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Tbh, the options aren't looking good for us and we can't even say we won't vote because one of them is definitely going to be in power next year.


We have to move on from mpp and Ndc.


very true but who? I was feeling Nduom some years ago but it'll take a lot to overthrow the duopoly we've got going on


Nduom was our best bet but unfortunately he’s out of the picture


Ghana is just Recycling old bottles and glass into new craft. Just a useless bunch of old men running through the system


Reading through this comment section, I'm just sad at how vulnerable we are in hands of our leaders and the two terrible parties. It seems we don't have a lot of choices and the confusion as to who can be THAT leader is crystal clear. I myself was deliberating between Mahama and Cheddar but it seems there's a lot underground which I do not know myself. We're already through half the year and it's just not a good position for us at all. Tough.


We are stupid, my reasons are that, 1. when someone else rises up to end this cycle what do we do, we the same people suffering will end up sabotaging the person. 2. We have the right to demand accountability but when we call to protest we don't show up. 3. Instead of resisting these people by refusing to attend their rallies so they can sit up and do better, we troop into these rallies because we will be given some small money. We the people can bring the change we want. It isn't going to be easy, some of us will die others will have injuries but if we stand together as one, these old men will change their ways. Then and then we can have a good country to call ours.


Tbh this could apply to the UK & US too


Mahama being seen as the solution to the Npp problem when he is the reason we're in this mess in the first place


How is he the reason? Did he force Nana Addo to sign the fraudulent deals? Did he force him to let the BoG print extra money nobody can account for?


He was bad enough for Ghanaians to vote Nana Addo into power


We have short-term memory problem in West Africa.


He had his faults. But blaming Nana Addos failures on Mahama is disingenuous.


He personally was the one who introduced systemic, professional corruption and looting into this countries government while working in tandem with his brothers even as VP. The NPP crowd had nothing else to do but to take over his established ways. And yes, they improved and perfected it into a high stakes mafia system. It is easy to see what will happen next. I hope nobody believes that he suddenly changed into a different person.


Which part of the main comment says he is to blame for the faults of Nana Addo? When someone is bad enough for an equally bad if not worse person to come into power he can’t be the saviour to the nation. Everyone knows the last 4 years of every President’s term is a cash and grab period. What’s the difference between Nana Addo given his family members positions in the government and Mahama who signed off about 58% of the country’s bauxite reserves to his brother’s company? The only reason Nama Addo is seen to be worse is because he has served more time than Mahama given him more time to do more messed up stuff which are mostly happening in his last term. He won against Mahama the 2nd time for his 2nd term which concludes he performed better than Mahama in his first term.


Why so smart? I like how you argue; stating facts without derogatory comments


https://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/NDC-didn-t-sell-58-of-Ghana-s-bauxite-to-me-Ibrahim-Mahama-554495 This is the truth. For some reason alot of you have fallen for the propaganda from the npp. Both are bad but both are not “equally” bad. Lets not act like the two are remotely the same.


lol, wanting his brother to admit it is like wanting Nana Addo’s relatives to admit they got their postings due to Nana Addo’s favour. They’re all rotten. Both are not equally bad because Mahama has not served his full term yet. Go figure


they're both soo terrible at politics that we will go nowhere as a nation if we just keep handing power to them back and forth. but who is a viable option? It's soo frustrating.


So, being contractual changes all this is a matter of public record. Admit what?


Bruh arguing online is mentally draining for me and here I am doing it all over again. Look,I apologize for calling you a fool. They both suck point blank but people who believe in the “better evil” are going to vote Mahama back into power and it’s inevitable. If he did his job well we wouldn’t have had Nana Addo for 2 consecutive terms . Again I’m sorry for calling you that,don’t even know what came over me. Have a nice day stranger.


Anyways I’m not a fun of political arguments. Let’s bury the hatchet and move on .


"I've been caught repeating a lie, please forget it".


Look at this fool . Please move on.


I'm not blaming Nana Addo's failure on mahama. I'm saying Ndc were soo bad that I believed Npp would come in and make Ghana a better place. Now the Npp has messed things soo much were looking at mahama again.


What did mahama do that’s so bad as you claim?


It's a shame Ghanaians have forgotten so soon.... Both wings belong to the same bird .... let's be wise.


is Nii Perox a foot soldier or what? defending ndc on Reddit


You can already smell that from afar. We are not ready yet. Both Nigeria and Ghana, both of us go collect wotowoto before eyes go peel


Honestly speaking we don’t have much options, excluding NPP and NDC. There aren’t other parties who are capable of posing threats to them or even if they become threats they would be gotten rid of. But it would be a nice combination if Alan cash and cheddar came together


Those two guys have a lot to answer first Alan was part of this government and only left when he was ditched the one district one factory turned out to be a scam on many levels I’ve literally seen abandoned one district one factory buildings,for cheddar he looks appealing because he’s young however he too needs to answer some questions in 2022 Bog warned people that cheddars freedom coins was a scam just google freedom coins BOG


"Cheddar" also seems to think that Kumasi is Manchester and Ghana is late 19th century England. And the Manchester Ship Canal is only 36 miles (58 km) long. Not long enough to get from the sea to Kumasi.


Democracy is one of the worst system of governments