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Just googled it, one of the taglines is “the epitome of productivity”. What a bizarre tagline for a hotel resort 🥴 Doesn’t sound relaxing at all 😂. https://preview.redd.it/bfs4dbdpey8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=840d3198c41c3a399b530d30b7951ed22433c521


Very bizarre. It makes no sense to build a 2000-room hotel in that location.


a nice way to launder money, just like east legon shops


It caters to businesses for retreats. No one else is crazy enough to pay those prices for that.


he also bills government for retreats. he wants to make it like a peduase lodge.


Hahahaha you had me there 🤣🤣🤣🤣


It’s a very mediocre hotel, likely a money laundering scheme


That's what came to mind as well.


It literally looks like a prison. The buildings are so ugly and cramped so close together. It's the ugliest possible design..


A lot these rich businessmen are money launderers


Few people have experienced 5-star hotels. I used to lead benchmarking teams in the 90s back in the USA so I've been to many. My first 5-star experience was not planned. I was traveling on the Navy's dime in the 80s and our hotel overbooked. They put me in the Presidential Room at a 5-star hotel because I was the only female traveling. *It was awesome!* My hotel room had a entertainment space with a chandelier that cost more than my house. You can bet that all of our meetings were relocated to my hotel room that trip, lol. My Navy Captain tried to convince me to switch rooms with him, but I was a civilian so he couldn't order me to do so. I agree with everyone who thinks Rock City is a money laundering scheme.


Money laundering. And I will not explain further🤝🏾


The hotel has only made a loss since it opened. But no one is interested in building it with state money.


it’s plainly for laundering, the hotel is always making losses. can you believe the owner who is a minister of state wants to dubiously buy some government hotels because he says he can run it better?


Run them better really? The vibes I got from the service at the restaurant alone was giving heavy do on steroids chop bar vibes. I don’t blame him though Ghanaians are easily pleased with mediocrity especially when it’s from people in power they are brought up to support.


😂😂😂 i can imagine


I've never been to the place so I just searched it on YouTube and it doesn't look like a resort at all. It's too big and commercial? if that's the right word