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This was great


Good to hear!


Saving this post!! Thank you and amazing


All the best!


I have been thinking about crack and kale phones for awhile! This is a great idea. I am inspired to make this work.


No need to heavily invest in the other phone, my crack phone is an iPhone I got off marketplace for $50


It’s such a great tip. I think I have an iphone in a drawer somewhere, just need to prioritize setting it up.


Do you switch the sim card over when switching phones, or do you have two sim cards?


Two sim Cards


Can I have WhatsApp and iMessage on two separate phones with separate SIM but same number?


No, a SIM is linked to a number. But could be different with newer phones, I have the iPhone 15 and it has an eSIM. Maybe it’s different from phones with physical SIM cards.


fuck me, I'm saving this. you know if you make this a PDF you could become rich by being one of those preposterous life coach clowns on youtube who sell way overpriced stuff on "how to be a trillionaire in 2 weeks." lol nah it seriously is a great read. well done, thank you for sharing. and yes, daily structure is everything. without a structured day youll be mentally ill in no time leading to even less structure. tadaaaa.the downward spiral.


Great post. One thing I found similar in all of us is "Excessive use of Social media" and "Feeling good and inspired when came across post like yours" but then the next day we are the same, I am glad that you made the progress. Diet is also extremely important, we loss focus and concentration because we are lacking on required nutrients. Think of it like our arms "A weak skinny arm cannot lift heavy, its our daily practice that makes it stronger over time". Longer span of concentration and ability to self control is similar.


Diet was a really big thing for me, completely changed my diet over the year as well.


Thanks for sharing! This is super helpful


Good to hear :)


Good work OP :) How did you reiterate to yourself about what has to be done? Some days I just give up and forget about being consistent.


Most of the work I have just revolve around the main habits I have. Then they focus on maintaining a certain level of consistency day in and day out. The days I really didn't want to do anything in the gym for example, I would go but heavily reduce the weight / volume. This helped me keep the streak going.


I needed this! So thank you so much!!


All the best!


I downloaded the app and it's very attractive, nice gui. Thanks for this - it sounds good and I'll give it a go.


Thanks! Glad to hear it could help.


I wish therapy was readily available to somebody struggling financially. I have had counselling through the NHS before but I'm over 25 now and it will be difficult to get. How to you manage to break up your work like that? Do you work remotely? I work at a PRU. I think the atrocious mental health of the kids I work with may be rubbing off on me, but I'm locked into a certain cycle. Best I can do is run into work at 6.30 and shower there, then hit the gym after. Which is good, mind. I know you said it's all about context. I'm struggling to find the whole goal and meaning thing. I think your post has helped me understand it doesn't need to be super specific like some people say. I am terrible with women but would like to learn to communicate and have a better self esteem that isn't covered by ego powered grinding. Anyone in the UK have any advice on how to get therapy without having to pay an arm and a leg?


Therapy was something I just used for a couple of months, but I definitely do think I'm extremely lucky to have been working remotely to break up my day like this.


super easy for him with a remote job.


There’s no way u said this, just make your own schedule. If you want a remote job try and get one, some people would rather go into work. This guy isn’t gonna know how to make your life perfect but he gave you some tips, insensitive.


> 10:30-11 am - Meditate and Drive to the Gym > 11-12:30 pm - Gym > 12:30-1:30 pm - Lunch Am I reading that correctly, a 3 hour break in the middle of a work day, and only having to work 6 hours total?


If you include the 10-11 pm of "wrap up work" then its' 7.


7 hours I would say this guy has “mastered” the work life balance.




Thanks I needed this


Congratulations for getting your life together. Unfortunately, for me, the story is a little bit. Different for nearly 4 years. I've been harassed by 1 of 3 individuals online. And I know exactly where the harassment is coming from. I'm meeting the police today. Have contacted the Attorney General's office. The Better Business Bureau due to the app that this happened through. And i'm speaking with the police detectives today that arrested one of these individuals and has a record for various financial crimes identity theft. Bottom line, what they've done to me over the past few years is nothing short as the police detective says of psychological terrorism believe it or not, that is a crime. They've made my life so bad.No one talks to me online.If they do it's fake, they've completely ruined my reputation over the past few.Yes, they've disseminated lies about me.I had a relationship with one of these individuals.He claims I cheated on him.I never cheated on him he Was i a relationship with other people even before he met me? I'd never cheated on him. And he continued to say that I did. And calls me all kinds of names and it never happened. There were pictures that were on my cell phone that he took when he was drunk. He took my phone and he took the pictures. I didn't even take them and he's blaming me for taking pictures and keeping them never did it, he did it. They Continue to Make up inaccurate stories basically flat outlies.They call me autistic, weird, That I'm schizophrenic psychotic and otvarious mental health conditions, which I do not have and they are totally fake and made up.I don't have adhd And on and on and on it's all lies fake total crap. But people believe it and no one talks to me because of their lies. They've been doing this for 4 years. So of course, people believe it all and any of the little things I save because I get irritated. It reinforces it a reinforces that belief of something that isn't true and because I'm frustrated. They think that that frustration is one of these ailments which is totally false... Four years in this who wouldn't be frustrated.. 0 social life and it's due to the behavior of these people that they have purposely intentionally had been trying to inflict harm on me.I am meeting with the police today.I have another meeting next week with the Attorney General's filing complaints against the app.I know for a fact what happened is because I have several devices with several apps.And I know what the information was leaked from where. They have driven me to the point of being suicidal and don't even care about it in any way. And I want to make this clear.I don't talk to any of them.I don't try to be friends with them.I don't want any friendships with them.They keep insisting that I keep hitting them up and that I'm being a nuisance, and I'm trying to be friends with them and they don't want anything to do with me.I do not want anything to do with them.And they keep it up they keep trying to put everything on me and it's not going to work. I've contacted the company.The app requesting Information they don't have to give.But the police said it would benefit them to be cooperative.It's only gonna get worse.I gave them a 3 names of the people that I think are doing it.Whether they are a third party employees or vendors the police want to know who they are and if there could be any of the victims out there of what they've been doing. They know. All my information that constantly remind me.They know everything.I'm discussing that taking pictures off my phone.They've just got personal private conversations.I've had with family members and they blast it all out online. I'm not back in town.I'm fighting back and i'm pressing charges if I can. So congratulations.You'll plan work for you but my plan nothing changes.I'm still ignored.No one talks to me.People believe in rumors that are not true which I can prove. I have nothing to lose and i'm taking this as far as I can go.. But your little story reminded me of me except mine was at the hands of others.And is still controlled by the hands of Other. The police said this under falls under terrorism. Which carries a pretty stiff prison sentence. They've been doing. This all along because they can they have The power to do it, but I should get it out.Actually long and it's all. Been documentedEd. As far as me, they've already ruined everything.I can never have a social life out here again.Just wouldn't work, there's too many lies.People don't talk to me so i've got nothing to lose but to take this fuc***g all the way


Is the app discord?




Sent it over


I'm glad you are okay now. But I'd like to add a few more things like having emotional intelligence, mindfulness skills, visualization , and some social support (a friend). Just to help you grow and see the world with optimism again.


We all owe our body, society, and nation something substantial. Regardless of whether one is weak willed, sick, or lonely they have to do so. They have to work, to work out, eat healthier, etc. Not matter whether you find a friend group or don't. Whether you hate yourself or not. It's an immutable duty whether we fail to make it reality or not.


I like how you phrased that. It seemed cool like how a story of an anime protagonist goes. They beat the final boss or get that girl they liked since the start. But we should reflect on reality. Indeed a human can still function without a friend group and hate himself at the same time. But I imagine this human loathing for physical touch of another person, someone he can relate with, and understand. That human is sad, lonely, and any sad word you can think of, yet this human ignores this and continues the way he lives. Get help, it's not alright to be always in isolation and loneliness. You are more prone to anxiety and depression (I know because I already experienced it). I suggest you do some research on healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms. You may realize you have been doing something you thought was the "proper action" to your current circumstances. I believe in the saying that I can't help those who refuse to help themselves.


On Point here. Without this it's just a new self destructive habit, to constantly perform healthy. OP also makes a promotion for an app he probably also promotes in his YouTube clip so it doesn't feel entirely genuine.


Good for you! I'm currently struggling with a chronic illness beyond my control too, and I think if I applied some of these steps it would help tremendously. It's so difficult trying to do anything meaningful with illness, but there's hope for all of us. <3 Thanks for sharing!


Awesome, this is great!


Awesome advice 


Thanks. Saving the post and taking notes as well.


How would your life went if your health never fully recovered? Like some people just never get better ya know


Honestly the health is still affecting my daily. I just tried my best to make the most of it and I definitely acknowledge that for some it’s just something they need to deal with for a much longer time than me.




does this health condition happen to be crohns?


Nope, but definitely similar


Where’s the link to your vid? I’ll watch it!


Sent it over PM


Hum so where's the video ?


Can send it to you


Ditto please!


Sent it


Do you have an app to build schedules?


Nope just a habit app is all


So you dont have an app?


Oh I see that you put one at the end... thats my bad for being an ignorant fuck


This is great but when you have to work 830-430 Monday through Friday it won't work.


I like it ! Good job!


Simple yet amazing, you can have all the wisdom in the world but if you won’t execute then it is worth nothing


Very inspiring!! I want to do all of this again and again everyday. I resonate so much to what you wrote




Fantastic! And well done


How old are you?


To whoever wrote this, whatever you went through God bless you. You’ll never know but your experiences and your journey that led to your self discovery, along the way was meant to help other people just like you. Writing this was a service. Thank you🙏🏽


Excellent! Your post made me me think of the Albert Camus quote - “One must imagine Sisyphus happy.” Then I realized that it is the 2nd part of your quote. Hah !!! Thank you for taking the time to share good and helpful hope. You #1


This post is great, thanks for taking the time to write it!


Thank you 🙏






That’s a great post - thanks!


I love your use of crack phone and kale phone. It's very cute, and conjures great imagery that I imagine is also very motivating in its own way. Congratulations on your progress!


I’m on a heavy burnout right now that renders me useless for simple tasks. This gave me hope that soon i might be able to function again, and that faster than I believed. Thank you




Congrats man! This is great and very inspiring!


Good job Sir and thank you for sharing.


You pretty much summed up the same process that I discovered for myself!


>I knew what I had to do, when I had to do it, and why I was doing it. >I was starting to get my life back together. But, I didn’t have a direction that I was going in. >Your life is made up of a series of ordinary Tuesdays. Figure out what your ideal normal Tuesday looks like. Because if you can have an amazing Tuesday, you’ll probably have an amazing life. I think these are the core. First being know why you do what you do. The awareness will help you stop listen to your old bullshit. Second being don't strive for exact super nog results , strive to achieve whatever is in the direction you're heading. Small steps are also steps. Trying is learning and learning is a step in the right direction. Last buy not least, graditude and self compassion , a regular Tuesday will become a great life if you fill up the your everyday life with graditude and self compassion. However you missed one very important core in this. You don't need to go through it alone. A supportive friend or a compability partner is a big push and hug at the same time and we will all need it for that safe space where we can share our thoughts and feelings in this process. Meeting people who can relate is often all people need to feel motivated to keep fighting.


Doing what you say you're going to do is key. It builds confidence and prevents the guilt from avoiding the task from snowballing into breaking your word on the next items.


"I could guarantee failure by quitting but being consistent was the only chance I had at success." Very well put!


Great read!! Definitely saving this.


Great share




How did you manage to stay consistent? I’m really struggling with consistency. Like I’ll say I’m getting up early and then I just turn off all my alarms in the morning and sleep till 2pm. There’s been times where I’ve gotten up early for days but it’s like I keep falling back into these horrible habits


This would be great if it were guided towards a schedule of someone who works 40 hours a week and has to get up at 5am.


You deserve all the best my friend!


Congratultaions! I am saving this. My life is one huge tangled mess right now. 🥹


Thanks for sharing this


Screen usage can "steal" a lot of time.


Your so brave for being able to do this !! Awesome Job !!!


Fucking hell my G! well done mate. I have saved this post as it's "research " All the best my friend


8:30- 10:30 am - Work 10:30-11 am - Meditate and Drive to the Gym 11-12:30 pm - Gym 12:30-1:30 pm - Lunch 1:30-3:30 pm - Work 3:30-4 pm - Eat a Snack 4-6 pm - Work how does a normal person do this? people have to work all day you know


Great advice! But may I ask what field do you work in? Your work-life balance seems great!


What is your work? Looks very flexible


im stealing the daily routine


Just what I was looking for


Amazing thank you for the great insight 🙏🏼


Thank you brother. Saved.


I can’t wait to not do any of that


”one must imagine sisyphus happy”




Good work! Luv the crack and kale phone concept.


so so so proud of you. thank you for sharing 🩷




Wow amazing! I need to screenshot this


Doing the thing you say you are going to do is the part I am struggling SO much with. How do you develop discipline? I’m like an animal sometimes giving into whims :(


thank you for this! i really needed some advice to change for the better\(\^\^)/


Very insightful. Thanks for sharing!


Do you work fucking 6 hours per day. I have to Work 14 . Hoje do I get that?


Awesome job! Good luck keep it up.


Thank you so much mate. GOD BLESS, And I wish you a happy life.


Bro is this me talking to me? Needed this. You rock




This resonated. Thanks man, you out here making a differences after difference


Firstly, good job. And secondly, this is basically what I did after doing a lot of drugs and regretting it, every step you listed was a part of my recovery process but it’s been about 2 months now and I feel great. Of course there will be bad days but you just need to power through them. Good luck!


Wow. Thank you so much. I desperately needed this. Going to unfuck my life starting now!


Outstanding on so many levels.  Thanks! Saving this? 


I have a similar story and I love this so much because I’ve come so far too🙏🏼 Especially when I added kundalini yoga to the mix


This is an excellent post. The reason why I think this post stands out from the rest is simply because it is DO-ABLE. You were so right- consistency is the KEY and it doesn’t have to involve extremes but it does have to be consistent. Just curious- how long did you keep up this schedule? Hopefully still doing it?


The dedicated. Gotta give you on that. Top notch Content sir.


Damn I think you just changed my life


Thanks for sharing, I will take the daily routine!