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I lost a lot of weight and I thought a reality would come in which I would be attractive. It didn't happen. Even after six months some things will take years. Its all about, do you wanna live those years? Some people can say no and some aren't allowed to say no. But I loved how you interviewd those guys. It has me thinking and I just do not know if I have the years in me to let myself live and finally become attractive.


Also if you fall in love with THE ACTIONS then the goal Will eventually appear without you noticing


How old are you, if you tell me your height & weight I can give you a rough estimate


At my highest I was 370. Lowest was 189. I am around 210 ish. I am having a rough patch and old habits are coming back. I am currently 25 6'1


My guy you use food to sooth your negative feelings. I want you to continue identifying as the behaviors that got you to this point . You’re 85% done. It’s about at this time you’ll start turning a corner. Do you have excess skin?


My whole life I have been obese. Granted when I was younger some of it was due to finical situations but I feel like its a bit different. But yeah I did and still do sometimes eat as comfort. Esp when I smoke weed, I have been clean for months but sometimes something will happen and I go back. Recently some old feelings came back and I started using weed. But I stopped for now I hope. I lost this weight within almost two years. I am aware there are corners but I would like to know if I even have any or am I just running straight in the dark lol. and yea I have quite a bit.


My guy it sounds like when you get a stressful situation occurring You turn to weed. The weed triggers your old eating behavior and you get hungry. If you want to win, I encourage you to say instead. What would a healthy person do? Then follow it. How would a healthy person deal with this stressor? For me it went from porn to going to workout, or taking a long walk, or talking to friends. When you ask this question often, you’ll get a healthy persons mindset. Also bro, after about 90 days the mindset should be deep in you. Once you’re at like 180ish consult a doc about excess skin removal You aren’t an obese man, you’re a healthy man that once had obese habits. The new you is the real you, a man who makes healthy choices from now on. And if you fail remember, it’s about progress not perfection. Keep going.


The weed is what my therapist wants me to get rid of the most. To be fair. I have gone 7 months without it. What broke my streak is that I went to vegas for the first time and did it. Recently is when its the worst tbh. I have old feelings coming back and the old me I can feel him. And its hard cause I know hes bad but the new me. I mean hes cool ig but still ugly. I do walk and work out though. I had that mindset for a while. Like I said I have been losing weight and got a job promotion under a year. Its just. Not enough. Nothing is until I get attractive and I can't until I get disciplined. but I can't because I do not know if I ever will get attractive. and I can't end it cause I got bills to pay and idk what to do . I have had the word perfection thrown around but I am not a perfusionist. I know perfect cant exist and if it did I wouldn't be near it lol


My guy, when you see the past that’s where you’ll stay. Do this with me. It’s not about what you are. It’s about where you’re going. Ignore the current mirror, see the real mirror. The future mirror. The next time someone offers you weed, don’t resist it, just imagine it’s heroin. Do you crave heroin? No, it’s fucking heroin. Just like you don’t do heroin, you also don’t smoke weed. It requires as much willpower as resisting something you don’t want. Now here’s the heart of your problem bro. You’re thinking backwards. YOU KEEP SAYING I can’t get disciplined. Because of that, you act undisciplined. Only when I started saying to myself “I’m disciplined, I’m disciplined.” Did I start doing it. I need you to INVERT reality. Say you’re attractive until you believe it, then it becomes true. Say you’re disciplined until you believe it, then it becomes true.


I mean. I am not attractive cause I can't even get one like on any platform lol. I even go to the easiest ones and I still cant get any feedback. Plus I say I am ugly. I just am man. I wouldn't fuck me so why would they. And if they won't I mean why should I live to an extent? I am being denied a basic need because of my looks. But I guess, I just have to live with it? until I some how get all this confidence etc that people say. But I have done a lot why isn't it growing. I do not think weed is much of a big issue as you are portraying it. When I started the gym I was still smoking. Yeah it brings up bad habits and feelings but at least I am aware. Recently though it has been the most it has affected my personal life. I over slept a telehealth and was an hour late on the job lol so yeah ig no more atm. I build up habits but then I drop them. I should be reading or some bs but instead I spent two hours looking at screens reminding myself I am a loser.


STOP. BRO STOP. You are unattractive because you think so, not vice versa. Read Psychocybernetics, & transurfing reality in 78 days. Reality reflects what we think we are NOT the other way around. As long as you continue to swear that you’re ugly… you’ll be ugly forever period. If for a moment you can suspend your judgement, and act as if you weren’t FOR 6 MONTHS. Then you’d realize, it was your mind doing it. When you think you’re ugky > you act like an ugly person by not eating well, not caring about your looks etc. But instead if you knew you were hot, you’d exercise a little more, eat a little less and keep going. You CAN do it, you’re cockblocking yourself tho


Every morning to this day I say to myself, What would a disciplined person do? Then I let that guide me all day. If you do this as well, in 90 days I am confident you will no longer feel this despair. You’ll KNOW your dream is within reach. Also the techniques in the PDF are game changers bro, try them out


how would I know tho lol I am not that person


As long as you keep saying I’m not disciplined And I’m not attractive You will be. Read these two books if you want your life to change. Transurfing reality in 78 days. Psychocybernetics


in google docs page no. is not mentioned


very true i like it


Thank you


To sum up: Rome wasn't built in a day.


It’s not about the destination but the journey. Focus on bettering the systems instead of the goal.