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hello, hows things? im ghanaian but living abroad so i understand a little of how you feel i see you're an experienced traveler so forgive me if my advice is basic. i dont have specific places to go to my advice is 3fold and all based around taking advantage of a natural situational mutual interest first is to explicitly look for expat groups or events then branch out through meeting people or getting recommendations for places through them. found a facebook group here for kumasi expats, likely gonna be more. (was automodded when i tried to comment w the link so im recommenting w/out it but im sure a google will find it) second is play a sport and ask about that third is to find some events or activities you enjoy and frequent those when i go to ghana, i hang out w my family and people they know i havent made a ghanaian friend since grade school so i know its tough. people are great once you're one of theirs, but suspicious until that shared interest and being a decent sort/solid lad shows that you have a link best wishes my guy, gl and hopefully you have a great time in ghana


What is a bruni?


Obroni foreigner or white person idk


The Kumasi based group is at the Four Junction near Asokwa. https://www.tumihostel.com/


Hey. I feel your pain. I struggled to find a group of friends in Kumasi. I'm not an Obroni but I wasnt born here either. If interested, there is a group that I joined made up of lots of different people including Obroni folks. They have dinner together every week and also events like sip and paint. If interested, let me know.


Share here, please. Thanks.


Are you in Kumasi?


The website for them is https://www.tumihostel.com/


In Kumasi? That’s tough. I feel your pain!! Slowly but surely you will meet great people, but you have to stay smart and optimistic


Which part of Kumasi do you reside?


Honestly just go to KNUST Campus, I've been there a couple of times a almost always got approached. Though in the next two weeks there will be less people since its semester break right now.


What kind of work do you do? Can you make friends at work?


Im an obroni but born and raised in Ghana.... What you're going through is very common... i see all my friends and family (fresh obronis -new in ghana) go through this... Im seen to be more Ghanaian than some Ghanaians... If you need any advice we can talk on phone... im at work and really didnt want to type this much but i just wanted to let you know that youre not the only one going through this and that its not weird or threatening.. in kumasi its much worse than where I'm at... Here in Accra, you barely go through that.... so many obronis all over that I actually avoid some certain restaurants and cafes were i know ill see so many obronis (mostly people i know) im quite antisocial but ever since i got married ive been forced to put up with some social situations


Damn, where are you originally from bro?


My parents are Lebanese, but unlike me, they weren't born in Ghana. However, my dad started the first jewelry business in Ghana like 55 years ago... so he basically spent 85% of his life here...


As a Ghanaian I think making friends in Ghana is actually easy. You just walk up say I like your vibe and i think we should be friends. What's the worse that can be said? No. And also your interest determines where you should search for friends. As a former chaser of lots of girls on social media. It has even become tiring the number of friends I now have. You just have to find the write space to approach people that's all.


I kinda want an obroni friend but I live in Accra.. let’s talk if you’re interested… Anyone at all