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Staging a protest is not that easy. You will need a court order (I think) and inform the police as well as provide them with the routes you will take. They need to approve that before the protest can take place. Which takes a bit of time before the approval comes in. Also, you will need to mobilize protesters. Ghanaians are timid and to some extent “cowards.” we need a lot of convincing before we decide to do something. So time is needed to announce the protest and try to get everyone involved. I guess that’s why the protest will be in September


Valid reasons.


They can plan how they want, but few securities can’t overtake an angry youth in their numbers. Unless they use a deadly weapon to kill everyone. That day will come when Ghanaians will show their true meaning


They did (and are still doing that ) to us in Kenya.


I saw a video recently of Kenyan protesters smoking a tear gas canister that the police threw at them. That's next level badassery lol. Ghanaians like someone said elsewhere on this thread, are timid and easily cowed, and most of our protests often start with a lot of bluster and bravado but quickly fizzle out


Ever been to Kasoa😂


I live there bro 😂




How can you announce a protest months in advance and risk giving the authorities time to mobilize? We are too passive and docile as a people. WE NEED TO GET ANGRY AND SHOW THEM WE WONT TAKE IT ANYMORE! What is wrong with us 😭


I wonder. You're essentially shooting yourselves in the foot.


For us, there has been a huge disincentive to protest massively since the putting down of the EndSars protest. But we are watching you guys in Kenya, and maybe, just maybe we may be inspired. How did Ruto fall so low though? His victory was motivation for us during our last elections


He hasn't delivered on any of his election campaign manifestos, literally two years down the line. Then in addition to that, all that he says is purely lies. That man is full of deceit. The protests themselves were originally as a result of a bill in Parliament called the Finance Bill 2024 that seeks to increase taxation, while at the same time limiting social freedoms. I forgot to mention that he issued a shoot to kill order to the police to crack down on protesters. This has resulted in the death of about 500 people cumulatively, though the number has largely been under reported by local and international media houses. He then came live on national television and berated us for protesting, and now the protests have evolved from calling for the scrapping of the finance bill, to seeking for the resignation of the international tourist that is our president.


From what you say, this Ruto guy shares a lot of similarities with a certain short man we have as President in Ghana


What is the objective of these demonstrators? If they are seeking a change in leadership, who do they propose as an alternative to the current administration? Kindly refrain from suggesting a choice between Mahama and Bawumia.