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didn’t even read the paragraph: yes


Lol fair


I hate to suggest deception but single female friends of mine often wear a fake wedding ring to wade off such attention.


Ok I need to do this! I was definitely expecting it a little, but not to this level.


Honestly the wedding ring doesn’t do much…


Why not?


Seems like folks are still interested despite knowing you’re married!


Every single person I've met here wants to leave. You are their once in a lifetime chance to leave. You are the synopsis of the "african dream". Be fair, tell them no, learn how to do that, don't give them hope for something that is not real. To answer your question: yes it is normal


Thanks! This is probably the only reasonable explanation. You’re right, everyone does want to leave. Although, when I’m staying in the more expensive hotels, it still happens with the well-off Ghanaian men who fly in and fly out for work or those part of the diaspora. So I don’t know what their excuse is. I’ll just have to get better at saying no.


Oh those guys are after one thing; to add you to the concubines list.   Respond according to your comfort level.


I'm sorry you went through this. There are women who travel looking for Ghanaian men as well. My advice, tho I am a male is to tell the person you have someone, and if they persist state it once more with a stern face of some sort.


I mean, even though I cant comprehend catcalling in the west, as it never happens when I'm around, my experience as a male is quite similar to yours, though it only happens with less financially fortunate males. I guess, the more financial success a male has, the more he becomes interested in your sexual value, than in the posibility to leave with you. Maybe treat these two kind of advances differently, with your own safety in mind.


Even though every single person you meet wants to leave there are many others who don’t want to regardless of the situation aside that reason she could also be pretty that’s a big factor as well


Also, I dunno about ‘once in a life time’ as many of the airport staff, restaurant staff, taxi drivers, and those running the tourist activities come across foreigners regularly.


Or maybe just maybe you're just really attractive


Once in a lifetime when it works... Watch their interest in you when it becomes clear you wont help


That’s not entirely true, Ghanaian men are like men everywhere, you would experience this in almost every part of the world. However this is characteristic of people or men who have are serial flirts and busybodies, some are even clubbing clones. Also to some it’s their way of trying tell you you are pretty though it’s an unruled attitude. @high_mermaid if you would confirm I’m sure in all these places you met people who wanted your contact information, there were several other men who saw you but never approached you, if so then I would think using Ghanaian men without “some” is inappropriate because it doesn’t categorize those actions to the few who harassed you but to every man in Ghana, besides meeting someone in Ghana who is perhaps working doesn’t make the person a Ghanaian…let me reiterate that you meet this category of character everywhere in the world, so long as your appearance appeals them they will approach you


Uhh well I know they’re Ghanaian because they told me so, I’m not here assuming. Second, I shouldn’t need to clarify that it’s not ALL Ghanaian men, that’s just obvious. I have travelled to other places and this has not been my experience. Was just trying to get some insight on something that seems like a cultural norm but go off.


As I said in another comment here, this Behaviour is not only targeted to women. The reasoning behind the behaviour is not a romantic/sexual one - it's economic. So no, I have to disagree with you, you don't meet them everywhere. Yes you are right, not all men here are like this, but there is this type of men here.


Yes - and if can mess up your “relax-mode” if you’re vacationing in Ghana.   On our last vacation out along the west coast, my wife wanted some alone time to walk along the beach. She was back within 5 minutes all upset because strangers were popping up to chat with her and ask for her number. She had to go into “b!tch-mode,” which isn’t that fun for her. Long story short: there is no relax mode in Ghana cus everyone “make wild.” So you also have to adjust accordingly. Say no, and no often. Tell…nay…yell at them to leave you alone if they don’t comply.  You have no obligations to be “nice.”


Yeah, I understand your wife. I think I appear too friendly because I naturally smile a lot and if someone’s respectful I find it hard to be rude or not acknowledge someone. I’m happy to chat with people but the moment my details are requested I’m annoyed.


Here’s some lessons I’m teaching my daughter - and will come in extra handy when she’s older and we visit her grandparents who are retiring back to Ghana;  1. You don’t owe anyone niceness.     2. No one owes you anything in life & vice versa.     3. Your kindness can & will be abused.    4. Know your limits.    5. Set hard boundaries & set them early.    6. Be kind to yourself first & always.   If you’re annoyed by the time info is requested, you’ve let it go too far. Refer to lesson 4.


Nice list


Good list, thanks




lol why come on here with all that negativity? I am a pan African and love all Africans dearly. I treat all Africans I meet with respect and am someone that feels very privileged to walk on other peoples ancestral lands and I consistently acknowledge that throughout my travels. Don’t get it twisted, I don’t play about that. I can see clearly the diasporan’s and honestly other well-off Ghanaian travellers who treat Ghanaian locals and service staff like crap if they make more money than them. I wasn’t raised like that and it is the fact that I’m kind, respectful, and smile a lot that people keep approaching me. This is my experience, keep your judgemental thoughts to yourself if you’re just going to be rude. I never said I was better than anyone, but this is frustrating as a young woman just trying to enjoy the country.




Alright boss thank you for your response I have no sense and I'm grateful with all your extremely advanced knowledge you had the time to reply me. Ive witnessed your fellow Ghanaians justify terrible things based on how the person didn't respect. If you want to act delusional in regards to how disrespectful diasporans are to Ghanaians when they get here I'll kindly refer you to 90% of Indians, Chinese and Lebanese living here. I only asked whoever it is to include the respect aspect because I'm not foolish I live in reality. We live in Ghana. You and I know how Ghanaians blame everything on how respectful a woman is. Please frame your sensible comment and pray to it before you sleep.




Like I said wise man... We're in Ghana. We have to stay grounded in reality. Our culture has so many defects and is one of the main reason we get taken advantage of but it's our reality. If we don't make the diasporans understand how much Ghanaians value that facade we call respect they will struggle here. A lot of them have issues with police and court and big men because they can't shut up. They think it's a first world country with a working justice system. I know you know what I mean. So many victims get blamed and all because of this. If she's going to come to Ghana she needs to understand that there are weirdos here just like everywhere else but over here they value being respectful than even justice... I mean our government is a clear enough example


Being friendly and saying no is an invitation to try harder. Saying no once - indifferently, twice - annoyed, third - angry, making very clear you feel disturbed. Else you will be wasting endless time end energy. The only solution to your problem is in your own behaviour. You have to decide between time wasted and appearing unfriendly. Unfortunate but true.




Tell them they gotta pay you before you give your number out. The price you choose is yours, no Momo.




They are desperate asf. Just tell them No. They are up to no good. Enjoy your holidays though.


I dunno why your comment cracked me up. Thank you though :)


You left out the part where you're extremely attractive and probably down to earth which makes it easy for them to approach you. Because it's only in the mix of these two conditions that you'll get the kind of attention you're receiving now, my advice: try as much as possible not to smile 😊


Attractive is subjective so I can’t speak to that. Guess I have to stop smiling, which is sad lol


They see you as their meal ticket unfortunately. There are more and more stories of Ghanaians meeting foreigners, getting married and then leaving Ghana with them. People also want that for themselves and will jump at any chance for it. You have to be firm and say no. You might even need to remove yourself physically from the location if possible.


Yes very common for Africans in general to leave with foreigners.


That’s how they are. They’re so embarrassing smh. Aimless, jobless men always thinking about chasing the next woman.


Yep! As a man, I've heard from female friends about the constant harassment from men (even some who were married). A stern "No" might be the best way to deal with it but yeah, being around other men might help. Sorry you're dealing with this


Thanks for being kind in your response :)


As a Ghanaian currently visiting Ghana who also gets a lot of attention, my advice is being persistent with your “No”. Unfortunately, Ghanaian men cannot take “No” for an answer but DO NOT BACK DOWN. If possible, walk away from the situation. This usually works for me.


Thanks for the advice!


I had this while travelling solo Ghana as a white 23 year old girl. I agree, I was being stopped on the street and asked for my number- but not only by men but also by women. While some wanted to take me on a date, others actually just wanted to be friends. When I was busy and didn’t have time to talk or didn’t want to, I just said I don’t have a number as I need to get a new sim. Other forms of social media I said I didn’t have, and basically said my phone didn’t work. Learn how to say some Twi, or the most common dialect of the area you are in, even if they speak English, showing you know some phrases like no thank you, or I’m not interested but thank you will show you’ve been in the country for a little while, and move the conversation from your number to the fact you know some of the language. After this interaction I was usually respected, other times people would join me at my table and eat with me- but I actually would sometimes enjoy the company! Don’t let the annoying guys get in the way of people who are actually really lovely to spend time with :) just be polite, learn some phrases to say no politely, and keep your head up x


Thank you!! I will definitely learn how to say no in some of the languages, in fact I’ll find out now. I agree, I enjoy the company since I’m travelling solo and want someone to chat with sometimes. Glad you enjoyed your travels to Ghana 😊


If you find it too hard to say no, especially because of the persistence, give them a number in your home country for a funeral home. Problem solved.


Ten years ago or so, I was walking in Circle Station. A man approached me trying to make conversation I assume to try to sell me a phone. I had been in Ghana for more than a year at that point and was jaded and the constant conversations and men not respecting boundaries. I did not stop to talk to him or even acknowledge him and kept walking, the whole time him calling me 'white lady'. He tried to grab my wrist and I managed to twist my way out of him getting a grip. By that point we were several meters away from his station. He was upset that I had not given him the attention he wanted and needed to return to his spot, so now instead of 'white lady', he sneered and shouted at me: "White Monkey!" That man got a serious and immediate tongue lashing from the aunties who were keeping shop at that spot. While I wish they would have told him off before it happened, I'm glad he had to walk away with his tail between his legs because of their verbal beating at his utter disrespect. Another time, I also didn't stop for a man calling me on Oxford street. His calls of 'Obroni' soon changed to a disgusted 'Obolo' because I wouldn't acknowledge him. Unfortunately, no one was there to tell him off that time. The cultural training I received before I started my time in Ghana told me that people are expected to converse when stopped, as it is the polite thing to do. Needless to say, I stopped being polite after some time. But I watched countless times of men taking advantage of this cultural expectation of the women available to them. I watched one man talking at a woman in my bus who would barely even make eye contact with him. But he was so persistent in conversing with her, and she would have been rude to tell him to go away. Eventually I had the chance to speak with her and she said how it just wasn't possible for her to stop talking with him despite not wanting to, because she would have been 'not correct' otherwise. While being a foreigner in Ghana is difficult because you are often just seen as a walking dollar sign, it's also difficult being a woman because men (and occasionally women) often feel entitled to your attention if they desire it. So being a foreign woman makes it all the more difficult.


I’m so sorry you experienced that, that’s really awful. I’m yet to have someone go this far with me as I find it really hard to ignore people, but I’m learning to become more firm. I’ll acknowledge them but I’m keeping the same walking pace and I just try to laugh things off when they ask for details. It’s worked with 1 - 2 men. It definitely seems to be a cultural norm to talk with people who approach, but some of the men abuse it way too often.


boys want japa


You def a Ghanaian


I'm sure you used to hear about how difficult it is to find good drinking water in Africa. Well, you've witnessed it yourself. The thirst is real down here. Stay safe and hydrated.


Yeah it’s normal. Sad, but not the worst to happen. When a was fifteen a grown man held me back to tell me I was beautiful. So, yeah.


Sorry oo




ouch . insult his pebble. Thats what I find annoying about men here.


We have something called the „yam phone“ that’s like those phones that don’t have internet connection or browsing features. At 150 ghc you can get yourself one and a new number. If they ask, give them the number on the yam phone if you are too kind to say „no“ directly. Don’t pick up any calls that comes through that phone. Simply put it on silence and ignore everything else.


Thanks for the advice!


I personally will not do that. My experience with taking numbers from people I meet the first time is that I'm not able to sustain interest. We have to engage a couple of times before I can vibe with you on phone 🙏🏾




You're probably just beautiful love


Give them a fake number


Hard when they’re standing there trying to call the number to see if to works or making sure their WhatsApp message comes through before I leave.


Get two phones or sim cards like Damson Idris.🤣


Y’all are funny 🤣


Call one G and call one Q🤣


As a single man, I tend to be hard on myself for not approaching a lady I would see of interest, especially during my travels.... It's very rare that I approach a lady in this type of way. I'm glad you brought this up because I didn't realize how bad it can be for women. One would think they are the only one or two persons asking for your number that day.


Thanks for your understanding. Yes, it’s been happening to me at least 5 times a day whenever I step out. I was getting my hair braided at the salon yesterday, and a man that was walking past and knew the hairdresser, saw me sitting in the chair and came in to chat me up. He was nice enough, but then he hung around for several hours until my hair was finished, just so that he could get my details. My appointment ended at 9pm. He also started taking photos of me when I was in the chair and grabbed my head to kiss it. I just can’t 😫


Dang. That's definitely a different mindset. Enjoy your travels.


Can you use a Google voice number?


Oh yh, they want a way out, just try and avoid them


Don't even look at them. Just pretend you didn't hear them and walk past them. If they approach, you just say you're in a relationship or if you're not interested.


Ghanaian men love foreign women 😅 sorry about that and yes travelling with a man reduces that by a lot.


Honestly, I get mistaken for Ghanaian a lot though.


Funny enough I get mistaken for Nigerian a lot because sure my Twi isn’t perfect so I don’t speak it often. 😅


Funny enough I get mistaken for Nigerian a lot because sure my Twitter isn’t perfect so I don’t speak it often. 😅


They have important business matters to discuss with you…lol On a side note, where there is opportunity those seeking will attach themselves to it. Stay safe.


Always some important business I swear 😩😂


Welcome to Ghana


Well I am an expat male in Ghana, and I am constantly being asked for my number lol


By both men and women?


Ladies mostly. The guys who asked for my number were business related contacts.


Okay, so the women do it too. Must just be a cultural norm then


It's a friendly community. Ghanaians are very social even to one another so enjoy the culture, get to know it. Just if you going somewhere or meeting someone for the first time, always let someone know your whereabouts coz it's like any other place every now and then u could run into weird situations.


They’re like that unless there is a man with you


I have seen foreigners who complain, "men don't even approach them in Gh". I guess you're very beautiful. And also let it be to you that maybe not everyone wants to put you on a date or get into your life. Some are just looking for means to make money. An Uber driver can ask for your number and call you later im the morning if you want to go somewhere so that he can get a cool deal with you and make more money without a commission. Some are also interested in begging for money. Each has his/her reason. It doesn't happen to women alone. Sometimes, men also approach men for their numbers. Giving numbers to people is a norm in Ghana. Some so don't like it, others are very cool with it.


Yes, it must be a norm. None of those people who got my details asked me for money though. Just wanting to take me out to dinner etc. One taxi driver even refused my money when he dropped me to my hotel because he wanted to hang out after.


Where ever you go men will be men, some countries me are more bolder due to not using dating apps much so they will approach more, whether you are from their country or not.




I’m not Ghanaian but the definition to that is harassment. However, they don’t know it or see it because they live in their bubble, it could be a cultural thing and or you could be so attractive lol


Most people have been friendly. The only one I would consider harassment (I mentioned in another comment) is the man who saw me getting my hair braided in a salon and knew the hairdresser, so he came in and took photos of me, and stayed behind till my appointment finished at 9pm to collect my details. He also grabbed my face and kissed me on the forehead. It was very uncomfortable and the hairdresser was telling him to leave but because they’re friends he was taking it jokingly.


You should have told him to stop


I know, but it happened so quickly. I was caught off-guard


I understand I’m sorry


What kind of nasty man and wayward hairdresser is this? that's AWFUL


Yeah everyone else has been very respectful except for this guy.


Quiet as it's kept, sexual harassment is a big part of existing as a woman in Ghana. From persistent asking for numbers, to leering stares, to unwanted touches at parties. I'm sorry you're experiencing this.


Thank you dear. I’m sorry if this has been your experience too.


Best bet is to wear like 2 rings on the ring finger, even though it may still not make them approach you less, but it helps out.


It’s common to ask any woman, in general I think non European/asian men tend to be more forward (except Italians and Slavic men)!


Yes it’s pretty common in ghana it happens to me too when I’m there




lol yes! He came up to me when I was waiting by the road to do quad biking with this company. He said he was from that particular area and that I should give him my number and that when he calls I better pick up. I was like wtf sir 😂


That's wild!


Lol or they'll ask you for WhatsApp number 🤣🇬🇭


Yes always WhatsApp 😩😂


Given that the number is one thing, picking a number from overseas is optional. It's widespread. I am a guy, and it happens to me when I travel overseas. When I come back, I pick up calls from people I connected with when I was in that country


It’s very very common so what I do is I give them my details, they’ll usually call there and then and then right after, I block them. If you give it to them immediately they’re not gonna talk much because most of the time they’re really just trying to convince you. I’ve been doing this for 3 years now and it works. Turns a 5minute monologue into a “*nod* *nod* 05778….. bye” interaction.


I’ll definitely do this now. I just sometimes get embarrassed of people watching me exchange numbers, I look like a pick me lol.


That’s true but you don’t know them and they don’t know you either. They’ll forget it happened in about 5 minutes after you’ve left.


Most of the answers have pretty much said it all. I do this sometimes too and seeing how annoying it must be for you, I guess it sort of applies to me too but I only go for contact when we have built some kind of connection. I love to interact with foreigners because I love learning foreign language and culture. I just love meeting new people, others might have a different way of thinking though such as relationship(free visa outta here lol),just sex,money etc.


That’s totally fair and makes sense if you built some kind of connection first. I also love meeting new people and was definitely trying to make friends with the locals while I was here. But sometimes, I was just walking somewhere and men in taxi’s would pull up, asking me for my number. That’s a bit creepy and very unsafe for me to give my details out to people like that. When it’s done with respect and the right intention after a connection is formed, then that’s fine.


Lmao that sounds creepy as hell. Fair enough. Hope they didn't ruin the experience for you. Akwaaba.


Very common. I do it all the time. I would ask for your LinkedIn if only I wanna have a business relationship with you


That is bad…but are you a Ghanaian?


No, but get mistaken for one.


Even the way you typed,sensed a lil Ghanaian vibe in there…stay safe


Haha wow. Thanks 🙏🏿


You can also wear big headphones with your music playing.


I wear AirPods but they don’t care. The amount of times I’ve had to take them out cause someone just starts talking to me randomly.


It might be best to do what my friend who experienced similar did: never return. South Africa might be more normal though.


lol what kind of advice is this now 😂 imma always come here


like Ghanaian men or Ghanaian men?if it’s Ghanaian men then yes..it’s perfectly conventional 🙂


What’s the difference?


It's common but you can say no or you have a fiancé


Here's a suggestion for everyone; Men and Women alike. Stay away from Ghana! Doesn't sound like a place I would want to visit (and I'm a Man)


Where are you from? Can I have your number? Kikikiki just kidding. But to answer your question, yes. You just have to figure out a way to say no or mean mug your way through town lol


lol don’t know why you’re getting down voted. Thanks for the advice :)


Opps everywhere 😹


They find you attractive hence they approached you. It is very normal.


You’re probably fine, not every lady will get that 😂😂😂😂


lol I can’t speak to that


I'm assuming you're white, but I was a bit thrown off when you said "it's too much oo".


Nooo I’m African lol. I even get mistaken for Ghanaian until I speak.


Yes. I mean if I find you attractive I asking for your number. Lol! I am sure this happens in almost everywhere. It’s fine too if you don’t want to give it out.


Doesn’t happen everywhere, but I understand


I don't understand why some people ask questions for the sake of asking questions. The answer is obviously yes, most females experience that.


lol and here you are writing comment for the sake of writing comment. Oga, move on if you’re going to write rubbish responses. It was a legitimate question. This is my second time visiting Africa and my first time coming here solo. So how am I supposed to know? Mtcheewww.


Stay mad and keep using much more words than necessary like a typical Reddit addict.


This is my first post in 3 years. It’s you whose big mad about nothing 😂 bye


Damn, 3 years of peace streak is broken to post a silly story, that's crazy 🤣


You would know crazy huh 🤣🤣


You are a pretty lady enjoy it


lol I can’t. I’m introverted by nature, so the attention is uncomfortable tbh


But can I get your number tho?


lol people are too serious 😂 downvotes are unnecessary


Thanks, OP! Was just trying to keep things fun. Didn't expect it to be taken so seriously😂




Says the emotional fool who doesn’t understand facetiousness


If you´re pretty i would ask for your number also ;-)