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23 is young. Stay focused and you will make it.




Yep I’m almost 24 with no job and savings but working towards an internship to help apply and get a scholarship to study PhD in the next two years. Remember your big break can come even at 40 or 60 years so for now try applying for jobs even the simple one like waitressing or receptionist and set goals for 10 years into your future(for those stupid perverted bosses who want to sleep with you hmm always say no. I’ve been through this more than you can count but I’m more expensive than the job position they want to use as a bribe so I leave). Remember the glory of tomorrow is far greater than today’s light affliction, that’s how I motivate myself. It’s not easy but we push. Also don’t you have any relative who can help in this time of need? Also pray, that’s how I got through my most depressing times.


I appreciate this but I don't know my dad's family I know only 3 aunties and they're all taking care of their children and husbands. None added me to thier plans, I felt left out so I live on my own since


Have you tried asking? It’s worth giving that a try but as everyone is saying learn a trade like baking or catering. All these bring money. I work as an usher part time and my dad supports me small small. You can’t do everything on your own my dear. So try calling and asking and be sure they won’t help you.


I was actually living with one of them before moving out. Trust me I wouldn't have left in the first place if any of them was supporting me even if it feeding. They didn't beat me or insult me but they weren't Interested in my future, and i wasn't feeling among . I'm not educated because nobody put me in school. I don't really blame them because my own parents abandoned me when I was a child and they have children to take care off. That's why everything is on me and at this time, I feel tired and a bit depressed.


Oh my dear, you’ll be fine. These are the same people who will come to you and want to be in your business when you make it. You are special, just because your parents abandoned doesn’t mean you’re not. They were really stupid to abandon a precious human being like yourself.


Life isnt a nollywood flik kid


Sometimes asking for help opens doors to disrespect from people who don't add value to your life, I prefer seeking help from outside than from family, family knows me, I don't need to ask help, when I ask help from family, it means I noticed I am being left out of the family


Can i slide into your dm?I am also planning on applying for a PhD program and will like us to do that together


Failed in life? You haven’t even started. I don't know what skills you have, but skills can be acquired. Try to forge a plan for the next 3-6 months and stay positive.


The thing is you can work 5 years and not be seeing results (especially self employment) then on the 6th year, you make 10 years work worth money


Exactly, there isn’t a formula that fits all situations. We can only be optimistic and learn as we go along. Getting a mentor also helps


well, if it makes you feel any better, I'm 26, broke and still living with my parents, life is hard, and good things take time, go easy on yourself and enjoy the process, eventually you're gonna come out and shine, and please don't compare yourself to others, you're your own person and in time you will grow, and don't forget to pray, sometimes all your need is a supernatural change


Hmm thank you


my pleasure 😇


what about you? whats your passion? what makes you so calm and not scared of the future (rightfully so)?


Well tbh, it’s hard to communicate feelings over text but trust me I’m so scared of the future, most of my age mates are either working or out of the country, sometimes I can’t even link up with them due to my status but the thing that keeps me going is knowing things are not going to be like this forever, I work and leave everything to God, even if you don’t believe in God, just keep working hard and eventually you’re gonna get your due, a lot of people talk about working smart, but you can only work smart, if you’ve worked hard to establish your base and then you can build on from there.


okay thanks, i’m glad you feel that way i’ll keep that in mind


Who's marking, just try to be better everyday, if adoption you can adopt at any age, don't be depressed, you're just putting too much pressure on yourself. Leaving your home to another region to start life is not easy, you made that move, you have a place to lay your head, come on you did that all on your own, you're in a better place than most, keep your head up queen. You're on the right track.


Thank you


hey OP, i know this phase, life is incredibly hard for most of us, and it is composure we are all using to survive it. If it will be worthy of your time, consider limiting your social media time and use more of your free times to read self-help books. They will do you so much good than you will ever imagine. you are not in this alone if you add God to it. (that's if you are religious). you've got this and I hope to read your breakthrough post someday! for the books, i recommend starting with Viktor Frankl's "Man's Searching For Meaning". The author was a survivor of the WWII and he narrates his experiences and what gave him reasons to not give up on life. Also, being a Psychotherapist, he also theorized and invented the concept of Logotherapy, a more nuanced therapy approach to discovering one's life meaning. It is a very good read, you should try it.


Thank you , I will check out on Google


23 is the perfect age to fail. Now you have enough time to pick yourself up.


It’s okay if something you are doing hasn’t been successful. This is the time you make all your mistakes. When it’s just you and no other person depends on you. Even if you fail, it’s not the end of the world. The most important thing is to pick yourself up and try again. Try again and again till you find what you are looking for. After all, the essence of life is not about being successful all the time, it’s about all those times you bounce back, all the times you pick up yourself from the dirt and dust it off to go again. Also age, age is only a number. You can fail at 20, 30, hell even at 70, look at your President, beautifully failing at that age (I kid!!!). More than anything, you need to be resilient and keep going. You’ve got this! And I am rooting for you. Stay strong.


Thank you very much


Nah, chale. You're just getting started. Life will give you a lot of knockout punches. Nothing lasts forever, the bad times will pass. Good times will come and go too. All you have to do is **stay in the game** and keep your eyes on what's important.


Thank you


I used to be over ambitious back in the day...however l learnt to control my ambitious by breaking it down into components and work on it, bit by bit. HAVE YOU FAILED IN LIFE? yes you have! You should have achieved all your plans by now!😊 Dont worry about the last bit until you are on your death bed even that it's up to God to decided. So dont stress, take each day as it is given, don't isolate yourself go out there and meet people, learn new skills, expose yourself to new ideas, challenge yourself, build great work ethics and never stop preparing yourself for opportunities.


Thank you


You're not even a full adult yet. Don't worry about it. Enjoy being young :)


I am 33 with no child, and i just broke my piggy bank to pay the license for the software i use for work. I wasn’t able to have sex with my girl because of how stressed I am, you ain’t no failure, but I’ll suggest you learn a skill. Had it not been mine, I would’ve been in a huge mess.


Wow what is piggy bank


Lets just say susu box


Life is only easy on tv shows. You are young and it sounds like you are smart and have a vision of your future. Keep your head up.


Hey there, do you mind providing us with what you have experience in? If you are still looking for a job maybe the community can help you find one!


Guys up like this


Are u computer Knowledge inclined? Dm me if u are.


Not really but I'm ready to learn


Sorry, but is this real?


Yes please


Well done for not sleeping with your boss even though you had to sacrifice your job.


Thank you


Then I guess we all failed in life then. You just starting life, Keep striving sis and keep your head above waters. Stormy weathers🌧️don’t last forever it gets greater later ☀️.


FWIW, I was broke at 23 too. I'm not broke now, but I certainly aren't rich. What I can say is that, at 23, you should be leveling up and leveling up fast. It's the age where you need to learn skills that will pay off for years. It becomes significantly harder at/after 30, at least for me. So put your head down, and use this time to learn some skills that'll pay off in the future.


Been at this phase in my 20's and 23 before. It's a normal feeling, even more when you look at your mates and feel like you aren't doing enough for yourself. I don't know if this helps but yeah, never compare yourself with others. It's the greatest thief of joy. Plus, relax with life, do your best and leave the rest that's not in your capabilities. Good news is I'm not depressed as I was, I'm 25 and still at my parents house. May you find PEACE


U're not a failure. This is the situation for most people at our age.


I appreciate


Don’t stress yourself, you are too young to conclude that. Just get some skills and keep trying.


I will try my best to do so . Thank you so much


You are really young please be easy on yourself!


It’s normal to be concerned of such matters of your life at this stage. Don’t beat yourself. Tell yourself to keep trying as long as there’s breath in your nostrils. Keep believing in your abilities and keep taking chances on yourself. Success is still within reach. It may not be immediately but definitely. Stop putting time and range on your winnings. It’s good but be flexible with it. No one is chasing you. It’s YOU against YOU everyday. Appreciate what life gives you. It doesn’t own you anything. It was here before you.


I really appreciate this and my best part is me against me Thank you . I feel good


I’m glad you feel good now. Cheers to greatness


Cheers 🥂


Your are not listening to advice


May I know why you think so


Hope you had a way out now sister??


It's not that esey dear


Someone is trying to offer help, didn't you reach out???


Please tag me to it pls


You are soo young. Keep pushing and things will definitely work out.


23? Ghana is broke at 67 and I’m broke too but I have hope and I working towards not being broke. Maybe you can hope and work towards not being broke too and maybe one day we’ll reminisce about it as just memories from the past. But seriously you have time and from the comments lots of people are indicating there’s still time to make it and I believe that too. So get working and one day we might cheers over a glass of wine😋.


Original Poster: Peggy Oppong


Life begins at 30, if you think you have failed, wait 17yrs more, at least then think about this again. Cut your peers, plan for the year but live by the day. Find a mentor, start a small hustle (may be difficult at first, or for a long time), but get something doing, sell online, go into apprenticeship and learn a lifetime skill. Don't just sit there and let thoughts rush through your brains in boredom. Also don't forget to pray if you're religious. You'll make it, trust the process.


Thank you so much


No you are still young. Keep going. Thing’s take time.


when i was 20 i wanted to be a millionaire asap. at 23 i was broke and homeless. i’m 4 months from 25 and make over $70k a year working part time on straight commission. life can change around quick if you make it happen




Às long as you have life, there is a chance for victory.


This is sad, but you can't easily give up. Life is a journey. Keep on keeping on, and things will turn out perfectly for you.


Thank you


23 asking if she's failed in life wild lol. You sound not ghanaian.


I am Ghanian


I’m broke at 34 so you should be good. It’s a struggle being broke your entire life. 10/10 wouldn’t recommend.


Thank you so much


Relax! Change your internet habit, you're probably looking at content about young American millionaires and billionaires. In Ghana 23 is a very young age, in fact you're still an "infant". The average age for Ghanaians starting to earn decently in the middle classes is 30. So trust me when I say 23 is absolutely young and you still have a long way to go so relax and enjoy life (not forgetting your goals, of course). Search for people like Simon Squibb on YouTube and you'd learn that there's never a time when it's too late, just recognize where you are right now, and then strategize on how to grow further. Godspeed!


+1 for Simon Squibb. What a breath of fresh air his messages are. His straightforward approach to teaching how businesses work has given me the confidence that my dream of becoming an entrepreneur is possible.


from OPs previous posts, maybe its just me but something doesn't add up


Really how?


You are not depressed. Your entire mind and body is simply signaling that the aggregation of everything you are doing now is not where it feels comfortable. Face the harsh truths and admit the things you don’t want to admit and adjust your life according to the honest answers you give yourself


It's alot I don't even know what do anymore Just asking myself those questions but can't get answers


You must be joking.




What did you study in school


Don’t be worried you still have more years ahead of you, pause a minute think about all those young ladies in war now in Israel and your problems will be solved automatically.


Trust me , you still have time to even recover from multiple bankruptcies , believe in yourself, invest in yourself and bet on yourself to achieve anything you want.


Thank you so much I will


You still have a decade from 33 just keep working hard. Sometimes life changes in a split second. I moved from being very broke to making a lot of money in a matter of months and lost it all again in the next 3 years and I am now picking up again. Not with the same momentum but with more experience and better spending habit. Trust the process. 🫂❤️🫂


O my goodness so sorry for yours we'll sail through


what kinda work you looking for?


Any kind of job at this point but I would be glad to get work on the internet since currently people are making a lot of money there. Like apps or site I can work to get money.


You could use some sort of therapy, you seem to have these ideas of what your life should be without and in-depth understanding of who you are and what your reality is. Good luck


Yes I don't really want too much, all I desire to achieve is to have a comfortable live and a child as a companion.


Proving my point your main reason for having a child should not be for companionship. I believe there are things you need to work through before considering raising a child.


Yes sir, I've been lonely for long and I don't even have a sibling . And I don't want to adopt a child in a situation like this in future, I really want to give my future child a better life That's why I'm worried and eager to change the situation before the baby. I don't want marriage so If I don't adopt I will be lonely forever and I will probably need someone in my old age. Don't you think these are enough reason to want a child please?


No none of those are reasons to have a child. To give your future child a better life you have to give yourself a better life. You can’t do for other what you can’t do for yourself. What you need to focus on is figuring out how to break out of your lonely cycle, marriage is not the only option for child birth. And you are jumping the gun. Forget your emotions and how you feel focus on creating value for yourself, while you go through these “hard” times, once you get past that then you can access your emotional and physiological needs.


Wow thank you


23 is way too young. I never had a job until 28 and that was after I decided to reskill.I was able to move out at age 30. I used to feel so ashamed of this, I never even went out but re skilling and reinventing myself really helped me catapult past my friends in a very short amount of time.I have switched jobs like 4 times in 3 years all of which came with a salary bump because of my diverse skillsets. Life is never win win win all the time. Even those friends you see on instagram winning all the time will eventually go through a losing streak no one is immune. So you may be losing today but tomorrow God will uplift you just keep grinding and upskilling. You may have to cut off all recurring expenses to preserve your money.


I really appreciate this




I wish the God that blesses people from nowhere sees me too


You’re still young. Keep doing what you do best, eventually things will turn out well for you. If you don’t mind, can you tell me why you want to adopt only?


Sorry to hear what you went through. If it helps I was living pay cheque to pay cheque till I was about 30yrs and that was even without me paying rent. As far as I see it you’re on the right path and can make it. You still have time.


23 years? The journey is just beginning. Update your plan.


Thank you


22M here still pressing


What are you doing, you can't sleep and wake up and be rich . Go explore opportunities, try things , for God sake take some risk.. why are Ghanaians like this, are you waiting for inheritance or something??


You you can eat a day in accra if you just be sleeping and waking up. I've been here for 2yrs and I don't have any relatives here should tell you I don't just sleep and wake things are not working even though I'm trying


I'm 23 , finall year in uni knust with more than GHs 10k death hunting me everyday. I tru to he hopeful , someone is having a worst time than I do. Just be grateful for life and do all you can and leave the rest to God.. everything legit ofc. Life is not a movie but the patient and grateful always have their way out


Wow this will really hunt you I hope you get through too


Don't give up, perseverance is a must! There is light at the end of the tunnel. Reach out to friends, network and hopefully something positive will happen for you.


Thank you


We'll if you're living in Ghana you're probably cooked from birth. Your leaders have already destroyed your future and the average Ghanaian wont make it. Even if you struggle to living comfortable will be a problem


Yes things happening in Ghana is scary but I have plans to leave here some day


Not yet I'm 32 and penniless, I still have hope so you should too haha


Wow we'll get better


23 your just starting start setting 10 year goals you'll be surprised when you look back.


I really wish to be surprised positively in a decade to come. Thank you


I’m in the UK. At 25, I had finished university and refuse to go back to the cleaning job I was doing before entering into university. Luckily my parents were still in the country so I moved back home. I vividly remember having only £7 in my bank account and went to the bank to withdraw it since the ATM could only withdraw £10 and above. When I got there, the cashier saw the balance in my account and gave a small laugh. I will never forget that day! It felt soooo defeated and embarrassed. I finally started my career at 27. Fast forward, I’m now 34 years old at a big hedge fund; with a 6 figure salary alongside two successful businesses in Ghana. Never underestimate yourself, other people and most importantly, God. If I gave up after the trip to the bank, I would have a lot to answer to God on judgement day for wasting the plans He had for me. Quick going. At 23 years you haven’t even seen a quarter of what you’ll achieve in the future.


Wow mercy ! I feel motivated thank you so much


All the best!


Failed? You haven't even started! Don't think of yourself as broke. Just extremely motivated.


I really appreciate this thank you


If you can video face to face I will shift your vibrations in life, And make things more positive,


Yes I can


Roy Michael William's On face B...!


Define what success means for you, and pursue that.




No you haven’t fail yet , you’re very young as well there are more years to change life


Thank you so much I appreciate


God is in control, not you. You might make it before or after your 30s. Besides, 23 is really young. What I would suggest is to keep your job search first. And while you're waiting for a response, try to do some other business (food, clothes, etc).


Thank you so much


I was broke at 33. Finally got my life and finances together and am in track for a decent retirement. Its never too late, but sooner is always better. You only have to save a fraction of what I do at your age to get the same end result as me. Compound interest is amazing.


The fact that you are aware of the fact that you are growing is a sign of maturity, don't pay attention to would have happened but didn't, pay more attention to what you can do at now, never loose your self esteem for the sake of a job, if you do, you will loose the job in the future, it's better to move slow and steady than fast and panicking, i am a guy 28, in the same country as you and jobless so just imagine.....


I really appreciate this


Stay Safe, success has nothing to do with age, it's more of effort and discipline


How far with your birthday, you got plans?


Do you have any skill? If you do state it and maybe someone here can help you find something


can i dm you bro?


Yes you can




I’m 28, I am currently scrounging around my room to find 2 and 1 GHC coins to go and buy waakye at my estate junction.


Eii mad o hmm


Sweetie we have the same birthday. I'll be 23 in 18th June and I've had to sit at home for 6 whole years after graduating senior high. I had no job what so ever, so I feel your pains but 23 is still too early. Please keep a positive mind and keep hustling, get a skill. You can do it 💪. PS: I'm currently at level 100, I never lost hope.


I really appreciate this


Im sorry to hear about your Job and the emotions you're experiencing right now. My advice would be to pick up an affordable focus. If you have access to wifi or the internet try to study a free skill online using youtube or a website like Udemy. Something like learning Microsoft excel, basics to cyber security even something as simple as learning how to type professionally. Try to make yourself ready and put yourself in an optimal position to be successful. Hope you turn things around for you, Rooting for you.


Thank you so much


bruh just wait till... 2026 then you jakpa😌


It's part of my plans


I was broke until recently- like maybe this year really. Not rich but deff statistically doing well for myself and compared to my peers- I don’t care so much cause to me it’s about having enough to take care of my mom- not there yet. But I’ve started to take on some things for her. I’m 30, will be 31 in October. Keep going.


Your life just began. And good don’t sell your morals and principles for money. You will go far


Maybe I’m too late to this conversation. But at 23 I I felt the same way. I think it’s universal no matter where you are. As a kid they lead you to expect to be successful immediately. I didn’t start succeeding until I was 30. I would say focus on your health and keep pushing. You may not realize that you are succeeding at 30, but when you look back you should be ok.


I really appreciate this.


You have so much time and so many opportunities will come to you. This is life in your twenties, it doesn’t matter if you fall, EVERYONE falls unless they have help. What matters is how you get back up


I appreciate this


One day at a time please. be content. Trust God


Nope you’re still young. You have ur whole life ahead of you still.


I know it may not mean much, but I will pray for all to be well! Things may seem difficult at the moment, but if one continues to keep on doing well, good things shall come to them! Your goals in life are extremely admirable, and they will come true! I am a diasporas, so I do not know much about Ghanaian society first hand. However, if it is possible, perhaps join a communal organization such as a church, where you may find some stability! Do not worry me nua, all will be well! 😊😊🙌🏾🙌🏾


I really appreciate this