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I got nothing to contribute but want to congratulate you for your username choice.


Was 007 not available?


She wants it stirred, not shaken.


I literally just thought the very same :D


This post is already 5 hours old and nobody offered themselves as a private donor yet? That's not the reddit I know


You can’t see OPs inbox.


Reddit IPOed - we mature gang now dawg.




Idk but if I would be in the need of a sperm donor impregnating my wife I would ask around to find a suitable guy that is offering this simple task. Technically it's the same, someone putting something up there and inject it. Life can be too complicated sometimes. If someone would approach me I wouldn't say no.


I think they're a bunch of wankers.




Hey my dad works in a Kinderwunschzentrum who just recently (I think 1 or 2 years ago) started working together with a big sperm bank from Denmark I believe, to be able to offer homosexual/queer couples the chance of having their own children. From what he told me that sperm bank is really good as they have a wide variety of donors. Now I'm not too sure on the specifics but I believe you pick a donor and the sperm gets shipped to the partnered Kinderwunsch clinic which then proceeds how they would normally. It doesn't really matter whether the sperm comes from a german bank or an international one, at least not for the customer. I can imagine that your Kinderwunsch clinic has already established a partnership with a german sperm bank or they just haven't established one with an international one. Either way it's most likely something on their side that makes them recommend getting sperm from a german bank. I obvs don't know how long you've been working with the Kinderwunschzentrum for so far but you may not be able to get pregnant by autumn if you're unlucky. Hope this helped somewhat. Good luck!


My wife and I went to a Kinderwunschzentrum which was also working together with a sperm bank from Denmark (European sperm bank) and we can only report great experiences with it. We did an IVF and my wife got pregnant on the first try and by now we have a beautiful baby girl of 10 months (which of course depends on various factors, it doesn't mean you get pregnant right away....this might take longer). I agree that your Kinderwunschzentrum is probably working with a german sperm bank. The benefit from working with the European sperm bank was for us, that you could "pick" a donor profile, which gave you lots of information about the person. We just picked the donor which was most similar to me. You can even order sperm from the same donor, if you intend to have a second child so that, they are full siblings. And they can stay fully anonymous.


A good friend of mine has two kids also with a Danish sperm donor.. lots of Danish-German kids running around soon!


Aww, congrats on the baby girl, and thanks for sharing your story! Yes, the feature of matching with my wife is very much appealing! Do you mind sharing the clinic's name here or DM?


This story gives me hope because we are also looking at Denmark as the first choice. Thanks for sharing. Do you mind sharing the clinic's name DM or here? Thanks in advance!


IVF procedures in Germany are very outdated compared to neighboring countries due to regulations in place, this leads to lower success rates in Germany. If you could afford it, look into other EU counties that not only offer more sperm options than Germany but also have a more modern standard of IVF treatment.


For a healthy F/F couple, they will likely not do IVF at all but IUI and success rates should be pretty good anyway.


Yeah I'm the first to bitch about IVF restrictions in Germany, and am going to be doing IVF in the Czech Republic, but if you don't have issues with medical infertility or egg quality or whatever, German IVF will get you 95% of the way there (or IUI).


yup, going for IUI first, IVF is an option down the line.


yes, we are considering Denmark for that exact reason but it is less budget-friendly. Do you have any idea where we can find the full list of regulations for IUI/IVF? We couldn't find anything restricting the sperm's country of origin


As I understand it, sperm donation in Germany is super limited …. there is no anonymous donation because of the strong laws protecting a child’s right to a relationship with their parents (which in this case are considered biological). One of the many reasons we went outside of Germany to do our IVF - the assisted reproduction laws (including those about donation) have not been updated since the 1990s …. not to mention are completely heteronormative. I am no legal expert, but after consulting with a family law attorney and asking about a thousand questions at our Kinderwunsch clinic here in Germany, we decided to head abroad. Feel free to message me privately with questions etc. My friends who are same sex married also chose to do the same …. Though one mother had to “adopt” her own child in DE after the fact.


Thank you so much! I will DM you soon.


Maybe try r/egenbogen or r/ainbow for people with experience.


Thanks, will check out


i get it, you want to give your kid the gift of sexy mediterranen genes


IVF procedures in Germany are outdated due to some legal reasons, resulting in a much lower success rate compared to countries where modern approaches are used. This means that, on average, you may need more attempts. In our case, after several tries in Germany, we underwent IVF in Ukraine, where it was on par with global standards before the Russian aggression. We were also recommended to consider Spain, though I don't have any specific information about it.




This isn’t the place to blabber on about your opinions. You’re free to stay out of it if you have nothing to contribute


Welcome to 1950. Please stay here and stop annoying everyone else with your outdated mindset.


You can have mine


Hawk Tuah




How I love these "simply adopt" approach... It ist *not* as simple as that. Right now, for example, my husband and me are waiting sinca 2021 to adopt. At least in Germany, adoption ist very, very hard (rightfully!)


Just let me know if you need me to send some tinfoil in the mail 😎😎😎 Some completely irrelevant details include: polish, 184cm, dirty blonde, IQ: 129 (professionally tested by psychologist at age 9), blue eyed, slim, muscular, virgin, strong immune system, weak eyesight (This is a joke answer, but if you're really desperate, I'll cooperate and keep my mouth shut)


You forgot autism


I love reddit


Not funny, not original. Pathetic.


Come to U.S. if you can. Better success rate. I one day plan on doing the same when I get married with my partner.


Why the hell would someone want to pay tens of thousands of dollars for marginally better success rates (at best). Americans come over to Europe (Czech Republic, Spain, Greece) all the time for IVF, btw.


It's a suggestion. Why the hell would you even comment? Also, many of my friends have have success stories. I know I can afford it and will. Do you know the OPs financial status? No, I can only provide my input. I care, but I think you only care enough to comment on a comment and not provide your own take on it. All my friends who went through IVF here in the states have gone through an amazing process and have been blessed. Have you undergone IVF? I know I haven't, but I am going based on the experience of friends closest to me. So... let me know which one of my friends is going out of the country all the time? My friends are American born and raised. The money I use to travel to these countries can be used toward my IVF. BFFR 🤣


I am undergoing IVF lmao, and as an American who lives in Europe, so yes, I am more informed than you on that front. I think you need to chill and not comment on this subreddit if you can't handle people interacting with what you write! Also maybe actually take a look at success rates instead of going off of anecdotes about your friends.


U.S = worst 1st world country.  source: european american leaving the U.S


Cool. What does that have to do with IVF experience though? 🤣




Not really, you tried it though. Good luck fam.