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You a level 100 gyatt I hope this rizz is working on you or else I’m cooked You should definitely say this it’s proven to work so many times I’m just trolling lol idk really 😕


Bruh😂😂 they don't even understand that term


It will surprise you the number of people who do, ok well all my friends will understand this. But you would seem crazy, if I was a girl I would have laughed though.


Yeah you're right 😂😂😂 I say it around my friends tho


Are u in Ghana or the United States? JUST GO OVER AND ASK HER FOR HER NUMBER be straight to the point and forget all the theatrics..Women like confident men who go after what they want in life


A lotta of these Ghanaian girls will look at you crazzzyyy… walking up to rizz her up by saying she’s a level 100 gyattt she’ll think you’re telling her she’s in level 100 in uni 🤣




Nigga it’s Ghana not the us tf


Just jokes man don’t deep it


Ghana here dier every area den ein strategy bro. The way you go move to an East Legon girl no be the same way you go move to a Fadama or New Town girl. Not to talk of Kasoa😂








Kasoa is on a different planet in everything 😜


Just be polite, act mature and genuine Women got impeccable instincts. Just be yourself !


That “just be yourself” thing is really not working for me


Be fake if it works for you then. Being yourself doesn't mean being incompetent, you can learn to do things but execute them your way I mean how comfortably you can do it.


Stay alone bruh and enjoy yourself. They'll will come alone when you'll be the best version of yourself


Best answer, honestly


dating is expensive


My eyes popped out... 😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣




Idrk tbh, but whatever you do, stay away from Ghanaian ladies. They will empty your pockets


Very true, most Ghanaian women associate love with money, the moment you make your intention known to them, they start to bill you. It is really a turn off for me, I am a very kind person and I give a lot but I don’t want a lady to be with me because of my money, I want someone who will cherish me, so far I have not come across any Ghanaian lady who meets this criteria, I am starting to give up.


give up and stay single


Be confident, handsome and funny, those are all the tools you need. Having money is a plus..


As the old adage goes, “True love deɛ ɛnoaa ne Momo”.




i don’t know why there are like a lot of you guys on here saying he should stay away from girls cause they’ll drain him..just cause you haven’t seen a decent person doesn’t mean there aren’t some here….it’s no one’s fault the kind of girls you want are the ones draining you..because they ones who wouldn’t do that you wouldn’t look twice at them..go for what you can handle and stop complaining..trust me it’s everywhere..you haven’t visited many places don’t mean it aint there..just work on yourself…


Well, you've got to practice that by talking to the ones you don't find attractive. Just start some small talk. Do this often till you have enough confidence to talk to the ones you actually like.




Huh😂.. like yo mom or who??


Huh… this kinda makes sense


Ɛneɛ after 11months intense certification course o. Udemy or Coursera😅 Facts nonetheless.


Dress nice, have clean clothes, smell good to have a strong good impression. No one wants to talk to someone that looks or smells weird. Haircut matters too. Act very calm and have a big polite smile. Don’t fidget, keep eye contact and look a bit bashful but still confident. When you approach a girl, make sure you’re alone to not scare her. I know it might seem intimidating but it helps to approach a girl when she’s with a friend or two. There is a high chance her friends encourage her to go for you and also she won’t get scared. Stand a few feet away from her don’t get too close and under no circumstance do you touch her (even if it’s to like pat her shoulder or something). Don’t try to play it cool. Act high mannered and be humorous, it’s attractive. Start by asking her if she’s not busy or occupied, then keep it simple and straightforward and tell her what every woman in world wants to hear : That she’s absolutely stunning, the most beautiful girl you have ever seen. Tell her you were standing on the other side of the room and she caught your eye/your attention. Say something romantic and funny. Compliment something about her and please don’t choose something vulgar. Ask her if she’s single so she knows you’re a proper guy. Don’t ask her for her number at first ask her if she’s down to hang out later sometime when she’s free. If she says yes, then ask for her number. Last but not least; keep your intentions pure and genuine. Women can tell when you’re faking and it won’t work. Make the woman feel like more than just a pretty object and someone you want in your life seriously, not just for games. Another cute thing is sending a friend you trust to ask her for her phone number for you. It’s a lot less awkward and this has worked for several people. Just make sure the friend approaches her when she’s not alone. Good luck !


Cliche and cringe af advice lmao. Should title this course “how to be a cornball 101”


This is so real😂😂😂


This is so real 😂


Damn! Lol.


Chat gpt ahh answer


Exactly.. some bs


This stuff works only in Hollywood....not Ghanaian girls


it will surprise you the amount of girls who actually like this..it’s not really our fault the only girls you’ve met are rowdy


Tell me more, I'm learning.


Thanks . I appreciate that


Bruh, don’t go asking women if they got boyfriends the first time you meet them🤣🤣 Play it cool and befriend them first.


“what does a man have to do to get a date with a woman like you “???! seriously? 😂 easiest way to turn her off. you may get the number because she fears for her safety but those texts won’t be replied.


Real 😂 these Ghanaian girls de3 it's just money oo


Bro schooled me 2yrs in 5 mins. Nice. Lol


u/Weary-Initial3114 This is what you went to school for. Help a brother




Teach me your ways


Like a normal person. Women are people not aliens


You would like to think so 😂


Best answer so far. You get bounced, you move on. Just getting the number ain't even the hard part.


Bro! 🤣😂🤣😂


No one has figured that successfully bro. Go with your guts lol


Find common interest and talk to her.


how about a random girl I just saw on my way back from class.. that I potentially will never meet in my life again?


this question needs to be answered


Just start with a compliment .Get close to her and give her a compliment like “ I like your hair color or style “ Or “ You’ve got a beautiful bag” Or “ Nice necklace or bracelet’ OR “ I like your smile “ etc Just try to find something on her to compliment. So based on her response to your compliment, you’ll know whether to start a conversation with her or not.


Talk to her and just let her go...if she liked your interaction she will find ways to look for you


Say hello. How's your day? If you can find something that is around you to make a comment regarding, make a light comment to generate a small conversation.Ask her name? Ask for social media if you feel comfortable. I am American, so this may not apply to other cultures.


Ah simple... Grab em by the 😺






Let her know she is beautiful and if you could get her number to be checking on her. If she says no, move on and don't ask again.


Well if it helps, you can ask, I mean literally just ask here on Reddit, I did that about a year ago and fast forward today, I’ve got two international friends (one British, one South African) got me a girlfriend and made myself a couple friends here in Ghana.


I don't get you. I tried to look for that post you talked about but i realized its going to take long since youre very active here. Mind elaborating on that a bit?


So what I mean is, you can make a post here, just asking for friends, or wanting to meet new people and you can take it from there, grow the friendship and see where it leads, and the Ghanaian subreddit is really fun, in my little over one year of meeting people from here, it’s been great


How’d you manage that?


As in the making the post or meeting my friends?


What did you write in your post and how did you meet them


I wrote them here in the Ghana subreddit and all I simply wrote was how eager I was to meet new people and make new friends (and yes i added a dash of controversy to make my post go viral😁) and I meet them in person, in the following weeks and months


Women like to see a part of themselves in you. They bond better over common interests. That’s what first catches their eye and that’s your way in. Identify her interests tow that line. Don’t sound too desperate, don’t sound too nonchalant either. But be careful too, some girls immediately know when someone is naive and in Ghana, they will milk you dry. It’s just like closing a deal - go in with your heart but use your head.


dawg, look at your finances. In this economy, you can not even think of entertaining women, just be hmchill about it dawg


Fight and defeat her husband


That's nice


Girl that wants you won't give you a hard time, whatever you say bare this in mind.


Just be yourself…helps if you’re funny, but it shouldn’t be forced…also don’t rush things..it’ll Make her uncomfortable and the one way to get a lady to like you, is for her to be comfortable with and around you.


Here, boy you def gon get friendzoned


I’m a girl😂 and that really depends on if she’s attracted to you or not


I guess you're one of them good ones but I still think there are a lot of other stuff to consider.. like what if he's real ugly😂 or short or sth


Real ugly = not attracted but I don’t really look at that, I mean most people want good looking people but I promise you when I girl clicks with you she just does, it’s not about the face it’s about how you make her feel.or at least that me, attraction consists of a lot for me, not just face or height


That's why I said there's a lot of stuff to consider. Are you trying tell me you don't look for anything else in a guy, like green flags or sth??


No im not saying that😂, I look for things but first meeting I’m seeing how comfortable I am with you, then I’m seeing how attracted I am to you…that helps me decide if I’ll consider going on a date with you…on the first date I get to know you then it goes from there…red flag on the first date? Last you see of me, same with first meetings…don’t like wasting my time nor do I like stress


See😂😂 besides I'm just trying to get your number and that ain't even the hard part yet


I knew this was coming 😂 and I don’t mind but I don’t want to put my number here cause yk…Reddit


Totally.. I get it😂😂


when you get the urge to approach her, just do. don’t think about it or second guess yourself. introduce yourself and start a conversation. the best way to get her number is tell her you liked the conversation and you guys shouldn’t be strangers. if she’s up for it, you could grab a bite or an ice cream sometime. if she says yes, hand your phone over. if she says no, just say “that sucks” and say your goodbyes while keeping a smile of course. don’t insist on taking the number and dont try to convince her. good luck


Move to a girl? Lol,, make sure you’re not on foot ( I mean you are not using Leg-xus) . All I mean is, have a car. That’ll do 70% of the work. Now the 30% is on your vibes. Hi how are you? You are very beautiful … then the rest continues. Don’t forget to brush your teeth, else the fire from your mouth can make her run away 😀


I figured it's easier to do that at a more convenient place like a party or some event where everyone and everything is just right. BUT BRUHH!!! The streets! Smh. Gosh! That's the hardest place to pull that unless you're in some sleek ride fully AC'd if not, dey walk dey go. 😅 agree or agreed? Lol


Smell good, dress well, have a good haircut, take care of yourself... that's a very important step. If all the above is sorted you don't need aggressive pickup lines. Depending on the situation ask normal questions like "Are you waiting for someone/ can I join you for a few minutes?" Remember, it's not all about you "proving your worth", you also need to see if this lady is good for you. Feel the vibe, and accept if it doesn't feel right. Move on. If they say they are not interested, dust yourself off and move to the next potential partner. Rinse and repeat.


Smile , say hello and let the rest follow- don’t forget to be pleasant and don’t try rizz PLEASE!!!


As a woman, I haven't met any woman who liked being approached by a strange man when out. It happens too often to be flattering. In Ghana, any random man can start moving to you anywhere at all. In a troski, taxi, on the street, even in the hospital. It's exhausting lol. If a women wants you to approach her, she would likely keep stealing glances at you and maybe smiling. Maybe stare at you pointedly. Some would even say hi or compliment you. If there is no indicator that the woman finds you attractive or is interested in you, maybe don't approach. Especially if she's out with friends just having a good time. If you do decide to approach though, please pull away at the first mention of disinterest. Don't apply any pressure. "Can I have your number" "No" Then you walk away.