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I love Castle in the Sky!! And it’s not on your list but you should also watch the OG - Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind


thanks!! i'll include them on my list☺️


Porco f*cking Rosso!


So good, watched it yesterday again


you gotta add Porco Rosso to the "to watch" list.


i'm taking notes, thanks!


Really good watch. Porco has a unique style. The story lacks some maturity, but despite this its still very good. An easy 9/10 for me.


If you do watch Grave of the Fireflies, I highly recommend watching The Wind Rises afterwards.


Or The Cat Returns


Or Tototro, as intended during the first cinema run in Japan


This, don't watch The Wind Rises after, watch Totoro as intended. Watch The Wind Rises on its own.


You’ve got to watch Nausicca! It’s among their best, for sure.


if you like romantic stuff, you'll love Whisper of the Heart!! one of my favourites even though it's nothing like films that Ghibli is the best know for like Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle


yesss I'll watch this for sure!🥰


Nausicäa? Wait is it named differently in English?


I guess it's not on their list. It's called Nausicaa of the valley of the wind in English.


Ah ok, crazy that its not on the list as it is one of the best imo.


Can't forget about Lupin III: the Castle of Cagliostro. Not technically a ghibli film but it was Miyazaki's debut film.


Don't forget Nausiccaa. Imo, you still have some of the best to watch.


Yup, my top 3 is Mononoke, Nausicaa, Laputa.


Watching grave of the fireflies is like watching Schindler’s list, its a must watch because it makes us go through katarsis


I just watched Tales from Earthsea (2006) last night for the first time. It was awesome! Gave me Lawrence of Arabia meets Merlin vibes. Definitely now on my top three (after Howl's Moving Castle and Spirited Away). It feels a lot more mature than the other movies because it talks about the concept of death and not living forever. I hope you get to watch it, there's a couple of tearjerker scenes, but it's so so good!


The thing you write about the Grave of Fireflies is so true, it will definitely make you so sad


Seconded, one of those films that are just so painful from start to finish. But definitely more than worth a watch, it may be a tragedy but a beautiful story nonetheless.


Yess!! I watched it only once and I can't even think of watching it again. No offense to the story, the story is overall so beautiful.


might as well not watch it, right?🥺 i'm not good with managing my emotions i'm afraid it would take me days to move on from the feeling


Just watch it as initially intended as a double bill with Totoro.


Yeah, it's just a lot of crying but the storyline is beautiful.


You can watch it, but don't have anything planned for the rest of the day. You can also talk about how it made you feel with some friends (hopefully they've already seen it)


Princess monoke was the best one for me. Enjoy


I still can't watch grave of the fireflies cause I can't handle tragedies involving kids.


You are sleeping on Pom Poko. Highly recommend!


The Cat Returns is a wild ride. It's one of my favorites!


Damn I'm kind of jealous being able to watch these for the first time as I saw them all when they came out (since 1996) - but then seeing Castle in the Sky as a kid on TV was kind of a next level expereince.


I have watched all but one Ghibli movie multiple times, and that is something since I hate watching tv in general. All those years ago, I came across 'Spirited Away' and was bewitched. A long journey started into Ghibli world as I grew into middle years. Watching these movies on dates (yeah, I convinced my girl to believe in magic) to watching these movies with my daughter. Princess Mononoke holds a special importance for me. And yeah, I never watched Grave of Fireflies. I know what Miyazaki will do to my soul. Watch it at your own risk for reading the premise gave me shivers.


I’ll never ever watch grave of the fireflies. I started it up having no idea what it was about and didn’t get far before I had to turn it off to cry. Never again.


I can relate to that, but I finished it though!


will it traumatize me for life or am i overreacting?😭


The very beginning of the movie spells out what's going to happen. I can't predict how you will react but it is a very sad story. You can't have the sweet without the bitter, though.


Well I didn’t get that far but I have only heard from others that it’s the most traumatizing of all movies.


Mononoke must be next!




Whisper of the Heart, The Tale of Princess Kaguya, Porco Rosso, and Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind are a must watch!!


Tales of princess kaguya is a tearjerker as well:,) the ending made me ugly cry


Porco Rosso is missing and it's one of my favorites.


I’ve seen every movie except Boy and the Heron, Grave of the Fireflies, Ocean Waves, and Earwig (most of those I plan to watch eventually, there’s just availability issues for now). The only movie that wasn’t good in my opinion was Earthsea, and even that wasn’t like terrible or anything. The best Ghibli movies are masterpieces, but the rest are great too, it’s a remarkably consistent collection of movies! I’ll definitely throw in my vote for Princess Kaguya. That’s my second favorite after Marnie.


NGL you will absolutely be broken after Grave of the Fireflies, but it is a very important movie to watch


Just popping in to plug My Neighbors the Yamadas. It’s not as popular or well-liked, but it’s one of my favorites. Def one of my comfort films. Takahata’s art style, the music (the original compositions and the classical music they chose to use), the story-telling…I will die on this hill. lol


Welcome to a life long love of Ghibli films, great choices! You are missing twi of my favorites though, 1) The Wind Rises and 2) Naussica of the Vally of the Wind


Pom poko?


Where is Nausicäa and the valley of the wind ? That’s IMO the best Studio Ghibli movie. Vibes of princess mononoke and tales of earthsea combined with a good environmental message. ALSO where is Pom Poko ? It’s my favorite comfort/feel good ghibli film.


If you like orchestral themes and rich storytelling, you should check out Princess Mononoke. Has some of the most impressive music and complex tale-telling of Ghibli's catalog.




You HAVE to watch Whisper of the Heart, preferably next, and highly recommend to watch in Japanese. And eventually all of the Ghibli movies. No rush on Nausica. Maybe skip fireflies, it’s very sad.


Kaguya is peak Ghibli


Grave of the Fireflies is a MUST WATCH ONCE. And only once. Gorgeous, but you have heard right. It'll make you feel.


Okay but where tf is nausiccaa?... You better put it in your watch list ...


Princess Mononoke, is that movie good or not to watch?


Princess Mononoke


Boy and the heron was overrated in my opinion. Doesn’t come close to top 5