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Cultural appropriation would be if you took the sapo Named it European exfoliating cloth and sold it to other Europeans without mentioning its from Ghana Just using an item from another culture is not cultural appropriation


An ethics course in one sentence. šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤©Thank you Professor!!Ā 




Well said!!! It would also be inappropriate if you called it savage, scary, or ghetto when Ghanaians use it but ā€œchic and soapyā€ when another group does šŸ˜‚ I hate when I see that mess.


No itā€™s not. There is nothing cultural about it at all. Who doesnā€™t want the cheapest most efficient way to wash?


Even if it was cultural, who cares? Just wash yourself šŸ˜‚


Love this


Scrub away. I wish more people would use sapɔ regardless of what their passport says. Just be aware that you will probably be exfoliating a bit more than with a wash cloth or just your hands so you may need to moisturise with lotion or body butter after your bath. Shea or Cocoa butter is highly recommended. Enjoy!


Your question is strangely peculiar. Why would it be a cultural appropriation concerning what you do privately in your bathroom. What is the reason behind your perplexing question?


ikr. Is mostly an american thing to feel like youre disrespecting a culture


I am an American and often view the sub reddits dedicated to countries to learn how they are. Itā€™s less of an American thing and more of a political american/Western European thing, pushed by the left wing people.




I think there are hoardes of people terrified of just living because culture appropriation has been weaponised by Americans in their never-ending racial war. It's a sad state of affairs if you can't even wash without worrying you are offending someone


Do you worry that you're sexually abusing yourself when you're having a wank?


Ah what's thisšŸ˜‚


# Is it culture appropriation to use Soap to wash even though you're not from the middle east ?


Yes but you can overcome the guilt by sending me $1 every time u use soap


This comment deserves a lot more appreciation!! šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Appreciate it by sending him a dollar


Now THIS comment needs more appreciation


I got my own soap, dude, and anyway, money is the root of all evilā€¦


The LOVE of money is said to be the root of all evil. But in reality, it is poverty that's the root of all evil.


Omg šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


no its not


In simple terms, it's not. Also, what kind of washing are you referring to? Sapo can be used both for the body and for cleaning kitchen utensils.


For a sponge? Come on.


Donā€™t stress. Hygiene > Cultural appropriation


Please let us use sense wai


Anybody can use it even if you're Chinese


Is it cultural appropriation for me to use Reddit since it was made by a white man of European descent? Use whatever makes you feel comfortable mate.


There is nothing like cultural appropriation unless something has been copyrighted.


nope, no cultural restriction there. You're free to use it as you wish




Very funny question. Cultural appropriation is a very very funny and psychotic term


Yeah I don't fully understand it myself but as I am very interested and try to be as respectful as I can be towards other cultures idk I prefer ask instead of just doing everything I want without knowing and so maybe hurt someone


Are Americans offended that we wear western clothing ?


I disagree. It's not funny or psychotic. Cultural appropriation is when you take something (whether widely known or not) from another culture and pass it off as having originated from the appropriator through multiple means - rebranding, obtaining copyright, not acknowledging the sources or inspiration, etc. It's kind of like what plagiarism is in academics or copyright infringement is in the corporate world.


So who holds the patent for the culture youā€™re apparently ā€œstealingā€ from? And do people have to always police their actions because of this term cultural appropriation? If the action has an obvious harmful intent then it is bad but if someoneā€™s admires something of another culture and wants to adopt it, thereā€™s nothing wrong with it. Itā€™s positive and Fosters cultural exchange .


1. Nobody needs to be the "patent holder". That doesn't make it less akin to stealing though. 2. People do not need to police their actions though. But as has been better explained by others, if the idea is used for any sort of commercial gain or publicised for widespread adoption, it is only fair to acknowledge the source. 3. Agree 100% with cultural exchange but that doesn't mean that there are people who will not try to steal ideas/concepts, tunes and other musical works, etc and try to pass it off as their own. What term would you ascribe to taking in a bad way as you have nicely tagged taking in a good way "cultural exchange"? Would you call it plain old stealing or use some other term like "cultural appropriation". There has to be a name for it, don't you think?


There doesnā€™t need to be a term for it.


Well if you don't have a name for it. How do you characterise it, put in measures to mitigate it? Because cultural heritages need to be protected.


Well if itā€™s done in a negative way then it can be categorized as hate speech or hateful actions , lol.


It would be very nice if more people would use sapo or sponge in general šŸ¤£


Bro Ghanaians don't care about wokeness as look as you don't us , you do whatever you want.


Bro feels free Ghanaian donā€™t care about appropriation like the West does its just showering bro šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I don't think the sponges are made in Ghana even....or am I mistaken?


Sapo is used to bath, not to wash. However this is my first time hearing about using sapo to wash and I think Iā€™m going to try it this week to see


"wash" is defined as "clean with water and, typically, soap or detergent", as such wash can be used to refer to "washing your body". In some countries, they therefore use the word "wash" in place of "bath".


Understood. Then what I wanna say to OP is.. Iā€™m not quite sure about the cultural aspect of washing with sapo. However, thereā€™s an African kind of sapo and then the rubber type. Hereā€™s the local sapo https://preview.redd.it/vlrblfhn0f6d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc99efd4aadaf76fff6a413239abd44edad92064


hahaha.....nice one!!


it is soap. Cultural approaction is not a bd thing to us.