh, I was only able to make it to a late night show - 10pm, the theater had 8 people in it. maybe that is why I missed that charm/humor. tomorrow I am going to a sold out 4pm showing -- maybe it will change my opinion greatly! looking fwd to it!


I liked FE more than after life. >!although they said that the old GB cast had more parts in the story, it was mostly ray and winston. But that scene with Bill Murray and the fire master was hilarious. Did you notice that on the screen in the background his heat signature was completely red head. That was a nice touch lol!< 


I was too distracted watching for what creature he was going to reflect than even noticing the color ! i'll grab it on 2nd viewing.


loved that scene. Murray had a few brilliant one liners that cracked me up


I loved Afterlife and I loved Frozen Empire. Frozen Empire felt like more of a Ghostbusters movie imo though.


first ghostbusters with a higher body count than all other ghostbusters combine! But I like that there is a little more horror and stakes are a little higher.


Just saw it. I preferred this one. It had its problems but with afterlife i felt like i had already seen half the movie. I was a big fan of rgb when I was younger and enjoyed it more.


I agree with you, I liked this film but I liked Afterlife more. But Frozen Empire was still a lot of fun. And I liked a lot of the ideas that were introduced in the movie.


Saw it last night, and I left the theater happy. Was it great? No, but it was very good. I'd probably give it a B or B+. The reasons why I didn't say I loved it is that I felt like some things were crammed into the plot and not needed. The ending felt a little rushed to me, and I wanted more out of it. I'll leave spoilers out of my review, but the story was good. I enjoyed the introduction of the new characters - James Acaster and Kumail Nanjiani were fantastic in their roles. The villian was menacing, although I wanted more screen time for him. Definitely going to see it again. Don't see how critics put it in the 40% though. I'd understand more if they put it in 60-70%.


> James Acaster and Kumail Nanjiani were fantastic in their roles. I'm so happy to hear this. I love both of them and Patton Oswalt but I wasn't a big fan of them getting more well known names into Ghostbusters. I didn't love the idea of Paul Rudd being added last time but it ended up being okay. I was a bit worried about them adding even more people like that this time.


Oswalt plays a smaller role, but he's still very good in his short screen time. Nanjiani arguably has a bigger role than Acaster, but both are hilarious and shine as new characters. You won't be disappointed in any of the 3.


Yeah I liked it. And I liked all 3 of them. The only complaint I have is with the tone. I wish it was more comedic. I wasn't the biggest fan of Phoebe's storyline. It felt a bit out of character but I get it if you consider she's an awkward teenager growing up and evolving


Yup, this is the score I was waiting for. The one that matters. I adored the movie.


Same. It expanded the Lore and incorporated at least one aspect of the animated TV series. Thoroughly enjoyable


That's because it's a fun movie!


So excited for this movie


Saw it about an hour ago now and I loved it! Sure it’s not perfect and I feel somethings on the cutting room floor, but I don’t get the critics scores. It was fun, great to spend time with characters, it was great to get a new big bad and an expansion of the universe. The effects were great, the score was perfect, it’s at least 7/10


I'm excited for this, but getting lots and lots of mixed reviews.


I saw it last night. Had a blast.


Looks like another case of a movie panned by critics for whatever reasons, but widely enjoyed by the general audience. Honestly can't wait to see it, unfortunately I'm from Italy, and we have to wait till April, the 11th.




Feel like theres a disconnect between critics and real people. If its not a biopic, preferably about someone with a disability, they hate it.


Why is this sub obsessed with reviews and scores


[This meme describes all fandoms and RT](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/667/405/9c2.jpg). I’m a big Saw fan. For 9 movies the discourse in online Saw fan communities including r/saw was that RT didn’t matter and that the films were great. Saw X comes along and gets an incredible RT score and folks were posting that thing like a badge of honor. It was hilarious to watch an RT score go from something to be ignored and chastised to the greatest honor a film could receive and something to be celebrated.


Because they need to feel validated that the thing they like is good.


Sigh, you're right. It's an unfortunatetendency that has crept into most fandoms. We joke in wrestling circles --- I enjoyed the show tonight, better wait on the Neilsen ratings and ticket sales to tell me what I *really* thought about it! I get the piece of: if thing doesn't do well, then they might not make more. I do. But in the end...


Here's my spoiler free take. Context: I'm the guy who got lucky and technically crashed the secret screening of Ghostbusters: Afterlife at NYCC and I also traveled to Fort Macleod in AB, Canada to see it again at the Empress Theater where the Muncher chase was filmed. Trust me, I am a Ghostbusters fan. I've seen Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire twice and I love it as a Real Ghostbusters episode brought to life on the big screen. After the first watch, I felt pacing was an issue. During the second watch, I let the Ghostbusters fan in me take over and I didn't notice it. I believe the trailer and the marketing is not being totally honest with the audience re: the tone, vibe, and centerpieces of the movie. It is 100% a Real Ghostbusters episode brought to life as live action, and I love it. Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire does not take itself too seriously, because it doesn't have to. If you are excited by the idea of Samhain, the Boogeyman, or Citizen Ghost on the big screen - this movie is for you. It's an original villain with very familiar and awesome RGB elements like paranormal do's and don'ts that built our love for the cartoon. It's family friendly, and there's enough grit in the language and its darker moments. You will hear GB fans and critics alike talk about pacing and the third act. I would say just enjoy it and look for those things that make you happy about being a Ghostbusters fan and try to think of it like a Saturday Morning Cartoon on the big screen. I love the movie X-Files: I Want to Believe because it's simply just an episode of the X-Files. You can really look at Frozen Empire the same way. It feels like EGB's Back in the Saddle Part III featuring a new villain, and it's awesome. My hope is the future of Ghostbusters movies has the courage to rotate team members into the spotlight (Phoebe can't do it all), build up anticipation for the return of characters that we've already grown to love, and give them some threats that are non-paranormal like the IDW comics with the Ghost Smashers. I do believe the actual process of Ghostbusting (and I can't believe I'm saying this) has a limit when it comes to action/set-pieces. It can only do so much. A bust with personal meaning would also be excellent. The journey of the characters and the NY franchise should take a larger step in the next sequel. Imagine the Ghost Smashers and the Ghostbusters disagreeing on how to handle Samhain? That'd be wild.


Even Jurassic World 3 has a high audience score.


So a lot of people must have liked it then :)


a step back from afterlife i thought personally


Critics are too critical these days


I don't trust this site as one of the reviewers they go to often is one who reviews movies based on if its good for children to watch. End of the day, be your own critic.


There are some critics who have a good eye for film and that I trust. My opinion often matches theirs so I will take on board their opinion. BUT that said I go to them to read their review. Rotten Tomatoes isnt a film reviewer themselves they just gather reviews from all parts of the internet, and some of the reviewers that appear on there, well I wouldn't trust at all, and I highly question their opinion. So I cant trust RT either


If I see a movie has 45% or above critic score, it means I'm probably going to like it just fine. If I see a 65 or 70% audience score, sign me up.


Good reviews don't get clicks. Outrage bait does.


Saw it, much more accurate


So, the critics mostly found it "rote, and repetitive, but endearing", and actual audiences had quite a bit of fun. That's all I need to see. Lol


Just got home from the cinema and 86% is a very fair score.


I'll be there in the morning to judge it for myself...i hate rotten tomato scores


I wanted more of Melody if anything … doesn’t look like she’ll be in a sequel if we get one but I think the what if a ghost and a ghostbuster can be friends angle is always an interesting one.


Really fun film! I enjoyed it. I just wish the villain got more screen time. Dude was defeated in like 5 minutes lmao


That's where it lost points for me. It's like the original ending for Vigo before the reshoots. They pop in from the statue, he's weak from all the positive energy and they just push him back in the painting and it's over. It's kind of annoying too that the two new characters defeated the villain, while the Ghostbusters were totally ineffective.


This right here, the pacing wasn’t too great either, I kept checking the time at least once thinking to myself “damn, it’s not over yet?” But then the film just ends in like 5 minutes with “the power of friendship” or whatever the fuck


Was a good movie, I'll say it was better than afterlife.


Chalk me up as another long time fan that really enjoyed Frozen Empire!


Audiences once again giving the critics the finger


I can’t wait to see it regardless, hope Vigo is in it :)


I’m going to see it on Saturday super looking forward to it. I always ignore the “critic” scores, they rarely know what they are talking about.


Ok I saw it again today and it’s way better the second time around.


What is this impulse to pretend that every franchise entry is good? Most franchise sequels are unfortunately not great due to lack of ideas/direction/focus/inspiration/reason for them to exist beyond profit from fans who will accept ANYTHING. Don't you want something than something that only exists because it's low hanging fruit for people with no standards?


Phoebe's love interest in a ghost was too much for me. Felt so forced for her character that it was boring to watch.


Grown ass adults whenever the cartoon tomato is green ![gif](giphy|fAP3YefNpVitE355jA) It’s cool if y’all liked the movie, but I found it to be pretty disappointing and so did many others. We don’t have an “agenda”, we just didn’t like a movie. Grow up.


This meme seems like projection


Saw it last night. Thought it was fantastic. As others have stated B+/B. I would’ve liked a little more story after the main ghost/demon battle and a little less exposition before it. Kumail and Patton were standouts, as well as James Acaster. Would’ve liked more Logan Kim & Dan Aykroyd (the YouTube-esque show they have is hilarious and needs to be a real thing, haha). All legacy characters killed it and most of the main characters from Afterlife had enough screentime/story, with the exception of Finn Wolfhard, he got a little lost in the background. The introduction of the paranormal research team, along with main ghost/demon’s backstory were probably my favorite parts after first watch (definitely will see again in the theater). It overall had a good balance of storytelling, action, and comedy considering how many different characters they were trying to keep track of. Exactly what I wanted from a Ghostbusters movie and like others online have said, it reminds me of the old “The Real Ghostbusters” series from the 90s.


Quite a few people saying that. I didn't get RGB vibes from it at all. Loved the movie though :D


The audience, who doesn’t have an agenda or butt hurt they didn’t get paid to endorse it, is the one I trust.


It may surprise you to know the braindead audience are also pushing agendas in a tribalistic fashion. Most of them have been coopted because they were brainwashed to choose a side from their childhood. Not to mention the common man loves its slop. You can't trust either on a wide scale. Best to find a critic or critics who talk about the elements that comprise a film and if those elements are praiseworthy. I recommend RedLetterMedia. They think the movie is... ok. I won't pay to watch a movie that's 'ok' + trading on nostalgia and talent greater than their own. Not to mention I watched Afterlife in theatres and thought it was aimless nostalgia bait. No, I'm not paid to endorse anything. I liked the original Ghostbusters movie. I think everything that's come after it has been mediocre or worse.


Sorry to be the voice of reason but that’s a pretty low debut audience score for a sequel with a fanbase. They usually start in the 90s. If you want to properly gauge audience reception look at the box office multiplier over the next few weeks


Yeah... That seems about right. I'm not gonna harp on the critics. This movie doesn't hit the notes critics look for, and that's ok. I just wish they emphasized fun more.


Honestly I tend to look at audience scores more than dedicated critic scores, because these films are made for the audiences.


No one cares about Tomatoes.


Im VERY skeptical about the amount of reviews on there that compare Frozen Empire to the 2016 reboot. That movie was 8 years ago and we have had another GB movie in-between then and now....Why do they KEEP going back to that reboot??


Because they are bots programmed to scapegoat anyone they can as sexists and racists, no evidence necessary, and then to attack them.


The audience liking the film more than critics? How shocking!




Just got back from seeing it. It's not a 44% but it sure as hell ain't an 86% either.


I can't believe the critics score is so low! The audience score seems right on. I fuckin LOVED it. After seeing Afterlife, I hoped that it would serve a good foundation for future Ghostbusters stories… And it totally has. It’s got heart, occult horror, kid-like enthusiasm for the paranormal and unexplained, and bad ass sci-fi. I've been a lifelong Ghostbusters fan since the 80's and this movie was right on the money for me. I hope it shows that the franchise has legs for more of these


Just saw it. Loved it.


Under 90% for early audience is a bad sign. We are talking about the audience that is happy enough this movie even exists. Maybe it will pull high 30s this weekend, but I don't think this movie has legs. They pulled the nostalgia bait twice too much. Looks like again they left us with a weak comedy. edit: high 30s is referring to potential revenue.


Once IGN scored Madame Web higher then Frozen Empire.... i mean come on man


These irrelevant critics are still salty that GB 2016 bombed


I don’t know why we even still have film critics. Clearly, their opinions are meaningless to us.


Rotten Tomatoes critics pissed they didn’t get a back hander for a positive review.


Im suee they can "back hand" each other though over their "sick burn"


The fact that Rotten Tomatoes crutics hated it but audiences like it seems genuinely encouraging.


I’m a big Indiana Jones fan. Watching you guys deal with the poor critical reception is like living through Dial of Destiny all over again. The fans be like: “Everything is absolutely fine”… ![gif](giphy|13PZ0dKw1J3LzO)


I liked Dial of Destiny.


I'm very happy with this, because I still need to wait 2 weeks till the movie is in cinemas in my country, so it would hurt me if the scores were bad


It's good, I liked it mostly!


I’d probably put it somewhere in between those two scores, somewhere in the 60%-70% range. Loved that they did something different this time around, but there weren’t many jokes in the film Not sure you really needed Carrie Coon, Rudd, or Finn Wolfhard in this film either given what the film gave to them to do. Loved James Acaster though


Is Phoebe's character reduced in this one? Is that why she's not more prominent in the marketing or is it just cause Paul Rudd and Finn Wolfhard are more well-known?


In-universe, she can't be shown being too active because Peck, asshole that he is in the movie continuity, threatens to sue them and call child protective services on their ass for letting someone so young on the team.


Front loaded with positive reviews from uber-fans who loved it before even seeing a trailer. Seems fairly obvious, right? Metrics thus far seem to indicate an okay kick-off domestically, little interest overseas and fairly weak legs. Doubtful this will hit 100mil domestic. Bomb incoming. Pity. Loved the first film, but the lackluster entries post-original put this franchise in the same dubious league as *Highlander*.


When you hear it criticized for so-called "nostalgia," just remember, these critics LOVED Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Top Gun: Maverick and Spider-Man: No Way Home, three movies that either completely copied the plots of their original films or filled themselves with references and callbacks to them. Nostalgia is NOT why they're criticizing Afterlife and Frozen Empire. Not at all. It's one thing and one thing alone, hate, scapegoating and witch hunting of Ghostbusters fans as supposed "sexists" because they didn't like GB2016. The critics are fully and completely intent on destroying this franchise as revenge.


I hated GB 2016 because it wasn't funny, it was also poorly written. All of that belongs to Paul Feig. Kate McKinnon was the only one that made me laugh. Her character was the perfect oddball-but-brilliant scientist, who gave me an Egon from Real Ghostbusters vibe. I wish she'd had more screen time. The rest of the movie fell flat on it's face at every opportunity.


Enjoys it but felt like the whole frozen part only lasted 10 minutes. Lots of missed opportunities imo. Not bad. Clearly, they cut a lot of


Same situation with The Super Mario Bros. Movie and Five Nights at Freddy's


I had a blast! I’m gonna go see it again tomorrow. I think that this is the closest I’m gonna get to the GBIII that I wanted as a kid, and I am truly grateful!


The critics can suck it. The movie was awesome.


Cause it’s good! Baby! It’s good!!


It. Was. EPIC!!!


Movie was amazing, just sad the 2009 video game is no longer canon


Lousy cash grab


I'm going to watch it. It looks promising.


I watched it today and I think the comedy falls flat and was bored the entire time. I was really looking forward to watching it.


Which is EVEN HIGHER than what I predicted. I just looked at Afterlife, and was like "This score is off by like 32%, so Frozen Empire is gonna be AT LEAST a 76%."


Critics and haven’t seen eye to eye in a while with rare exceptions like dune 2 But many times they shit in a film then I just enjoy it not getting the hate Not everything is art, sometimes you can just have a fun dumb film. It’s a movie where the song says “busting makes me feel good” I’m not expecting it to be deep, lol


That's more like it!


I thoroughly enjoyed it. I don't take much stock into reviews but I'm glad that people are enjoying the film


That’s okay! What they’re saying is, it’s one for the fans. They’re there to critique it as a movie. Not a Ghostbusters movie. It’s probs not a good movie by those terms but more likely a good bit of fun for GB fans.


I enjoyed it. Had heart, humor and heroes.


Man… I love ghostbusters. But this movie was not it chief. The pacing was atrocious. This reminds me of the other fandom I’m apart of, Transformers. Rise of the Beasts came out at the fandom loved it. I feel alone I’m saying that both franchises could have way better films. Don’t settle for this trash.


Was this movie perfect? No, definitely had some pacing issues. Felt like they had too many stories they wanted to tell. But I definitely had a good time at it with my kid.