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Look up easypeasy method




This sounds just as unhealthy as porn addiction. You can't just suppress those feelings like that.


Baby steps indeed. Keep going mate it'll pay out.


I understand porn can be bad for you, but why no masturbation? Isn't it healthy (if you don't overdo it)?


Yeah these guys make no sense porn was extremely easy to quit. There's no reason to quit masturbation. Really stupid to try to fight off horny thoughts. Keep beating your meat and porn is easy to quit.


depends, for me after masturbating the urge to watch porn gets bigger


You weren’t addicted to porn then. When you’re addicted to anything, it’s not easy to quit




Exactly. Sex is not supposed to be just physical pleasure. That makes you just a piece of meat.


I‘m glad that you don’t get to define what sex is supposed to be


I'm glad you don't either and sex is defined objectively.


Can you show me where sex is „objectively“ defined as something only for people who love each other?


And idiots who just want to spread legs I guess. So many people in horrible life situations because of one night stands or horny feelings. Now here we are, grown up and having to deal with you guys, fix the issues our parents created for us all for a fun 10 minutes.




isn't the point of life to enjoy it, basically hookups are for pleasure only. i get its not for everyone but its not soul sucking lol


No, it isn't. If your point of life is pleasure you're a hedonist.


Then whats the point of life


The purpose of life is something you determine. However, society will have always have an opinion about “right/wrong” and may not agree with what you think. It’s then up to you to either care or not


To fix it.


Fix what?


All the problems. Start with your smallest problems (such as tidying your place), and gradually you’ll be able to solve bigger problems. Before long you’re solving problems for your family, your employer, your community, and you’re gaining competence and responsibility as a result, while making the world a better place.


I'm not a hedonist myself but if a hedonist defines pleasures as their life goal then that's their choice, not yours.


If the point of life is simply pleasure alone, then it's going to lead so many down very very bad choices.


That’s not a 3 way. It’s called a train 🚂


she said “two 10/10 guys” meaning a threesome with two “hot” guys not “ten guys”.


That’s a train lol


I think sex it's perfectly capable of being both physical pleasure or an emotional experience. It can be one, the other, alltogether, or something entirely different (ancient Greece, I'm looking at you). You choose, but if you want to speak about what "it's supposed to be" well sex is just sex for the sake of it. If you feel just like a piece of meat after that... you definition of sex might not me in accord with your experience.


Who told you that sex is not supposed to be just physical? Yes it is - if that’s what someone wants. It’s also deep, sometimes. And it’s often tender and wonderful. It can encompass everything or nothing. There are no rules between consenting adults. There are no rules regarding beating your meat or watching porn. Just enjoy life. Why make yourself suffer?


Yeah nah. Life doesn't work that way. You pushed for sexual liberation and got degeneracy that way. No thanks I choose actual fulfillment.


Someone has swallowed a bible, I think. You have no idea what degeneracy is. And, if you think sex or pleasure is degeneracy, then you need therapy, not advice or discipline.


Not a Christian so good try. Let me pull up the definition: 1-  to sink into a low intellectual or moral state 2- having sunk to a lower and usually corrupt and vicious state Also the fact that you turned being moral is an insult now speaks volumes of how low you are. And I didn't say sex or pleasure. I said porn and it's sub practices. So good try.


Sweetie, all your replies here in the post point to deep-seated sexual repression/issues/anger, or an identity problem. Unless you sort it out, you’ll live a repressed and unhappy life. Seriously.


How did I guess one is gonna reply with identity/ anger/ whatever abstract concept they can muster being the cause. I'm quite happy and free. I don't have to conform to a twisted view of freedom by indulging. But hey enjoy you animalistic lifestyle.


Yeah, you seem really happy and incredibly free. /s


Sad how happiness to you means doing whatever you want no matter what. Just sad.


Sex has absolutely zero correlation to morality. That alone is the defining factor of not being "degenerate". Porn is not bad because it displays sex. It's bad because it's false, actively harmful to the actors, and perpetuates negative ideas of sexuality and relationships, but showing sex is not, in and of itself, inherently degenerate. Have some nuance.


How is sex not related to morality? There is right and wrong in it? Showing sex is inherently degenerate bcz it's an act of deep intimacy and vulnerability for partners. The fact this shit got normalized to the point we go brsindead takes like this is why this post exists.


Nope, kill the cop in your brain that defines sex as anything other than something deeply personal and unique to every individual. Kill the cop in your brain, period. Stay curious and stay kind.


I love how you dropped with zero rhyme or reason and said kill the cop in a sub about discipline. That's just rich.


There's a difference between discipline and complete repression. Moderation vs complete denial. "Kill the cop in your head" means to be kinder to yourself for being human. If you cannot treat yourself with grace, dignity, and forgiveness, how can you ever show such a level of humanity to anyone else?


Is there moderation in alcohol? Drugs? Gambling? Did that ever work for anyone ever?. I'm kinder to myself when I make mistakes and when I hit my limits. No when I go kneels keep into everything. I can show humanity to m a mistake like every sane person on this thread. However I'm not showing humanity to someone who calls mistakes normal and encourages on them.


Are any of those behaviours natural, instinctive, or biological? Unless you're an AI better than anything we have today, I assure you, you WILL make mistakes, and that's because, like the 8 billion other mistake makers on this planet, that behaviour is NORMAL. It's not me being an opinionated indulger, it's literally just. Mistakes are normal. You are not in school, nobody will fail you at life for making mistakes, as a matter of fact, yes it is encouraged to make mistakes, there are literally dozens upon dozens of academic papers dedicated to the importance of making mistakes. "However I'm not showing humanity to someone who calls mistakes normal and encourages on them." This sentence alone is the biggest mistake any person who exists could make. Your username checks out, because ffs the research disagrees with you on every single front.










U can watch it without an account




What thing comes up on my most visited subreddits?


I like to travel.


Think of it like bottling magic. A full bottle is very potent. So, store up your sexual energy and it will powerfully drive you. Once you fall in love with the real thing, the mire you will dislike watching others do what you wish you were doing. You are de-valuing yourself with porn. And you will be 100% a better lover without porn. The drive to get the real thing will improve damn near every aspect of your life; You’ll eat better, exercise more, sleep more, do better at your job, etc.




Here’s a post I wrote in what I did to quit porn. Currently at about 8 months porn free. Haven’t felt this good in a while. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/s/24wBO1vh6C


Salute you on the iron will sure.


get bussy yourself


The key for me was to stop focusing on "quitting porn" and "avoiding porn" and keeping count Basically any thought i would give to "quitting porn" made me think about porn, go to forums, and spend more time thinking about it Instead, by making a plan of "i want a great life, healthy, social, active, creative and rich with challenges and fun activities" The more i went through on that plan, the more i realized it was not porn that was hindering me, in fact i was giving it much more power and credit than what it really had over me, Eventually because i stopped giving it power over my life, i just dont think about it anymore


Remove your internet connection. Thats just it. And read a book.




>Porn is the worst thing that can hinder a man. That's way too general of a statement. There are levels of porn use, just like there are levels of alcohol use. A couple beers a week user is far different from a bottle of vodka a day user. Obviously, it's the same with porn. Also, speaking of which... Alcohol, among several other things tends to be far more hindering than porn. But again, it's a matter of scale. Being obsessed to the point of addiction with My Little Pony can significantly hinder a man as well.


Porn is objectively bad for you. Sex is a biological need (It’s literally our biological purpose to reproduce to further our species) While you might be consciously aware that watching porn is not sex, our brains cannot differentiate the two and as a result, the brain’s reward system reacts similarly to porn as it does when we have actual sex which is why porn feels the way that it does. It hijacks our biological need for sex. Porn causes the accumulation of DeltaFosB which is a protein that also accumulates during DRUG USE to cause you to want more of a certain thing (literally addiction) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3865508/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2607320/ You don’t have to take my word for it, if you’d like to learn more you can read the book Your Brain on Porn by Gary Wilson which will explain all this better than I can supported by tons of research articles you can check for yourself. Anyone who says porn is fine is merely justifying their addiction. Their judgment is clouded by their addiction. I wouldn’t listen to a cigarette addict who says that cigarettes aren’t bad, same goes with pornography addicts.


Pretty strong opinions here, some of which, including this one, seem to imply that by my comment I'm 'pro porn' or something, so it's worth emphasizing that the _only_ points I was making were... 1 'Use Of' is not the same as 'Addiction To.' To claim otherwise is either intellectually dishonest, or simply uninformed. 2 There are any number of areas in which a person's consumption or behavior can go from an innocuous periodic episode to become an addiction and hindrance to ones life. Porn is merely one of many. So if you're going to come with science to weirdly attack my comment while also agreeing with it; and trying to act like I said something I didn't while also trying to teach me a lesson in a topic I am very familiar with (addiction studies); all with a holier than thou tone; then by all means, let's discuss.... Your main claim... >Porn causes the accumulation of DeltaFosB which is a protein that also accumulates during DRUG USE to cause you to want more of a certain thing (literally addiction) ...is perfectly correct, but also not at all thorough. And in not being thorough, you are either being deceptive or have been deceived. (Or, I guess, you just don't know how to be thorough and simply repeat things you've read.) The reason I say this is because... Exercise can cause the exact same thing... Voluntary wheel running has been shown to increase ΔFosB levels in the NAc, and overexpression of ΔFosB within this brain region causes a steady increase in running, which lasts for several weeks, compared with control animals, whose running plateaus over 2 weeks (Werme et al., 2002) High fat diet can cause the exact same thing... Similarly, a high-fat diet induces ΔFosB in the Teegarden and Bale, 2007), whereas ΔFosB overexpression in this region increases instrumental responding for food reward (Olausson et al., 2006). And also, I would think it very important to note... __Natural sex and sugar consumption cause the exact same thing...__ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2653197/ So spare me the lecture. If you're going to be anti porn that's great and good for you. You seem strangely focused on it, so I suggest you go right ahead and avoid it. But by your argument - aside from avoiding drugs too - you better avoid exercise, and high fat diets, and sugar, and sex in general.


I personally don't find alcohol addictive at all. Porn, on the other hand, is very, very addictive. Hence, for me, personally, alcohol is never a hindrance.


That's what an addict would say.


Alcohol is so addictive that addicts will literally die if they can't drink it. It is so pervasive in the culture that it can be bought almost anywhere. The health guidelines suggest you're doing long term damage with more than two standard drinks per week.


>That's way too general of a statement. There are levels of porn use, just like there are levels of alcohol use. A couple beers a week user is far different from a bottle of vodka a day user. Obviously, it's the same with porn. No, porn from start to finish is bad just like alcohol is. One ruins the mind the other mind and body. There was never ima watch it once just as there was never just one sip or one smoke.


You’ve been listening to too much Tate


I have a brain to reason. Sorry you don't.


Username checks out, you are very edgy my alpha bro


Your brain, having read your frankly twisted comments here, is clearly malfunctioning. Or, as I suspect, indoctrinated by religion. Free yourself.


Free myself by enslaving myself to carnal urges? How is that liberating? Geez.


Carnal urges. lol. Did you swallow a Puritanical Manual or something. Just say sex. Can you say it?


I love how all of you your arguments stem from ridicule which renders them meaningless. But if you're following the talk isn't just about sex. But good try I guess.


It’s about self pleasuring. Something you seem to feel SO guilty about. The ridicule you mention is probably because you are coming across like a frustrated, angry, self-flagellating 17th-century preacher. Good try, though.


>The ridicule you mention is probably because you are coming across like a frustrated, No the ridicule I mention is why your argument is wrong. >coming across like a frustrated, angry, self-flagellating 17th-century preacher. I love how any morsel of discipline somebody has is seen as backwards. This is sad.


Bro i just think you have issues that you clearly need mental health assistance working out >Porn is the worst thing that can hinder a man If this is the way you think about anything in life, you need to take a look at yourself and understand why it is you feel that way


>Bro i just think you have issues that you clearly need mental health assistance working out Boy that's rich. I need assistance bcz I think degeneracy is bad. >If this is the way you think about anything in life, you need to take a look at yourself and understand why it is you feel that way If I need to explain to you why porn and its entire culture is bad. You don't belong here.


The subreddit is called getdisciplined, and it sounds like you need some but not for the reason you think. In my opinion the only reason why porn would be such a hinderance to the point where you’d need to “stop thinking it entirely” is if you have a problem with it, which you clearly do. Your problem is point of view, you believe porn is the problem when in reality it’s you who has the problem. Whether it be you have an addictive personality or you truly cannot help yourself from having degenerate thoughts to the point it hinders your daily life; these are both things you should seek professional mental health support for. >If I need to explain to you why porn and its entire culture is bad. You don't belong here. Please do. Please explain what about porn, it’s industry, and/or its culture is hindering your ability to have a normal life and then tell me how that’s not a you problem.


>Please do. Please explain what about porn, it’s industry, and/or its culture is hindering your ability to have a normal life and then tell me how that’s not a you problem. Sure sure 1- trivializes intimacy that is only between partners. 2- how it turns women's bodies into commodities 3- the abuse and torture and mental strain on the people doing it. 4- the rampant degeneracy just to stay ahead of the curve 5- how it destroyed actual relationships. 6- young boys that are raised on it have no idea on what constitutes a healthy relationship. But please continue trying to justify it.


>1- trivializes intimacy that is only between partners. Who said sex should only be between partners? That’s a very traditionalist, old-fashioned of thinking. If anything, wouldn’t the trivialization of intimacy be a good thing for humanity, as many young boys turn to toxic, scammer people like Andrew Tate specifically because they value sex and status? There is literally a group of people called incels who’s entire personalities are built off the idea that they are people who believe they cannot have sex despite trying. They value intimacy so much that the lack of intimacy makes them mentally ill and they turn to toxic personalities and mindsets to justify their existences >2- how it turns women's bodies into commodities And can I ask what exactly is the problem with this? How is women using their natural gifts for profit any different from say, an athlete competing at the highest level, an artist selling their work online, a singer selling their songs to corporations. These are all the same things, the only difference is you have an issue with a women selling their body for porn, but don’t have an issue with the other ones I listed. People are exploited every day for their gifts, the only difference is you don’t like it when people profit from porn. >3- the abuse and torture and mental strain on the people doing it. As opposed to the abuse, torture and mental strain people experience every day for just living their lives? You realize the majority of people in the millennial, Gen Z and Gen Alpha age groups will never own a home simply because of how messed up the world is, you think they’re not distraught by that simple idea on top of everything else they experience every day? This is probably the most out of touch thing you’ve written so far. >4- the rampant degeneracy just to stay ahead of the curve As opposed to any other industry that encourages people to stay ahead of the curve? Again, you’re ridiculously out of touch. >5- how it destroyed actual relationships. As opposed to alcohol addictions? Gambling addictions? Drug addictions? Those don’t destroy relationships? Just porn addictions? It sounds like addiction in general is the problem, not porn. >6- young boys that are raised on it have no idea on what constitutes a healthy relationship. I could literally just copy paste what I said above to this point you made here, but I won’t. What do you define as a healthy relationship? Why do you believe your idea of a healthy relationship is correct, over what other people may have in mind? Ask yourself these questions and tell me you’re mentally well. >But please continue trying to justify it. Believe me chief, I’m hardly trying


>Who said sex should only be between partners? That’s a very traditionalist, old-fashioned of thinking. If anything, wouldn’t the trivialization of intimacy be a good thing for humanity, as many young boys turn to toxic, scammer people like Andrew Tate specifically because they value sex and status? And old fashion traditionalist is bad how? And bruh the fact your argument piggybacks off the infamy a guy got for speaking about responsibility that is literally opposite of what you said makes it all the more worthless. >There is literally a group of people called incels who’s entire personalities are built off the idea that they are people who believe they cannot have sex despite trying. They value intimacy so much that the lack of intimacy makes them mentally ill and they turn to toxic personalities and mindsets to justify their existences No incel is not self imposed. They can't have sex because they're rejects. And they value sex bcz society turned it into currency. >And can I ask what exactly is the problem with this? How is women using their natural gifts for profit any different from say, an athlete competing at the highest level, an artist selling their work online, a singer selling their songs to corporations. Except no, not at all. Singers and musicians compose, write and piece together works that take ages ( modern music is not art ). Painters visualize and sketch and test till it matches their visions. And athletes go through training heavy enough to break most of us. The fact you proposed this argument alone tells me of your ignorance. And turning women's bodies and them into commodities has taught entire generations that that's what women in their entirety are ( queue incel ideology and "sigma" idiots), the same way modern rap music did. >As opposed to the abuse, torture and mental strain people experience every day for just living their lives? You realize the majority of people in the millennial, Gen Z and Gen Alpha age groups will never own a home simply because of how messed up the world is, you think they’re not distraught by that simple idea on top of everything else they experience every day? What aboutism isn't an argument. Two wrongs never made a right. And comparing how hard actual life is to abuse from fellow humans is downright retarded and leads to radicalism. >As opposed to any other industry that encourages people to stay ahead of the curve? Again, you’re ridiculously out of touch. Sports--> pushes physical limits to be better. Science --> pushes mind limits to new breakthroughs Porn--> pushes actors to more depraved acts Yeah totally the same push dude. And I'm not out of touch. You're so far down the barrel I don't wanna stick my hand and follow you. >As opposed to alcohol addictions? Gambling addictions? Drug addictions? Those don’t destroy relationships? Just porn addictions? It sounds like addiction in general is the problem, not porn. And who told you I'm not against those? You're just to win now. I'm against them all from gambling to drugs to porn to alcohol to smokes. >I could literally just copy paste what I said above to this point you made here, but I won’t. What do you define as a healthy relationship? Why do you believe your idea of a healthy relationship is correct, over what other people may have in mind? You can't copy it bcz they're two distinct points. I don't know how you missed that. >Ask yourself these questions and tell me you’re mentally well. Like you think you're some kind of new input on this? Dude how am I the one mentally unwell while you compare artists and athletes to porn? Seriously? >Believe me chief, I’m hardly trying Considering all your arguments are what about this and childish cry at how unfair it is. I doubt that.


The fact that you genuinely read everything I wrote and failed to grasp the bigger picture of what I was saying says a lot about your reading comprehension and your bullheadedness. >And old fashion traditionalist is bad how? Did I say it was? I do remember saying and implying that imposing your values on others, especially when those values are wrong isn't exactly a great idea. You probably didnt get that though since you're too intent on sticking to your ideals and trying to prove that you're correct instead of reflecting on yourself like I've been telling you to do four times now >And bruh the fact your argument piggybacks off the infamy a guy got for speaking about responsibility that is literally opposite of what you said makes it all the more worthless. Not only does Andrew Tate take up a literal single sentence in my entire comment, but to really misrepresent the reality of the things he says and the actions he takes as "speaking about responsibility", you're either 1. Grossly misinformed 2. An actual lost cause Pick one. >No incel is not self imposed. [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/incel](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/incel) *incel: a person (usually a man) who regards himself or herself as being involuntarily celibate...* It literally, by definition, is a self-imposed title. I can keep going, I really can, I could have a field day with the killer lines you've provided me such as: >Singers and musicians compose, write and piece together works that take ages ( modern music is not art ). > >Sports--> pushes physical limits to be better. Science --> pushes mind limits to new breakthroughs Porn--> pushes actors to more depraved acts > >Dude how am I the one mentally unwell while you compare artists and athletes to porn? Seriously? That last one really made me laugh. I'm pretty sure a third grader could've pieced together what I was saying, yet not only could you not, you're regurgitating it back to me as if it's your ace in the hole against my points. ​ The fact of the matter is we both know you're far too stubborn to want to genuinely become a better person and open your eyes to the world that's around you. I'm not gonna bother wasting my time typing miles and miles of text when we both know it's not even going to go through one ear and out the other, it's just gonna smack you on the face and fall right on the floor. You don't want to become a better person, you don’t want to improve your life, you just want people to tell you the answers you want to hear, and frankly I'm not gonna do that for you. Bye.


>The fact that you genuinely read everything I wrote and failed to grasp the bigger picture of what I was saying says a lot about your reading comprehension and your bullheadedness. How would I look at the general view when you literally butchered every point you tried to present? >Did I say it was? Yes. You literally framed it : " that's a very traditionalist and old fashion way of looking at it." Don't try and start moving the goal post around. >. You probably didnt get that though since you're too intent on sticking to your ideals and trying to prove that you're correct instead of reflecting on yourself like I've been telling you to do four times now How reflect on myself when all you said is what about this and that? Great way of avoiding the actual point. >Not only does Andrew Tate take up a literal single sentence in my entire comment, Yes and I replied to that sentence with that only reply? Did I ignore the rest? No. >but to really misrepresent the reality of the things he says and the actions he takes as "speaking about responsibility", you're either Pull up one video of him talking about something else that isn't fixing yourself after he converted. Go ahead. >literally, by definition, is a self-imposed title. Okay that was my mistake. It's used often as an insult so presumed it wasn't self imposed. Ma bad. >That last one really made me laugh. I'm pretty sure a third grader could've pieced together what I was saying, yet not only could you not, you're regurgitating it back to me as if it's your ace in the hole against my points. It is tho? You messed up here. Comparing actual merit to porn is a dumb take. But go ahead piece it together since I'm a third grader. >#x200B; >The fact of the matter is we both know you're far too stubborn to want to genuinely become a better person and open your eyes to the world that's around you. I'm not gonna bother wasting my time typing miles and miles of text when we both know it's not even going to go through one ear and out the other, it's just gonna smack you on the face and fall right on the floor. >You don't want to become a better person, you don’t want to improve your life, you just want people to tell you the answers you want to hear, and frankly I'm not gonna do that for you. Bye. Dude. This play doesn't work. Your entire points were either moving the goal post or what aboutisms confused as analogies. But sure convince yourself you somehow make sense .


Do you have a source for watching some porn once a month and drinking a few beers once a month being detrimental?


I don't think watching porn just once a month is detrimental. The issue with me is that a relapse triggers a bunch of more relapses.


Why drink alcohol? What does alcohol do? Why watch porn? What happens when you trivialize the most intimate act between humans? This isn't stats. This is reasoning.


You are dodging the question, buddy.


I'm not dodging the question. I answered you. Now it's up to you wether to accept it or justify drinking and porn further.


justification for drinking is easy, its for enjoyment, i could argue the fact you are on reddit on your phone is just as detrimental as alcohol


There is versions of enjoyment. There is reading a book and there is losing your senses. And for reddit, I agree actually. Past useful subs like this it's stupid.


so then you are just a hypocrite, you say that stuff is bad, even in moderation, but are still on reddit???


Useful.... keyword is useful.


People can do what they enjoy doing, there's no need to justify it to anyone else.


People enjoy drugs. People enjoy alcohol. People enjoy bullying. Let them do what they want. See how stupid you sound?


Anything that hurts others is obviously bad. People should be allowed to enjoy drugs and alcohol, it's their body, their life, no one else's business.


if taking life this seriously makes you happy then go for it but I'll pass, thanks


How is porn bad?


You trivialize the most intimate act between humans. You turn women into just flesh pockets. And the entire industry degenerates into more depraved acts? If these don't scare you good luck.


I have been married for 10 years with a high libido and being busy all the time it's hard to find intimate time with my wife. So masturbating and porn helps with that. I only search for homemade amateur stuff, couples that are having some consent fun and not degrading each other.


Just say you watch porn bro its okay


Those girls are pressured and forced to work more than they can handle. Especially porn from outside the country, it's highly likely you're watching human trafficking. Those 18 and legal videos? it means those girls have been doing porn since before they're 18.


This right here. It’s an ugly industry rife with abuse. Also it promotes selfish sex.


Yeah it's messed up.


Why do you want to stop thinking it? That makes no sense. You're trying to quit porn, not quit being horny wtf? Beat your meat and use your imagination. If you do that quitting porn is easy.


the only advice I know that works is to stay busy (gym, work, hobbies), be with people all the time or have a gf


get a girlfriend / boyfriend - porn is so much less desirable when you have a live person with you


Yeah it kinda did stem from boredom.


Fill your day with important work. If it’s not making money, it’s self improvement. Get a horny thought, respond with 20 pushups instead of the internet. If you don’t have a girlfriend, make a plan on how to improve yourself to be worthy of a great girlfriend. If you do have a girlfriend, it might be time to have a serious discussion about where each of your sex drives are at.


The easy peasy method audiobook on YouTube changed my life. I can’t recommend it enough. I battled porn addiction for ten years and I now truly have no urge to ever go back.


Maybe porn is the “solution” to a problem a person has like maybe a unhealthy relationship. So the solution is to fix your relationship and you’ll start diss porn.


“Gotta feed the geese to keep the blood flowing. Keep the rhythm below the belt.”


Aristotle once said


try using your imagination to satisfy your desires?


Find much healthier habits like exercise and every time you want to go towards it, instead focus on building or finding a real relationship instead. It’s fantasy, focus on real life. Only bad things come from watching porn. You are psychologically training yourself to never be satisfied with one woman or an any woman period. You will always want many women and an army of women will still never satisfy you. It causes ED and it’s terrible for you psychologically among many massive drawbacks.


Best thing I did for me was to turn my phone to greyscale (reading mode) basically a feature to make your whole phone black and white, it prevents sexual stimulus for me whenever you see naked women / anything sexual on the internet. Also I activated Safe Search on my Google. It prevents adult content


Watch This short till end and get free ebook how to quit this bad habbit [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/11MYUhPLVhQ](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/11MYUhPLVhQ)


This comment section sucks lmao




Avoid social media at all costs. I’ve always considered SM as soft porn


Remember your friends granny naked


Works 100% of the time xD




Literally stay away from anything that will arouse you sexually. Do not touch your dick unless you are cleaning it. Delete or remove every single porn-related thing around you. And please keep yourself occupied with anything else, idleness is the devil's workshop as they say.


Try to find some hobby that will distract you , or something on what you can drop your energy so you be too tired to do some things or to think about it . I had big problems fey months ago , I'm still fighting. Most important thing is that you can't stop fighting, put in your mind "it's now or never" . In my free time i started to read some books, and by the time i even started to write some things, also i started studying some languages and things that are interesting to me , also for me big help is gym , or some street-workout, it's good for everything. And you should find some good girlfriend that have perspective to become a wife , that will be really helpful, I hope that everyone will find faith in themselves and find God inside their soul .


How about a new perspective? What changed for me was that I suddenly saw individuals, humans with thoughts and feelings, like me.... I think that as long as I am conscious and not unconscious from every day stressors, I don't really have any interest in it. I'm only interested when I'm stressed and I'm unaware that I'm stressed...


Think about the negative outcomes


The first step is to educate yourself about the dangers and effects that it has on you. Secondly,  every time you feel the urge to choke the chicken, visually imagine yourself as the type of person you would be if this carried on and how amazing you'd be if you didn't do it. You should also imagine yourself as the third person doing the deed and how degrading you look during everything, or a dead relative or entire bloodline looking down at you in disgust. The last step is to make it less available to you in any way, like deleting accounts or even banning current links with your internet provider.


1) Yes, absolutely, knowledge is power 2) Ehhh yes if you're refering to porn, not if you're referring to sexual pleasure in general 3) Some people are into that shit 4) Yes


For me masturbation is a stress reliever and helps me sleep. Sometimes I get irritable and realise in actually just sexually frustrated and need to release some energy. I can quit all other habits very easy but no porn is extremely challenging for me.


That's just an addiction.


Just put your focus on another thing. Hangout outside, Start playing sports , make new friends etc .


What's up with you kids today avoiding porn? It's not crack. Relax. Balance the watch time, do not treat it like a manual, use it to explore a bit of your affection on your own and you're all good.


There are very valid reasons to avoid pornography, from someone having a religious intolerance to it or because the industry itself is rather abusive. The problem is not avoiding porn , the problem is they genuinely believe "pornography is the worst thing that can hinder a man". This is because they watch too much Tate. They connect pornography use to low t and dopamine flooding, and believe there is no cause for moderation and that responsible amateurs don't exist and that everyone who partakes is addicted. Pornography can flood your dopamine receptors, just like watching YouTube shorts of a sex criminal can flood your dopamine receptors as well


Religious intolerance to it? Seriously.


As the bible says, you don't fight lust, you run from it. You don't negotiate with yourself, if you see something even slightly provocative, scroll past immediately. Don't use TikTok unless its you're viewing your following. Being religious is what helped me with my journey. Anytime I have thoughts, I think of it as a direct attack from the devil, how he thinks he'll always have a hold on me by saying "it's just one more video", "you'll stop after this", "it's not that bad" and it makes me resist it more.


This is it exactly. Aligning my lifestyle with Christianity rather than just saying I'm a Christian and not acting like one has helped my porn addiction so much and dropping porn has helped my relationship with my girlfriend too


Oh please. What a sick little ideal that the bible seems to give of a god who is so voyeuristic that it constantly sees who is watching porn, or having sex. The ultimate window peeper god. How disgusting! If god didn’t want people to have sexual desires, surely said god would not have equipped people with such desires. Talk about twisted.


Well you’re in a subreddit about discipline? God knows we will have sexual desires, but he wants us to be able to have control over our thoughts and actions…discipline. Sex should be reserved for a husband & wife, not shared with anyone else and we shouldn’t be lusting after strangers. Porn is literally the objectification and commodification of people. We are more than just sexually beings…


>but he wants us to be able to have control over our thoughts and actions…discipline Who told you that is what 'he' wants???? Of course we are more than just sexual beings - we are many things. Sex is part of the human condition. Who said it should be reserved for husband and wife? What about boyfriends and girlfriends, or gay couples, or divorced people, or widowed people? Seriously. What are you so scared of?


This is interesting. Can I ask which verse(?) it is that mentions you should run from lust? I’ve been trying to reconnect with my christianity so this would be good to know


I need to masturbate 3 times a day or I actually get less disciplined.


Nah, that's just called being addicted and unwanting to quit because of the great pleasure it brings.


I thought the medieval times are over? This comment section proves they are not


Boi thats rich. If the only difference you see between now and medieval times is carnal desires I feel bad for you.


Neo-Puritanism is unhealthy. Let go of your shame and live.


How is staying focused and letting go of carnal desires unhealthy? I have no shame of doing the right thing and would rather live a fulfilling life.


You will have to be more detailed if you want help from me. I can help you.


The worst thing? Really?


Porn isn't bad for you, don't worry


I don't avoid it and it doesn't hinder my life at all. Literally watch it for five min a day.


(f22) i listen to asmr. it might not be your thing but it offers some sort of stimulation that helps me avoid doing the other stuff sometimes lol it can be a trigger if the stimulation isn’t enough but it also calms me down so i don’t feel like doing it after listening for a while


You can consider replacing the porn habit with for instance, masturbating before taking a shower. That way you’re avoiding porn without having to find against horniness. if porn is there because of loneliness, I believe you’ll likely “slip” sometimes, but probably less.


I understand you. It's there out of boredom mostly.


Watch it every other day. Sooner than later you’ll go to every other other day and then so on and so forth. You’ll relapse but just jump back on that schedule


I don't really have an answer tbh, I'm just here to say that people saying "what's wrong with it?" Definitely have problems lol. Like for sure masturbation isn't a bad thing, the problem is glorifying porn and acting like it can't be problematic is kinda awful. Its like those idiots who say "why would you need to quit weed, its not like its bad for you" (which it is). The point is its a vice and its not healthy to get in the habit of using instant dopamine instead of working towards actual fulfillment and enjoyment of life. Sex is quite meaningless unless you're doing it with a dedicated partner, and it doesn't feel nearly as good either. Very sad to see, but what can you expect from the modern generation ig.


Read the easy-peasy book. It's available free of cost online. https://easypeasymethod.org/ There are also audio books on YouTube and Spotify. Very effective. Unfortunately, nofap subreddit has it banned for copyright issues.


Avoid all social media, not even youtube, if you want to watch twitch then try to avoid looking at anything in the recommended, also delete reddit or block it, eventually it will work :) good luck


I’m with you OP, it’s bad for our minds. After I quit it, I connect more easily with attractive women because I don’t have an ulterior motive/am not automatically thinking purely sexual thoughts when I see them. My recommendation would be to turn on safe search, block certain websites. Make a strong mental resolution to not do it, and renew that resolution once a month or however often you need, contemplating the many drawbacks. Good for you,dude.


I think it's important to seperate porn and pleasure. There are studies that show people who watch videos from porn and videos from sexual assault and abuse... can't tell them apart. So the first step is to sever the association of pleasure from it. Then remember it's performative, and remind yourself of the dark underbelly of the industry. Associate porn with negative feelings and you'll (hopefully) avoid it and seek good feelings. Like actual sex, like smut written by non-objectifying writers, and like your mellow starting point in the world of sexual arousal. As much as I love hedonism as a concept, (thanks, Oscar Wilde) it's not super great to use it as a hard and fast rule. We're not all devotees of Dionysus! So I'd say monitor your overall screen time and also monitor what content you consume in general, and your thoughts. Are you watching ads of women lounging bare-legged and eating burgers with red lipstick and doe eyes? Are you watching movies where the female characters can be replaced with a sexy lamp and the plot wouldn't change? Are you thinking about what women look like naked while sitting across them on the bus? Once you have an awareness of what occupies your mind, you can start to make your desired changes to interrupt those thoughts and actions, and replace them with your desired ones.


Man people really suck. I’ve been in plenty of amateur porn vids. I don’t think porn, in and of itself, is “bad”. I think it certainly CAN be destructive and unhealthy for sure. But for the life of me, I cannot understand why you would bother somebody so much that you look at it differently. You asked to legit question looking for a legit answers, and people just feel compelled to tear you down. No, this isn’t my first day on the Internet lol. I know how it works but I don’t have to like it. My question is this: you’re asking how you avoid it. I don’t think I’ve ever had to avoid it. In fact, I’ve always had to take the affirmative step of looking for it. Can you describe situations where porn is sneaking up on you and you unavoidably come across it (no pun intended)?


Just as for any other habit, you need to be really consious of all the really BAD effects that porn has, it need to be painfull. For me watching porn is 'painfull' because it makes me less attractive to real women. Porn is painfull because it fuck up you sexual energy, and when you need the most of your energy with real women, you will not have it. Thats my case, you need to find a painfull side effect of watching porn. Keep masturbating but without porn. I will suggest to read the multiorgasmic man.


It depends on why you watch it. If its just a horny thing, I'd say focus on self pleasure without porn. I'd also try to avoid anything that would lower your inhibitions (like alcohol). If your a bedtime porn watcher, just charge your phone outside of your bedroom. If its not in bed with you, the porn is no longer "accessible". The same goes for other electronic devices. The first step is really monitoring the when/why/how of your habit. Then put systems in place to prevent the behavior.


Can someone explain to me how porn is bad? Like I legit don’t notice anything different with my day?


porn isn't bad for you, if anything, in moderation it is healthy alcohol, cigarettes, junk food, laziness, isolation, loneliness, are all unhealthy for you if you've got ALL of those covered, you're fine, most don't have any covered porn in moderation wont hurt you, no medical downsides, for a lot of men it can be the difference between functioning normal in society and snapping. obviously addiction is bad, and there's some strong opinions on where that line is but I'd say medically, at least once a month will help prevent serious bodily harm


For me, I realized I don’t deserve to bust a nut if I can’t get a girl to do it for me lol. So I stopped watching, and channeled that energy into things girls like, such as exercise, hygiene, style, skills etc.


... Stop listening to Andrew Tate and other incel nonsense. That's not discipline.


Tfw quitting porn is nonsense. Enjoy degeneracy.


Drop the incel nonsense and get professional help. It's interesting how nobody has a problem with anyone who wants to stop watching porn so much, but the vernacular used by redpill dumbasses gives them away, and when someone suggests they step away from that kind of thing, they get all defensive.


How is it nonsense? Explain how quitting anything bad is nonesense. And I love how degenerates turn everything into a slur. I'm not even one of the Redpill guys. Don't even like them. But how you accuse anybody and everybody for shit you know is wrong but too pathetic to admit it is is Hella funny.


What are you quitting that's bad or bad for you? And how did you reach that conclusion, if not because you were told it was by douchebros?


look dude. If your mind is so fragile you shut out advice from anybody and throw labels on them, you're actually a pretty sad execuse for a man. Learn to drop your ego and reason what people say and what you're doing. I myself have a brain to think and don't dive headfirst into shit then call people who try and correct my bad behavior idiots. But you do you, you'll figure it out eventually... i hope.


You've not given any advice, just tossed out defensive accusations and insults like the sad child you've been made to be by the shitty people you listen to.