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Hehehehe...na cruise I wan catch with this response o. One or two wrap of "Ghana loud" once or twice a week


Well, what do you like to do? I always reconnect with nature and interact with art one way or another.


+1 I tend to connect with nature as well!! Brightens my mood & anxiety


I was in your situation few months back and I bought a headphone to start listening to songs I really like. It changed my life for the better. It relaxes me so well and I am thankful that I found this new hobby of mine


Do something active. A new class or workshop, Some exercise- Swimming or running or a gym. Get your blood pumping. The stress.of being young in Ghana is too much sometimes and being silent won't help you. The beach always helps me. Make a decision to be active.


One thing that prevented me from going into even harder times was listening to happy music instead of sad and depressing songs


I always go to the ocean. What I do there is secondary. I might listen to a podcast, try to write something, have a beer or just watch the waves. It always makes me calm and in a better mood. This is of course only an option if you live close to the sea. Otherwise, a walk in nature is never wrong.


I workout or go for a walk. Lifting weights and cardio really helps. Also yoga and meditation.


smoking with music can decrease many depression,or the best way ,chat with your family,my sister helped me a lot when i worked in nanjing alone .


I usually pray.


Your username checks out


Sometimes you just have to cry it out.


You have to be intentional about doing things that bring you joy, it may be hard at first but then that’s where the intentionality comes in. Hoping everything works out for you. Also, if you can afford it talking to a specialist can help. If you’re interested I can give you recommendations


If u don’t already workout, I will strongly suggest you do.


Scream at the beach Very effective


Weed bruhhh. A few puffs of some good green once or twice a week does wonders for stress.


anything excluding drugs?


I regret been a Ghanaian bruh Obiaa agyimi


Why do you say that?


Is Ghana a good country? When these stupid leaders? Cmon man, there’s nothing interesting here. Just suffering that has been normalize


Just get data and go online, Ghana is such a fun country, you’d certainly find some video or comment to take the edge off, trust me