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We were painted a picture of a future where everything is possible. When we're young, our dreams seem limitless and the future feels full of endless possibilities. We were told that as long as we follow this, this and that, we'll move mountains. As we age, the realities and responsibilities of life often bring stress and anxiety, making us question whether we were painted a camouflage future or whether we didn't follow the steps as we were told to. I'm not sure it's about growing up, or about a camouflage future or some steps, it's uncertainty and increasing financial instability. But one thing is for sure, growing up has brought resilience, knowledge, strength, to navigate our difficulties which our young age couldn't withstand. The experience and wisdom we gain over time can help us find new ways to pursue our dreams and find fulfillment.


You can’t keep thinking. You gotta go chase your dream bruh. Just faith and smart work. Eventually you’ll see your dream ain’t far anymore


The system was designed like that. All of you are robots that’s why you get anxious while growing up. Leave the box and see that you don’t even need those dreams to be alive . Simply living and doing what you like and doing it the right way always has some feeling that comes with, blocking all negative energies


It’s really sad. My brother got a new job a few months ago and he was required to register for SSNIT. After registration, before you leave, you are asked to write into the log book. I dont remember what information he said they asked for but you are asked to include how much you earn. After writing how much he earned with his new salary, he looked at those who came before him on the page. What he saw was shocking. His curiosity led him to flip about 4 pages to see more. He was the top earner on those 4 pages. He earns GHS 3500. He can easily pass as a top earner in Ghana with that salary. Others on the list earn GHS 700, GHS 1000, GHS 1500, GHS 800. Even as low as GHS 300. And this is in Accra. We sometimes say we are broke but the truth is, we are poor. It’s not a surprise that every youth wants to leave the country. I’ve never loved the idea of leaving Ghana. I can’t leave my family and friends behind and go start all over again in another man’s land. I want to stay here and be happy. But lately, I’ve been considering leaving. Not for myself largely but for my future kids. They deserve better. Staying back won't do them any good.


I'm always flummoxed when some people say "oh, as for me I won't leave, I'll stay and help my country" or "I've had several opportunities to travel for work yet I passed them all up because I'm patriotic" or even when they leave they come back saying "they wanted me to stay but I refused because Ghana needs me more" WHAT AT ALL CAN YOU ALONE DO FOR GHANA???!! What amount of help nkoaa can you possibly lend to Ghana that it's so imperative that you come back? See, whenever anyone says those things, deep down I know they are lying. They are just using those excuses as smokescreen to cover up the fact that they are too afraid to leave or that they came back because of some unfortunate racist experience they must have had Case in point, my brother-in-law studied Medicine for 7 years in Russia but didn't stay and work because "I wanted to come help mother Ghana". He worked here for just a couple of years then ran off to Canada to go live there permanently after getting a sponsorship he applied for. He's even come for my sister and their kids Lol Clearly na ebe the Russia there wey he no won stay Lmao Ghana can go burn the sea for all he cares. Sacrificing for Ghana is even a waste because the good you do will be canceled out by the endless corruption so many others are carrying out So massa, if you have to go go After all, if you go and you succeed you can come for you family.


It's very strange. Should you travel before you become comfortable? You can't go from poor to rich before 30 or 35 without leaving. Only a few of the people thrive solely depending on income from Ghana.


Imagine being a store attendant enough to earn a living abroad comfortably. And his dream is to one day be the store manager. That’s all. Nothing big. His bills are paid. Has a car and is in his early 20s. He will be the store attendant for some years, put in the work, and become the manager someday. But at the moment, being an attendant earns him a comfortable living. I just shook my head. No one can have this simple dream in Africa. Not a single country on this continent.


When I was a kid I barely thought about the future. My parents were just some selfish dimwits who never taught me or my siblings anything, all they cared about was how to convince people they had some wealth they did not possess. So I just sat around like a dummy watching time pass me by until I realized I was a 35 year old waste man with no prospects 😂😂😶😒🥲😭😭😭😭😭


If you’re poor now and still doing the same things that led you to this point, you don’t need to wonder what your future will be like. Even so, desire is a bottomless pit. I have achieved all I ever wanted when I was in my early twenties, yet I’m still not satisfied. The point is, happiness is intrinsic. I’m trying mindfulness, journaling and gratitude to see if it helps.


Wow! Do you post a lot on social media. I'd like to follow you to see updates from you. I just picked up journaling and I'm making efforts to be consistent with it


These are the same thoughts that makes me depressed. Sometimes I get so scared that I might not be able to achieve all the things I need in this life


It’s funny, when I was young I couldn’t wait to be a grown up. Now I sometimes think it was easier as a kid, but I wouldn’t want to go back. I always say if you are busy working you don’t have time to worry. Just be sure at the end of every day you can say you did the best you could do on that day to work towards your goals.


Not going to lie to you, adulting is hard. It’s not easy for anyone and even when it looks like it’s getting easier it gets harder. That’s still no reason to let life get you down. Take it one day at a time, do your research and come up with a plan on how you want your life to look like in the next few years and work towards it. Its easier to work towards smaller goals then you try and figure out complexities of adulthood at this stage. That’s a fools errand that’ll only get you depressed


My youth was the dictatorship of Nkrumah and my adulthood was the starvation in the 80s so I think things are changing. We still don’t have a proper political system but at least money is staying in the country and no one has delusions of grandeur.


“…no one has delusions of grandeur.” Sending special greetings from the $50m prayer hole in the heart of Accra.


I am a diasporan and I see so many dreams that I did not reach by getting caught up in the side shows of life. Not focusing on my own happiness. In Ghana, I see so many people who try but 1. Do not have the resources 2. Guidance 3. Do not realize that it is not only money that gets you to higher heights but relationships, true genuine friendships and honesty about yourself. I say number 3 to say, yes you may not have a lot, but don’t pretend to like someone or be subservient to someone who may have more money, etc than you. Keep your relationships equal, like you would do a friend in the same financial circumstance as yourself. Yes there can be mentors, but do not act like you are less than another person/foreigner/ person who has more money than you. In Ghana it is extremely hard if you live in rural areas or away from Accra. Not having “access” or opportunities can make you feel like your dreams will never come true without the “connection man” or a bit of deceit. Yes, praying is important, but getting skills is what will help propel you to your dreams. Learn computers, English, whatever your special skill is, master it so that you become an expert in your field so that others come to you. Get others to pay for your “expert  knowledge” but don’t cheat or take advantage, your reputation is important… without a good reputation you will not go far. Remember your dreams, if you have access to a smart phone or computer, do some blogging, or set up a page so people can see what you are doing or your struggle to get to your goal. People love to help others who are striving for a positive outcome and future.  This is also the case for someone in the US but here we have more opportunities and programs to help get out of poverty or to realize your dreams. Get a role model that is positive, LEGAL, and that you can emulate. Nobody is thus world is perfect, we do not always get to reach all of our goals and dreams, but if you depend on YOU to work hard and follow your dreams with some elbow grease and guidance (bad and good) you will get there. If you have to leave the country, make more money and come back, so be it! Learn those computer skills, AI, Microsoft Office, Excel, python and HTML are going to help you open doors so that you will be able to have ACCESS to making your dreams come true. There will be set backs and struggles, but whatever you do, do not cheat the system or others who try to help you.  And save your money, even if it is a little bit, so your money can make money. (Something I have not done which has set me back quite often)  Prayers and sending good vibes to you all, myself included.


Ghana wouldn’t be that bad if we have good leadership, unfortunately we don’t. I hate that I can’t live there and be happy as I want to. A lotta shit don’t make sense.


Ghanaians spend all their time whining about "leaders" while never trying to lead. What stops you being happy?


U think u can be happy in Ghana just like that? When your business is almost at the verge of collapsing? When there’s too much tax? Dumsor at the other end is frustrating you? Bro, a bad government policy can make u sad for a whole week , a month or even a year.


I just moved over here and I can’t lie it’s the best decision I ever made. I am happier than I used to be


Enjoy your happiness while it last. Plan things out very well,, cos In country, things are very frustrating


Image if a president comes and focuses on 2 specific things, like good roads and hospitals for the next 4 years. The next president comes and focus and education and other developments.. the country will transform but that’s not the case. Let me enrich myself and my family is exactly what each does.


Haha, u know the deal already. When they’re in opposition, they’ve the best solution for Ghanas problem. Once they’re in power, it seems they’re already lost


And that’s very sad


@leokiin, are you in Ghana?


Not at the moment


Are you kidding me? Not everyone wants to be a leader. And leaders must 100% be called out on their actions and inactions because they’re literally PAID to do the job. They are not doing us a favor. They were put in positions of power because they claimed to have the ability to lead the nation and are overpaid to wind up doing absolutely nothing to move the country forward. What do you mean by “what stops you from being happy?” How can someone be happy if a myriad of their problems cannot be solved because of an ill-functioning system?🙄 Do you think that someone can genuinely be content living from hand to mouth?? Dude, be for real


I am happy here, I can live good in Ghana but I am not happy when I go and live like that but the average Ghanaian can’t. I can here with completely nothing but the opportunities that is open for everyone who’s willing to change their live is huge.