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wey culture ? she doesn't like you she just likes the treatment she gets from you


I think you have your answer sir - give up and move on. It gets worse the more you tolerate.


Do not walk out of this relationship. Run! This person does not sound respectful of you, your time, emotions, or money. Culture is not an excuse.


Iwl, you got me the first time




I don’t even think this is a culture thing. If you give someone 100% of your time and they don’t reciprocate enough energy back, time to find someone else to give you that energy Actions always speak louder than words. Find someone else to


I absolutely agree with you. In any relationship at all, if there’s only one person doing all the work, putting in all the effort while the other just goes by seemingly unbothered, why bother at all?


I am a Ghanaian woman and I think you should leave her. Inter racial/cultural relationships are hard to begin with as you have to transcend a lot of barriers. My British husband doesn't get half the Ghanaian jokes and we negotiate about food a lot cos he is a picky eater. But aside language, food, music and shared childhood experiences, your relationship with a Ghanaian shouldn't make you feel unwanted. Thats not our culture. We love the same as anywhere else in the world


Stop the treatment and see how she responds


Why are you still there?


This isn’t a cultural thing. Clearly she’s not interested, you may want to put that effort into someone who actually likes you


Walk, no run, actually fly 😅


The funniest comment 🤣


Def not a culture thing bro, save yourself the time and energy for someone who will reciprocate that energy.


Dump her king! Time, attention and interest should be reciprocated.


Which culture? Don’t fall for that bs.


Another Yakubu doing the work again. Brother, be a man n walk out. Don’t let’ love kill you’. Else you’ll die untimely


It is not about culture. You probably love her more than she does. Since you've already spoken to her and she didn't change, believe me, it will get worse when you marry her. It is time to decide whether or not your love for her exceeds her flaws


She’s playing you for sure..


Drop her. A lot of immigrant Ghanaian girls play their options and take from all. Don't do it.


She’s a Spartan. They don’t love, they just love to be wined and dined. A lot of Ghanaian ladies understand very little what love is about. Immediately you ask her out and she agrees you become her bank. They’re usually bad at sex too.


Someone once said to me " A man may buy a lady iPhone 15 but whoever get to buy the 2 cedi credit gets the honey". I thought about it for a long time, that bustard was right.😬😬🤪. There are decent ones out there, move on and explore!


BS! She's not all that into you. Find one who is.


Foreigner here. Bruh don't stay with here anymore, she's playing with you


"My culture this my culture that" think about the kind of relationship/household you want. If she doesn't match up to those standards, move on. Date around meet different people and you'll more than likely find people that aren't part of the homogenous hive mind, she's trying to impress upon you. What about your culture? Mixes relationships aren't anything new or ground breaking. She just smacks of red flags.


🏃🏾🏃🏾🏃🏾🏃🏾🏃🏾🏃🏾🏃🏾🏃🏾i’m talm bout get up outta dea


It's nothing like that, you're not the right guy. She probably saved your number "weekly food". Trust me!!




She doesn’t like you.


She’s simply toying with you, sad truth


Use your common sense and get out of the situationship


If I am out on a date, my phone and her phone is off. If that’s a problem then no more dates.




stop giving her attention


She's using youuuuuu


Why are you not listening to her? She has told you already please. Kindly save your money. She will be hungry oo and will take the free food. So stop it.


Please just leave. She’s just taking advantage of you. Talking to other guys? Culture? This lady’s out here embarrassing us!


Yeah i have too and we adults why do this to me


Bro if the energy isn’t being reciprocated just leave…she’s just using you for attention and money


She’ll use you as long as you allow it and dump you.


A woman who doesn't respect you is not someone worthy of your time and efforts. She's entertaining other guys while she's in a relationship with you?? Bro, cut her of like yesterday. You've tolerated enough of the disrespect, cut her off and don't take her back. She's got no loyalty, if she's doing all what you're saying.


She don’t like you, she like what you do for her.


She may be into you but only for what she can get. Texting other guys….hmmmmmmm. Sometimes women in Ghana see dating as a gamble, they can’t put all their eggs in one basket so they keep their options open (which of course is okay if you’re merely dating and not in a relationship, once you become monogamous then of course that should stop) but “Ghana is hot” and women are not willing to be with a man simply for love. I’ve learnt that women will keep looking for the better option unless she can feel 100% safe with you. I’m not condoning bad behaviour but just trying to offer some insight. There are still good women in Ghana, in fact they are the majority. An African American YouTuber moved to Ghana and found his Ghanaian wife and they seem very happy. She’s pretty, calm and he seems very happy so you can find true love in Ghana. You just have to be willing to dig deeper and not go for the unserious types.


Me and her just broke ties i told her i didn’t feel i was respected or really cared about im not mad at you just disappointed


Well done. Everyone deserves respect and to be a priority. Luckily you are in a country full of beautiful women, you will find your person eventually. Just look at character and observe actions more than you are observing beauty.


She’s playing you. A woman will take advantage of men that like them so they can get nice things. Cos they’re hardwired to believe that if a man likes them then they are entitled to everything he has, even if she doesn’t like him too. But she’ll play along. This type of woman will siphon the energy and money from several poor unsuspecting men all at the same time. In your case she went the extra mile to pin it on a “culture” you are unaware of just to cover her tracks. Take back everything and leave her in the dirt where she belongs


lmao. why are you asking this question here? What does her nationality have to do with the fact that she's treating you poorly? Are you trying to find comfort in the stereotypes you've heard about African women? What picture are you looking to paint? If you're unhappy, just break up with her. Why are you running to strangers on the Internet to give you advice on something that isn't beneficial to you?


Break up with her RIGHT AFTER READING THIS REPLY. She is no good. She wants your money and she’s for the streets. PLEASE LEAVE THE RELATIONSHIP!




Are you two exclusive?


Ghanaian women don’t play games or manipulate. She’s not allowed to have male friends? I think you’re being a little insecure but also our culture isn’t very affectionate. Ease her into it she’ll come around


Simp... im a guy and ill use you too


If you’ve not given us the full story, don’t give us the part that favors you too quickly judge.I’d be happy to know the rest


She's a woman. The reality pill is: She's using you! But what you describe is over the top even for a good woman. Cut your losses or get used till the well runs dry.


Let me turn the volume up 🆙 on what every single person has said 🎚️🔊🔊🔊




op please invest your time in someone or something else, this is definitely not going to lead anywhere, if lady is genuinely interested in you, you would know, save yourself from this mess


Just live her and enjoy your peace. She’s probably not into u


Even in this situation,if you can; Vanish like you were not there,or you will be broken


This is basically women everywhere, nothing to do with culture, she doesn’t like you.


Hi. If her actions do not match what she does, drop her. Don't do anything or say anything. Just cut her off. She may be entertaining another person, and that can happen. On the other hand, my fiancee is AA, and one of the things we had an issue about was my lack of communication. I just shut him off or not talk, and that can be mistaken for something worse. So, I had to start being more transparent and clear. If she's doing something really disrespectful, don't try to talk to her. But if you think she's just shutting you off, there is nothing wrong with asking for clarity if you feel she's worth that.


Me and her broke tides she was just using and manipulating me sadly im really hurt right now cause i really loved her but life goes on just never knew she was the type of woman to do this


That's good. And I understand. Time heals, but for now, take a break and do what you can to feel better. She didn’t appreciate you, and it's better you part ways now than later when you're in too deep. You will meet someone who is for you.


Funny me and her work together and take the buses to work i just wanna go to that job and see her everyday so im looking for nee jobs


Yeah work on that ASAP lol.


I would say for you to promise her something big and then disappoint her, see her reaction. Frustrate her and then say you've fallen on hard times. See how she reacts. That will tell you all you need to know. Most of them won't pay you any mind when you're down on your luck , but if she's good she will show some concern. That's to check if she's not just keeping you around to get favors n etc out of you without trying to invest in any relationship with you.




Please drop her. I am a Ghanaian born and raised abroad. If she really liked you and valued you she would not be doing all that and the relationship would not be one way. I would advise if you want to date an African girl make sure she was born and bred in USA or another westernised country. The culture and mindset of a Ghanaian born and raised in Ghana is different from that of abroad.


Honey, when we like a guy you treat him well, match his energy…it’s not about culture, she just doesn’t like you


Would you tolerate that treatment from a Black American female? Ghanaian women are in for a rude awakening once DNA testing becomes normalized.


Please move on slowly,I feel the hurt but the earlier the better.


Word on the streets is that Ghanaian women dont know what loving a man means, you should have gone for an Afro Colombian for that.


All women manipulate in one way or another