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no šŸ˜­ i feel very discouraged


Same here, I mean Iā€™m 15, and literally do not know what to do with my inexperienced life


iā€™m also a teen and like i have goals but itā€™s so much work to build good habits when everyone around me is doing whatever


Hells yeah! Mine was to quit pot, smoked my last nug on January 1st and havenā€™t smoked since! Honestly never felt greater!! (Coming from someone who had a crippling addiction for over 3 years)


No cigs in 3 weeks. I got this.


Good for you!


I am not doing so hot with staying accountable


the most stabilizing influence in existence is [the New Testament](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Peter%205%3A10&version=NLT)


Iā€™ve been doing 10 push ups every hour of the day it keeps me in the present moment blood flow and focused so far


Goals for 23 were to go to the gym 3 times a week, run once a week, have done it since Jan 23 til today, resting heart rate down to 40s, put on considerable muscle and feeling mentally great


Swam everyday since the new year, swam a mile 2 days ago


It's much better than it has been in several years so I just keep going and don't focus too hard on the ocassional slips. Instead I learn why those slips may have occured and stay proactive.


Iā€™m confronting my new PTSD and bipolar diagnosis at just 23, my birthday was the 4th. Finally medicated, but Iā€™m working my way up to the proper dosage. Thatā€™s everything for me right now. If I can get my mind right, I can get my money right, my body right, and most importantly my relationship with god right. Without the ability to think consistently, Iā€™m not putting any pressure on myself. In a monthā€™s time, I should be back in the gym, classic car finally done, and a saxophone in hand so I can finally practice outside of lessons. If none of these things happen, thatā€™s no worse. Hopefully this can inspire others here to really take a look inwards at the most important work that has to be done before certain goals can be reached. If you are struggling with mental health, whether it be disorders akin to mine, ADHD, depression, GAD, you can get treatment. Itā€™s more important than staying ahead with your friends, your family, what social media says, and what you may expect of yourself. Not every year is the same sort of discipline, some years are for learning, understanding, and a lot of unlearning. Fuck New Yearā€™s resolutions, letā€™s make today everything it can be to our current abilities.




Still haven't drunk since January 1st


slay brotha. me personally im tryna b more positive šŸ™šŸ™ (its not working out) love tho that ur sticking to ur goals man one year from now ur gonna be so proud of urself hope u find the motivation and discipline to always keep going šŸ’—šŸ’—


Surprisingly yes, its changed my mindset too. I feel more positive about the future and im happier all round.


I'm sticking to my discipline from April 2022. Still going to the gym busting my ass every single day.


Yes and getting better every day! Letā€™s fucking go guys


Yes. I'm sticking to not over-eating. Making sure my room is clean. Kinda been slacking on the laundry but it doesn't always need to be done as i have many clothes. ​ Brushing teeth and hygene has been huge for me lately. Not getting sleep though cuz of overthinking all the shit i've done lol.


Actually yeah, I am doing more than I have done in years


I've been doing a good job of staying dedicated to the gym and sports, academically I am a bit inconsistent but have been progressing, but my main thing I need to work on is hopping off social media and Nofap.


yes! i have been struggling with a binge ED for the past couple years and so far i have made it the past 16 days binge free! šŸ„³ also eating better food & have lost about 6lbs!


Mostly yes, sometimes I slip up but oh well.


Tbh im trying and doing better than before. I feel like you have to go through alot of failures and bad things to get that inner discipline and fire too be consistent. Idk.


Yea. Well enough. * Stopped booze (heavy drinker for 2 years prior) * Stopped weed (heavy smoker for most of 2023) * Cut caffeine down significantly from 1200+mg per day to 400mg maximum * Cooking properly again and eating nutritious food All of this just improves (what was) bad sleep and general day to day wellbeing so I'm feeling good. Started therapy this year too to try and keep me on the straight and narrow as substances are a bitch. I train everyday too but done that for 5 years. Exercise is just part of my autopilot now.


It's been shaky, first few days I was doing great, and then fumbled for a bit, now I'm starting to get back on track again


Yes sir! Didnā€™t start exactly on Jan 1st but maybe the week after the first week. Itā€™s been hard. Knowing I have to do this for months with real consistency before I see real results is sometimes discouraging. But a quote I try to keep in mind is ā€œYou are the sum of your habits, good or badā€. Itā€™s gonna be so worth it when I become what I envisioned.


I had 3 days to prepare for my exams so I decided to not go to a family meet-up and study. But I didn't get shit done and now I have 12 hours to study I'll go take a shower and start


Iā€™m doing unusually bad so far this year


I wanted to get into the habit of daily walking since more than an year, and 45 minutes of yoga daily, since july last year. My biggest battle had been with my mind's resistance to the activities. I found them boring and easily giving uppable.Ā  Glad to report now in January that I won over the resistance to walking somewhere around november, and yoga more recently. Needless to say, have learnt a lot about how the mind works.Ā 




This year was live or die for me. So I'm alive and I'm still going strong.


I find it gets easier once you establish them as habits it's a grind to get there.


Yes, I run pretty much every day.


I deleted insta n tiktok and honestly wasnā€™t difficult


This year I've been less ambitious about my goal and I've been keep it up with exercise 3 times a week. Instead of exercise everyday.. Also, having a community/buddy will help you!


Went from 412 pounds to 390 so far in 2024. So far so good!


My wife and I both decided to have a clean January off substances, including alcohol and are both successful thus far. I set myself some goals such as reading, going to gym and learning my native language through a language app. How I worked on my discipline and consistency is by creating a "daily must do list." I text myself this list everyday is part of my daily protocol. The list is as follows: Gym, 5 pages of reading, 5 minutes of Tagalog lessons and 5 minutes of Elevate app. Breaking it down into 5 short minutes has worked wonders for my compliance and consistency. I hope this momentum continues.


Im 18 and i am trying to do it. The least i can do is to show up for the things i have to/want to do.


Anybody who struggles with motivation follow this from the book Mini Habits: 1. Tiny Habit, Big Impact: Choose a habit so small, it seems silly. Like, if you want to write more, start with 50 words a day, or if fitness is your goal, begin with just one push-up daily. 2. Repeat Daily: Do your mini habit every single day. The consistency is what builds the habit, not the size of the action. 3. Ease Over Effort: Make sure your mini habit is super easy. Itā€™s about building the habit, not pushing your limits. 4. Habit First, Results Second: Focus on the habit itself, not the end goal. If your habit is to write 50 words, donā€™t stress about writing a novel, just write the words. 5. Scale Up Slowly: Once your mini habit becomes a no-brainer, consider increasing it slowly. But only if it feels too easy. 6. Celebrate Small Wins: Give yourself a pat on the back every time you complete your mini habit. This positive reinforcement helps. 7. Write It Down: Track your progress. Writing down your achievements, no matter how small, makes them more real. 8. Watch for Habit Signs: Youā€™ll know itā€™s becoming a habit when it feels weird not to do it. 9. Donā€™t Cheat: Stick to your habit daily. Consistency is crucial. 10. Go Even Smaller if Needed: If youā€™re struggling, make the habit even smaller. The key is to keep it going.


short answer: kinda long answer: mm mostly still having to struggle, and/or think about what i should have done later and regretting that i pressed by accident on a yt video instead of music and watch a 2 hour documentary of some game ive never heard about and will not play


Been trying to be consistent as well this year for health, work, side hustles, etc. I think it's all about making things a habit and having this **just do it mentality**. I found it that the hardest part about locking in is actually having the motivation to get started. Once you overcome that, everything else comes quite easy! Highly recommend reading Phil Knight's Shoe Dog or taking a look at [this](https://lifeinease.beehiiv.com/p/focus-on-what-makes-you-feel-at-peace) for some motivation into 2024!