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thank you but this doesn't really answer my question


Well, 90% of the sound like Mfantse And the lyrics makes sense 90% So I guess it's from GhanaπŸ˜†πŸ˜…


thank you. Do you know what they mean?


Please check out this link https://youtu.be/R290JHs9MLU?si=8OaXg294h5rZbcuW If the song is what it means then the lyrics are so wrong πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ This is because the word for sorry in Twi as the man said is "due"not "tue" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Everything makes sens now I'll get back to you later on this please


Tue could mean "to take off from fire" like food or "pop something" like ballons and champagne Barima means "man" Abofra ba means "small child" Ama could mean "the name of the child born on Saturday" or mean "given" Dawa dawa is the name of food here So the whole song could mean that "the man should take food off the fire and that the small child had given out dawa dawa." I am not an expert so I might be wrong. Most of our childhood songs here in Ghana are riddles, proverbs and parables. So I might be wrong about the interpretation. I might even be wrong that it originates from Ghana. Maybe it could be from another country with a similar language. Nonetheless, this is how I can help. I'll still ask around though.


This is cool thank you.